What should be used instead of deprecated RotaryEncoder.getScaledScrollFactor() method? - wear-os

Method getScaledScrollFactor in the android.support.wearable.input.RotaryEncoder class is now deprecated, but there is no explanation of what should be used instead.

From the official documentation:
getScaledScrollFactor(Context context) This method is deprecated. use
either getScaledVerticalScrollFactor(ViewConfiguration, Context) or
getScaledHorizontalScrollFactor(ViewConfiguration, Context) instead

Now that RotaryEncoder is completely deprecated, its methods should be replaced with methods from com.google.android.wearable.input.RotaryEncoderHelper.


Looking for a way to assign #ControllerAdvice to specific url path pattern or controllers

I was looking for a way to make #ControllerAdvice to be called for only specific url path pattern or a group of controllers. So, I found I can create custom ExceptionHandlerExceptionResolver and assign it to custom controllers by setMappedHandlerClasses(). The problem is, there is also a default ExceptionHandlerExceptionResolver and it also picks up my #ControllerAdvice. So I end up with two ExceptionHandlerExceptionResolver's, both of them having handler defined in #ControllerAdvice-annotated class. So, while my custom ExceptionHandlerExceptionResolver isn't called on all beans, default one does. Probably the solution would be to remove #ControllerAdvice and manually assign custom ResponseEntityExceptionHandler inside custom ExceptionHandlerExceptionResolver. I tried last way, but it appeared that I have to override a lot of methods from ExceptionHandlerExceptionResolver and in the end code looks very unclean. So, is there a way to make it in a different way, or maybe implement ExceptionHandlerExceptionResolver with custom handler cleaner?
As Ralph mentioned - as from Spring 4 (which by now had a stable release) ControlerAdvice's can be limited to Controler's with the specified annotations. Take a look at:
(second half of this article) for more details.
Put the Exception handling method in the Controller class and annotated the method with #ExceptionHandler. So this handler will be used only by this controller. -- And of course remove the #ControllerAdvice stuff.
Since Spring 4.0 you can use
#ControllerAdvice(assignableTypes = {OneOfControllersToApply.class})

Use of overloaded(optional) constructor in repository pattern MVC

I am following below article and repository pattern.
I am confused at one point, optional contructor defined in controller.
public StudentController(IStudentRepository studentRepository)
this.studentRepository = studentRepository;
Even if, I remove that - code works well. what is use of this constructor. As we are assing new context object in main default constructor.
The optional ctor doesn't create a new context, while the optional one does. The context is set in the StudentRepository's ctor.
This constructor allows you to pass in a different implementation of the studentRepository. Note that it accepts an interface, not a concrete implementation of the repository. This can be useful for unit testing where you can pass in a fake repository that does not need to access a database. You can also use this constructor with dependency injection.

Spring MVC request / command objects

Is there a convenient way to turn something like this..
public void doSomething(#PathVariable("q"), oh, my, god, a, billion, annotated parameters) { .. }
Into something like this..
public void doSomething(NiceEncapsulatingRequetObject request) { .. }
With Spring MVC?
After checking the docs, it doesn't seem like it is supported out of the box. You could try to create your own HandlerMethodArgumentResolver which gives you this feature. You might run into some issues since you'll need a circular reference between your implementation and the HandlerMethodArgumentResolverComposite instance. Nevertheless I think it should be possible.
Yes spring supports this out of the box, it is usualy refered to as bean binding.
Basicly you create an object with paramaters with the same name,
so if you have a paramater "q", your object should contain a private string q with both getter and setter present. It's also prefered not to use any constructors.
Spring will just fill in the paramaters it has in your object and pass it via the method's paramater.
You can create you own object like NiceEncapsulatingRequetObject and it's attributes should be String oh, Integer my etc. If you send the request with the exact names it will work

Calling AOPContext.currentProxy() from static method

I am using Spring's AOPContext.currentProxy() in a #service class implementation. However, i am using it in a static method and I do something like
public static void addCustomer() {
((CustomerService) AopContext.currentProxy()).addCustomer();
However, I am getting the error -- "cannot find proxy" set expose-proxy to true.
Is using static method the reason for this kind of error?
Note: "addCustomer" method is also static
Thanks in advance.
Proxy configuration is injected at the time of the instance creation. Suppose Using this proxy created instance you are calling to the method AOP is applicable to that method. Suppose without proxy instance or using class name ( in the case of static ) you are calling to the method it is direct call proxy config is not injected to the instance, So AOP is not applicable to that method call.
I'm not sure what you are trying to do, but you cannot do it this way at all.
Invocations of static methods are resolved at compile time, therefore they cannot be affected by proxy-based AOP. In other words:
AopContext.currentProxy() inside a static method doesn't make sense (unless you want to get a proxy for enclosing call of some instance method), because invocation of static method is not proxied
Calling a static method on an instance returned by AopContext.currentProxy() doesn't make sense, because it's resolved at compile time using a static type of expression, i.e. it compiles into CustomerService.addCustomer().
Does your configuration include something like <aop:config expose-proxy="true" />?

Calling static methods from Spring Security Expressions?

I'm looking for a way to extend Spring Security Expressions to support an existing security infrastructure. I'm aware you can extend the MethodSecurityExpressionRoot as described here, but I also found reference to directly calling static methods through Spring Expression Language (Spring EL or SpEL). Unfortunately the official page on Spring Expression methods doesn't directly describe how to do this.
How can I invoke a static method through Spring Expression methods?
By using the T(fully.qualified.name).methodName() syntax:
You can use the special T operator to specify an instance of java.lang.Class (the type). Static methods are invoked by using this operator as well. The StandardEvaluationContext uses a TypeLocator to find types, and the StandardTypeLocator (which can be replaced) is built with an understanding of the java.lang package. This means that T() references to types within java.lang do not need to be fully qualified, but all other type references must be.
The T element returns a reference to the type instead of an instance. For example, the equivalent of Collections.singleton("Hello") is
