How to install wxPython on Mac OS 10.8 using MacPorts? - macos

I would like to install wxPython on Mac OS 10.8 using MacPorts. So for I have run into errors. Using pip didn't work because of errors. There are a lot of packages in MacPorts that are related to wxPython. The trick is finding one that works on my version of Mac OS. Hopefully someone knows the right formula.

You've already found that there are several wxPython-related ports in MacPorts:
$ port echo name:wxp
Looks like if you want wxPython 3, your only option is to sudo port install py27-wxpython-3.0 which is for Python 2.7. If you want wxPython 4, you can pick which version of Python 2.7 or 3.x you want.
OS X 10.8 is very old, so there is a possibility that these or any other ports in MacPorts will not work on it. You can look up ports in the ports web site and check to see if they built successfully on the automated build system.
For example, as of this writing, py39-wxpython-4.0 built successfully on OS X 10.11 and later but not on 10.10 or earlier. That information could be outdated. You can always try installing the port yourself to see what happens. If you encounter a build failure, please report it to MacPorts so that it can hopefully be fixed.


Can I install emacs 24.5 on OS X El Capitan without deleting the native OS X emacs?

I want to install the latest version of emacs, but if I do this will it be in conflict with the version that comes pre-packaged with os x? Do I need to delete the native emacs? Also, it seems is a popular option, but I lot of people swear by homebrew... why would I go with one option over the other?
There is no reason to remove the system-supplied Emacs; any well-behaved, properly packaged third-party version will install fine alongside, not over, the system binaries and libraries.
Installing a current version of emacs is normal practice because the OSX provided version is outdated. You have a number of options, but I've found using the 'homebrew' method the easiest.
Due to changes in OSX 10.11, you need to take some additional steps when installing homebrew. If you already have homebrew installed, you will probably need to 'fix' the permissions on /usr/local. If you don't have homebrew installed, then there are some additional steps you will need to take to create the /usr/local path. This is documented on the hombrew site at El Capitan and Homebrew

Git for Mac fails to launch: "illegal instruction"

...I've looked pretty carefully (I believe), and have been unsuccessful at getting an installation of Git for my Mac.
For various reasons, I'm running 10.6.8 of Mac OS X and will not be changing that anytime soon.
I've already gathered and installed the bundle exposed here:
The installation instructions are pretty clear, and it's obvious to me that the package installed. But any attempts to use the git client from the command line result in an "Illegal Instruction" error.
I've sifted pretty carefully through information available here:
There is another bundle that seems to be available. It is called "GitHub for Mac 1.7.5, but it appears to require Mac OS X 10.7 or later.
Has anyone else encountered this difficulty? Must I build from source?
I'm a couple of hours of reading and hacking into this effort? Is there something obvious that I've not considered?
Yes, I've had the same exact problem, and what I did is installed an earlier build from here:
I'm running 10.6.8 and installed the newest build there,
SourceForge only has 1.9.0 and
Someone on the reviews said they had trouble with both and went back to 1.7. I would try that if doesn't work.
I was able to run the config commands without an illegal instruction error, at least.
I had this problem and was able to install a working version using Homebrew.
# first uninstall the broken version
# mount the DMG for the broken version using Finder
# "type" this with the tab key! it saves typing and fixes the version number
cd /Volumes/Git\ 2.0.1\ Snow\ Leopard\ Intel\ Universal/
# make bash forget about the uninstalled binary
hash -r
# now install the working version
# assumes you have Homebrew installed
brew install git
git version
I had this today on Snow Leopard after running the suggested git installer from git-scm. Really horrible. Found that installing Macports using their old Snow Leopard package and then
sudo port install git +svn +doc +bash_completion +gitweb
installs git plus its dependencies and git now works fine; version 1.9.3 installed and working on 10.6.8.
I had the same problem. There are various methods for downloading and installing git - Try macports or homebrew. The thing that finally worked for me was having xcode 3.2.6 installed with the additional command line tools - version 3.2 that comes with the leopard install disk wasn't enough. You can install xcode etc. from the disk and then run software update to upgrade it to 3.2.6.
The latest build for Snow Leopard in the official git-osx-installer repo is Git 2.3.5 currently. You can download it from using web browser. This installation works for me on OS X 10.6.8.
Or you can check yourself for a newer version:
Yes - it seems that it does not support the older OS version (mine was 10.6.8). I upgraded to the newest Mac OS 10.9.4 (the installation will take a while), reinstalled the Git software (note that it will ask for xcode to be installed, which I proceeded), and everything works fine from there. Hope this helps.
Ref :
To quote:
Does GitHub for Mac run on OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard?
No, GitHub for Mac requires OS X 10.7 (Lion) or higher.
We made this decision because the app relies on a number of
technologies which are not available in Mac OS X 10.6 or earlier. We
want to provide the best experience possible for the app's users, so
we've made the choice to only support 10.7 and above, and not make
earlier versions available.

Where is the download for mac osx on

I upgraded my OSX to Lion. As I went to install couchdb locally I found that the installer link for mac on was gone and replaced with "Mac OS X binaries coming soon". I haven't used couchdb before but I know it was there at one point.
A friend sent me a copy zipped up which he installed on his Snow Leopard OSX. This installed and I could access the Admin Console, but I was unable to access futon.
Is there a reason the button is missing, or is there another way to install it?
My guess is that the site is detecting my operating system and they just aren't ready for 10.7.5 yet. But How do I go about installing a local version?
To install I followed the steps in this post Couch DB installation not working on Mac OSx Lion.
It worked like a charm step by step.
The new version 1.2.1 has recently been released and packed for Mac OSX. You can download it from or from

Compiling sphinx search on Mac OSX Lion

I am trying to install sphinx on Lion.
I've tried versions 0.9.9, 2.0.2, and trunk (as of now).
However, ./configure breaks: "universal endianness not supported".
I have only seen this configure error on Lion; Snow Leopard and earlier OSX versions work fine.
I've tried forcing little endian via CFLAGS etc., but I'm not sure what flag needs tweaking. Can anyone help?
You can install it via MacPorts. Caveat is that your mysql / postgres must also have been installed from ports to satisfy a dependency.
If you're on Lion, the comment in this bug report is useful:
sudo port clean sphinx;
sudo port install sphinx configure.compiler=llvm-gcc-4.2

confused about macports

I am using MacBook Pro Mac OS 10.5 with related version of XCode. I am new to this development environment. I am learning macports, and I read information about macports from But I am still confused what macports is after reading information from this site.
I am previous working on Windows and Linux, could anyone let me know what macports is (in easy words) and what is the similar item on Windows/Linux?
thanks in avdance,
macports is a way of getting executables and other compiled code installed on your computer without having to work out the details of compiling/linking each apllication.
It is equivalent to a package manager under Linux and other Unicies. There is no direct equivalent under Windows.
It is just a convenient way to install a lot of *nix soft on your mac book. They are installed separately (not overwriting) from binaries/daemons/libs already installed on your mac (by default in folder /opl/local). Also they are much fresher than those installed on your mac.
For example 10.6 ships with bash 3.2, but after running sudo port install bash, you will get version 4.x (to make it your default shell add /opt/local/bin/bash to file /private/etc/shells, run chsh -s /opt/local/bin/bash and reopen terminal).
Note other os x package managers: fink and homebrew (superuser question)
