Primefaces 7 <p:slider> UI glitch issue with <p:ajax> - ajax

We are migrating our project from Axon Ivy 6.3 to Axon Ivy 8. In Axon Ivy 6.3, we use Primefaces 6, and in Axon Ivy 8, we use Primefaces 7.
We have our project with Axon Ivy 6.3 running on our staging server, the glitch issue doesn't happen there. However, on our dev server, where the Axon Ivy project version 8 is running, the issue happens.
So I guess it has something to do with the version of Primefaces.
Here is some of the code that we're using, I hope this can provide enough information.
We have custom numberSlider component, which contains an input field and a <p:slider>.
<cc:attribute name="value" required="true"/>
<cc:attribute name="componentId" required="true" type="java.lang.String"/>
<cc:attribute name="minValue" default="0"/>
<cc:attribute name="maxValue" default="100"/>
<cc:attribute name="step" default="1"/>
<cc:attribute name="label" type="java.lang.String"/>
<cc:attribute name="inputStyleClass" type="java.lang.String"/>
<cc:attribute name="widgetVar" type="java.lang.String"/>
<cc:editableValueHolder name="input" targets="#{cc.attrs.componentId}Input" />
<cc:clientBehavior name="slideEnd" targets="#{cc.attrs.componentId}Slider" event="slideEnd" />
<cc:clientBehavior name="inputChange" targets="#{cc.attrs.componentId}Input" event="change" />
<h:outputScript name="numberslider.js?v=#{cachedVersion}" library="js" target="head"/>
<h:outputStylesheet library="css" name="componentnumber.slider.min.css?v=#{cachedVersion}"/>
<p:outputLabel value="#{cc.attrs.label}" for="#{cc.attrs.componentId}Input" styleClass="c-blue label"/>
<p:inputNumber id="#{cc.attrs.componentId}Input" value="#{cc.attrs.value}"
styleClass="input #{cc.attrs.inputStyleClass}" decimalPlaces="0" thousandSeparator="'" minValue="0" maxValue="2000000">
<p:message for="#{cc.attrs.componentId}Input" id="#{cc.attrs.componentId}InputMessage"/>
<div class="spacing-small"></div>
<div class="range">
<p:outputPanel styleClass="slider__tooltipBlock">
<i class="arrow-up"></i>
<p:outputLabel styleClass="slider__tooltipLabel" id="#{cc.attrs.componentId}SliderTooltipLabel" value="#{cc.attrs.value}">
<f:convertNumber type="number" locale="de_CH"/>
<p:slider id="#{cc.attrs.componentId}Slider" widgetVar="#{cc.attrs.widgetVar}" styleClass="slider__line"
step="#{cc.attrs.step}" maxValue="#{cc.attrs.maxValue}" minValue="#{cc.attrs.minValue}"
<script type="text/javascript">
And this is the way we use that component:
<div class="column medium-6">
<com:numberSlider id="amount" componentId="amount" value="#{tranche.amount}"
minValue="0" maxValue="2000000" step="50000" widgetVar="amountSlider#{varStatus.index}">
<p:ajax event="inputChange" listener="#{logic.onInputChange(varStatus.index)}"
update="#([id$='productVariant']) #([id$='flexibilityPanel']) #([id$='houseOverlayDataVariant']) #([id$='houseOverlayData'])"
oncomplete="updateProductPageElementsHeight(); bindEventListenerForRangeSlider(); bindEventListenerForToogleHouse();"/>
<p:ajax event="slideEnd" listener="#{logic.onInputChange(varStatus.index)}"
update="#([id$='productVariant']) #([id$='flexibilityPanel']) #([id$='houseOverlayDataVariant']) #([id$='houseOverlayData'])"
oncomplete="updateProductPageElementsHeight(); bindEventListenerForRangeSlider(); bindEventListenerForToogleHouse()"/>
When we drag and drop the slider on staging, then release the mouse, the UI is updated smoothly.
When we drag and drop the slider on dev, then release the mouse, the UI has one glitch, the slider disappears and then reappears quickly. Some CSS has not been applied first when the glitch happens, then when the slider appears again, the CSS then applied correctly.
I expect the UI get changed the same way on both two versions.
I've checked the rendered html code for both version, and I don't know why they're different.
Primefaces 6 rendered html:
<div class="column medium-6">
<label id="j_id_h4:j_id_h7:j_id_l2:0:amount:j_id_li" class="ui-outputlabel ui-widget c-blue label" for="j_id_h4:j_id_h7:j_id_l2:0:amount:amountInput_input">Höhe</label><span id="j_id_h4:j_id_h7:j_id_l2:0:amount:amountInput" class="ui-inputNum ui-widget input "><input id="j_id_h4:j_id_h7:j_id_l2:0:amount:amountInput_input" name="j_id_h4:j_id_h7:j_id_l2:0:amount:amountInput_input" type="text" class="ui-inputfield ui-inputtext ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all pe-inputNumber" role="textbox" aria-disabled="false" aria-readonly="false"><input id="j_id_h4:j_id_h7:j_id_l2:0:amount:amountInput_hinput" name="j_id_h4:j_id_h7:j_id_l2:0:amount:amountInput_hinput" type="hidden" autocomplete="off" value="1050000"></span>
<div id="j_id_h4:j_id_h7:j_id_l2:0:amount:amountInputMessage" aria-live="polite" data-display="both" data-target="j_id_h4:j_id_h7:j_id_l2:0:amount:amountInput" data-redisplay="true" class="ui-message"></div>
<div class="spacing-small"></div>
<div class="range">
<div id="j_id_h4:j_id_h7:j_id_l2:0:amount:amountSlider" class="slider__line ui-slider ui-slider-horizontal ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all">
<span class="ui-slider-handle ui-state-default ui-corner-all" tabindex="0" style="left: 52.5%;">
<div id="j_id_h4:j_id_h7:j_id_l2:0:amount:j_id_lm" class="ui-outputpanel ui-widget slider__tooltipBlock">
<i class="arrow-up"></i><label id="j_id_h4:j_id_h7:j_id_l2:0:amount:amountSliderTooltipLabel" class="ui-outputlabel ui-widget slider__tooltipLabel">1'050'000</label>
<script type="text/javascript">
Primefaces 7 rendered html
<div class="column medium-6">
<label id="j_id_h4:j_id_h7:j_id_kn:0:amount:j_id_l3" class="ui-outputlabel ui-widget c-blue label" for="j_id_h4:j_id_h7:j_id_kn:0:amount:amountInput_input">Höhe</label><span id="j_id_h4:j_id_h7:j_id_kn:0:amount:amountInput" class="ui-inputnumber ui-widget input "><input id="j_id_h4:j_id_h7:j_id_kn:0:amount:amountInput_input" name="j_id_h4:j_id_h7:j_id_kn:0:amount:amountInput_input" type="text" value="1100000" class="ui-inputfield ui-inputtext ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all" aria-labelledby="j_id_h4:j_id_h7:j_id_kn:0:amount:j_id_l3" onchange="PrimeFaces.ab({s:"j_id_h4:j_id_h7:j_id_kn:0:amount:amountInput",e:"change",f:"mainForm",p:"#([id$='productVariant'])",u:"#([id$='productVariant']) #([id$='flexibilityPanel']) #([id$='houseOverlayDataVariant']) #([id$='houseOverlayData'])",ps:true,onco:function(xhr,status,args){updateProductPageElementsHeight(); bindEventListenerForRangeSlider(); bindEventListenerForToogleHouse();;}});" data-p-label="Höhe" data-p-con="javax.faces.Integer" data-p-hl="inputnumber" role="textbox" aria-disabled="false" aria-readonly="false"><input id="j_id_h4:j_id_h7:j_id_kn:0:amount:amountInput_hinput" name="j_id_h4:j_id_h7:j_id_kn:0:amount:amountInput_hinput" type="hidden" autocomplete="off" data-p-label="Höhe" data-p-con="javax.faces.Integer" data-p-hl="inputnumber" value="1100000"></span>
<div id="j_id_h4:j_id_h7:j_id_kn:0:amount:amountInputMessage" aria-live="polite" data-display="both" data-target="j_id_h4:j_id_h7:j_id_kn:0:amount:amountInput" data-redisplay="true" class="ui-message"></div>
<div class="spacing-small"></div>
<div class="range">
<div id="j_id_h4:j_id_h7:j_id_kn:0:amount:amountSlider" class="slider__line ui-slider ui-corner-all ui-slider-horizontal ui-widget ui-widget-content">
<span tabindex="0" class="ui-slider-handle ui-corner-all ui-state-default" style="left: 55%;">
<div id="j_id_h4:j_id_h7:j_id_kn:0:amount:j_id_l7" class="ui-outputpanel ui-widget slider__tooltipBlock">
<i class="arrow-up"></i><label id="j_id_h4:j_id_h7:j_id_kn:0:amount:amountSliderTooltipLabel" class="ui-outputlabel ui-widget slider__tooltipLabel">1'100'000</label>
<script type="text/javascript">
Pimefaces 6 renders the html without the onchange part.


p:tooltip doesn't work when form containing it is rendered-rerendered

Tooltip doesn't show up on mouseover if the form containing it is re-rendered with f:ajax.
<h:form id="childForm">
<div class="form-body form-body-margin-top">
<div class="row form-group col-md-12">
<h:selectOneMenu styleClass="form-control" value="#{bean.someCondition}">
<f:selectItem itemLabel="Yes" itemValue="true" />
<f:selectItem itemLabel="No" itemValue="false" />
<f:ajax execute="#this" render="childForm" />
<t:div styleClass="row form-group col-md-12" rendered="#{!bean.someCondition}">
<label>Choose Catalog
<sup><h:outputText id="tip1" class="fa fa-info-circle blue"/></sup> <p:tooltip for="tip1" value="Choose a category" position="top right" />
<t:div rendered="#{bean.someCondition}">
<sup><h:outputText id="tip2" class="fa fa-info-circle blue"/></sup> <p:tooltip for="tip2" value="Choose a name" position="top right" />
Issue is simple:
When page is loaded for the first time "Yes" is selected in dropdown, tooltip for "choose a name" is visible works correctly.
When I select "No" in the dropdown form is re-rendered, tooltip for "choose a category" is visible but doesn't show up.
again if i change it back to "Yes", tooltip for "choose a name" is visible and doesn't work correctly.
Summary: Tooltip works only once the page loads, And then stop working for subsequent re-rendering of the form.
Looks like a DOM issue to me. As if whatever is in the "for" attribute of tooltip isn't availble in the DOM on re-render. Any Solution?
I couldn't find a pure JSF approach so used JS to achieve this, The issue according to me is that component tip1, tip2 are not present in the DOM when PF try searching for them (possibly a jsf lifecyle thing) because rendered attribute remove component it is applied on from the DOM. What I did was using a css class .hide which sets visibility to hidden. It keeps the component in the DOM instead of removing it:
.hide {
visibility: hidden;
now for above "rendered" attribute I just replaced with a comditional expression which applies hide class in the same way we want it to render.
<t:div styleClass="row form-group col-md-12 #{!bean.someCondition?'':'hide'}>
<label>Choose Catalog
<sup><h:outputText id="tip1" class="fa fa-info-circle blue"/></sup> <p:tooltip for="tip1" value="Choose a category" position="top right" />
this helps to render just the things we want when page loads. Now for the dynamic behavior when value from the drop down is selected i've used js to toggle hide class from the t:div. I call a function on onchange of h:selectonemenu.
function changepage(select) {
if(select.value == 'false') {
else if(select.value == 'true') {
So the complete page now looks like this:
function changepage(select) {
if(select.value == 'false') {
else if(select.value == 'true') {
.hide {
visibility: hidden;
<h:form id="childForm">
<div class="form-body form-body-margin-top">
<div class="row form-group col-md-12">
<h:selectOneMenu styleClass="form-control" value="#
{bean.someCondition}" onchange="changepage(this)">
<f:selectItem itemLabel="Yes" itemValue="true" />
<f:selectItem itemLabel="No" itemValue="false" />
<f:ajax execute="#this" render="childForm" />
<t:div id="onno" styleClass="row form-group col-md-12 #{!bean.someCondition?'':'hide'}">
<label>Choose Catalog
<sup><h:outputText id="tip1" class="fa fa-info-circle blue"/></sup>
<p:tooltip for="tip1" value="Choose a category" position="top right" />
<t:div id="onyes" styleClass="#{bean.someCondition?'':'hide'}">
<sup><h:outputText id="tip2" class="fa fa-info-circle blue"/></sup>
<p:tooltip for="tip2" value="Choose a name" position="top right" />
In this way no components are removed from dom they are just invisible. And so they are available when "for" attribute of p:tooltip refers them.
It could be a problem with the id="tip2". Please try to write the complete path in the tooltip. something like
<p:tooltip for=":childForm:....:tip2" ... />
(I am not sure if t:div gets an id, but if so please set the id by yourself and try your tooltip with the complete id path)

bootstrap multiselect box not displayed correctly

Im trynig to create a simple multiselect box but for some reason its not visible properly.
Here is my code:-
<input type="text" id="addRow" />
<input type="button" id="btn" value="Add" />
<form id="form1">
<div style="padding:20px">
<select id="chkveg" multiple="multiple"></select>
<br />
<br />
After creating the select you should call the plugin on your select. something like this
Refer here

ajax validation error message [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Custom JSF validator message for a single input field
(1 answer)
Closed 7 years ago.
how to add my own message for the client side validation in JSF.
<div class="ui-grid-row">
<div class="ui-grid-col-3" align="left">
<h:outputLabel for="cmpny" value="Company Name:" style="font-weight:bold" />
<div class="ui-grid-col-2">
<p:inputText id="cmpny" value="#{userData.cmpny}">
<f:validateLength minimum="10" />
<p:ajax execute="currentInput" update="company" event="blur" />
<div class="ui-grid-col-1" />
<div class="ui-grid-col-1">
<p:message for="cmpny" id="company" display="icon" />
<div class="ui-grid-col-5"></div>
<div class="ui-grid-col-3" align="left">
<h:outputLabel for="fnm" value="First Name:*" />
<div class="ui-grid-col-2">
<p:inputText id="fnm" value="#{userData.fnm}" validatorMessage="First Name cannot be left blank and must be greater than 3 characters" >
<f:validateLength minimum="4" />
<p:ajax execute="currentInput" update="firstname" event="blur" process="#this" />
<div class="ui-grid-col-7"><p:message for="fnm" id="firstname" display="icon,text"/></div>
With the help of "validatorMessage" attribute, I am able to show customized messages when ever the validation fails for the primeface elements like (inputText,calendar etc..,),.
You need to supply a message bundle via javascript. See PrimeFacesLocales for examples.
PrimeFaces User Guide, 7. Client Side Validation / 7.4 Messages.

f:ajax not rendering h:selectManyListbox

Using f:ajax component with h:selectManyListbox, it is firing the listener method but not refreshing the rendering list.
I have Market. When I select market it needs to display Sub-Markets. Initial page load will have all the Markets and Sub-Markets, but it needs to filter when user selects "Market".
Using below code:
<ui:fragment id="uda2" rendered="#{udaList.index eq 1}">
<div class=" row form-group" >
<label class="col-sm-2" for="sel-service">Market:</label>
<div class="col-sm-10">
<h:selectManyListbox style="width:360px;" multiple="" pt:aria-required="true" required="required" pt:data-toggle="chosen"
disabled="# {licenseSelectionBean.isFieldEnabled(FormFieldsEnum.ITEM_UDA2)}"
id="#{FormFieldsEnum.ITEM_UDA2.getFieldCode()}" size="1"
<f:selectItems var="uda2"
value="#{licenseSelectionBean.selectUda2}" />
<f:ajax event="change" execute="#this" render="#this udalist3"
listener="#{licenseSelectionBean.onChangeFilter()}" />
<ui:fragment rendered="#{udaList.index eq 2}">
<div class="row form-group" >
<label class="col-sm-2" for="sel-service">Sub-Market:</label>
<div class="col-sm-10">
<h:selectManyListbox style="width:360px;" multiple="" pt:aria-required="true" required="required" pt:data-toggle="chosen"
<f:selectItems var="uda3"
value="#{licenseSelectionBean.selectUda3}" />
<!-- <f:ajax render="#{FormFieldsEnum.ITEM_UDA4.getFieldCode()}"
listener="#{licenseSelectionBean.onChangeFilter()}" /> -->
Used "pt" for pass-through because JSF prefixing dynamic id.
How to resolve this problem?
Simple solution. Replace
<f:ajax event="change" execute="#this" render="#this udalist3"
listener="#{licenseSelectionBean.onChangeFilter()}" />
<f:ajax event="change" execute="#this" render="#form"
listener="#{licenseSelectionBean.onChangeFilter()}" />
This might cause some unnecesarry traffic. You can also encapsulate the second ui:fragment in a panelgroup, e.g.
<h:panelGroup id="wrapper">
<ui:fragment rendered="#{udaList.index eq 2}">
and add replace "udalist3" with "wrapper" in the f:ajax render attribute.

java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException with ICEFaces

Im getting this exception when the view try to renders, im using the icefaces validators tags in a simple ice form, also im using spring to instantiate the managed beans but it is working correctly in other pages, SO i dont feel spring is the problem ... this is the exception :
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Implement SWF integration at
at javax.faces.component.UIComponent.encodeAll(
at javax.faces.component.UIComponent.encodeAll(
at javax.faces.component.UIComponent.encodeAll(
at com.sun.faces.lifecycle.Phase.doPhase( at
at javax.faces.webapp.FacesServlet.service( at
at etc.....
This the code of my page:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
<html xmlns=""
<ui:include src="generic-modules/header.xhtml" />
<ui:include src="generic-modules/header-navigation.xhtml" />
<div id="bd">
<div class="registration">
<div class="form">
<ice:inputText id="Name" value="#{}" partialSubmit="true">
<f:validateLength maximum="45" minimum="5" />
<ice:message style="color: red;" id="nameError" for="name" />
<br />
<ice:inputText id="Address" value="#{applicant.address}" partialSubmit="true">
<f:validateLength maximum="45" minimum="10" />
<ice:message style="color: red;" id="addressError" for="address" />
<br />
<ice:inputText id="Workplace" value="#{applicant.workplace}" partialSubmit="true">
<f:validateLength maximum="45" minimum="10" />
<ice:message style="color: red;" id="workplaceError" for="workplace" />
<br />
<ice:inputText id="Telephone" value="#{applicant.telephone}" partialSubmit="true">
<f:validateLength maximum="10" minimum="8" />
<ice:message style="color: red;" id="telephoneError" for="telephone" />
<ice:inputText id="Photo" value="#{}" partialSubmit="true">
<f:validateLength maximum="80" minimum="2" />
<ice:message style="color: red;" id="photoError" for="photo" />
<ice:inputText id="Username" value="#{applicant.username}" partialSubmit="true">
<f:validateLength maximum="10" minimum="8" />
<ice:message style="color: red;" id="usernameError" for="username" />
<ice:inputText id="Password" value="#{applicant.password}" partialSubmit="true">
<f:validateLength maximum="10" minimum="8" />
<ice:message style="color: red;" id="passwordError" for="password" />
<ice:commandButton value="Register" actionListener="#{}" />
<br />
<!-- <ice:outputText value="Age: " />
<ice:outputText value="" /> -->
I dont know what is wrong because im only using the code of the icefaces tutorials, i appreciate if anyone can help me
Presently, I don't believe there is a solution to this issue. I was working on the same thing yesterday for about 8 hours. See this page on the icefaces bug tracker: . They actually have the issue marked resolved, and have tutorials that claim that icefaces integrates with SWF 2.X, but the simple fact of the matter is this little line of code in their class:
if (true)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Implement SWF integration");
I've tried running various version of icefaces before the fix was implemented on up through the current beta, and I still have issues. I'm going to say presently, the two are not compatible.
i am getting this exception with ice forums, and as a workaround i use jsf form instead of iceforums and so far it's working fine with me.
