Automated FaceTime audio call using AppleScript - macos

I tried to do automated facetime audio call when some event are observed in my python application. I used the code from here and changed the facetime:// to facetime-audio://
do shell script "open facetime-audio://my_number"
tell application "System Events" to tell process "FaceTime"
set frontmost to true
tell window 1
repeat while not (button "Call" exists)
delay 1
end repeat
click button "Call"
end tell
end tell
For the facetime video call, it worked perfectly, but for the audio call, my Mac still asked me to manually click the Call button before making any call. How do I solve this? My Mac version is 10.15.6.

Somewhere along the way Apple moved the Call button to Notification Center
If you change "FaceTime" to "Notification Center" in your AppleScript code, it should work.
Testing under macOS High Sierra and macOS Catalina this worked for me. Note however, in the Preferences of FactTime an Apple ID account needs to be enabled and already signed in for this to work properly. This is normally the case once you've signed in once and remains so between subsequent opening/closing of FaceTime unless you've explicitly signed out.


Is there a way to pause a YouTube video in Google Chrome using AppleScript?

What I'm trying is to type tell application "Google Chrome" to pause and make audio or video in Google Chrome pause. It wouldn't work, since it thinks pause is a variable.
Is there any way to either pause audio or video in all applications or just Google Chrome?
From comments:
The following example AppleScript code will play/pause a YouTube video in the active tab of the front window of Google Chrome: tell application "Google Chrome" to tell active tab of front window to execute javascript "document.getElementsByClassName('ytp-play-button ytp-button')[0].click();"
#user3439894 this one works perfectly, since I only want to pause the video in the active tab. Is there any way to check if the video is paused so it doesn't unpause a video? Also could you write this comment as an answer so I can accept it as the correct answer?
There may be an easier way using JavaScript to ascertain if the active tab of the front window in Google Chrome has a YouTube video playing, however, as I do not know the code for it, here is a way that works for me.
The following example AppleScript code, shown below, was tested in Script Editor under macOS Catalina 10.15.7 and macOS Big Sur 11.2.3 using Google Chrome (Version 90.0.4430.93 (Official Build) (x86_64)) with Language & Region settings in System Preferences set to English (US) — Primary and worked for me without issue1.
1 Assumes necessary and appropriate setting in System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Privacy have been set/addressed as needed.
Example AppleScript code:
if not running of ¬
application "Google Chrome" then return
tell application "Google Chrome"
if (window count) = 0 then return
set atx to the active tab index of its front window
end tell
tell application "System Events"
-- # macOS Big Sur System Events bug issue.
-- # If running macOS Big Sur, uncomment the next
-- # two lines if System Events reports an error.
-- run
-- delay 0.5
tell application process "Chrome"
if (the value of ¬
attribute "AXTitle" of ¬
radio button atx of ¬
tab group 1 of ¬
group 1 of ¬
the front window) ¬
does not end with "Audio playing" then return
end tell
end tell
tell application "Google Chrome" to ¬
tell the active tab of its front window to ¬
execute javascript ¬
"document.getElementsByClassName('ytp-play-button ytp-button')[0].click();"
As coded, the execute javascript only happens if there is a YouTube video playing in the active tab of the front window of Google Chrome, thus pausing it. The code, as coded, cannot cause a paused video to play, regardless of the active tab or any tab of any window.
The -- # macOS Big Sur System Events bug issue. section in the example AppleScript code is an attempted workaround to a System Events issue in macOS Big Sur, in that the exact same code without it runs without issue in macOS Catalina and may not work or needs adjusting. I am still trying to troubleshoot the issue in general. In my experience the issue has not been reproducible at will and as such alternate methods may have to be used if issue continues and cannot be diagnosed.
Use of other than exact versions tested under may be partially to blame for some errors, especially any that involve a change in the hierarchical UI element structure in any UI Scripting scenario using System Events.
Is there any way to either pause audio or video in all applications or just Google Chrome?
Typically pressing the Play/Pause key on the keyboard should pause a video in Google Chrome, and most other apps as well.
It wouldn't work, since it thinks pause is a variable.
pause is not part of the AppleScript dictionary in Google Chrome and why it shows as a variable.
In Google Chrome, running AppleScript code containing JavaScript needs the Allow JavaScript from Apple Events menu item checked under: View > Developer -- Note that this used to be the default, however, at some time is was changed. For more information:
Note: The example AppleScript code is just that and sans any included error handling does not contain any additional error handling as may be appropriate. The onus is upon the user to add any error handling as may be appropriate, needed or wanted. Have a look at the try statement and error statement in the AppleScript Language Guide. See also, Working with Errors. Additionally, the use of the delay command may be necessary between events where appropriate, e.g. delay 0.5, with the value of the delay set appropriately.
This following AppleScript code will pause or play any instance of a YouTube video in any tab of any window in Google Chrome (whether visible or not).
pauseOrPlayYoutubeInChrome("ytp-play-button ytp-button", 0)
to pauseOrPlayYoutubeInChrome(theClassName, elementnum)
tell application "Google Chrome"
set youtubeTabsRef to a reference to (tabs of windows whose URL contains "youtube")
repeat with youtubeTabs in youtubeTabsRef
execute youtubeTabs javascript "document.getElementsByClassName('" & ¬
theClassName & "')[" & elementnum & "].click();"
end repeat
end tell
end pauseOrPlayYoutubeInChrome
My solution consists of running 2 AppleScript in a specific environment.
It works for me using 1 window of Brave Browser(I think it is the same for google chrome) with 2 tabs on youtube.
First script force opening Brave browser, second run keystroke "K"
tell application "Brave Browser"
if it is not running then launch
end tell
tell application "System Events"
keystroke "k"
end tell
I have created a Quick Action on Automator and then I have followed this answer:
And when trying to test it as a Keyboard Shortcut when using another Application, I was receiving an error like this "com.automator.runner.xpc is not allowed to send keystrokes", so I realised that I need to give accessibility privileges(on Security and Privacy) to all applications I want the script to work.
And After that, it works, but sometimes it gives the same error and it works again after some minutes(and never come back again) so I think this can help someone too.
This will pause or play the youtube video on the tab of the Brave Browser that is active.

AppleScript for AirPlay Button in the new TV app

Can anybody figure out how to click the AirPlay Display pop up button in the new TV app (found in MacOS Catalina) using AppleScript? I've tried a zillion different ways, and still get the result "missing value."
As far as I know this code should work:
tell application "System Events"
tell application process "TV"
tell window 1
click ((button whose description is "airplay") of pop up button 1)
end tell
end tell
end tell
Here is a picture of the Accessibility Inspector for that pop up button:
UPDATE: Apparently the new TV app in Catalina is not fully scriptable. AppleScript support for AirPlay Displays does not exist (neither directly nor through GUI scripting). Hopefully, Apple will add support in the future...

Allow JavaScript from Apple Events in Safari through Terminal Mac

I'm writing a program that executes do javascript in Safari. The only problem is that I'm trying to make the app give its self permission to do it. I'm trying to locate the file that handles the Safari developer preferences so that I can do this. Does anyone have any idea where this might be or how to change these settings?
It's in Safari's preferences plist at ~/Library/Preferences/ The key you want is AllowJavaScriptFromAppleEvents. You can set it using defaults:
#to turn it on
defaults write -app Safari AllowJavaScriptFromAppleEvents 1
#to turn it off
defaults write -app Safari AllowJavaScriptFromAppleEvents 0
The virtual keyboard thing did not work for me. As StarPlayr at apple's develepoer forum has found out the problem is in something else.
For me problem occurred when i tried to do that on remote mac.
For some people plugging in a keyboard and mouse to the Server allowed to turn on JavaScript Apple Events in Safari and set the password.
However, for me that wasn't an option, so the next best thing is use an accessbility scripting feature and have the machine think a user is doing the clicks, allowing you to set the password:
-- The delays can be shorter, coordinates may vary
-- Best way to get the coordinates is with Apple screen capture (command-shift-3) from upper right to lower left (the coordinates will be shown)
-- if one spends the time, the click events can be converted to Accessibility AppleScript objects by capturing them as variables, or checking the events and using the events instead of the click coordinates
tell application "System Events"
tell application "Safari"
end tell
delay 1
-- click develop menu (make sure its on first)
click at {430, 12}
delay 1
-- click Allow Javascript menu from Apple Events
click at {615, 615}
delay 1
-- Click the Allow Button
click at {1010, 386}
end tell

OSX: Lock the screen programmatically

I'm looking for a way to lock the user screen programmatically without putting the Mac asleep.
Right now, i'm able to trigger the lock screen with the kAESleep event but it's more a hack and it put the computer asleep.
Is it possible ?
Configure the screensaver to require a password immediately after it starts, then start the screensaver programmatically. I have it programmed to a keyboard shortcut to help my Windows folks transition to using real computers ;).
The following AppleScript will do it for you. Note that because of security limitations of OSX, AppleScript pauses for five seconds before it executes an UI function, so it takes a small while to function. I'm using Quicksilver to bind it to a hotkey.
(As a bonus, this script will also pause a couple of your music players. Feel free to remove those lines.)
# Tell our noisy programs to shut up
tell application "Spotify"
end tell
tell application "iTunes"
end tell
# Lock up the screen without going to sleep. Needs that Keychain Access
# is set up properly.
tell application "System Events" to tell process "SystemUIServer" to click (first menu item of menu 1 of ((click (first menu bar item whose description is "Keychain menu extra")) of menu bar 1) whose title is "Lock Screen")
You will need to set up Keychain Access so that it has the lock icon on screen though.
I was successfully able to lock the screen on macOS in python with the following
import ctypes, ctypes.util
login = ctypes.CDLL( '/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/login.framework/login' )
I discovered this by scarce information on the Internet and trial-and-error. As far as I know, Apple doesn't document the SACLockScreenImmediate() function at all.
If anyone can find the official reference documentation for the "Login Framework" library, please drop it in the comments :)
The is used in the BusKill app, which locks the screen when a magnetic breakaway connection in a USB Dead Man Switch is severed:

move any window outside screen under Mac OS

I am trying to hide (or to move outside teh screen bounds) any window (I mean not belonging to my application).
I tried using Accessibility but unfortunately, there is always a small part of the window which is still on the screen.
Here are my questions:
- Is there a way to completly move a window outside the screen using accessibility?
- Is there an alternative way (Apple Script, ...) to achive that?
I am also using Lion and I am quite sure it was working before.
I am discovering a lot of small things like that in 10.7.
Apple have introduced more changes that it seem.
Thanks for your trial.
I tried the following code with a TextEdit window. It wouldn't work. I tried to move it off all 4 sides of the screen and none of it worked (as you explained there's always a part of the window showing). I'm using 10.7. I'm pretty sure I could do it in 10.6 and earlier... maybe it's a 10.7 thing???
tell application "System Events"
tell process "TextEdit"
set theWindows to windows
repeat with aWindow in theWindows
tell aWindow
set currentPosition to position
set position to {-1000, item 2 of currentPosition}
end tell
end repeat
end tell
end tell
