F# - Is this a good way to validate and keep a value between two bounds? - validation

I have various values which I would like to keep between certain bounds: e.g. Width of Column from 10 to 50 inclusive; or Number Of Rows from 1 to 100 inclusive. The values are coming from a process external to my F# code.
When a given value falls below the lower bound I would like the value to be given the minimum bound value.
When the given value shoots above the upper bound I would like the value to be given the maximum bound value.
Otherwise I would accept the given value.
For example:
Bounds = 10 to 50 – Given Value = 3 – Result Value = 10
Bounds = 10 to 50 – Given Value = 200 – Result Value = 50
Bounds = 10 to 50 – Given Value = 32 – Result Value = 32
I have come up with some code but I’m not sure if it is taking things too far or whether I am doing it a silly way.
It look like it’s easy to reason how it’s working but I’m not sure about it, for no reason that I can put my finger on.
type ValueAndBounds = { Value : int; Lower : int; Upper: int }
let (|TooSmall|TooLarge|CorrectSize|) input =
if input.Value < input.Lower then TooSmall
elif input.Value > input.Upper then TooLarge
else CorrectSize
let keepWithinBounds input =
match input with
| TooSmall -> input.Lower
| TooLarge -> input.Upper
| CorrectSize -> input.Value
type ColumnWidth = ColumnWidth of int
let width = ColumnWidth (keepWithinBounds { Value = 32; Lower = 10; Upper = 50 })
Is there some way I can improve this?
Have I gone too far for this sort of simple thing (is it more than necessary)?
Is there a better way to do this differently?

personally I'd just define a simple function, and use a bit of partial application,
let keepWithBounds min max value =
if (value < min) then
elif (value > max) then
then your code can do something like
let handleWidth = keepWithBounds 10 50
let width1 = handleWidth 32
let width2 = handleWidth 60

Here’s my own answer which uses both active patterns, and partial application, and allows for generic use without the need for an extra type.
let (|TooSmall|TooLarge|CorrectSize|) (lower, upper, input) =
if input < lower then TooSmall
elif input > upper then TooLarge
else CorrectSize
let keepWithinBounds lowerBound upperBound input =
match (lowerBound, upperBound, input) with
| TooSmall -> lowerBound
| TooLarge -> upperBound
| CorrectSize -> input
type ColumnWidth = ColumnWidth of int
type RowHeight = RowHeight of int
type Temperature = Temperature of float
let createColumnWidth = keepWithinBounds 10 40
let createRowHeight = keepWithinBounds 60 100
let createTemperature = keepWithinBounds 0.0 20.0
let width = ColumnWidth (createColumnWidth 50)
let height = RowHeight (createRowHeight 50)
let temp = Temperature (createTemperature 33.1)
//val width : ColumnWidth = ColumnWidth 40
//val height : RowHeight = RowHeight 60
//val temp : Temperature = Temperature 20.0


How to scale and weight fitness of a given values?

I'm working on a GA. My problem is as follows. I have a fitness function which takes a couple of values:
A - value which is huge, but less important for example 999999.
(weight of importance 30% of the final result)
B - value couple times smaller but more important for example 50.
(weight of importance 70% of final result)
I assume that both of these values strive to infinity. How to build a fitness function where I have something like:
long calculateFitness(A, weightOfA, B, weightOfB);
and the result will be any long number which will put B variable as much more important.
You need an upper bound and lower bound for each objective value. If it is not possible to estimate the upper bound (lower bound) you could consider the highest (lowest) values at your current iteration.
Let the upper bound for objective A and B be respectively ubA and ubB, and lower bounds for objective A and B be lbA and lbB. Here I assume that lbA and lbB are equal to 0, and ubA and ubB are respectively 999999 and 50.
Now assume that you have a valueA = 642465 and a valueB = 47. You could do:
let lbA = 0;
let ubA = 999999;
let valueA = 642465
let lbB = 0;
let ubB = 50
let valueB = 47
let remappedA = remap(valueA, lbA, ubA, 0, 1);
let remappedB = remap(valueB, lbB, ubB, 0, 1);
let weightedValue = getWeightedValue(0.3, remappedA, 0.7, remappedB);
console.log(valueA + ' remapped to ' + remappedA);
console.log(valueB + ' remapped to ' + remappedB);
console.log("Weighted objective value: " + weightedValue);
function remap(n, start1, stop1, start2, stop2) {
return ((n - start1)/(stop1 - start1)) * (stop2 - start2) + start2;
function getWeightedValue(weightA, valueA, weightB, valueB){
return weightA * valueA + weightB * valueB;
Your output value should be 0.8507396927396926
lets say you have {V1,W1} and {v2,W2} where V represents the value, and W represents weight of importance of it.
calcualteFintess(V1,W1, V2,W2){
valuePart1 = V1*W1;
valuePart2 = V2*W2;
and do your magic with valuePart1 and valuePart2 }
For example:
V1 = 120, W1 = 30% V2 = 30, W2 = 70%
Result will be calculated from 120*0.3 = 36 with 30*0.7 = 21 and it will contain 30% of value V1 and 70% of value V2.
This is how i have understood your question, please correct me if I am wrong.

Set value for Progress bar in xamarin

I have value of a field coming from server lfrom 1 to 100 which is to show progress of that field. But I checked that we can provide value to progress bar from 0 to1. How can i convert this. I did something like this but didn't work
Int Field = 12;
Decimal d = Field / 100;
Decimal dc = Math.Round(d,1); //to round to one decimal place
return dc;
This is returning 0.
I tried this too:
double d = (double)(Progress / 100);
double dc = Math.Round(d, 1);
return dc;
This is also returning 0.
if you want maximum precision, you can convert an old range of values in a new range maintaining the ratio with this formula:
var OldRange = (OldMax - OldMin);
var NewRange = (NewMax - NewMin);
//i'm using round here has you requested, but its better to dont use it to achieve best results
var NewValue = Math.Round(((OldValue - OldMin) * NewRange) / OldRange) + NewMin, 1);
In your case, taking for example the number 12, this will be:
var OldRange = 99 //(100 - 1);
var NewRange = 1 //(1 - 0);
var NewValue = Math.Round(((12 - 1) * NewRange) / OldRange) + 0, 1);
Concluding the number 12 in the old range is 0.1 in the new range.
Or if you dont care that the old range starts from 1 and the new from 0, you can just divide by 100 and round the value:
Int field = 12;
Decimal d = field / 100;
Decimal dc = Math.Round(d,1); //to round to one decimal place
return dc;
Please note that in c# the divide operator is / and not % (wich is the modulus)
Turns out "/" operator doesn't work in C#
NO, "/" operator do work in C#.
You get a zero because Field / 100; is int/int, the result is 0;
Progress / 100 is the same, int/int get 0;
To make your code work. You can define the field as type Decimal :
Decimal Field = 12;
Decimal d = Field / 100;
Decimal dc = Math.Round(d, 1);
Or cast the 100 to Decimal:
int Field = 12;
Decimal d = Field /(Decimal)100;
Decimal dc = Math.Round(d, 1);
You can see detailed answer in these two threads: why-does-integer-division-in-c-sharp-return-an-integer-and-not-a-float

Print Double as Int - if not a Double value

I want my Double to display as an Int, if the value is an integer - otherwise as a Double.
var Value = Double()
Value = 25.0 / 10.0
Now I want Value to display 2.5 (when inserted to label)
Value = 20.0 / 10.0
Now I want Value to display 2 - and NOT 2.0
One approach is to obtain the fractional part using % operator, and check if it is zero:
let stringVal = (Value % 1 == 0)
? String(format: "%.0f", Value)
: String(Value)
One classic way is to establish a value for epsilon which represents your tolerance for considering a value close enough to an Int:
// How close is close enough to be considered an Int?
let kEPSILON = 0.0001
var val = 1.9999
var str: String
if abs(val - round(val)) < kEPSILON {
str = String(Int(round(val)))
} else {
str = String(val)
print(str) // "2"
I like dasblinkenlight's and vacawama's answers, but also want to contribute another one: Using NSNumberFormatter
let formatter = NSNumberFormatter()
formatter.numberStyle = .DecimalStyle
formatter.alwaysShowsDecimalSeparator = false
let string0 = formatter.stringFromNumber(25.0/10.0)!
let string1 = formatter.stringFromNumber(20.0/10.0)!
The most important advantage: It is localized. On german devices it will show 2,5 instead of 2.5, just as it would be expected by a german speaking user.
To display numbers as text, use NSNumberFormatter(). You can set its minimumFractionDigits
property to zero:
let fmt = NSNumberFormatter()
fmt.minimumIntegerDigits = 1
fmt.maximumFractionDigits = 4
fmt.minimumFractionDigits = 0
print(fmt.stringFromNumber(25.0 / 10.0)!) // 2,5
print(fmt.stringFromNumber(20.0 / 10.0)!) // 2
print(fmt.stringFromNumber(2.0 / 7.0)!) // 0,2857
If you want a decimal period, independent of the user's locale,
then add
fmt.locale = NSLocale(localeIdentifier: "en_US_POSIX")
Swift 3:
let fmt = NumberFormatter()
// Optional:
fmt.locale = Locale(identifier: "en_US_POSIX")
fmt.minimumIntegerDigits = 1
fmt.maximumFractionDigits = 4
fmt.minimumFractionDigits = 0
print(fmt.string(from: 25.0 / 10.0 as NSNumber)!) // 2,5
print(fmt.string(from: 20.0 / 10.0 as NSNumber)!) // 2
print(fmt.string(from: 2.0 / 7.0 as NSNumber)!) // 0,2857
Working on a calculator on Swift 4, I treated the number variables as String so I could display them on screen and converted them to Double for the calculations, then convert them back to String to display the result. When the result was an Int I didn't want the .0 to be displayed as well so I worked this out and it was pretty simple
if result.truncatingRemainder(dividingBy: 1) == 0{
screenLabel.text = String(Int(result))
screenLabel.text = String(result)
so result is the variable in Double format, if divided by 1 it gives us 0 (perfect division means its an Int), I convert it in Int.

Reasonable optimized chart scaling

I need to make a chart with an optimized y axis maximum value.
The current method I have of making charts simply uses the maximum value of all the graphs, then divides it by ten, and uses that as grid lines. I didn't write it.
Update Note: These graphs have been changed. As soon as I fixed the code, my dynamic graphs started working, making this question nonsensical (because the examples no longer had any errors in them). I've updated these with static images, but some of the answers refrence different values. Keep that in mind.
There were between 12003 and 14003 inbound calls so far in February. Informative, but ugly.
I'd like to avoid charts that look like a monkey came up with the y-axis numbers.
Using the Google charts API helps a little bit, but it's still not quite what I want.
The numbers are clean, but the top of the y value is always the same as the maximum value on the chart. This chart scales from 0 to 1357. I need to have calculated the proper value of 1400, problematically.
I'm throwing in rbobby's defanition of a 'nice' number here because it explains it so well.
A "nice" number is one that has 3 or fewer non-zero digits (eg. 1230000)
A "nice" number has the same or few non-zero digits than zero digits (eg 1230 is not nice, 1200 is nice)
The nicest numbers are ones with multiples of 3 zeros (eg. "1,000", "1,000,000")
The second nicest numbers are onces with multples of 3 zeros plus 2 zeros (eg. "1,500,000", "1,200")
I found the way to get the results that I want using a modified version of Mark Ransom's idea.
Fist, Mark Ransom's code determines the optimum spacing between ticks, when given the number of ticks. Sometimes this number ends up being more than twice what the highest value on the chart is, depending on how many grid lines you want.
What I'm doing is I'm running Mark's code with 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 grid lines (ticks) to find which of those is the lowest. With a value of 23, the height of the chart goes to 25, with a grid line at 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25. With a value of 26, the chart's height is 30, with grid lines at 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30. It has the same spacing between grid lines, but there are more of them.
So here's the steps to just-about copy what Excel does to make charts all fancy.
Temporarily bump up the chart's highest value by about 5% (so that there is always some space between the chart's highest point and the top of the chart area. We want 99.9 to round up to 120)
Find the optimum grid line placement
for 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 grid
Pick out the lowest of those numbers. Remember the number of grid lines it took to get that value.
Now you have the optimum chart height. The lines/bar will never butt up against the top of the chart and you have the optimum number of ticks.
function roundUp($maxValue){
$optiMax = $maxValue * 2;
for ($i = 5; $i <= 10; $i++){
$tmpMaxValue = bestTick($maxValue,$i);
if (($optiMax > $tmpMaxValue) and ($tmpMaxValue > ($maxValue + $maxValue * 0.05))){
$optiMax = $tmpMaxValue;
$optiTicks = $i;
return $optiMax;
function bestTick($maxValue, $mostTicks){
$minimum = $maxValue / $mostTicks;
$magnitude = pow(10,floor(log($minimum) / log(10)));
$residual = $minimum / $magnitude;
if ($residual > 5){
$tick = 10 * $magnitude;
} elseif ($residual > 2) {
$tick = 5 * $magnitude;
} elseif ($residual > 1){
$tick = 2 * $magnitude;
} else {
$tick = $magnitude;
return ($tick * $mostTicks);
import math
def BestTick(largest, mostticks):
minimum = largest / mostticks
magnitude = 10 ** math.floor(math.log(minimum) / math.log(10))
residual = minimum / magnitude
if residual > 5:
tick = 10 * magnitude
elif residual > 2:
tick = 5 * magnitude
elif residual > 1:
tick = 2 * magnitude
tick = magnitude
return tick
value = int(input(""))
optMax = value * 2
for i in range(5,11):
maxValue = BestTick(value,i) * i
print maxValue
if (optMax > maxValue) and (maxValue > value + (value*.05)):
optMax = maxValue
optTicks = i
print "\nTest Value: " + str(value + (value * .05)) + "\n\nChart Height: " + str(optMax) + " Ticks: " + str(optTicks)
This is from a previous similar question:
Algorithm for "nice" grid line intervals on a graph
I've done this with kind of a brute
force method. First, figure out the
maximum number of tick marks you can
fit into the space. Divide the total
range of values by the number of
ticks; this is the minimum
spacing of the tick. Now calculate
the floor of the logarithm base 10 to
get the magnitude of the tick, and
divide by this value. You should end
up with something in the range of 1 to
10. Simply choose the round number greater than or equal to the value and
multiply it by the logarithm
calculated earlier. This is your
final tick spacing.
Example in Python:
import math
def BestTick(largest, mostticks):
minimum = largest / mostticks
magnitude = 10 ** math.floor(math.log(minimum) / math.log(10))
residual = minimum / magnitude
if residual > 5:
tick = 10 * magnitude
elif residual > 2:
tick = 5 * magnitude
elif residual > 1:
tick = 2 * magnitude
tick = magnitude
return tick
You could round up to two significant figures. The following pseudocode should work:
// maxValue is the largest value in your chart
magnitude = floor(log10(maxValue))
base = 10^(magnitude - 1)
chartHeight = ceiling(maxValue / base) * base
For example, if maxValue is 1357, then magnitude is 3 and base is 100. Dividing by 100, rounding up, and multiplying by 100 has the result of rounding up to the next multiple of 100, i.e. rounding up to two significant figures. In this case, the result if 1400 (1357 ⇒ 13.57 ⇒ 14 ⇒ 1400).
In the past I've done this in a brute force-ish sort of way. Here's a chunk of C++ code that works well... but for a hardcoded lower and upper limits (0 and 5000):
int PickYUnits()
int MinSize[8] = {20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20};
int ItemsPerUnit[8] = {5, 10, 20, 25, 50, 100, 250, 500};
int ItemLimits[8] = {20, 50, 100, 250, 500, 1000, 2500, 5000};
int MaxNumUnits = 8;
double PixelsPerY;
int PixelsPerAxis;
int Units;
// Figure out the max from the dataset
// - Min is always 0 for a bar chart
m_MinY = 0;
m_MaxY = -9999999;
m_TotalY = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < m_DataPoints.GetSize(); j++) {
if (m_DataPoints[j].m_y > m_MaxY) {
m_MaxY = m_DataPoints[j].m_y;
m_TotalY += m_DataPoints[j].m_y;
// Give some space at the top
m_MaxY = m_MaxY + 1;
// Figure out the size of the range
double yRange = (m_MaxY - m_MinY);
// Pick the initial size
Units = MaxNumUnits;
for (int k = 0; k < MaxNumUnits; k++)
if (yRange < ItemLimits[k])
Units = k;
// Adjust it upwards based on the space available
PixelsPerY = m_rcGraph.Height() / yRange;
PixelsPerAxis = (int)(PixelsPerY * ItemsPerUnit[Units]);
while (PixelsPerAxis < MinSize[Units]){
Units += 1;
PixelsPerAxis = (int)(PixelsPerY * ItemsPerUnit[Units]);
if (Units == 5)
return ItemsPerUnit[Units];
However something in what you've said tweaked me. To pick nice axis numbers a definition of "nice number" would help:
A "nice" number is one that has 3 or fewer non-zero digits (eg. 1230000)
A "nice" number has the same or few non-zero digits than zero digits (eg 1230 is not nice, 1200 is nice)
The nicest numbers are ones with multiples of 3 zeros (eg. "1,000", "1,000,000")
The second nicest numbers are onces with multples of 3 zeros plus 2 zeros (eg. "1,500,000", "1,200")
Not sure if the above definition is "right" or actually helpful (but with the definition in hand it then becomes a simpler task to devise an algorithm).
A slight refinement and tested... (works for fractions of units and not just integers)
public void testNumbers() {
double test = 0.20000;
double multiple = 1;
int scale = 0;
String[] prefix = new String[]{"", "m", "u", "n"};
while (Math.log10(test) < 0) {
multiple = multiple * 1000;
test = test * 1000;
double tick;
double minimum = test / 10;
double magnitude = 100000000;
while (minimum <= magnitude){
magnitude = magnitude / 10;
double residual = test / (magnitude * 10);
if (residual > 5) {
tick = 10 * magnitude;
} else if (residual > 2) {
tick = 5 * magnitude;
} else if (residual > 1) {
tick = 2 * magnitude;
} else {
tick = magnitude;
double curAmt = 0;
int ticks = (int) Math.ceil(test / tick);
for (int ix = 0; ix < ticks; ix++) {
curAmt += tick;
BigDecimal bigDecimal = new BigDecimal(curAmt);
bigDecimal.setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP);
System.out.println(bigDecimal.stripTrailingZeros().toPlainString() + prefix[scale] + "s");
System.out.println("Value = " + test + prefix[scale] + "s");
System.out.println("Tick = " + tick + prefix[scale] + "s");
System.out.println("Ticks = " + ticks);
System.out.println("Scale = " + multiple + " : " + scale);
If you want 1400 at the top, how about adjusting the last two parameters to 1400 instead of 1357:
You could use div and mod. For example.
Let's say you want your chart to round up by increments of 20 (just to make it more a more arbitrary number than your typical "10" value).
So I would assume that 1, 11, 18 would all round up to 20. But 21, 33, 38 would round to 40.
To come up with the right value do the following:
Where divisor = your rounding increment.
divisor = 20
multiple = maxValue / divisor; // Do an integer divide here.
if (maxValue modulus divisor > 0)
graphMax = multiple * maxValue;
So now let's plugin real numbers:
divisor = 20;
multiple = 33 / 20; (integer divide)
so multiple = 1
if (33 modulus 20 > 0) (it is.. it equals 13)
so multiple = 2;
graphMax = multiple (2) * maxValue (20);
graphMax = 40;

Algorithm for "nice" grid line intervals on a graph

I need a reasonably smart algorithm to come up with "nice" grid lines for a graph (chart).
For example, assume a bar chart with values of 10, 30, 72 and 60. You know:
Min value: 10
Max value: 72
Range: 62
The first question is: what do you start from? In this case, 0 would be the intuitive value but this won't hold up on other data sets so I'm guessing:
Grid min value should be either 0 or a "nice" value lower than the min value of the data in range. Alternatively, it can be specified.
Grid max value should be a "nice" value above the max value in the range. Alternatively, it can be specified (eg you might want 0 to 100 if you're showing percentages, irrespective of the actual values).
The number of grid lines (ticks) in the range should be either specified or a number within a given range (eg 3-8) such that the values are "nice" (ie round numbers) and you maximise use of the chart area. In our example, 80 would be a sensible max as that would use 90% of the chart height (72/80) whereas 100 would create more wasted space.
Anyone know of a good algorithm for this? Language is irrelevant as I'll implement it in what I need to.
I've done this with kind of a brute force method. First, figure out the maximum number of tick marks you can fit into the space. Divide the total range of values by the number of ticks; this is the minimum spacing of the tick. Now calculate the floor of the logarithm base 10 to get the magnitude of the tick, and divide by this value. You should end up with something in the range of 1 to 10. Simply choose the round number greater than or equal to the value and multiply it by the logarithm calculated earlier. This is your final tick spacing.
Example in Python:
import math
def BestTick(largest, mostticks):
minimum = largest / mostticks
magnitude = 10 ** math.floor(math.log(minimum, 10))
residual = minimum / magnitude
if residual > 5:
tick = 10 * magnitude
elif residual > 2:
tick = 5 * magnitude
elif residual > 1:
tick = 2 * magnitude
tick = magnitude
return tick
Edit: you are free to alter the selection of "nice" intervals. One commenter appears to be dissatisfied with the selections provided, because the actual number of ticks can be up to 2.5 times less than the maximum. Here's a slight modification that defines a table for the nice intervals. In the example, I've expanded the selections so that the number of ticks won't be less than 3/5 of the maximum.
import bisect
def BestTick2(largest, mostticks):
minimum = largest / mostticks
magnitude = 10 ** math.floor(math.log(minimum, 10))
residual = minimum / magnitude
# this table must begin with 1 and end with 10
table = [1, 1.5, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10]
tick = table[bisect.bisect_right(table, residual)] if residual < 10 else 10
return tick * magnitude
There are 2 pieces to the problem:
Determine the order of magnitude involved, and
Round to something convenient.
You can handle the first part by using logarithms:
range = max - min;
exponent = int(log(range)); // See comment below.
magnitude = pow(10, exponent);
So, for example, if your range is from 50 - 1200, the exponent is 3 and the magnitude is 1000.
Then deal with the second part by deciding how many subdivisions you want in your grid:
value_per_division = magnitude / subdivisions;
This is a rough calculation because the exponent has been truncated to an integer. You may want to tweak the exponent calculation to handle boundary conditions better, e.g. by rounding instead of taking the int() if you end up with too many subdivisions.
I use the following algorithm. It's similar to others posted here but it's the first example in C#.
public static class AxisUtil
public static float CalcStepSize(float range, float targetSteps)
// calculate an initial guess at step size
var tempStep = range/targetSteps;
// get the magnitude of the step size
var mag = (float)Math.Floor(Math.Log10(tempStep));
var magPow = (float)Math.Pow(10, mag);
// calculate most significant digit of the new step size
var magMsd = (int)(tempStep/magPow + 0.5);
// promote the MSD to either 1, 2, or 5
if (magMsd > 5)
magMsd = 10;
else if (magMsd > 2)
magMsd = 5;
else if (magMsd > 1)
magMsd = 2;
return magMsd*magPow;
CPAN provides an implementation here (see source link)
See also Tickmark algorithm for a graph axis
FYI, with your sample data:
Maple: Min=8, Max=74, Labels=10,20,..,60,70, Ticks=10,12,14,..70,72
MATLAB: Min=10, Max=80, Labels=10,20,,..,60,80
Here's another implementation in JavaScript:
var calcStepSize = function(range, targetSteps)
// calculate an initial guess at step size
var tempStep = range / targetSteps;
// get the magnitude of the step size
var mag = Math.floor(Math.log(tempStep) / Math.LN10);
var magPow = Math.pow(10, mag);
// calculate most significant digit of the new step size
var magMsd = Math.round(tempStep / magPow + 0.5);
// promote the MSD to either 1, 2, or 5
if (magMsd > 5.0)
magMsd = 10.0;
else if (magMsd > 2.0)
magMsd = 5.0;
else if (magMsd > 1.0)
magMsd = 2.0;
return magMsd * magPow;
I am the author of "Algorithm for Optimal Scaling on a Chart Axis". It used to be hosted on trollop.org, but I have recently moved domains/blogging engines.
Please see my answer to a related question.
Taken from Mark above, a slightly more complete Util class in c#. That also calculates a suitable first and last tick.
public class AxisAssists
public double Tick { get; private set; }
public AxisAssists(double aTick)
Tick = aTick;
public AxisAssists(double range, int mostticks)
var minimum = range / mostticks;
var magnitude = Math.Pow(10.0, (Math.Floor(Math.Log(minimum) / Math.Log(10))));
var residual = minimum / magnitude;
if (residual > 5)
Tick = 10 * magnitude;
else if (residual > 2)
Tick = 5 * magnitude;
else if (residual > 1)
Tick = 2 * magnitude;
Tick = magnitude;
public double GetClosestTickBelow(double v)
return Tick* Math.Floor(v / Tick);
public double GetClosestTickAbove(double v)
return Tick * Math.Ceiling(v / Tick);
With ability to create an instance, but if you just want calculate and throw it away:
double tickX = new AxisAssists(aMaxX - aMinX, 8).Tick;
I wrote an objective-c method to return a nice axis scale and nice ticks for given min- and max values of your data set:
- (NSArray*)niceAxis:(double)minValue :(double)maxValue
double min_ = 0, max_ = 0, min = minValue, max = maxValue, power = 0, factor = 0, tickWidth, minAxisValue = 0, maxAxisValue = 0;
NSArray *factorArray = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:#"0.0f",#"1.2f",#"2.5f",#"5.0f",#"10.0f",nil];
NSArray *scalarArray = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:#"0.2f",#"0.2f",#"0.5f",#"1.0f",#"2.0f",nil];
// calculate x-axis nice scale and ticks
// 1. min_
if (min == 0) {
min_ = 0;
else if (min > 0) {
min_ = MAX(0, min-(max-min)/100);
else {
min_ = min-(max-min)/100;
// 2. max_
if (max == 0) {
if (min == 0) {
max_ = 1;
else {
max_ = 0;
else if (max < 0) {
max_ = MIN(0, max+(max-min)/100);
else {
max_ = max+(max-min)/100;
// 3. power
power = log(max_ - min_) / log(10);
// 4. factor
factor = pow(10, power - floor(power));
// 5. nice ticks
for (NSInteger i = 0; factor > [[factorArray objectAtIndex:i]doubleValue] ; i++) {
tickWidth = [[scalarArray objectAtIndex:i]doubleValue] * pow(10, floor(power));
// 6. min-axisValues
minAxisValue = tickWidth * floor(min_/tickWidth);
// 7. min-axisValues
maxAxisValue = tickWidth * floor((max_/tickWidth)+1);
// 8. create NSArray to return
NSArray *niceAxisValues = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:[NSNumber numberWithDouble:minAxisValue], [NSNumber numberWithDouble:maxAxisValue],[NSNumber numberWithDouble:tickWidth], nil];
return niceAxisValues;
You can call the method like this:
NSArray *niceYAxisValues = [self niceAxis:-maxy :maxy];
and get you axis setup:
double minYAxisValue = [[niceYAxisValues objectAtIndex:0]doubleValue];
double maxYAxisValue = [[niceYAxisValues objectAtIndex:1]doubleValue];
double ticksYAxis = [[niceYAxisValues objectAtIndex:2]doubleValue];
Just in case you want to limit the number of axis ticks do this:
NSInteger maxNumberOfTicks = 9;
NSInteger numberOfTicks = valueXRange / ticksXAxis;
NSInteger newNumberOfTicks = floor(numberOfTicks / (1 + floor(numberOfTicks/(maxNumberOfTicks+0.5))));
double newTicksXAxis = ticksXAxis * (1 + floor(numberOfTicks/(maxNumberOfTicks+0.5)));
The first part of the code is based on the calculation I found here to calculate nice graph axis scale and ticks similar to excel graphs. It works excellent for all kind of data sets. Here is an example of an iPhone implementation:
Another idea is to have the range of the axis be the range of the values, but put the tick marks at the appropriate position.. i.e. for 7 to 22 do:
[- - - | - - - - | - - - - | - - ]
10 15 20
As for selecting the tick spacing, I would suggest any number of the form 10^x * i / n, where i < n, and 0 < n < 10. Generate this list, and sort them, and you can find the largest number smaller than value_per_division (as in adam_liss) using a binary search.
Using a lot of inspiration from answers already availible here, here's my implementation in C. Note that there's some extendibility built into the ndex array.
float findNiceDelta(float maxvalue, int count)
float step = maxvalue/count,
order = powf(10, floorf(log10(step))),
delta = (int)(step/order + 0.5);
static float ndex[] = {1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 5, 10};
static int ndexLenght = sizeof(ndex)/sizeof(float);
for(int i = ndexLenght - 2; i > 0; --i)
if(delta > ndex[i]) return ndex[i + 1] * order;
return delta*order;
In R, use
tickSize <- function(range,minCount){
logMaxTick <- log10(range/minCount)
exponent <- floor(logMaxTick)
mantissa <- 10^(logMaxTick-exponent)
af <- c(1,2,5) # allowed factors
mantissa <- af[findInterval(mantissa,af)]
where range argument is max-min of domain.
Here is a javascript function I wrote to round grid intervals (max-min)/gridLinesNumber to beautiful values. It works with any numbers, see the gist with detailed commets to find out how it works and how to call it.
var ceilAbs = function(num, to, bias) {
if (to == undefined) to = [-2, -5, -10]
if (bias == undefined) bias = 0
var numAbs = Math.abs(num) - bias
var exp = Math.floor( Math.log10(numAbs) )
if (typeof to == 'number') {
return Math.sign(num) * to * Math.ceil(numAbs/to) + bias
var mults = to.filter(function(value) {return value > 0})
to = to.filter(function(value) {return value < 0}).map(Math.abs)
var m = Math.abs(numAbs) * Math.pow(10, -exp)
var mRounded = Infinity
for (var i=0; i<mults.length; i++) {
var candidate = mults[i] * Math.ceil(m / mults[i])
if (candidate < mRounded)
mRounded = candidate
for (var i=0; i<to.length; i++) {
if (to[i] >= m && to[i] < mRounded)
mRounded = to[i]
return Math.sign(num) * mRounded * Math.pow(10, exp) + bias
Calling ceilAbs(number, [0.5]) for different numbers will round numbers like that:
301573431.1193228 -> 350000000
14127.786597236991 -> 15000
-63105746.17236853 -> -65000000
-718854.2201183736 -> -750000
-700660.340487957 -> -750000
0.055717507097870114 -> 0.06
0.0008068701205775142 -> 0.00085
-8.66660070605576 -> -9
-400.09256079792976 -> -450
0.0011740548815578223 -> 0.0015
-5.3003294346854085e-8 -> -6e-8
-0.00005815960629843176 -> -0.00006
-742465964.5184875 -> -750000000
-81289225.90985894 -> -85000000
0.000901771713513881 -> 0.00095
-652726598.5496342 -> -700000000
-0.6498901364393532 -> -0.65
0.9978325804695487 -> 1
5409.4078950583935 -> 5500
26906671.095639467 -> 30000000
Check out the fiddle to experiment with the code. Code in the answer, the gist and the fiddle is slightly different I'm using the one given in the answer.
If you are trying to get the scales looking right on VB.NET charts, then I've used the example from Adam Liss, but make sure when you set the min and max scale values that you pass them in from a variable of type decimal (not of type single or double) otherwise the tick mark values end up being set to like 8 decimal places.
So as an example, I had 1 chart where I set the min Y Axis value to 0.0001 and the max Y Axis value to 0.002.
If I pass these values to the chart object as singles I get tick mark values of 0.00048000001697801, 0.000860000036482233 ....
Whereas if I pass these values to the chart object as decimals I get nice tick mark values of 0.00048, 0.00086 ......
In python:
steps = [numpy.round(x) for x in np.linspace(min, max, num=num_of_steps)]
Answer that can dynamically always plot 0, handle positive and negatives, and small and large numbers, gives the tick interval size and how many to plot; written in Go
forcePlotZero changes how the max values are rounded so it'll always make a nice multiple to then get back to zero. Example:
if forcePlotZero == false then 237 --> 240
if forcePlotZero == true then 237 --> 300
Intervals are calculated by getting the multiple of 10/100/1000 etc for max and then subtracting till the cumulative total of these subtractions is < min
Here's the output from the function, along with showing forcePlotZero
Force to plot zero
max and min inputs
rounded max and min
min: -104 max: 240
minned: -160 maxed: 240
intervalCount: 5 intervalSize: 100
min: -104 max: 240
minned: -200 maxed: 300
intervalCount: 6 intervalSize: 100
min: 40 max: 1240
minned: 0 maxed: 1300
intervalCount: 14 intervalSize: 100
min: 200 max: 240
minned: 190 maxed: 240
intervalCount: 6 intervalSize: 10
min: 0.7 max: 1.12
minned: 0.6 maxed: 1.2
intervalCount: 7 intervalSize: 0.1
min: -70.5 max: -12.5
minned: -80 maxed: -10
intervalCount: 8 intervalSize: 10
Here's the playground link https://play.golang.org/p/1IhiX_hRQvo
func getMaxMinIntervals(max float64, min float64, forcePlotZero bool) (maxRounded float64, minRounded float64, intervalCount float64, intervalSize float64) {
//STEP 1: start off determining the maxRounded value for the axis
precision := 0.0
precisionDampener := 0.0 //adjusts to prevent 235 going to 300, instead dampens the scaling to get 240
epsilon := 0.0000001
if math.Abs(max) >= 0 && math.Abs(max) < 2 {
precision = math.Floor(-math.Log10(epsilon + math.Abs(max) - math.Floor(math.Abs(max)))) //counting number of zeros between decimal point and rightward digits
precisionDampener = 1
precision = precision + precisionDampener
} else if math.Abs(max) >= 2 && math.Abs(max) < 100 {
precision = math.Ceil(math.Log10(math.Abs(max)+1)) * -1 //else count number of digits before decimal point
precisionDampener = 1
precision = precision + precisionDampener
} else {
precision = math.Ceil(math.Log10(math.Abs(max)+1)) * -1 //else count number of digits before decimal point
precisionDampener = 2
if forcePlotZero == true {
precisionDampener = 1
precision = precision + precisionDampener
useThisFactorForIntervalCalculation := 0.0 // this is needed because intervals are calculated from the max value with a zero origin, this uses range for min - max
if max < 0 {
maxRounded = (math.Floor(math.Abs(max)*(math.Pow10(int(precision)))) / math.Pow10(int(precision)) * -1)
useThisFactorForIntervalCalculation = (math.Floor(math.Abs(max)*(math.Pow10(int(precision)))) / math.Pow10(int(precision))) + ((math.Ceil(math.Abs(min)*(math.Pow10(int(precision)))) / math.Pow10(int(precision))) * -1)
} else {
maxRounded = math.Ceil(max*(math.Pow10(int(precision)))) / math.Pow10(int(precision))
useThisFactorForIntervalCalculation = maxRounded
minNumberOfIntervals := 2.0
maxNumberOfIntervals := 19.0
intervalSize = 0.001
intervalCount = minNumberOfIntervals
//STEP 2: get interval size (the step size on the axis)
for {
if math.Abs(useThisFactorForIntervalCalculation)/intervalSize < minNumberOfIntervals || math.Abs(useThisFactorForIntervalCalculation)/intervalSize > maxNumberOfIntervals {
intervalSize = intervalSize * 10
} else {
//STEP 3: check that intervals are not too large, safety for max and min values that are close together (240, 220 etc)
for {
if max-min < intervalSize {
intervalSize = intervalSize / 10
} else {
//STEP 4: now we can get minRounded by adding the interval size to 0 till we get to the point where another increment would make cumulative increments > min, opposite for negative in
minRounded = 0.0
if min >= 0 {
for {
if minRounded < min {
minRounded = minRounded + intervalSize
} else {
minRounded = minRounded - intervalSize
} else {
minRounded = maxRounded //keep going down, decreasing by the interval size till minRounded < min
for {
if minRounded > min {
minRounded = minRounded - intervalSize
} else {
//STEP 5: get number of intervals to draw
intervalCount = (maxRounded - minRounded) / intervalSize
intervalCount = math.Ceil(intervalCount) + 1 // include the origin as an interval
//STEP 6: Check that the intervalCount isn't too high
if intervalCount-1 >= (intervalSize * 2) && intervalCount > maxNumberOfIntervals {
intervalCount = math.Ceil(intervalCount / 2)
intervalSize *= 2
This is in python and for base 10.
Doesn't cover all your questions but I think you can build on it
import numpy as np
def create_ticks(lo,hi):
s = 10**(np.floor(np.log10(hi - lo)))
start = s * np.floor(lo / s)
end = s * np.ceil(hi / s)
ticks = [start]
t = start
while (t < end):
ticks += [t]
t = t + s
return ticks
