Storing small files in hdfs and archiving them in Nifi Flow - hadoop

I have an issue with small files and HDFS.
Scenario: I am using NiFi to read messages from the Kafka topic, these are all really small.
Requirement: to store these raw messages of data in HDFS(for replay capability)...before doing further processing on them.
I was thinking using Hadoop Archive (HAR) on them periodically. Is that something i can do through NiFi? the har command seems like a command line thing rather than something that i could execute through Nifi? Would love to know a solution that can achieve my requirement, without bringing down HDFS due to the small files.

You can execute command line inside Nifi with ExecuteProcess processor :
You can also take a look at Kafka-connect HDFS for putting kafka records into HDFS.


Streaming live data from HDFS to Hive

I am new to Hadoop ecosystem and self learning it through online articles.
I am working on very basic project so that I can get hands-on on what I have learnt.
My use-case is extremely: Idea is I want to present location of user who login to portal to app admin.So, I have a server which is continuously generating logs, logs have user id, IP address, time-stamp. All fields are comma separated.
My idea to do this is to have a flume agent to streaming live logs data and write to HDFS. Have HIVE process in place which will read incremental data from HDFS and write to HIVE table. Use scoop to continuously copy data from HIVE to RDMBS SQL table and use that SQL table to play with.
So far I have successfully configured flume agent which read logs from a given location and write to hdfs location. But after this I am confused as how should I move data from HDFS to HIVE table. One idea that's coming to my mind is to have a MapRed program that will read files in HDFS and write to HIVE tables programatically in Java. But I also want to delete files which are already processed and make sure that no duplicate records are read by MapRed. I searched online and found command that can be used to copy file data to HIVE but that's sort of a manual once activity. In my usecase I want to push data as soon as it's available in HDFS.
Please guide me how to achieve this task. Links will be helpful.
I am working on Version: Cloudera Express 5.13.0
Update 1:
I just created an external HIVE table pointing to HDFS location where flume is dumping logs. I noticed that as soon as table is created, I can query HIVE table and fetch data. This is awesome. But what will happen if I stop flume agent for time being, let app server to write logs, now if I start flume again then will flume only read new logs and ignore logs which are already processed? Similarly, will hive read new logs which are not processed and ignore the ones which it has already processed?
how should I move data from HDFS to HIVE table
This isn't how Hive works. Hive is a metadata layer over existing HDFS storage. In Hive, you would define an EXTERNAL TABLE, over wherever Flume writes your data to.
As data arrives, Hive "automatically knows" that there is new data to be queried (since it reads all files under the given path)
what will happen if I stop flume agent for time being, let app server to write logs, now if I start flume again then will flume only read new logs and ignore logs which are already processed
Depends how you've setup Flume. AFAIK, it will checkpoint all processed files, and only pick up new ones.
will hive read new logs which are not processed and ignore the ones which it has already processed?
Hive has no concept of unprocessed records. All files in the table location will always be read, limited by your query conditions, upon each new query.
Bonus: Remove Flume and Scoop. Make your app produce records into Kafka. Have Kafka Connect (or NiFi) write to both HDFS and your RDBMS from a single location (Kafka topic). If you actually need to read log files, Filebeat or Fluentd take less resources than Flume (or Logstash)
Bonus 2: Remove HDFS & RDBMS and instead use a more real-time ingestion pipeline like Druid or Elasticsearch for analytics.
Bonus 3: Presto / SparkSQL / Flink-SQL are faster than Hive (note: the Hive metastore is actually useful, so keep the RDBMS around for that)

Spark Architecture for processing small binary files saved in HDFS

I don't know how to build architecture for following use case:
I have an Web application where users can upload files(pdf&pptx) and directories to be processed. After upload is complete web application put this files and directories in HDFS, then send a messages on kafka with path to this files.
Spark Application read messages from kafka streaming, collect them on master(driver), and after that process them. I collect messages first because i need to move the code to data, and not move data where the message is received. I understood that spark assign job to executor which already have file locally.
I have issues with kafka because i was forced to collect them first for the above reason, and when want to create checkpoint app crash "because you are attempting to reference SparkContext from a broadcast variable" even if the code run before adding checkpointing( I use sparkContext there because i need to save data to ElasticSearch and PostgreSQL. I don't know how exactly i can do code upgrading in this conditions.
I read about hadoop small files problems, and I understand what problems are in this case. I read that HBase is a better solution to save small files than just save in hdfs. Other problem in hadoop small files problems is big number of mappers and reducers created for computation, but i don't understand if this problem there in spark.
What is the best architecture for this use case?
How to do Job Scheduling? It's kafka good for that? or I need to use other service like rabbitMQ or something else?
Exist some method to add jobs to an running Spark application through some REST API?
How is the best way to save files? Is better to use Hbase because i have small files(<100MB)? Or I need to use SequenceFile? I think SequenceFile isn't for my use case because i need to reprocess some files randomly.
What is the best architecture do you think for this use case?
There is no one single "the best" way to build architecture. You need to make decisions and stick to them. Make the architecture flexible and decoupled so that you can easily replace components if needed.
Consider following stages/layers in your architecture:
Retrieval/Acquisition/Transport of source data (files)
Data processing/transformation
Data archival
As a retrieval component, I would use Flume. It is flexible, supports a lot of sources, channels (including Kafka) and sinks. In your case you can configure source that monitors the directory and extracts the newly received files.
For data processing/transformation - it depends what task you are solving. You probably decided on Spark Streaming. Spark streaming can be integrated with Flume sink ( There are other options available, e.g. Apache Storm. Flume combines very well with Storm. Some transformations can also be applied in Flume.
For data archival - do not store/archive the files directly in Hadoop, unless they are bigger than few hundredths of megabytes. One solution would be to put them in HBase.
Make your architecture more flexible. I would place processed files in a temporary HDFS location and have some job regualarly archive them into zip, HBase, Hadoop Archive (there is such an animal) or any other solution.
Consider using Apache NiFi (aka HDF - Hortonworks Data Flow). It uses internally queues, provides a lot of processors. It can make your life easier and get the workflow developed in minutes. Give it a try. There is nice Hortonworks tutorial which , combined with HDP Sandbox running on a virtual machine/Docker, can bring you up to speed in very short time (1-2 hours?).

Spark stream unable to read files created from flume in hdfs

I have created a real time application in which I am writing data streams to hdfs from weblogs using flume, and then processing that data using spark stream. But while flume is writing and creating new files in hdfs spark stream is unable to process those files. If I am putting the files to hdfs directory using put command spark stream is able to read and process the files. Any help regarding the same will be great.
You have detected the problem yourself: while the stream of data continues, the HDFS file is "locked" and can not be read by any other process. On the contrary, as you have experienced, if you put a batch of data (that's yur file, a batch, not a stream), once it is uploaded it is ready for being read.
Anyway, and not being an expert on Spark streaming, it seems from the Spark Streaming Programming Guide, Overview section, that you are not performing the right deployment. I mean, from the picture shown there, it seems the streaming (in this case generated by Flume) must be directly sent to Spark Streaming engine; then the results will be put in HDFS.
Nevertheless, if you want to maintain your deployment, i.e. Flume -> HDFS -> Spark, then my suggestion is to create mini-batches of data in temporal HDFS folders, and once the mini-batches are ready, store new data in a second minibatch, passing the first batch to Spark for analysis.
In addition to frb's answer: which is correct - SparkStreaming with Flume acts as an Avro RPC Server - you'll need to configure an AvroSink which points to your SparkStreaming instance.
with spark2, now you can connect directly your spark streaming to flume, see official docs, and then write once on HDFS at the end of the process.
import org.apache.spark.streaming.flume._
val flumeStream = FlumeUtils.createStream(streamingContext, [chosen machine's hostname], [chosen port])

Run a Hadoop job without output file

Is it possible to run a hadoop job without specifying output file ?
When i try to run a hadoop job , no output file specified Exception is thrown .
can any one please give any procedure to do so using Java.
I am writing the data processed by reduce to a non relational database so i no longer require it to write to HDFS.
Unfortunately, you can't really do this. Writing output is part of the framework. When you work outside of the framework, you basically have to just deal with the consequences.
You can use NullOutputFormat, which doesn't write any data to HDFS. I think it still creates the folder, though. You could always let Hadoop create the folder, then delete it.

getting data in and out of hadoop

I need a system to analyze large log files. A friend directed me to hadoop the other day and it seems perfect for my needs. My question revolves around getting data into hadoop-
Is it possible to have the nodes on my cluster stream data as they get it into HDFS? Or would each node need to write to a local temp file and submit the temp file after it reaches a certain size? and is it possible to append to a file in HDFS while also running queries/jobs on that same file at the same time?
Fluentd log collector just released its WebHDFS plugin, which allows the users to instantly stream data into HDFS. It's really easy to install with ease of management.
Fluentd + Hadoop: Instant Big Data Collection
Of course you can import data directly from your applications. Here's a Java example to post logs against Fluentd.
Fluentd: Data Import from Java Applications
A hadoop job can run over multiple input files, so there's really no need to keep all your data as one file. You won't be able to process a file until its file handle is properly closed, however.
HDFS does not support appends (yet?)
What I do is run the map-reduce job periodically and output results to an 'processed_logs_#{timestamp}" folder.
Another job can later take these processed logs and push them to a database etc. so it can be queried on-line
I'd recommend using Flume to collect the log files from your servers into HDFS.
