Quicksort to already sorted array - algorithm

In this question: https://www.quora.com/What-is-randomized-quicksort
Alejo Hausner told in: Cost of quicksort, in the worst case, that
Ironically, if you apply quicksort to an array that is already sorted, you will get probably get this costly behavior
I cannot get it. Can someone explain it to me.
https://www.quora.com/What-will-be-the-complexity-of-quick-sort-if-array-is-already-sorted may be answer to this, but that did not get me a complete response.

The Quicksort algorithm is this:
select a pivot
move elements smaller than the pivot to the beginning, and elements larger than pivot to the end
now the array looks like [<=p, <=p, <=p, p, >p, >p, >p]
recursively sort the first and second "halves" of the array
Quicksort will be efficient, with a running time close to n log n, if the pivot always end up close to the middle of the array. This works perfectly if the pivot is the median value. But selecting the actual median would be costly in itself. If the pivot happens, out of bad luck, to be the smallest or largest element in the array, you'll get an array like this: [p, >p, >p, >p, >p, >p, >p]. If this happens too often, your "quicksort" effectively behaves like selection sort. In that case, since the size of the subarray to be recursively sorted only reduces by 1 at every iteration, there will be n levels of iteration, each one costing n operations, so the overall complexity will be `n^2.
Now, since we're not willing to use costly operations to find a good pivot, we might as well pick an element at random. And since we also don't really care about any kind of true randomness, we can just pick an arbitrary element from the array, for instance the first one.
If the array was shuffled uniformly at random, then picking the first element is great. You can reasonably hope it will regularly give you an "average" element. But if the array was already sorted... Then by definition the first element is the smallest. So we're in the bad case where the complexity is n^2.
A simple way to avoid "bad lists" is to pick a true random element instead of an arbitrary element. Or if you have reasons to believe that quicksort will often be called on lists that are almost sorted, you could pick the element in position n/2 instead of the one in position 1.
There are also several research papers about different ways to select the pivot, with precise calculations on the impact on complexity. For instance, you could pick three random elements, rank them from smallest to largest and keep the middle one. But the conclusion usually is: if you try to write a better pivot-selection, then it will also be more costly, and the overall complexity of the algorithm won't be improved that much.

Depending on the implementations there are several 'common' ways to choose the pivot.
In general for 'unsorted' source there is no good or bad way to choose it.
So some implementations just take the first element as pivot.
In the case of a already sorted source this results in the worst pivot possible because the lest interval will always be empty.
-> recursion steps = O(n) instead the desired O(log n).
This leads to O(n²) complexity, which is very bad for sorting.
Choosing the pivot by random avoids this behavior. It is extremely unlikely that the random chosen pivot will have the same bad characteristics in every recursion as described above.
Also on purpose bad source is not possible to generate because you cannot predict the choices of the random generator (if it's a good one)


In quicksort If an array is randomized, does using the median of 3 for pivot selection matter?

I've been comparing the run times of various pivot selection algorithms. Surprisingly the simplest one where the first element is always chosen is the fastest. This may be because I'm filling the array with random data.
If the array has been randomized (shuffled) does it matter? For example picking the medium of 3 as the pivot is always(?) better than picking the first element as the pivot. But this isn't what I've noticed. Is it because if the array is already randomized there would be no reason to assume sortedness, and using the medium is assuming there is some degree of sortedness?
The worst case runtime of quicksort is O(n²). Quicksort is only in average case a fast sorting algorithm.
To reach a average runtime of O(n log n) you have to choose a random pivot element.
But instead of choosing a random pivot element, you can shuffle the list and choose the first element.
To see that this holds you can look at this that way: lets say all elements are in a specific order. Shuffling means you use a random permutation on the list of elements, so a random element will be at the first position and also on all other positions. You can also see it by shuffling the list by randomly choose one of all elements for the first element, then choosing randomly one element of the other (not yet coosen elements) for the second element, and so on.
If your list is already a random generated list, you can directly choose the first element as pivot, without shuffling again.
So, choosing the first element is the fastest one because of the random generated input, but choosing the thrid or the last will also as fast as choosing the first.
All other ways to choose a pivot element have to compute something (a median or a random number or something like this), but they have no advantage over a random choice.
A substantially late response, but I believe it will add some additional info.
Surprisingly the simplest one where the first element is always chosen
is the fastest.
This is actually not surprisingly at all, since you mentioned that you test the algorithm with the random data. In the reality, a percentage of almost-sorted and sorted data is much greater than it would statistically be expected. Take for example the chronological data, when you collect it into the log file some elements can be out of order, but most of them are already sorted. Unfortunately, the Quicksort implementation that takes first (or last) element as a pivot is vulnerable to such input and it degenerates into O(n^2) complexity because in the partition step you divide your array into two halves of size 1 and n-1 and therefore you get n partitions instead of log n, on average.
That's why people decided to add some sort of randomization that would make a probability of getting the problematic input as minimum as possible. There are three well-known approaches:
shuffle the input - to quote Robert Sedgewick, "the probability of getting O(n^2) performance with such approach is lower than the probability that you will be hit by a thunderstrike" :)
choose the pivot element randomly - Wikipedia says that in average, expected number of comparisons in this case is 1.386 n log n
choose the pivot element as a median of three - Wikipedia says that in average, expected number of comparisons in this case is 1.188 n log n
However, randomization costs. If you shuffle the input array, that is O(n) which is dominated by O(nlogn), but you need to take in the account the cost of invoking random(..) method n times. With your simple approach, that is avoided and it is thus faster.
See also:
Worst case for Quicksort - when can it occur?

Scenarios for selection sort, insertion sort, and quick sort

If anyone can give some input on my logic, I would very much appreciate it.
Which method runs faster for an array with all keys identical, selection sort or insertion sort?
I think that this would be similar to when the array is already sorted, so that insertion sort will be linear, and the selection sort quadratic.
Which method runs faster for an array in reverse order, selection sort or insertion sort?
I think that they would run similarly, since the values at every position will have to be changed. The worst case scenario for insertion sort is reverse order, so that would mean it is quadratic, and then the selection sort would already be quadratic as well.
Suppose that we use insertion sort on a randomly ordered array where elements have only one of three values. Is the running time linear, quadratic, or something in between?
Since it is randomly sorted, I think that would mean that the insertion sort would have to perform many more times the number of operations that the number of values. If that's the case, then its not linear.So, it would likely be quadratic, or perhaps a little below quadratic.
What is the maximum number of times during the execution of Quick.sort() that the largest item can be exchanged, for an array of length N?
The maximum number cannot be passed over more times than there are spaces available, since it should always be approaching its right position. So, going from being the first to the last value spot, it would be exchanged N times.
About how many compares will quick.sort() make when sorting an array of N items that are all equal?
When drawing out the quick sort , a triangle can be drawn around the compared objects at every phase, that is N tall and N wide, the area of this would equal the number of compares performed, which would be (N^2)/2
Here are my comments on your comments:
Which method runs faster for an array with all keys identical, selection sort or insertion sort?
I think that this would be similar to when the array is already sorted, so that insertion sort will be linear, and the selection sort quadratic.
Yes, that's correct. Insertion sort will do O(1) work per element and visit O(n) elements for a total runtime of O(n). Selection sort always runs in time Θ(n2) regardless of the input structure, so its runtime will be quadratic.
Which method runs faster for an array in reverse order, selection sort or insertion sort?
I think that they would run similarly, since the values at every position will have to be changed. The worst case scenario for insertion sort is reverse order, so that would mean it is quadratic, and then the selection sort would already be quadratic as well.
You're right that both algorithms have quadratic runtime. The algorithms should actually have relatively comparable performance, since they'll make the same total number of comparisons.
Suppose that we use insertion sort on a randomly ordered array where elements have only one of three values. Is the running time linear, quadratic, or something in between?
Since it is randomly sorted, I think that would mean that the insertion sort would have to perform many more times the number of operations that the number of values. If that's the case, then its not linear.So, it would likely be quadratic, or perhaps a little below quadratic.
This should take quadratic time (time Θ(n2)). Take just the elements in the back third of the array. About a third of these elements will be 1's, and in order to insert them into the sorted sequence they'd need to be moved above 2/3's of the way down the array. Therefore, the work done would be at least (n / 3)(2n / 3) = 2n2 / 9, which is quadratic.
What is the maximum number of times during the execution of Quick.sort() that the largest item can be exchanged, for an array of length N?
The maximum number cannot be passed over more times than there are spaces available, since it should always be approaching its right position. So, going from being the first to the last value spot, it would be exchanged N times.
There's an off-by-one error here. When the array has size 1, the largest element can't be moved any more, so the maximum number of moves would be N - 1.
About how many compares will quick.sort() make when sorting an array of N items that are all equal?
When drawing out the quick sort , a triangle can be drawn around the compared objects at every phase, that is N tall and N wide, the area of this would equal the number of compares performed, which would be (N^2)/2
This really depends on the implementation of Quick.sort(). Quicksort with ternary partitioning would only do O(n) total work because all values equal to the pivot are excluded in the recursive calls. If this isn't done, then your analysis would be correct.
Hope this helps!

Balancing KD-Tree: Which approach is more efficient?

I'm trying to balance a set of (Million +) 3D points using a KD-tree and I have two ways of doing it.
Way 1:
Use an O(n) algorithm to find the arraysize/2-th largest element along a given axis and store it at the current node
Iterate over all the elements in the vector and for each, compare them to the element I just found and put those smaller in newArray1, and those larger in newArray2
Way 2:
Use quicksort O(nlogn) to sort all the elements in the array along a given axis, take the element at position arraysize/2 and store it in the current node.
Then put all the elements from index 0 to arraysize/2-1 in newArray1, and those from arraysize/2 to arraysize-1 in newArray2
Way 2 seems more "elegant" but way 1 seems faster since the median search and the iterating are both O(n) so I get O(2n) which just reduces to O(n). But then at the same time, even though way 2 is O(nlogn) time to sort, splitting up the array into 2 can be done in constant time, but does it make up for the O(nlogn) time for sorting?
What should I do? Or is there an even better way to do this that I'm not even seeing?
How about Way 3:
Use an O(n) algorithm such as QuickSelect to ensure that the element at position length/2 is the correct element, all elements before are less, and all afterwards are larger than it (without sorting them completely!) - this is probably the algorithm you used in your Way 1 step 1 anyway...
Recurse into each half (except middle element) and repeat with next axis.
Note that you actually do not need to make "node" objects. You can actually keep the tree in a large array. When searching, start at length/2 with the first axis.
I've seen this trick being used by ELKI. It uses very little memory and code, which makes the tree quite fast.
Another way:
Sort for each of the dimensions: O(K N log N). This will be performed only once, we will utilize the sorted list on the dimensions.
For the current dimension, find the median in O(1) time, split for the median in O(N) time, split also the sorted arrays for each of the dimensions in O(KN) time, and recurse for the next dimension.
In that way, you will perform sorts at the beginning. And perform (K+1) splits/filterings for each subtree, for a known value. For small K, this approach should be faster than the other approaches.
Note: The additional space needed for the algorithm can be decreased by the tricks pointed out by Anony-Mousse.
Notice that if the query hyper-rectangle contains many points (all of them for example) it does not matter if the tree is balanced or not. A balanced tree is useful if the query hyper-rects are small.

sorting algorithm suitable for a sorted list

I have a sorted list at hand. Now i add a new element to the end of the list. Which sorting algorithm is suitable for such scenario?
Quick sort has worst case time complexity of O(n2) when the list is already sorted. Does this mean time complexity if quick sort is used in the above case will be close to O(n2)?
If you are adding just one element, find the position where it should be inserted and put it there. For an array, you can do binary search for O(logN) time and insert in O(N). For a linked list, you'll have to do a linear search which will take O(N) time but then insertion is O(1).
As for your question on quicksort: If you choose the first value as your pivot, then yes it will be O(N2) in your case. Choose a random pivot and your case will still be O(NlogN) on average. However, the method I suggest above is both easier to implement and faster in your specific case.
It depends on the implementation of the underlying list.
It seems to me that insertion sort will fit your needs except the case when the list is implemented as an array list. In this case too many moves will be required.
Rather than appending to the end of the list, you should do an insert operation.
That is, when adding 5 to [1,2,3,4,7,8,9] you'd result want to the "insert" by putting it where it belongs in the sorted list, instead of at the end and then re-sorting the whole list.
You can quickly find the position to insert the item by using a binary search.
This is basically how insertion sort works, except it operates on the entire list. This method will have better performance than even the best sorting algorithm, for a single item. It may also be faster than appending at the end of the list, depending on your implementation.
I'm assuming you're using an array, since you talk about quicksort, so just adding an element would involve finding the place to insert it (O(log n)) and then actually inserting it (O(n)) for a total cost of O(n). Just appending it to the end and then resorting the entire list is definitely the wrong way to go.
However, if this is to be a frequent operation (i.e. if you have to keep adding elements while maintaining the sorted property) you'll incur an O(n^2) cost of adding another n elements to the list. If you change your representation to a balanced binary tree, that drops to O(n log n) for another n inserts, but finding an element by index will become O(n). If you never need to do this, but just iterate over the elements in order, the tree is definitely the way to go.
Of possible interest is the indexable skiplist which, for a slight storage cost, has O(log n) inserts, deletes, searches and lookups-by-index. Give it a look, it might be just what you're looking for here.
What exactly do you mean by "list" ? Do you mean specifically a linked list, or just some linear (sequential) data structure like an array?
If it's linked list, you'll need a linear search for the correct position. The insertion itself can be done in constant time.
If it's something like an array, you can add to the end and sort, as you mentioned. A sorted collection is only bad for Quicksort if the Quicksort is really badly implemented. If you select your pivot with the typical median of 3 alogrithm, a sorted list will give optimal performance.

Worst case for QuickSort - when can it occur?

When analyzing QS, every one always refers to the "almost sorted" worst case. When can such a scenario occur with natural input?
The only example I came up with is re-indexing.
I think people are confusing Quicksort the partition-based sorting algorithm, and "qsort" the various library implementations.
I prefer to see Quicksort the algorithm as having a pluggable pivot selection algorithm, which is quite essential in analyzing its behavior.
If the first element is always chosen as the pivot, then an already sorted list is the worst-case. Often there's a high probability that the array is already/nearly sorted, so this implementation is rather poor.
Analogously, selecting the last element as the pivot is bad for the same reason.
Some implementations tries to avoid this problem by choosing the middle element as the pivot. This would not perform as badly on already/nearly sorted arrays, but one could still construct an input that would exploit this predictable pivot selection and make it run in quadratic time.
Thus, you get randomized pivot selection algorithms, but even this doesn't guarantee O(N log N).
So other algorithms were developed that would use some information from the sequence before picking a pivot. You can of course scan the whole sequence and find the median, and use that as the pivot. This guarantees O(N log N), but of course slower in practice.
So some corners are cut, and people devised the median-of-3 algorithm. Of course, later even this was exploitable by the so-called median-of-3 "killer".
So more attempts are made at coming up with more "intelligent" pivot selection algorithms that guarantees O(N log N) asymptotic behavior that is still fast enough to be practical, with varying degree of success.
So really, unless one specifies a particular implementation of Quicksort, the question of when the worst case scenario occurs is ill-defined. If you use the so-called median-of-medians pivot selection algorithm, there is no quadratic worst-case scenario.
Most library implementations, however, are likely to forfeit O(N log N) guarantee for much faster sorting in the average case. Some of the really old implementations use the first element as the pivot, which is now well-understood as poor and is no longer a practice widely followed.
I believe that the worst case for quicksort depends on the choice of the pivot element at every step. Quicksort has its worst performance, if the pivot is likely to be either the smallest, or the largest element in the list (e.g. the first or last element of an already sorted list).
If, e.g. you choose the middle element of the list, an already sorted list does not have the worst case runtime.
So, if you suspect your scenario is likely to a bad case scenario for quicksort, you can simply change your choice of pivot element to make quicksort perform better.
Note: I know, that this did not give more example of real world occasions for quicksort worst cases. Examples of this depend on the implementation you are working with.
The actual question was: "When can such a scenario (almost sorted) occur with natural input?".
Although all the answers are dealing with "what causes worst case performance", none have covered "what causes data that meets the worst case performance scenario".
So, to answer the actual question
Programmer error: Basically you land up sorting a list twice. Typically this happens because a list is sorted one place in code. And later in another piece of code you know you need the list to be sorted, so you sort it again.
Using almost-chronological data: You have data that is generally received in chronological order, but occasionally some elements are out of position. (Consider a multi-threaded environment adding time-stamped elements to a list. Race conditions can cause elements to be added in a different order to which they were time-stamped.) In this situation, if you need sorted data, you must re-sort. Because the order of the data is not guaranteed.
Adding items to a list: If you have a sorted list and simply append some items (i.e. without using binary insertion). You would need to re-sort an almost-sorted list.
Data from an external source: If you receive data from an external source, there may be no guarantee that it's sorted. So you sort it yourself. However, if the external source is sorted, you will be re-sorting the data.
Natural ordering: This is similar to the chronoloigcal data. Basically, the natural order of the data you receive may be sorted. Consider an insurance company adding car registrations. If the authority assiging car registrations does so in a predictable order, newer cars are likely but not guaranteed to have higher registration numbers. Since you're not guaranteed it's sorted - you have to re-sort.
Interleaved data: If you receive data from multiple sorted sources with overlapping keys, you could get keys resembling the following: 1 3 2 5 4 7 6 9 8 11 10 13 12 15 14 17 16 19 18. Even though half the elements are out-of-sequence with its neighbour, the list is "almost sorted". Certainly using QuickSort that pivots on the first element would exhibit O(n^2) performance.
So, given all the above scenarios, it's actually quite easy to land up sorting almost-sorted data. And this is exactly why QuickSort that pivots on the first element is actually best avoided. polygene has provided some interesting information on alternate pivoting considerations.
As a side-note: One of the usually worst performing sorting algorithms, actually does quite well with "almost-sorted" data. In the interleaved data above, bubble-sort requires only 9 swap operations. It's performance would actually be O(n).
From Quicksort
for quicksort, "worst case"
corresponds to already sorted
A list with all the items the same number is already sorted.
worst case in quick sort:
All elements of array are same
Array is already sorted in same order
Array is already sorted in reverse order.
Quick worst case depends on choosing pivot element . so the problem occure only when
1) Array is already sorted in same order.
2) Array is already sorted in reverse order.
3) All elements are same (special case of case 1 and 2)
