VMware VM Portgroup change with Ansible 2.9.6 - ansible

My script doesn't change the portgroup of a VM Network adapter, what am I doing wrong ?
Let's assume that I want to change the current portgroup named "A" to a different portgroup named "B".
- hosts: localhost
gather_facts: no
vm_name: VM
- name: Changing Portgroup for Network adapter 1
hostname: "{{ vc_host }}"
username: "{{ vc_user }}"
password: "{{ vc_pass }}"
validate_certs: no
name: "{{ vm_name }}"
gather_network_info: false
- label: "Network adapter 1"
name: "B"
state: present
delegate_to: localhost
register: network_info
I'm getting output that something changed, but in VM Settings nothing changed.
TASK [Changing Portgroup for Network Adapter 1]
changed: [localhost -> localhost]
I found that removing and adding a Network adapter changes the portgroup, but when I do that I cannot add a Network adapter type Flexible which I had in the first place.
Edit1: After updating Ansible to 2.9.12 I get OK output when running the script, so it really isn't changing anything.
TASK [Changing Portgroup for Network Adapter 1] ******************************************************************************
ok: [localhost]
Edit2: After a few days searching I found that it isn't possible to just change the portgroup with Ansible, so I used PowerCLI to help me with task.
- hosts: localhost
gather_facts: no
vm_name: "VM"
- name: "Changing the portgroup for {{ vm_name }}"
win_command: 'powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -File C:\Scripts\change_portgroup.ps1 {{ vm_name }}'
delegate_to: WIN_SRV
With powershell script going like this:
$OldNetwork = "PG old"
$NewNetwork = "PG new"
Get-VM -Name $args[0] |Get-NetworkAdapter |Where {$_.NetworkName -eq $OldNetwork } |Set-NetworkAdapter -NetworkName $NewNetwork -Confirm:$false
Edit 3:
I got it working with vmware community module. (Thanks #sky-jokerxx)
First I installed it with command:
ansible-galaxy collection install community.vmware
Then used the module like this:
- name: Change network
validate_certs: no
hostname: '{{ vc_host }}'
username: '{{ vc_user }}'
password: '{{ vc_pass }}'
name: '{{ vm_name }}'
label: "Network adapter 1"
network_name: "B"
state: present
delegate_to: localhost

The vmware_guest_network module has a lot of issues.
The following vmware_guest_network module is fixed some issues.
In the following procedure, you can use the above module.
# ansible-galaxy collection install community.vmware -p collections
# mkdir library
# cd library/
# curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ansible-collections/community.vmware/7ac9ebb9bf5df0f1ead3ef1a3ed35f2d4ad45622/plugins/modules/vmware_guest_network.py -O
# cd ..
Maybe it's fixed, so how about trying it?


Ansible AWX workflow

I am new to ansible and AWX. Making good progress with my project but am getting stuck with one part and hoping you guys can help.
I have a Workflow Template as follows
Deploy VM
Get IP of the VM Deployed & create a temp host configuration
Change the deployed machine hostname
Where I am getting stuck is once I create the hostname when the next template kicks off the hostname group is missing. I assume this is because of some sort of runspace. How do I move this information around? I need this as later on I want to get into more complicated flows.
What I have so far:
- name: Deploy VM from Template
hosts: xenservers
- name: Deploy VM
shell: xe vm-install new-name-label="{{ vm_name }}" template="{{ vm_template }}"
- name: Start VM
shell: xe vm-start vm="{{ vm_name }}"
- name: Get VM IP
hosts: xenservers
remote_user: root
- name: Get IP
shell: xe vm-list name-label="{{ vm_name }}" params=networks | grep -oE '[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+' | head -1
register: vm_ip
until: vm_ip.stdout != ""
retries: 15
delay: 5
Here I was setting the hosts and this works locally to the template but when it moves on it fails. I tried this in a task and a play.
- name: Add host to group
name: "{{ vm_ip.stdout }}"
groups: deploy_vm
- hosts: deploy_vm
- name: Set hosts
hosts: deployed_vm
- name: Set a hostname
name: "{{ vm_name }}"
when: ansible_distribution == 'Rocky Linux'

Configure VyOS vm with ansible vmware_shell

I am trying to configure a VyOS vm that I"ve built from a template. The template is a fresh install without any configuration.
The vm doesn't have an IP configured, so I can't use the ssh options or the vyos ansible module. So I'm trying to use the vmware_vm_shell module, which will let me execute commands but I can't enter conf mode for VyOS.
I've tried bash and vbash for my shell. I've tried setting the conf commands to environment vars to execute, I've tried with_item but it doesn't seem that will work with vmware_vm_shell.
The bear minimum I need is to configure an IP address so that I can then ssh or use the vyos ansible module to complete the configuration.
set interfaces ethernet eth0 address
set service ssh port 22
- hosts: localhost
gather_facts: no
connection: local
vcenter_hostname: ""
vcenter_username: "administrator#vsphere.local"
vcenter_password: "SekretPassword!"
datacenter: "Datacenter"
cluster: "Cluster"
vm_name: "router-01"
- name: Run command inside a virtual machine
hostname: "{{ vcenter_hostname }}"
username: "{{ vcenter_username }}"
password: "{{ vcenter_password }}"
datacenter: "{{ datacenter }}"
validate_certs: False
vm_id: "{{ vm_name }}"
vm_username: 'vyos'
vm_password: 'abc123!!!'
vm_shell: /bin/vbash
vm_shell_args: 'conf 2> myFile'
vm_shell_cwd: "/tmp"
delegate_to: localhost
register: shell_command_output
This throws the error:
/bin/vbash: conf: No such file or directory
I have an EdgeRouter, which uses a Vyatta-derived operating system. The issue you're having is caused by the fact that conf (or configure for me) isn't actually the name of a command. The cli features are implement through a complex collection of bash functions that aren't loaded when you log in non-interactively.
There is a wiki page on vyos.net that suggests a solution. By sourcing in /opt/vyatta/etc/functions/script-template, you prepare the shell environment such that vyos commands will work as expected.
That is, you need to execute a shell script (with vbash) that looks like this:
source /opt/vyatta/etc/functions/script-template
set interfaces ethernet eth0 address
set service ssh port 22
I'm not familiar with the vmware_vm_shell module, so I don't know exactly how you would do that, but for example this works for me to run a single command:
ssh ubnt#router 'vbash -c "source /opt/vyatta/etc/functions/script-template
show interfaces
Note the newlines in the above. That suggests that this might work:
- name: Run command inside a virtual machine
hostname: "{{ vcenter_hostname }}"
username: "{{ vcenter_username }}"
password: "{{ vcenter_password }}"
datacenter: "{{ datacenter }}"
validate_certs: False
vm_id: "{{ vm_name }}"
vm_username: 'vyos'
vm_password: 'abc123!!!'
vm_shell: /bin/vbash
vm_shell_cwd: "/tmp"
vm_shell_args: |-
-c "source /opt/vyatta/etc/functions/script-template
set interfaces ethernet eth0 address
set service ssh port 22
delegate_to: localhost
register: shell_command_output

Ansible | Deploy VM then run additional playbooks against new host?

I am fairly new to Ansible. I have created an Ansible role that contains the following tasks that will deploy a vm from a template, then configure the VM with custom OS settings:
I can successfully deploy a VM from a template via the "create-vm" task. But after that is
complete, I would like to continue with the "configure-vm" task. Since the playbooks/role-vm-deploy.yml file contains "localhost" as shown here...
- hosts: localhost
- vm-deploy
gather_facts: no
connection: local
... the next task doesn't run successfully because it is attempting to run the task against "localhost" and not the new VM hostname. I have since added the following to the end of the "create-vm" task...
- name: Add host to group 'just_created'
name: '{{ hostname }}.{{ domain }}'
groups: just_created
...but I'm not quite sure what to do with it. I can't quite wrap my head around what else I need to do and how to call the new hostname in the "configure-vm" task instead of localhost.
I am executing the playbook via CLI
# ansible-playbook playbooks/role-vm-deploy.yml
I saw this post, which was kind of helpful
I also saw the dynamic inventory documentation, but it's a bit over my head at this juncture. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!
Here are the contents for the playbooks and tasks
### playbooks -> role-vm-deploy.yml
- hosts: localhost
- vm-deploy
gather_facts: no
connection: local
### roles -> vm-deploy -> tasks -> main.yml
- name: Deploy VM
include: create-vm.yml
- create-vm
- name: Configure VM
include: configure-vm.yml
- configure-vm
### roles -> vm-deploy -> tasks -> create-vm.yml
- name: Clone the template
hostname: '{{ vcenter_hostname }}'
username: '{{ vcenter_username }}'
password: '{{ vcenter_pwd }}'
validate_certs: False
name: '{{ hostname }}'
template: '{{ template_name }}'
datacenter: '{{ datacenter }}'
folder: '/'
memory_mb: '{{ memory }}'
num_cpus: '{{ num_cpu }}'
- label: "Network adapter 1"
state: present
connected: True
name: '{{ vlan }}'
state: poweredon
wait_for_ip_address: yes
### roles -> vm-deploy -> tasks -> configure-vm.yml
### This task is what I need to execute on the new hostname, but it attempts to execute on "localhost" ###
# Configure Networking
- name: Configure IP Address
path: '{{ network_conf_file }}'
regexp: '^IPADDR='
line: 'IPADDR={{ ip_address }}'
- name: Configure Gateway Address
path: '{{ network_conf_file }}'
regexp: '^GATEWAY='
line: 'GATEWAY={{ gw_address }}'
### roles -> vm-deploy -> defaults -> main.yml
- All of the variables reside here including "{{ hostname }}.{{ domain }}"
You got so close! The trick is to observe that a playbook is actually a list of plays (the yaml objects that are {"hosts": "...", "tasks": []}), and the targets of subsequent plays don't have to exist when the playbook starts -- presumably for this very reason. Thus:
- hosts: localhost
- vm-deploy
gather_facts: no
connection: local
# or wherever you were executing this -- it wasn't obvious from your question
- name: Add host to group 'just_created'
name: '{{ hostname }}.{{ domain }}'
groups: just_created
- hosts: just_created
- debug:
msg: hello from the newly created {{ inventory_hostname }}

Ansible Module vmware_host_facts only returning one Host

I'm playing around with Ansible VMWare Modules and tried to get all the Information from ESXi Hosts from a vCenter.
With the Module vmware_host_facts it should be possible.
But when I run a Playbook with the following configuration, I only get the Information of one Host back - and not all. In this vCenter there are about 20 Hosts.
- name: Gather vmware host facts
hostname: vCenter_IP
username: username
password: password
register: host_facts
delegate_to: localhost
In the Documentation it tells me, that the hostname can also be a vCenter IP.
Is that module not the correct one to gather all host information from a vCenter? Or is there a "hidden trick", which I am missing?
Thanks a lot!
Kind regards,
I got an answer on another resource.
Basically you have to add the Hostnames as a list to the Task.
- name: Gather vmware host facts
hostname: "{{ item.esxi_hostname }}"
username: "{{ item.esxi_user }}"
password: "{{ item.esxi_pass }}"
validate_certs: no
register: host_facts
delegate_to: localhost
- {esxi_hostname: hostname_1, esxi_user: username_host_1, esxi_pass: pass_host_1}
- {esxi_hostname: hostname_2, esxi_user: username_host_2, esxi_pass: pass_host_2}
These Hostnames you can gather with another module - vmware_vm_facts. Here you can get the Hostnames from. I will update this with an example playbook in the near future.
I use this module with these options, so far I have one issue if I put vcenter address it only give me first Esxi output.
- name: Somethign.
hostname: '{{ vcenter_hostname }}'
username: '{{ vcenter_user }}'
password: '{{ vcenter_pass }}'
validate_certs: no
register: all_cluster_hosts_facts
delegate_to: localhost
- debug: var=all_cluster_hosts_facts

How to deploy a custom VM with ansible and run subsequent steps on the guest VM via the host?

I have a playbook that I run to deploy a guest VM onto my target node.
After the guest VM is fired up, it is not available to the whole network, but to the host machine only.
Also, after booting up the guest VM, I need to run some commands on that guest to configure it and make it available to all the network members.
- block:
- name: Verify the deploy VM script
stat: path="{{ deploy_script }}"
register: deploy_exists
failed_when: deploy_exists.stat.exists == False
no_log: True
- name: Copy the deploy script from Ansible
src: "scripts/new-install.pl"
dest: "/home/orch"
owner: "{{ my_user }}"
group: "{{ my_user }}"
mode: 0750
backup: yes
register: copy_script
- name: Deploy VM
shell: run my VM deploy script
<other tasks>
- name: Run something on the guest VM
shell: my_other_script
cdir: /var/scripts/
- name: Other task on guest VM
shell: uname -r
<and so on>
How can I run those subsequent steps on the guest VM via the host?
My only workaround is to populate a new inventory file with the VMs details and add the use the host as a bastion host.
myvm-01 ansible_connection=ssh ansible_ssh_user=my_user ansible_ssh_common_args='-oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -o ProxyCommand="ssh -A -W %h:%p someuser#host_machine"'
However, I want everything to happen on a single playbook, rather than splitting them.
I have resolved it myself.
I managed to dynamically add the host to the inventory and used a group:vars for the newly created hosts to use the VM manager as a bastion host
hosts: "{{ vm_manager }}"
become_method: sudo
gather_facts: False
- vars/vars.yml
- vars/vault.yml
- name: do stuff here on the VM manager
debug: msg="test"
- { role: vm_deploy, become: yes, become_user: root }
- name: Dinamically add newly created VM to the inventory
hostname: "{{ vm_name }}"
groups: vms
ansible_ssh_user: "{{ vm_user }}"
ansible_ssh_pass: "{{ vm_pass }}"
- name: Run the rest of tasks on the VM through the host machine
hosts: "{{ vm_name }}"
become: true
become_user: root
become_method: sudo
- name: My first task on the VM
static: no
name: my_role_for_the_VM
ansible_ssh_common_args='-oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -o ProxyCommand="ssh -A -W %h:%p username#vm-manager.local"'
Run playbook:
ansible-playbook -i hosts -vv playbook.yml -e vm_name=some-test-vm-name
