how to show bot in microsoft teams for all the people in organization - botframework

I want to show up Chat bot to all the people in the project
Curently if anyone want to see the bot ,the person need to search appid in microsoft teams and then we are able to connect to chatbot
But i want something like bot should be visible in either chat window/apps to all the people in project by default
Can anyone suggest how can we do this else can please share the supported documents

Could you please take a look at Publish your app to your organisation. Your app needs to be added by the admin of the tenant in the teams admin center to be visible to all the members in the organisation.

In the Microsoft Teams Admin centre ( there is a section called "Teams apps", which allows you to define different policies. Inside there, you can (a) define a policy and (b) assign it to a set group of users. These policies allow you to:
make an app available to a specific group
auto-install this app for these people, and even pin it to the left menu in Teams, for these users.
So you could have a policy created (by your admin) just for the respective project team.


Is there an easy way to add custom bot to Teams conversation

We want to easily add our custom bot to the conversation window when an user ping us. Currently we have to upload the zip file of the bot to the conversation every time. Ideally the bot should be found by searching in the "Add People" - just like how the real people been added. Several questions:
I noticed that the custom bot can be published. However, we don't want it to be published publicly, it needs to be Microsoft internally. Is it possible?
If the bot got published, can we add the bot to a conversation just by searching in the "Add People" box? If not, is there anyway to achieve this?
Thank you!
If you want to publish the bot for your organisation only, you can publish it in your tenants app catalog. You need to be a global admin or have the teams service admin role enabled to publish apps for your organization.
Publish apps in the Microsoft Teams Tenant Apps Catalog
As far as I know, this isn't possible yet. However when people search for your bot in the topbar, they can add the bot to a team or to their personal workspace.

Load 1:1 bot as tab in Teams

How can I load my 1:1 bot (so; a bot that doesn't work inside a channel) as a tab in Teams? The default manifest options only provide ways to set it as 1:1 (but then each user would have to add the bot manually) or as channel-bot (but that's more for commands rather then discussions).
So looking for something like this:
Bots are supported only as part of conversation. This could be personal or team conversation. Currently, what you are looking for is not possible in Microsoft Teams.
You can publish an app to the Tenant Apps Catalog from where individual could install it. We are working on feature for Tenant admin to install certain apps for all the users.
One possible option is to 'Add a tab' and choose 'Website' and link to your bot. This would require you to run your bot in web chat, but in this way the bot would not be integrated into Teams, wouldn't listen for #mentions (as it wouldn't have been added as an app) yet would be accessible to any user who has access to that Teams channel. (This example links to "mockbot", accessible via the BotFramework-WebChat GitHub repo).
Keep in mind, this loads the website hosting the bot. In this example, mockbot utilizes the entire web page. Therefore, we only see the bot. If the bot is embedded with other content on the page, then the other content will be displayed, as well.
Click the '+' symbol:
Choose 'Website':
Give the bot/app a name and add the link:
Enjoy bot mayhem:
Hope of help!

How to load variable Microsoft Teams bot icon?

For my multi tenant bot Teams app I am trying to provide a different bot name and bot icon per customer. However, it seems that I can only set manually a name and icon once from my Azure Portal. I wonder how to make this variable.
A workaround would be to accept that I can only have 1 bot name and icon, but package manually each customer bot through App Studio / Manifest editor. However I manage to have a unique name, the bot's original name is still presented. See:
I am hoping to have a Microsoft Teams app in the app store that has a variable name and icon. If not possible I hope a custom package would not show the original bot's name and icon.
The ability to support overriding app settings, including bot name, icon, and messaging endpoint, on a per tenant basis is not currently supported. It is something we are considering, but we do not have a timeframe to share.
For others: After more talks with MSFT the eventual answer is to come up with an architecture that creates new instances..

can't send messages to created bot?

Okay, so, I'm trying to create a QnA bot with Azure and Microsoft Bot Framework. I think I managed to create it and got it linked to Teams, but when I go to Teams to test it, it gives me this message in the chat box:
"Sending new messages to this bot has been disabled by your administrator."
I'm not sure what I did wrong or how to fix it. I'm also not sure how I can link a bot I made with QnA Maker into the bot I just created with Azure. The tutorials I found online all talk about using Bot Service (preview) in Azure, but I can't choose that one from the available list.
Thanks in advance
Your Tenant Admin needs to go to the Teams Admin Centre:
Open the Teams Apps pulldown
Select Permission Policies
Click the "Org-wide app setttings" button in the top RH corner.
This shortcut will get them there:
From Org-wide app settings turn on one (or both?) of "Allow third party or custom apps", or just "Custom apps" (I'm not sure which it is these days) and then click Save.
Be aware that replication delays could take some hours or even overnight before this change manifests to you as a user though.
This is because your Office 365 admin has not enabled side-loading of Apps in MS-Teams for your user.
Ask the Admin to allow Side-Loading of Apps for you in the Admin console on the O365 dashboard.
I had the same problem. The tutorial is old
In Azure Portal, When creating, try to go to
AI + Machine Learning > Web App Bot
And Select Q&A if you are using QnA.
Then in Application Settings, scroll down and you will find
You put all the information you get from QnA
POST /knowledgebases/(1)xxxxxxxx/generateAnswer
Host: (3)https://xxxxxx
Authorization: QnAEndpointKey (2)xxxxxx
Content-Type: application/json
{"question":"<Your question>"}
I've had the same problem, it seems like the administrator needs to allow sideloading of apps.
see here:

Cortana Skill only works for developer account that created it

I built a bot in bot framework and provisioned it across Teams, in addition to the default of Skype and Web.
Then, I turned on the Cortana skill, and it worked for me for that channel.
Now, when I add users in testing via the deploy to group option, although they are able to select "Join Group", they're not actually able to use the Skill.
I tried this myself on my machine, but with a new outlook account and Cortana failed to invoke the skill.
Is there something about the accounts I add to the group that I need to configure?
These same users are able to use other skills that have been publicly published in Cortana.
I have experienced the same condition. In the end I deleted the bot / skill and recreated it from the cortana dashboard (new skill) instead of directly via botframework dashboard - worked fine and group members could then access - strange as ultimately it ends up in the same place - perhaps it was more due to the recent updates on the MS sites.
I've recently worked on a Cortana Skill, and deployed to a group for testing. You do not need to configure anything else besides providing the emails in the 'Deploy to group' option.
This however, works for MSA accounts only. Make sure that other members of your group are using their live/outlook account.
