I use Golang for my backend and I need to get an Access Token from Twilio but I can't find any available library for Golang.
The example code in NodeJS is:
const AccessToken = require('twilio').jwt.AccessToken;
const VideoGrant = AccessToken.VideoGrant;
// Used when generating any kind of Access Token
const twilioAccountSid = 'ACxxxxxxxxxx';
const twilioApiKey = 'SKxxxxxxxxxx';
const twilioApiSecret = 'xxxxxxxxxxxx';
// Create an access token which we will sign and return to the client,
// containing the grant we just created
const token = new AccessToken(twilioAccountSid, twilioApiKey, twilioApiSecret);
token.identity = 'alice';
// Create a Video grant which enables a client to use Video
// and limits access to the specified Room (DailyStandup)
const videoGrant = new VideoGrant({
room: 'DailyStandup'
// Add the grant to the token
// Serialize the token to a JWT string
I tried this library -> https://github.com/xaviiic/twilioGo but no luck.
Using the library you linked (https://github.com/xaviiic/twilioGo) the code/methods etc. tracks very closely to the NodeJS sample-code:
import twilio "github.com/xaviiic/twilioGo"
var (
accountID = "AC...."
keyID = "SK...."
secret = "....."
token := twilio.NewAccessToken(accountID, keyID, secret)
identity := "alice"
videoGrant := twilio.NewVideoGrant("DailyStandup")
Note: while the above will build in a GOPATH env (i.e. using latest project commits) it needs some help if doing a go modules build:
# this will initially fail:
go build
# choose latest commit of this dependency - latest v0.9.1 tag appears to be incompatible
go get github.com/SermoDigital/jose#master
go build
I have an ASP.NET Core Web API set up as App Service in Azure with an App Registration in our AzureAd
In appsettings.json I have (anonimized)
"AzureAd": {
"Instance": "https://login.microsoftonline.com/",
"Domain": "ourdomain.co.uk",
"TenantId": "n9n999n9-9999-nnnn-9n9n9-9n9n9n9n9n9",
"ClientId": "81933a15-157f-45b0-bc32-3d7d6d62f4a7",
"Audience": "https://ourdomain.co.uk/breathe.notifications-service",
"ClientSecret": "a6a6a6a~EEizqWNa8itAAAjcrycxnCtxaVgKTFx"
That app has an API permission in Azure Ad that allows me to call another app service, Audit. The audit service does not have any specific scopes defined but it does have an app role called Audit.Write
In the calling API i need to get a token to call audit so I run this code
var accessToken = await this.tokenAcquisition.GetAccessTokenForAppAsync(this.auditApiScope);
this.httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", accessToken);
this.httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));
Note the call to GetAccessTokenForAppAsync rather than the more common GetAccessTokenForUserAsync
The scope string that I am passing is
When I call GetAccessTokenForAppAsync it is failing with MSALException
IDW10104: Both client secret and client certificate cannot be null or
whitespace, and only ONE must be included in the configuration of the
web app when calling a web API. For instance, in the appsettings.json
The client secret is in the AzureAd config, I am not specifying a certificate.
I now have this working and have two options but before I outline those I need to offer some extra background.
This Web Api and others we have created offer functionality to Azure Ad users and Azure B2C users. This functionality was first possible with Microsoft.Identity.Web 1.11.0 and we hjave been using 1.11.0 since it was released. However we always had an issue where we would generate thousands of exceptions because MSAL was getting confused ny which scheme to use.
We came across this blog post, Removing misleading IDX10501 logs when using multiple authentication schemes in ASP.NET Core 3.1 there is more detail in this github thread, https://github.com/oliviervaillancourt/blog/issues/3.
Our Startup.cs Configure Services looks like this
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
.AddMicrosoftIdentityWebApi(this.configuration, "AzureAdB2C", "B2CScheme", true);
jwtBearerOptions =>
var azureAdB2CConfig = this.configuration.GetSection("AzureAdB2C");
jwtBearerOptions.ForwardDefaultSelector = context =>
var token = string.Empty;
if (context.Request.Headers.TryGetValue("Authorization", out var value))
string authorization = value;
if (authorization.StartsWith("Bearer ", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
token = authorization.Substring("Bearer ".Length).Trim();
if (token == null)
this.logger.LogInformation($"Cannot get the Token out of the Authorization header");
var jwtHandler = new JwtSecurityTokenHandler();
if (jwtHandler.CanReadToken(token))
var jwtToken = jwtHandler.ReadJwtToken(token);
var expectedB2CIssuer = $"{azureAdB2CConfig.GetValue<string>("Instance")}/{azureAdB2CConfig.GetValue<string>("TenantId")}/v2.0/";
if (string.Compare(jwtToken.Issuer, expectedB2CIssuer, true) == 0)
// Claim is from B2C so this request should be validated against the B2C scheme.
this.logger.LogInformation($"Request is with a B2C issued token so refer to B2CScheme. Token issuer: {jwtToken.Issuer} B2C Issuer: {expectedB2CIssuer}");
return "B2CScheme";
this.logger.LogInformation($"Request is not with a B2C issued token so refer to Bearer scheme. Token issuer: {jwtToken.Issuer} B2C Issuer: {expectedB2CIssuer}");
this.logger.LogInformation("Request token could not be read so refer to Bearer scheme");
return "Bearer";
identityOptions =>
var azureAdB2CConfig = this.configuration.GetSection("AzureAdB2C");
identityOptions.Instance = azureAdB2CConfig.GetValue<string>("Instance");
identityOptions.TenantId = "AzureAD_OR_AzureAdB2C";
identityOptions.ClientId = "AzureAD_OR_AzureAdB2C";
services.AddLogging(options =>
// hook the Console Log Provider
// hook the Application Insights Provider
options.AddFilter<ApplicationInsightsLoggerProvider>(string.Empty, Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.LogLevel.Trace);
// pass the InstrumentationKey provided under the appsettings
The logic used by the ForwardDefaultSelector is what helps us work with multiple schemes and forward ASP.NET to the right scheme.
Now back to the answer.
If I remove the ForwardDefaultSelector I no longer get the IDW10104 however that is what we use to remopve all the extraneous exceptions schemes so that is not really going to be workable.
The only viable option is to move the Web Api from the latest version of Microsoft.Identity.Web 1.21.1 to 1.16.0. The issue that is causing us to get the exception was introduced in 1.16.1. I will raise an issue on the MSAL github for 1.16.1. We were previously using 1.11.0.
I am trying to get repo list from gitlab using OAuth token.
My code looks something like this ... ("github.com/xanzy/go-gitlab")
repositories := []string{}
client, _ := gitlab.NewClient(gitRepoRequest.Token, gitlab.WithBaseURL("https://gitlab.com/api/v4"))
fmt.Println("client...", client.ContainerRegistry)
projects, _, projectListErr := client.Projects.ListProjects(&gitlab.ListProjectsOptions{})
for _, project := range projects {
fmt.Println("ID===", project.ID)
fmt.Println("NAME===", project.Name)
if projectListErr != nil {
// return err
I am not able to get the project list.. the "projectListErr" says ...
GET https://gitlab.com/api/v4/projects: 401 {message: 401 Unauthorized}
I am confident about the token value because I am getting list of all branches for a repo using the same token, that code looks like ... ("github.com/go-git/go-git/v5")
rem := git.NewRemote(gitMemory.NewStorage(), &gitConfig.RemoteConfig{
Name: "origin",
URLs: []string{gitBranchesRequest.Repository},
refs, listErr := rem.List(&git.ListOptions{
Auth: &gitHttp.BasicAuth{Username: gitUserName, Password: gitBranchesRequest.Token},
Does that mean there is an issue with the library that I am using ? github.com/xanzy/go-gitlab
It depends on the type of token you are using.
For instance, a project access token might very well give you access to the list of all branches for a repository (for that project).
But for using the /projects API, 401 means the authentication information is not valid or is missing.
So make sure to use a PAT (Personal Access Token), linked to a user, not a project.
The OP Keval Bhogayata adds in the comments:
I have found the issue.
The library I am using ("xanzy/go-gitlab"), has different client creation functions for different tokens.
I have been using the function that supports personal access token. Instead I was supposed to use "NewOAuthClient" !
// NewOAuthClient returns a new GitLab API client. To use API methods which
// require authentication, provide a valid oauth token.
func NewOAuthClient(token string, options ...ClientOptionFunc) (*Client, error)
Currently getting the following error with MongoDB:
no saslprep library specified. Passwords will not be sanitized
We are using Webpack so simply installing the module doesn't work (Webpack just ignores it). I found this thread which talks about how to exclude it from Webpack compilations, but then I have to manually load it into every Lambda function which led me to Lambda Layers.
Following the Serverless guide on using Lambda layers allowed me to get my layer published to AWS and included in all of my functions, but for some reason, it doesn't install the modules. If I download the layer using the AWS GUI, I get a folder with just the package.json and package-lock.json files.
My file structure is:
|_ layers
|_ saslprep
|_ package.json
and my serverless.yml is:
path: layers/saslprep
- nodejs14.x
This is not my preferred solution as I'd like to use 256, but the way I got around this error/warning was by changing the authMechanism from SCRAM-SHA-256 to SCRAM-SHA-1 in the connection string. The serverless-bundle most likely needs to add this dependency into their package to enable support for Mongo 4.0 SHA256 (my best guess!).
You can specify this authentication mechanism by setting the authMechanism parameter to the value SCRAM-SHA-1 in the connection string as shown in the following sample code.
const { MongoClient } = require("mongodb");
// Replace the following with values for your environment.
const username = encodeURIComponent("<username>");
const password = encodeURIComponent("<password>");
const clusterUrl = "<MongoDB cluster url>";
const authMechanism = "SCRAM-SHA-1";
// Replace the following with your MongoDB deployment's connection string.
const uri =
// Create a new MongoClient
const client = new MongoClient(uri);
// Function to connect to the server
async function run() {
try {
// Connect the client to the server
await client.connect();
// Establish and verify connection
await client.db("admin").command({ ping: 1 });
console.log("Connected successfully to server");
} finally {
// Ensures that the client will close when you finish/error
await client.close();
I'm unable to a folder by providing an id to that folder using Boxr gem. Previously I didn't has the enterprise settings as shown in this post which I have now fixed. I'm creating a token using JWT authentication get_user_token method the following way.
token = Boxr::get_user_token("38521XXXX", private_key: ENV.fetch('JWT_PRIVATE_KEY'), private_key_password: ENV.fetch('JWT_PRIVATE_KEY_PASSWORD'), public_key_id: ENV.fetch('JWT_PUBLIC_KEY_ID'), client_id: ENV.fetch('BOX_CLIENT_ID'), client_secret: ENV.fetch('BOX_CLIENT_SECRET'))
I then pass this this token when creating a client.
client = Boxr::Client.new(token)
when I check the current user on client this is what I get:
=> {"type"=>"user",
When I run client.methods I see there is folder_from_id however when I call that method I get the following error:
pry(#<FormsController>)> client.folder_from_id("123456", fields: [])
Boxr::BoxrError: 404: Not Found
from /usr/local/bundle/gems/boxr-1.4.0/lib/boxr/client.rb:239:in `check_response_status'
I have the following settings:
I also authorize the application. Not sure what else to do.
token = Boxr::get_user_token(user_id,
private_key: ENV.fetch('JWT_PRIVATE_KEY'),
private_key_password: ENV.fetch('JWT_PRIVATE_KEY_PASSWORD'),
public_key_id: ENV.fetch('JWT_PUBLIC_KEY_ID'),
client_id: ENV.fetch('BOX_CLIENT_ID'),
client_secret: ENV.fetch('BOX_CLIENT_SECRET'))
client = Boxr::Client.new(token.access_token)
folder = client.folder_from_id(folder_id)
client.upload_file(file_path, folder)
For anybody using C# and BOXJWT.
You just need to have a boxManager set up and will get you with anything you need, say BoxFile, Folder etc.
If you have the folderID, well & good, but if you need to retrieve, this can be done as shown below:
string inputFolderId = _boxManager.GetFolder(RootFolderID).Folders.Where(i => i.Name == boxFolder).FirstOrDefault().Id; //Retrieves FolderId
Folder inputFolder = _boxManager.GetFolder(inputFolderId);
There is some way to create domains in google admin console via a rest api (or some python google-sdk). I search in google documentation but i couldn't find anything.
Yes, take a look at their api. You need of course to be a gapps reseller. https://developers.google.com/admin-sdk/reseller/
Yes, an exemple with Node :
import { DomainsClient } from "#google-cloud/domains";
const client = new DomainsClient({
const [domainRegisterParameters] = await client.retrieveRegisterParameters({
domainName: "example.com",
const registerParameters = domainRegisterParameters.registerParameters
await this.client.registerDomain({...}) // it buy the domain name
It seem to be this for python :