October CMS - Extending the function of a plugin? - laravel

I've created a plugin to extend the User plugin and I now want to extend the update function of its controller.
Actually what I'd like to do is to check some data when an admin
clicks on the Update button then, according to the data, let the admin edit the user form as usual or redirect him to the user list.
I'm trying to do this through a route in my plugin:
Route::get('backend/rainlab/user/users/update/{id}', '\RainLab\User\Controllers\Users#check_update');
in my Plugin.php file
public function boot()
\RainLab\User\Controllers\Users::extend( function($controller) {
$controller->addDynamicMethod('check_update', function($recordId = null, $context = null) use ($controller) {
return $controller->asExtension('FormController')->update($recordId, $context);
But I get a blank page. The user form is not displayed.
Can someone helps me ?

This wont work as it will break life-cycle of back-end and direct call method of controller.
As other solution, we can use events :) - backend.page.beforeDisplay
In your plugin's plugin.php file's boot method
public function boot() {
\Event::listen('backend.page.beforeDisplay', function($controller, $action, $params) {
if($controller instanceof \RainLab\User\Controllers\Users) {
// for update action
if($action === 'update') {
// check data ($params) and make decision based on that
// allow user to edit or NOT
if(true) {
// just redirect him to somewhere else
\Flash::error('Please No.');
return \Redirect::to('/backend/rainlab/user/users');
// if all good don't return anything and it will work as normal
it will do the job based on condition you can allow user to edit OR not (redirect him with message to other action).
if any doubts please comment.


How to create different workspace for different users in laravel?

Can someone help me to understand , as how can i create different workspace for different users in Laravel ?
I have created an authentication and login system , but whenever i login with different user name , it point me to same workspace?
Any suggestion?
you could overwrite the redirectPath function in the AuthController and depending on a certain feature of the user redirects it to the corresponding view
public function redirectPath()
if (\Auth::user()->role == 'admin') {
return "/dashboard";
// or return route('my_route');
return "/home";
// or return route('my_route_home');
I have made these changes and it worked :
Inside home controller i added the logic that determines which user and thus which workspace to load.
Something like
public function index()
$workspace = Workspace::where('user_id', Auth::user()->id)->get();
//Do what it is you want to do with the workspace.

Laravel nova - redirect from Dashboard

I would like to remove dashboard from my Laravel Nova app.
I found it easy to remove it from sidebar-menu - simply comment /views/dashboard/navigation.blade.php code.
However, I want to add a redirection logic (landing page depends on user role) so when navigating to / user will be redirected to a resource or tool which corresponds him.
(I have already implemented a redirection after login (https://stackoverflow.com/a/54345123/1039488)
I tried to do it with cards, but looks like this is not the right solution.
Any idea where can I place the redirection logic?
Nova 4; You can override the initialPath like so:
class NovaServiceProvider extends NovaApplicationServiceProvider
* Bootstrap any application services.
* #return void
public function boot()
// ...
This way, you get redirected to the Users resource upon logging in.
Pre nova 4 method:
To NovaServiceProvider.php add to boot method:
Nova::script('menuFix', __DIR__.'/../../resources/js/fixMenu.js');
Create file fixMenu.js with following:
if (location.pathname == '/' || location.pathname == '/dashboards/main'){
location.href = '/whereToRedirect'
A cleaner and safe way for Nova 3.x or below:
Copy vendor/laravel/nova/resources/views/layout.blade.php to resources/views/vendor/nova/
Now open resources/views/vendor/nova/layout.blade.php and edit it
Replace this line with the code below window.Nova = new CreateNova(config);
window.Nova = new CreateNova(config);
window.Nova.booting((Vue, router, store) => {
/** This fixes showing an empty dashboard. */
router.beforeEach((to, from, next) => {
if (to.name === 'dashboard.custom') {
next({ name: 'index', params: { resourceName: 'users'}});
Replace users with your entity name's plural like products
Now save the file and refresh the nova dashboard and you should see the new page.
The solution was taken from here with clear steps.
The solution may also work for 4.x, but I haven't checked it yet.
Happy Coding :)
Just figured this out myself. In your Routes/web.php file, add a redirect route:
where {resource_name} is the plural form of the resource. For example, '/resources/posts'.
In your case, you may want to redirect to your own control file, where the redirect logic can be placed.
Route::get('/', 'YourController#rootRedirectLogic');
Then in the controller YourController, add the method:
public function rootRedirectLogic(Request $request) {
// some logic here
return redirect()->route('YourRoute');
where 'YourRoute' is the name of the route you want to send the user to.
(Found clues to this solution in a comment by dillingham here: https://github.com/laravel/nova-issues/issues/393)
i came across this link : Laravel Nova - Point Nova path to resource page
Not sure it's a permanent solution but editing LoginController.php will do.
public function redirectPath()
return Nova::path().'/resources/***<resource_name>***;
**change to your own resource name

Laravel Custom User Roles & Permissions based on routes

I've created a custom roles manager for Laravel (4.2) based on the named routes e.g.:
users.index, customers.create, vendors.update, orders.store, users.edit, customers.update, etc.
Basically anything registered as a Route::resource(...); within the routes.php file (with a few custom named routes)
I'm checking the permissions with this method:
namespace Acme\Users;
class User extends \Eloquent implements UserInterface, RemindableInterface {
public function hasPermissions($route)
$actions = ['users.index', 'users.create', 'users.edit', 'users.delete']; // fake data
if ( ! in_array($route, $actions))
return false;
return true;
Then, within the app/filters.php, I'm checking the current route against the User.
Route::filter('auth', function()
if (Auth::guest())
if (Request::ajax())
return Response::make('Unauthorized', 401);
return Redirect::guest('login');
// check if the current authenticated User has permissions to access this route
if ( ! Auth::user()->hasPermissions(Route::current()->getName()))
return Redirect::route('dashboard.index');
Everything is working with any route using the GET method, but when it comes to PUT, PATCH, POST DELETE the Route::current()->getName() doesn't return anything.
Is there a better approach? I want everything to happen automatically, and I have a solution to this issue, but it's very involved. Is there a way to get the route name during a PUT, PATCH, POST or DELETE request?
Thank you.
Try to put your verification code inside after filter.
App::after(function($request, $response)
if ( ! Auth::user()->hasPermissions(Route::current()->getName()))
return Redirect::route('dashboard.index');

Clean way of checking if resource exists and if user can edit it

I have two very common steps that I have to repeat in almost every CRUD method in my Controllers. I have my Users split into 2 groups ( Users, Administrators ). Now Users can edit, update and delete only their own entries while admins can do all the CRUD operations.
The second piece of code I find my self writing every time is checking if the resource exist which is repetitive and somewhat annoying.
Here is what I attempted:
class BaseController extends Controller
// Received Eloquent model each model has user_id field
public function authorize($resource)
// Check if currently logged in users id matches user_id
// value of the resource
if($resource->user_id !== CurrentUser::getUser()->id)
// Users id does not match with resource user_id check if user is admin
if(!CurrentUser::getGroup() === 'Admin')
// The id's do not match and user is not admin redirect him back to root
Session::flash('error', 'You cannot edit this resource');
return Redirect::to('/');
class CarController extends BaseController
public function edit($id)
// Attempt to find the resource
$car = Car::find($id);
// Check if found
// Resource was not found
Session::flash('error', 'Resource was not found');
return Redirect::to('/cars');
// First check if user is allowed to edit the resource
// this however does not work because returned Redirect is simply ignored I would
// have to return boolean and then check it but...
// ... rest of the code
This would not be a problem if I had 3-4 methods but I have some 6-10 methods and as you can see this part takes some 20 lines of code add that 6-10 times not to mention it's repetitive to the point where it get's annoying.
I have tried to solve the problem using a filter but the problem is that I can pass the id to the filter but not get it to work in a way that I would pass the model as well.
There has to be a cleaner way to implement all this. I'm somewhat happy with authorize function/process but it would be awesome not having to call is every time possibly having some filter and each controller would define global variable/array of methods that require authorization.
As for checking if record was found I was hoping maybe a filter could be done to catch all RecordNotFound exceptions and redirect back to controllers index route with a message.
You can use findOrFail() and catch the exception in your BaseController and you also have two options:
$post = $this->post->findOrFail($id);
return View::make('posts.show', compact('post'));
catch(ModelNotFoundException $e)
return Redirect::route('posts.index');
$post = $this->post->findOrFail($id);
return View::make('posts.show', compact('post'));
And a exception handler returning back to your form with the input:
App::error(function(ModelNotFoundException $exception)
return Redirect::back()->withErrors()->withInput();
Note that those are just examples, not took from your code.

How to redirect to the method of a controller after user doing authentication on codeigniter?

I am using the Default Controller to make the user authentication. What I am trying to do is whatever is the page the user request news/add or news/index or themes/all or maps/view, if he is not logged in, he or she will be directed to the log in page and then redirected to the page he wanted to go, not always the same page.
You can your the
CodeIgniter User Agent Library and Session Library to store and use the referring url. The user agent library is basicly accessing the $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] value.
NOTE: from the php.net website:
Not all user agents will set this, and some provide the ability to modify HTTP_REFERER as a feature. In short, it cannot really be trusted.
so this is not a foolproof method.
if ($this->agent->is_referral()) {
$this->session->set_userdata('prev_url', $this->agent->referrer());
// later, when login is successful
$prev_url = $this->session->userdata('prev_url');
if( $prev_url ) {
one way is to do it in the constructor of your controller. that way they are redirected before going to the news/add etc.
so for example you create a model called "sentry" and a "getUser()" method to check the browser cookie to see if the user is authorized. if they are not authorized have it return false. if they are authorized have it return $user so then you have it available for your other methods.
function __construct() {
$this->load->model( 'sentry' );
if ( ! $this->user = $this->sentry->_getUser() )
{ redirect( '/login/', 'refresh' ); }
so then for example you could have $this->user->name etc etc available to any method in the controller. And $this->user will also automatically be available in all the view files of this controller.
I do this by extending my controller and I check in constructor if person is logged in or not, if person is logged in I save to the session current URL, and redirect person to the login page (if same constructor is applied (controller one) I make exception to not save current URL to the session) after logging in I call redirect function to the session variable.
How to extend your controller is done here http://philsturgeon.co.uk/blog/2010/02/CodeIgniter-Base-Classes-Keeping-it-DRY
note that when your controller is extended you use $this->data['variable_sent_to_view'] and you can omit second parameter of $this->load->view()
here is some example code assuming you know how your login controller works
<?php if (!defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
class MY_Controller extends CI_Controller {
function __construct() {
if ($refer = $this->session->flashdata('refer')) {
$this->data['refer_page'] = $refer; // $this->data['refer_page'] is variable that you are interested in
} else {
$this->data['refer_page'] = base_url(); //default refer_page
//check if user is NOT logged in
if (!$logged_in) {
$this->_setRefer(); //this is private function
// else dont care about it
private function _setRefer() {
$invalid_method = array('search', 'login'); // if method is 'search' or 'login' url will not save in session (it will stay same as was before)
$valid_refer = TRUE;
if (in_array($this->router->method, $invalid_method)) {
$valid_refer = FALSE;
if (!(count($_POST) > 0) && $valid_refer === TRUE && !$this->input->is_ajax_request()) {
$this->session->set_flashdata('refer', current_url());
} else {
$this->session->set_flashdata('refer', $this->data['refer_page']);
now in after succesful login redirect to $this->data['refer_page'], but note that login controller must by extended by MY_Controller.
this script also takes care about what happens if user made mistake and inserted wrong password (page will reload but "old" url stays)
