windows 10 microphone monitoring - windows

I am trying to build an application for windows 10 to inform me when a process starts using my microfone. I tried to inspect opened files (handlers) with ProcessExplorer but it doesn't give me any specific information about which handler corresponds to my default sound input. What I am trying to do is almost what windows 10 already does when it puts a mic icon on system tray whenever a process open my microfone. I am hoping someone who have some knowledge on how windows sub systems works could shed some light into this. Thanks.


Prevent disconnected display from merging windows into the active one

I've got a personal laptop (running Windows 10) which I use at work where I connect it to an external display using extended display mode. I keep all my personal icons and windows on my laptop display and store all the work-related windows on the external display. Whenever I unplug it, all the windows and icons from that display are merged into my laptop screen. I want to programmatically prevent changing anything on my primary screen when the secondary is disconnected. I'm currently writing a utility app for a variety of small productivity improving features and would like to add such feature in it. I can think of two ways to achieve this:
by tricking the system to think that the external display hasn't been
or take all the opened windows and icons on disconnected screen and put them on separate virtual desktop.
I was looking into Windows GDI Device Context Functions but haven't found anything about display connection/disconnection events. How can I detect display disconnection (and get that display's opened windows and icons)? Anything that can be done using C#, C++ or PowerShell scripts would be much appreciated!

Use different shell based on which device woke the PC?

I'm trying to accomplish the following:
When my PC is woken from sleep with the Steam Controller, it lunches directly into Steam Big Picture Mode, without showing the Windows desktop first.
Ideally I'd like to be able to exit from Steam BPM back into Windows desktop, without having to start explorer.exe manually. So explorer.exe should be running in the background, I think.
Could anybody suggest how I could go about this?
You could attach a script to the wake-up event, then have your script check wake-up source and if it's Steam controller, launch Steam in Big Picture mode.
This is general outline. The burden of implementation, falls on your shoulders.

Visual Studio 2015 Application overlay windows 10

I want to make an application that starts up when windwos is started, after that the application is full screen on top of everything and you can't close it or use anything of windows, only the application I build. I know how to let my application start up and make it full screen etc. but I dont know how to block all the windows 10 functions, like disable ALT-Tab, ALT-f4 and all that things. So the user can only see and use my application. I searched the whole day but couldn't find anything for this.
Example cash registers at the stores, they run on windwos but they got this software overlay only the cash register software is usable.
Please need some help with this.

How to detect if Windows 8 is showing desktop

In a Windows desktop application written in C# and running on Windows 8 how can I detect if Windows 8 is in desktop mode (i.e. showing the Desktop rather than the modern UI)?
Although it's in C++, the Start Screen Visibility Sample should be a good starting point for you. It uses COM objects to get the state of all monitors on the system that are either displaying Windows Store Apps or the Start Screen, and illustrates how to receive notifications when the state of a monitor changes or when the visibility of the Start screen changes.

How Screensaver works while windows locked

can anyone tell me how screensaver works while windows is locked. what are the win32 api methods that are used.
The only knobs you have are LockWorkStation() to lock the workstation and SystemParametersInfo(), SPI_SETSCREENSAVEACTIVE to activate the screen saver. Everything else, switching the desktop, looking up the selected screen saver, loading and starting it is buried inside Windows. I'd guess at crss.exe. Your question is too vague to offer help beyond this.
Do you want to implement a screen saver or do you know how the screen saver can run while the machine is locked? On XP there is a separate desktop for this, which gets activated by the GINA (a DLL running in the winlogon process) when the machine is locked.
To implement a screen saver, implement ScreenSaverConfigureDialog and ScreenSaverProc according to the specifications over at MSDN, export those functions under these names (i.e. use a .def file to have the names without decoration) and name the created DLL .scr afterwards.
