Do any functional programming languages have syntax sugar for changing part of an object? - syntax

In imperative programming, there is concise syntax sugar for changing part of an object, e.g. assigning to a field: = new_value
Or to an element of an array, or in some languages an array-like list:
a[3] = new_value
In functional programming, the idiom is not to mutate part of an existing object, but to create a new object with most of the same values, but a different value for that field or element.
At the semantic level, this brings about significant improvements in ease of understanding and composing code, albeit not without trade-offs.
I am asking here about the trade-offs at the syntax level. In general, creating a new object with most of the same values, but a different value for one field or element, is a much more heavyweight operation in terms of how it looks in your code.
Is there any functional programming language that provides syntax sugar to make that operation look more concise? Obviously you can write a function to do it, but imperative languages provide syntax sugar to make it more concise than calling a procedure; do any functional languages provide syntax sugar to make it more concise than calling a function? I could swear that I have seen syntax sugar for at least the object.field case, in some functional language, though I forget which one it was.
(Performance is out of scope here. In this context, I am talking only about what the code looks like and does, not how fast it does it.)

Haskell records have this functionality. You can define a record to be:
data Person = Person
{ name :: String
, age :: Int
And an instance:
johnSmith :: Person
johnSmith = Person
{ name = "John Smith"
, age = 24
And create an alternation:
johnDoe :: Person
johnDoe = johnSmith {name = "John Doe"}
-- Result:
-- johnDoe = Person
-- { name = "John Doe"
-- , age = 24
-- }
This syntax, however, is cumbersome when you have to update deeply nested records. We've got a library lens that solves this problem quite well.
However, Haskell lists do not provide an update syntax because updating on lists will have an O(n) cost - they are singly-linked lists.
If you want efficient update on list-like collections, you can use Arrays in the array package, or Vectors in the vector package. They both have the infix operator (//) for updating:
alteredVector = someVector // [(1, "some value")]
-- similar to `someVector[1] = "some value"`
it is not built-in, but I think infix notation is convenient enough!

One language with that kind of sugar is F#. It allows you to write
let myRecord3 = { myRecord2 with Y = 100; Z = 2 }
Scala also has sugar for updating a Map:
ms + (k -> v)
ms updated (k,v)
In a language such as Haskell, you would need to write this yourself. If you can express the update as a key-value pair, you might define
let structure' =
update structure key value
update structure (key, value)
which would let you use infix notation such as
structure `update` (key, value)
structure // (key, value)
As a proof of concept, here is one possible (inefficient) implementation, which also fails if your index is out of range:
module UpdateList (updateList, (//)) where
import Data.List (splitAt)
updateList :: [a] -> (Int,a) -> [a]
updateList xs (i,y) = let ( initial, (_:final) ) = splitAt i xs
in initial ++ (y:final)
infixl 6 // -- Same precedence as +
(//) :: [a] -> (Int,a) -> [a]
(//) = updateList
With this definition, ["a","b","c","d"] // (2,"C") returns ["a","b","C","d"]. And [1,2] // (2,3) throws a runtime exception, but I leave that as an exercise for the reader.
H. Rhen gave an example of Haskell record syntax that I did not know about, so I’ve removed the last part of my answer. See theirs instead.


F# is unable to infer type arguments after annotation

So I have some json response content represented as string and I want to get its property names.
What I am doing
let properties = Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject.Parse(responseContent).Properties()
let propertyNames, (jprop: JProperty) = properties.Select(jprop => jprop.Name);
According to this answer I needed to annotate the call to the extension method, however, I still get the error.
A unique overload for method 'Select' could not be determined based on type information prior to this program point. A type annotation may be needed. Candidates: (extension) Collections.Generic.IEnumerable.Select<'TSource,'TResult>(selector: Func<'TSource,'TResult>) : Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<'TResult>, (extension) Collections.Generic.IEnumerable.Select<'TSource,'TResult>(selector: Func<'TSource,int,'TResult>) : Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<'TResult>
Am I doing something wrong?
First, the syntax x => y you're trying to use is C# syntax for lambda expressions, not F# syntax. In F#, the correct syntax for lambda-expressions is fun x -> y.
Second, the syntax let a, b = c means "destructure the pair". For example:
let pair = (42, "foo")
let a, b = pair // Here, a = 42 and b = "foo"
You can provide a type annotation for one of the pair elements:
let a, (b: string) = pair
But this won't have any effect on pair the way you apparently expect it to work.
In order to provide type annotation for the argument of a lambda expression, just annotate the argument, what could be simpler?
fun (x: string) -> y
So, putting all of the above together, this is how your line should look:
let propertyNames = properties.Select(fun (jprop: JProperty) -> jprop.Name)
(also, note the absence of semicolon at the end. F# doesn't require semicolons)
If you have this level of difficulty with basic syntax, I suggest you read up on F# and work your way through a few examples before trying to implement something complex.

How to iterate through a UTF-8 string correctly in OCaml?

Say I have some input word like "føøbær" and I want a hash table of letter frequencies s.t. f→1, ø→2 – how do I do this in OCaml?
The examples only work on ASCII and doesn't say how to actually create a BatUTF8.t from a string.
The BatUTF8 module you refer to defines its type t as string, thus there is no conversion needed: a BatUTF8.t is a string. Apparently, the module encourages you to validate your string before using other functions. I guess that a proper way of operating would be something like:
let s = "føøbær"
let () = BatUTF8.validate s
let () = BatUTF8.iter add_to_table s
Looking at the code of Batteries, I found this of_string_unsafe, so perhaps this is the way:
open Batteries
BatUTF8.iter (fun c -> …Hashtbl.add table c …) (BatUTF8.of_string_unsafe "føøbær")`
although, since it's termed "unsafe" (the doc's don't say why), maybe this is equivalent:
BatUTF8.iter (fun c -> …Hashtbl.add table c …) "føøbær"
At least it works for the example word here.
Camomile also seems to iterate through it correctly:
module C = CamomileLibraryDefault.Camomile
C.iter (fun c -> …Hashtbl.add table c …) "føøbær"
I don't know of the tradeoffs between Camomile and BatUTF8 here, though they end up storing different types (BatUChar vs C.Pervasives.UChar).

Does an equivalent function in OCaml exist that works the same way as "set!" in Scheme?

I'm trying to make a function that defines a vector that varies based on the function's input, and set! works great for this in Scheme. Is there a functional equivalent for this in OCaml?
I agree with sepp2k that you should expand your question, and give more detailed examples.
Maybe what you need are references.
As a rough approximation, you can see them as variables to which you can assign:
let a = ref 5;;
!a;; (* This evaluates to 5 *)
a := 42;;
!a;; (* This evaluates to 42 *)
Here is a more detailed explanation from
The language we have described so far is purely functional. That is, several evaluations of the same expression will always produce the same answer. This prevents, for instance, the implementation of a counter whose interface is a single function next : unit -> int that increments the counter and returns its new value. Repeated invocation of this function should return a sequence of consecutive integers — a different answer each time.
Indeed, the counter needs to memorize its state in some particular location, with read/write accesses, but before all, some information must be shared between two calls to next. The solution is to use mutable storage and interact with the store by so-called side effects.
In OCaml, the counter could be defined as follows:
let new_count =
let r = ref 0 in
let next () = r := !r+1; !r in
Another, maybe more concrete, example of mutable storage is a bank account. In OCaml, record fields can be declared mutable, so that new values can be assigned to them later. Hence, a bank account could be a two-field record, its number, and its balance, where the balance is mutable.
type account = { number : int; mutable balance : float }
let retrieve account requested =
let s = min account.balance requested in
account.balance <- account.balance -. s; s;;
In fact, in OCaml, references are not primitive: they are special cases of mutable records. For instance, one could define:
type 'a ref = { mutable content : 'a }
let ref x = { content = x }
let deref r = r.content
let assign r x = r.content <- x; x
set! in Scheme assigns to a variable. You cannot assign to a variable in OCaml, at all. (So "variables" are not really "variable".) So there is no equivalent.
But OCaml is not a pure functional language. It has mutable data structures. The following things can be assigned to:
Array elements
String elements
Mutable fields of records
Mutable fields of objects
In these situations, the <- syntax is used for assignment.
The ref type mentioned by #jrouquie is a simple, built-in mutable record type that acts as a mutable container of one thing. OCaml also provides ! and := operators for working with refs.

How does pattern matching work behind the scenes in F#?

I am completely new to F# (and functional programming in general) but I see pattern matching used everywhere in sample code. I am wondering for example how pattern matching actually works? For example, I imagine it working the same as a for loop in other languages and checking for matches on each item in a collection. This is probably far from correct, how does it actually work behind the scenes?
How does pattern matching actually work? The same as a for loop?
It is about as far from a for loop as you could imagine: instead of looping, a pattern match is compiled to an efficient automaton. There are two styles of automaton, which I call the "decision tree" and the "French style." Each style offers different advantages: the decision tree inspects the minimum number of values needed to make a decision, but a naive implementation may require exponential code space in the worst case. The French style offers a different time-space tradeoff, with good but not optimal guarantees for both.
But the absolutely definitive work on this problem is Luc Maranget's excellent paper "Compiling Pattern Matching to Good Decisions Trees from the 2008 ML Workshop. Luc's paper basically shows how to get the best of both worlds. If you want a treatment that may be slightly more accessible to the amateur, I humbly recommend my own offering When Do Match-Compilation Heuristics Matter?
Writing a pattern-match compiler is easy and fun!
It depends on what kind of pattern matching do you mean - it is quite powerful construct and can be used in all sorts of ways. However, I'll try to explain how pattern matching works on lists. You can write for example these patterns:
match l with
| [1; 2; 3] -> // specific list of 3 elements
| 1::rest -> // list starting with 1 followed by more elements
| x::xs -> // non-empty list with element 'x' followed by a list
| [] -> // empty list (no elements)
The F# list is actually a discriminated union containing two cases - [] representing an empty list or x::xs representing a list with first element x followed by some other elements. In C#, this might be represented like this:
// Represents any list
abstract class List<T> { }
// Case '[]' representing an empty list
class EmptyList<T> : List<T> { }
// Case 'x::xs' representing list with element followed by other list
class ConsList<T> : List<T> {
public T Value { get; set; }
public List<T> Rest { get; set; }
The patterns above would be compiled to the following (I'm using pseudo-code to make this simpler):
if (l is ConsList) && (l.Value == 1) &&
(l.Rest is ConsList) && (l.Rest.Value == 2) &&
(l.Rest.Rest is ConsList) && (l.Rest.Rest.Value == 3) &&
(l.Rest.Rest.Rest is EmptyList) then
// specific list of 3 elements
else if (l is ConsList) && (l.Value == 1) then
var rest = l.Rest;
// list starting with 1 followed by more elements
else if (l is ConsList) then
var x = l.Value, xs = l.Rest;
// non-empty list with element 'x' followed by a list
else if (l is EmptyList) then
// empty list (no elements)
As you can see, there is no looping involved. When processing lists in F#, you would use recursion to implement looping, but pattern matching is used on individual elements (ConsList) that together compose the entire list.
Pattern matching on lists is a specific case of discriminated union which is discussed by sepp2k. There are other constructs that may appear in pattern matching, but essentially all of them are compiled using some (complicated) if statement.
No, it doesn't loop. If you have a pattern match like this
match x with
| Foo a b -> a + b
| Bar c -> c
this compiles down to something like this pseudo code:
if (x is a Foo)
let a = (first element of x) in
let b = (second element of x) in
else if (x is a Bar)
let c = (first element of x) in
If Foo and Bar are constructors from an algebraic data type (i.e. a type defined like type FooBar = Foo int int | Bar int) the operations x is a Foo and x is a Bar are simple comparisons. If they are defined by an active pattern, the operations are defined by that pattern.
If you compile your F# code to an .exe then take a look with Reflector you can see what the C# "equivalent" of the F# code.
I've used this method to look at F# examples quite a bit.

List of Scala's "magic" functions

Where can I find a list of Scala's "magic" functions, such as apply, unapply, update, +=, etc.?
By magic-functions I mean functions which are used by some syntactic sugar of the compiler, for example
o.update(x,y) <=> o(x) = y
I googled for some combination of scala magic and synonyms of functions, but I didn't find anything.
I'm not interested with the usage of magic functions in the standard library, but in which magic functions exists.
As far as I know:
Getters/setters related:
Pattern matching:
Prefixed operators:
Beyond that, any implicit from A to B. Scala will also convert A <op>= B into A = A <op> B, if the former operator isn't defined, "op" is not alphanumeric, and <op>= isn't !=, ==, <= or >=.
And I don't believe there's any single place where all of Scala's syntactic sugars are listed.
In addition to update and apply, there are also a number of unary operators which (I believe) qualify as magical:
Add to that the regular infix/suffix operators (which can be almost anything) and you've got yourself the complete package.
You really should take a look at the Scala Language Specification. It is the only authoritative source on this stuff. It's not that hard to read (as long as you're comfortable with context-free grammars), and very easily searchable. The only thing it doesn't specify well is the XML support.
Sorry if it's not exactly answering your question, but my favorite WTF moment so far is # as assignment operator inside pattern match. Thanks to soft copy of "Programming in Scala" I found out what it was pretty quickly.
Using # we can bind any part of a pattern to a variable, and if the pattern match succeeds, the variable will capture the value of the sub-pattern. Here's the example from Programming in Scala (Section 15.2 - Variable Binding):
expr match {
case UnOp("abs", e # UnOp("abs", _)) => e
case _ =>
If the entire pattern match succeeds,
then the portion that matched the
UnOp("abs", _) part is made available
as variable e.
And here's what Programming Scala says about it.
That link no longer works. Here is one that does.
I'll also add _* for pattern matching on an arbitrary number of parameters like
case x: A(_*)
And operator associativity rule, from Odersky-Spoon-Venners book:
The associativity of an operator in Scala is determined by its last
character. As mentioned on <...>, any method that ends
in a ‘:’ character is invoked on its right operand, passing in the
left operand. Methods that end in any other character are the other
way around. They are invoked on their left operand, passing in the
right operand. So a * b yields a.*(b), but a ::: b yields b.:::(a).
Maybe we should also mention syntactic desugaring of for expressions which can be found here
And (of course!), alternative syntax for pairs
a -> b //converted to (a, b), where a and b are instances
(as correctly pointed out, this one is just an implicit conversion done through a library, so it's probably not eligible, but I find it's a common puzzler for newcomers)
I'd like to add that there is also a "magic" trait - scala.Dynamic:
A marker trait that enables dynamic invocations. Instances x of this trait allow method invocations x.meth(args) for arbitrary method names meth and argument lists args as well as field accesses x.field for arbitrary field names field.
If a call is not natively supported by x (i.e. if type checking fails), it is rewritten according to the following rules:
foo.method("blah") ~~> foo.applyDynamic("method")("blah")
foo.method(x = "blah") ~~> foo.applyDynamicNamed("method")(("x", "blah"))
foo.method(x = 1, 2) ~~> foo.applyDynamicNamed("method")(("x", 1), ("", 2))
foo.field ~~> foo.selectDynamic("field")
foo.varia = 10 ~~> foo.updateDynamic("varia")(10)
foo.arr(10) = 13 ~~> foo.selectDynamic("arr").update(10, 13)
foo.arr(10) ~~> foo.applyDynamic("arr")(10)
As of Scala 2.10, defining direct or indirect subclasses of this trait is only possible if the language feature dynamics is enabled.
So you can do stuff like
import scala.language.dynamics
object Dyn extends Dynamic {
def applyDynamic(name: String)(a1: Int, a2: String) {
println("Invoked " + name + " on (" + a1 + "," + a2 + ")");
}, "x");, "y");
They are defined in the Scala Language Specification.
As far as I know, there are just three "magic" functions as you mentioned.
Scalas Getter and Setter may also relate to your "magic":
scala> class Magic {
| private var x :Int = _
| override def toString = "Magic(%d)".format(x)
| def member = x
| def member_=(m :Int){ x = m }
| }
defined class Magic
scala> val m = new Magic
m: Magic = Magic(0)
scala> m.member
res14: Int = 0
scala> m.member = 100
scala> m
res15: Magic = Magic(100)
scala> m.member += 99
scala> m
res17: Magic = Magic(199)
