Internal Testing Google Play Console - google-play-console

We are trying to set up internal test track in Google Play Console for a new never published before app. I created a release and added testers....
I was expecting testers to be notified, maybe via email but nothing yet. Is there an automated way to let the testers know?
When I send the link to testers, the link opens screenshot page, but "download it on Google Play" link either shows "item not found" or it keeps loading forever
Any suggestions?


Teams freezes when user clicks on "task/invoke" button

We have a published app in the Teams App Store.
Our app supports task module.
It worked just fine but about a month ago we started to receive reports from our costumers that when they are trying to open a task module, teams app just freezes.
This is how i understand task module requests work, in 4 steps:
1. User clicks on the button with data {"msteams": {"type": "task/fetch"}}`,
2. Teams sends request with this data to the bot.
3. Bot handles the data.
4. Bot replies with the appropriate url to render.
So we tested what happens when we click on the task/fetch button.
First of all we saw an error in the teams console:
TaskModuleLaunchService: launchTaskModuleByInvoke failed: "could not find app definition for app 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" where *00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000* is out appID.
And we don't receive any requests from the teams on the bot's side. So basically we have an issue on the step #1.
Unfortunately, we couldn't reproduce this on our devices, using the same card with the exact same button.
How can we fix this? Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.

Navigate User from slack channel to app home tab

I am working on a slack app that can be installed in any channel. It is possible or is there any slack method that allows you to open the slack app home tab from the channel. I mean a method that can navigate the user from the channel to the slack app home-tab
Send a slack message to users with #appname. For example "Click here to open the #ACME Dashboard" (assuming "ACME Dashboard" is the name of your app). #ACME Dashboard will turn into a clickable link that jumps to the app home page. It'll also add the app for users that haven't already added the app.
At least, this worked for me in limited testing with myself and one other person, so I hope it works for you. I haven't tried to figure it out, but I'm sure there's a way to send the '#app name' as part of a message from the API.

Azure Bot Service - "Couldn't send retry" on emulator

I have created two bots via the Azure portal today (NodeJS blank & language understanding) and both bots don't work.
If I launch the emulator in the portal and send a message it states "Couldn't send retry" and the console shows the following:
On the Channels tab under Web Chat it shows the following errors:
My previously created bots work however.
Has anyone an idea what I might be missing here?

Web chat and telegram channel not working

I have built a bot in and set it all up in the Microsoft Bot framework. I have submitted it for review and it has been reviewed and published.
It is working fine in Skype, but does not work on the "web chat" channel or the Telegram channel. It also doesn't work in the test area on the MS Bot landing page
You can debug locally by clicking the "configure continuous integration button" in Azure. You will get a .zip file with the source code and then you can open it in VS or your editor of choice.
But since you are using what you could do is use or create a Trace class and use it in the Catch section of a Try/Catch to track and store errors and then show them in the Bot Framework emulator log. That might give you more information about the problem.
catch (Exception e)
Trace.TraceError("Some error in class X" + e.ToString());
return null;
To test the same bot in the emulator, you will need to find the end point, application ID and password for the bot service. The Settings tab only provides the partial message endpoint (ending with three dots). Therefore you will need to go to the developer site, Click on the Edit link. You will find the message endpoint there. Copy the entire URL and enter it in the emulator. Also, copy and paste the application ID and password from the bot developer portal.
You will also need to download the free tool, ngrok, which creates a tunnel between the bot hosted remotely (in this case on and your computer behind the firewall. Click App Settings in the emulator. Browse to the location where ngrok.exe is located. Save the setting. The utility will be launched automatically from the emulator. At this point, the emulator is ready. Click “Connect” or the refresh icon. When you type something in the input box, You will see a response:

See "Unfortunately, Google play service has stopped" when starting app from ARC Welder

My app have some google play services integrated. The metadata is
When I start the app inside ARC Welder (on Chrome OS 46.0.2490.71). Sometimes I see the error
"Unfortunately, Google play service has stopped"
And the app crashes.
In the log console, I see the error message
"Authentication error Error: The user is not signed in."
The crash usually happens the 1st time when I load the apk in ARC Welder and test it. In the subsequent launches (w/o config changes in Welder), the app starts without crash. Although I still see the same auth error in the log. So I am not sure if the auth error is related to the crash.
Any idea?
