Connect to aerospike running on ec2 from codebuild - amazon-ec2

I have an aerospike server running on EC2 and I need to run some tests on aerospike from Codebuild. Since Codebuild container's ip is not known, I can't specify an inbound rule in the security group attached to EC2. I've tried using amazon VPC as described here.
Can anyone help me get this working?

On the server node in EC2, open port 3000-3003 to all (all ips) in the custom TCP rules- that should work.


Unable to connect to Airflow server running on EC2

I am trying to set up an Apache Airflow server on ec2. I managed to get it running and verify status by hitting /health endpoint using curl on http://localhost:8989. Airflow listens on port 8989 here.
The next I want is to be able to connect to the admin dashboard/UI using the browser on EC2's public IP. So I added the inbound rule in the AWS security group ec2 instance belongs to.
While connecting to Airflow, I am getting the following error
Failed to connect to port 8989: Operation timed out
Not sure what else I need to do to reach server running on ec2.
If you can SSH to an EC2 instance, you've added a security group rule for ingress on another port, but can't reach the instance on that port, here are some other things to check:
Firewall running on the instance. Amazon Linux and recent official
Ubuntu AMIs shouldn't have iptables or some other firewall running on
them by default, but if you're using another AMI or someone else has
configured the EC2 instance, it's possible to have iptables/ufw or
some other firewall running. Check processes on your instance to make
sure you don't have a firewall.
Network ACL on the VPC subnet. The default ACL will permit
traffic on all ports. It's possible that the default has been changed
to allow traffic only on selected ports.
Multiple security groups assigned to the EC2 instance. It's possible
to assign more than one security group to the instance. Check to make
sure you don't have a rule in some other security group that's
blocking the port.

How can I connect to AWS Documentdb with Robo 3T?

Using the latest Robo 3T and the command line provided by AWS
I get this Error:
SSL tunnel failure: Network is unreachable or SSL connection rejected by server.
Reason: Connect failed
I have also tried following THIS walkthrough but had no joy.
I have read that it is possible to SSH to a EC2 instance on the same VPC and access documentdb this way but ideally I would like to access it directly and not pay for an extra EC2 instance. If I have that right?
I have tried via Mongo shell too and get the following response:
Error: couldn't connect to server, connection attempt failed: NetworkTimeout: Error connecting to (<IP address>) :: caused by :: Socket operation timed out :
exception: connect failed
What I suspect is happening is that either you do not have an EC2 instance in the same VPC as your DocumentDB cluster or that EC2 instance is not reachable from your laptop. I'd first connect to the EC2 instance with SSH to establish connectivity and then use that EC2 instance to SSH proxy from Robo3T.
For context, Amazon DocumentDB clusters deployed within a VPC can be accessed directly by EC2 instances or other AWS services that are deployed in the same VPC. Additionally, Amazon DocumentDB can be accessed by EC2 instances or other AWS services in different VPCs in the same region or other regions via VPC peering.
The advantage of deploying clusters within a VPC is that VPCs provide a strong network boundary to the Internet. A common way to connect to DocumentDB from your laptop is to create an EC2 instance within the same VPC as your DocumentDB cluster and SSH tunnel through that EC2 instance to your cluster:
To minimize costs for local development, start with the smallest EC2 instance size and utilize the start/stop functionality when not using the cluster.
The same can be done with DocumentDB. When you are developing, you can save on instance costs by stopping the cluster when it is no longer needed:
An alternative is to utilize AWS Cloud9: This solution still requires an EC2 instance in the same VPC as your Amazon Document. What is useful about this solution is that Cloud9 provides a mechanisms to automatically shutdown the EC2 instance if it has been idle for 30-minutes, for example, to help save costs.

Port open for memcache in aws ec2 instance

Hi I'm running an aws ec2 instance with Drupal 6.
I plan on installing memcached on this server. One requirement is to open up port 11211 which is default port for memcached
I want to know in aws ec2 instance how to open incoming and outgoing traffic for port 11211? Do I need to open this port for incoming and outgoing traffic?
Secondly how do I secure the aws setup so only my ec2 can access 11211 port?
Is your Ec2 within a VPC ? or is it classic EC2 ?
You need to make open ports on security groups and Network acl's.
If you are new to AWS , you should first understand the NACL and Security group's and setup security in your environment.

Difference in telnet of amazon ec2 instance using internal and public IP

I have a 4 node hadoop cluster on ec2. We have configured Hortonworks Hadoop (HDP version 2.4) through Ambari.
I have opened all traffic for our all four instances internally and the office external IP.
Whenever I do telnet within the cluster using internal IP:
telnet <internal_ip> 2181
It is able to connect to the specific port I have my service(zookeeper) running on.
When I use public IP of the same instance(Elastic IP) instead of internal IP, I am not able to telnet either within the cluster or from my office IP:
telnet <elastic_ip> 2181
I have already configured security group to allow all traffic. I am using Ubuntu 14.04. We are not using any other firewall except AWS security group.
Please suggest how can I connect using Elastic IP/Public IP of my instance on this port.
Please find the screenshot of Security Group of EC2:
Do you use the default VPC ?
If not, check if the VPC has an Internet Gateway, the Route table (you need a route to the Internet Gateway) and the Networks ACLs.
The Route table and Network ACLs are applied to a subnet.
The default VPC is configured to allow outside traffic, not a new VPC.
Or, the Elastic IP is linked to the same network interface ? The Elastic IP is linked to a network interface of an instance.
EDIT: you can take a look on AWS doc for a better explanation:

Deploy application on AWS VPC

I am planning to migrate from Ec2 classic to EC2 VPC. My application reads messages from SQS, download assets from S3 and perform actions mentioned in the SQS messages and then updates RDS. I have following queries
Is it beneficial for me to migrate to Amazon VPC from Classic
I create my EC2 machines using ruby scripts, and deploy code on them using capistrano. In classic mode I used the IP address to deploy code using capistrano. But in VPC there is a concept of private IP address and you cannot access a machine inside a subnet.So my question is:
How should I deploy code on the EC2 instances or rather how should I connect to them?
Thank You.
This questions is pretty broad but I'll take stab at it:
Is it beneficial for me to migrate to Amazon VPC from Classic
It's beneficial if you care about security of your data in transit and at rest. In a VPC none of your traffic is exposed to the outside and you can chose which components you want to expose in case you want to receive traffic/data from the outside. i.e Your ELB or ELBs.
I create my EC2 machines using ruby scripts, and deploy code on them using capistrano. In classic mode I used the IP address to deploy
code using capistrano. But in VPC there is a concept of private IP
address and you cannot access a machine inside a subnet. So my question
is: How should I deploy code on the EC2 instances or rather how should
I connect to them?
You can actually assign a public IP to your EC2 machines in a VPC if you choose to. You can use that IP to deploy your code from the outside.
You can read about it here:
If you want more security you can always deploy from a machine in your VPC (that has SSH access to the outside). You can ssh to that machine and then run cap deploy from there.
