I want to add pairwise correlation onto the pairplot but couldn't find a parameter to add the annotation, only a complicated method below. However, using this user-defined function, the r annotation seems overlapping. Not sure what caused this. How to fix this? Also is there a parameter to normalize input variables in pairplot? Thank you.
I am trying to generate the delta-MFCCs. Apparently there are several implementations. I found the "regression" formula link here. But I don't understand why Librosa uses Savitsky-Golay filter, which is a smoothing filter. I have not found any blog/article which shows the use of Sav-Gol filter for delta mfcc. And, obviously, the deltas returned by the two don't match.
Can someone elaborate on it?
Is it possible to use variables in the creation of objects in AutoCAD? For example, I would like to create a number of circles and have their diameter property determined by a custom variable. This would allow me to easily change the value of multiple objects after creation.
It seems like an easy thing to do, but I can't seem to find an answer to this question.
I simply want to have easy programmatic control over the defining characteristics of a number of objects for easy modification at a later date.
It doesn't seem possible do this in just one step, but using the parameteric tools allows some degree of programmatic change after object creation.
In the example of the circle, diameter control can be achieved using the DIMCONSTRAINT command in conjunction with a user defined parameter. Use PARAMETERS command to access all of the drawing's parameters.
If you're planning on using the in-process libraries, you can create a custom command that takes a parameter from the AutoCAD command line, which you could use to create your circles.
I've got legacy code sample which uses JFreeChart and XYPlot. Now i'm making i18n for that code and most of non-english strings are much longer then english ones. I googled for a way to wrap strings. No success. Help please!
Try using setMaximumCategoryLabelLines method from CategoryAxis, e.g:
CategoryAxis domainAxis = plot.getDomainAxis();
Multiple lines are not supported. The setVerticalTickLabels() method may be applied to either a domain or a range axis. Because space is limited, interpreters should be frugal. Providing a user setting, as shown here, may mitigate the limitation.
Is it possible to specify a value for help-echo in the arguments passed to font-lock-add-keywords?
If not, is there an efficient and reliable place to add this property via Font Lock's normal operation?
I've read through "Search-Based Fontification" and "Customizing Keywords" in the elisp manual, and I'm implementing a minor mode by adapting fic-mode.el .
While font-lock was designed to manage the face property, it can also set any other property. To set a given property, just use (face <face> <prop1> <val1> <prop2> <val2> ...) as the face to apply (if you don't want to apply any face at all, use nil for <face>). In order to make it work reliably, you also need to tell font-lock that it manages those extra properties by adding <prop1>, <prop2> etc to font-lock-extra-managed-props. If you don't, those properties will not be correctly removed when they do not apply any more.
We have performance issue using for controls which gets number in the format of $dollars as input. In-order to over come this performance issue we used instead of and implemented the following calculate functionality in the bind of the control.
<xforms:bind id="Amount"
calculate="if (. !=0)
then format-number(xs:double(.),'$#,##0.000')
else ."/>
But the problem with the above code is, its converting the control's value into String type which leads to error in the controls which has its value dependent on this. Kindly provide me a solution for the above problem or provide a better recommendation to handle this situation.
If you only want to show the formatted value (which I assume to be the case since you are thinking of using a calculate), then you could put that expression you have on the calculate inside an:
<xforms:output value="..."/>
If you need both input and output, and you'd like the value stored in your instance to be just the unformatted number, then I don't think there is an easy way around using <fr:currency> other than somehow reimplementing the functionality provided by <fr:currency>. If you need both input and output, then I would recommend you to investigate this further to find, and then solve, the source of the performance issue.