Laravel 7 | how can i clone eloquent object and add entry in table with all relationship - laravel

I want to clone one product with all its relationship like price, attributes, images etc.
also, price and attribute have another relationship (nested relationships)
is there any easy way I can clone all this with few line of code?

You can use the replicate() function for the model itself. But this wont make a deep copy in terms of creating also the related entries.
You will have to write your own code where you get the related models and replicate them or you can use a package like:


How to fetch specified attributes from $this->belongsTo() in Laravel Eloquent?

I want to fetch some particular field from table rather than complete attributes in $this->belongsTo(); I can't use select('field_name') or pluck('field_name') or DB::raw(count(),avg()) etc with belongsTo,hasTo() .....
How i solve this problem?
I can't use
Please check the reference : How to join three table by laravel eloquent model
In the above reference, They fetched all attributes in blengsTo(), But in my case i have to fetch only particular attributes.
You have to use it like this
where Model can be for example User etc.

How to use multiple tables in one model?

How to add multiple tables in one model without creating new model.
Is this standard practice to use same in laravel-lumen.
Or should I create 50 models to work on 50 tables.
You can't use multiple table in one model. Each model is written for a specific table.
Laravel uses Eloquent Object Relational Mapper. So each model is like a class representation having methods to do query underneath.
You have to create 50 models if you have 50 tables, or at-least for the tables you are using in your application. TO save time, go for plugins like this which would generate eloquent models based on your database structure. Also check another plugin if it helps.
It's not possible.
Each table should have their own model. But it isn't necessary all the times to make a model for each table. Investing some time on making model will help a lot in future work.

How to store log of all changes to Eloquent model in Laravel 5.4?

I want to store changes to all fields in Eloquent model into database.
I can do it using created and updated events but there is a problem with multiple foreign relations (described as separate tables).
Roles -> hasMany
When I update login field it is easy to write old and new value into database, but when I update Roles relation nothing happens.
How can I track all foreign relations (like hasMany, hasManyThrough, ManyToMany)?
Owen-it has a very nice Library called laravel-auditing, which keeps an easy to query list of all changes that are made to a model, and I think it does quite an awesome piece of work. Have used it and it is worth it to try out.
There is no embedded and simple method to do it.
Eloquent doesn't provide any method to implement observers on related models by design. Many proposal in this way have been rejected by Taylor (just one example).
The only thing you can do, is to create your own methods to do it.
You have many possibilities, here are some of them in order of complexity (some of them are "dirty" :-)
add a created and updated observer on each related model
override the save() or create your own saveAndFire() method on your eloquent instances, and from that method retrieve the parent and call its log methods before saving. (this is a little bit "dirty" imho)
encapsulate all your persistence layer and fire events yourself on saving objects (look at the repository pattern, for example)

Laravel Eloquent model data from 2 tables

I've just started using Laravel and I'm coming from a different system using an existing database. In this system there are 2 users table, one stock with the CMS and one custom one.
I want to create an Eloquent model which retrieves data from both tables into one model. I know I can use the following to create a relationship.
$this->hasOne('App\SecondUser', 'id', 'id);
But this results in 2 sql queries, and I want to join results from 2 tables before returning the model, in one join statement. How do I do this?
That might be a bit more complicated that you would expect.
First of all you have to use \DB facade to join the two collections(arrays) and then recreate the Eloquent collection from these arrays using Collection's make method.
More info about the Collection class here
An easier way might be to join them using standard laravel relationships and user something like Model::user->with('relation')->get.
But this will still create 2 queries (still relatively fast).

Model with multiple tables

We run two websites, A and B. Each website has its own table, _a_ and _b_ which have exactly the same structure. Yes, I know it's silly, we'll be rewriting them over the course of this year and next.
Using Laravel I need to create a model that will hold both tables content. I don't need any kind of UPDATE or INSERT functionality, I just need to SELECT and use with to access other model information.
Is this possible with Laravel 4.1? I can individually model each table, but that would make it difficult in the future.
I was able to fix this by making using the Repository pattern and merging the results of each model into the get and all functions.
