Discord.js detect when user is typing - events

is there a possibility I can detect If a user starts/stops typing?
I use the Discord.js Webpack Version 12 and I can't seem to find any solution to this?

You can use the typingStart() event, which will trigger when a user starts typing.
client.on('typingStart', (channel, user) => {
console.log(`${user.username} is typing in ${channel.name}`)
There is also the User.typingIn() method, which will check if a user is typing in a specified channel, and return a boolean.
if (<user>.typingIn(<channel>))
console.log(`${<user>.username} in typing in ${<channel>.name}`);
(You can also use the typingDurationIn() and typingSinceIn() methods)
Lastly, you can look at the TextChannel.typing property of a TextChannel to detect if anyone is typing in that channel.
if (<channel>.typing)
console.log(`Somebody is typing in ${channel.name}`);
(You can also use the typingCount property to see how many people are typing in the given channel)


discordpy 2.0 interaction is a required argument that is missing

#client.command(brief="Send a message with a button!")
async def button(ctx,interaction: discord.Interaction):
view = discord.ui.View()
style = discord.ButtonStyle.gray
item = discord.ui.Button(style=style, label="Read the docs!", url="https://discordpy.readthedocs.io/en/master")
await interaction.response.send_message("This message has buttons!", view=view)
await interaction.response.send_message(content="Hi", ephemeral=True)
discord.ext.commands.errors.MissingRequiredArgument: interaction is a required argument that is missing.
Actually i just want to send a message by intraction, but seem itwasn't work :(
I think you are confused about the basic concepts since your code is mixed up command and interaction stuffs.
If you want to create button, you cannot write in the older command way like #client.command. You need to either use application command or hybrid command (which is a mix of interaction and command)
So, you should never have something like (ctx: Context, interaction: Interaction) together.
Also, classically, you need to create a view class and create a button inside this view class. Then you can attach this view to your message or embed when you send this to the user.
And, if you want to respond to user multiple times in a application command, you cannot do that through interaction.response (only once). You can use interaction.followup() for later responses. link
For view examples, see file example under this
For slash command (application command) example, see this

CAPL: On Message Not Recognizing Database

Programming for CANalyzer in the Vector CAPL Browser, I can start typing "on message CAN4..." and it will auto complete things for me. I can see the messages. But after selecting a message, it always yells at me with "Expecting message name or identifier. Database missing?" as if it has no idea what I just put in even though it helped me put it there. What is the proper format for this? Is it different since I'm using ARXML instead of DBC? Is it just not compatible?
on message CAN4::Something_PDU // Auto-completes this but gives the error
on message CAN4.Something_PDU // Never auto-completes this and also doesn't work
on message CAN4::Something_PDU::Something_Auth // Auto-completes but not sure that's what I want and also doesn't compile with same error.
What is the right way and/or why doesn't it recognize the database despite its obvious ability to auto-complete? So confused!
I just faced a comparable issue when trying to get called by incoming ethernet signals. They are also defined in an *.arxml, in my case. However, the behavior of the Vector CAPL-Browser was exactly the same as you described.
I figured out that replacing on message with on signal does the trick and the script can get compiled:
on signal Something_Signal // autocompletion works and compiles
on signal Eth1::Something_Signal // autocompletion doesn't work but compiles
there is another way to do this: goto Windows symbols on the right panel in CAPL Editor >
try to find Something_PDU > drag and drop PDU_Name on your Code after on message
the CAPL event on message should be use with name
try use
on message Something_PDU
instead of
on message CAN4.Something_PDU

How to validate Browser Error's message with cypress

For example if user dont fill this field and press "continue" button, this error message will pop up.
I wonder is there a way with Cypress that I check that error message was displayed?
Kind regards
You can make this assert : cy.get('input:invalid').should('have.length', 1)
See https://github.com/cypress-io/cypress-documentation/pull/1919/files how to assert the validation message
I know this is an older question but here is another solution.
.invoke('prop', 'validationMessage')
.should((text: string) => {
Using the above code here is what happens:
You grab the input / textarea element using cy.get Note: it is recommended to use a data-testid or obtain the element by something less brittle so the test doesn't fail if the text changes etc.
Using the invoke method, you can check validationMessage against prop then then, obtain the inner text and use expect to check if it's valid. This is very handy if you use custom validation messages.

How to make GtkModelButton emit a clicked signal instead of GAction?

I'm trying to make a button in GtkPopover like that in Nautilus, and Nautilus uses GtkModelButton for that. The problem is GtkModelButton forces the GAction API, which I think is ugly, and I much prefer using callbacks.
I've tried using GtkButton, but it just looks completely different from GtkModelButton.
My question is, how do I make it so that GtkModelButton works with mb.Connect("clicked", ...)? If that doesn't work, what about making GtkButton to look like GtkModelButton? button.SetRelief(None) didn't really do the job.
ModelButton vs Relief(None) Button
It seems like this is easier than I thought. All I needed to do was to connect the handler to button-release-event!
btn, _ := gtk.ModelButtonNew()
btn.SetLabel("Click Me!")
btn.Connect("button-release-event", func() bool {
log.Println("Button pressed.")
return true

How to use querycommands in CKEditor

In TinyMCE i am able to get the currently selected values by using queryCommandValue and queryCommandState like this:
This would get me the selected fontname. How would i do something like this in CKEditor?
The command state can be checked using the following available methods in CKEDITOR.command list.
Indicates the previous command state.
alert( command.previousState );
Indicates the editor state. Possible values are:
CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED: the command is disabled. It's execution will have no effect. Same as disable.
CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON: the command is enabled and currently active in the editor (for context sensitive commands, for example).
CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF: the command is enabled and currently inactive in the editor (for context sensitive commands, for example).
Do not set this property directly, this can also be achieved using the #setState method instead.
command.setState( CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON );
one can also check the state to do execute a command or to do some task
if ( command.state == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED )
alert( 'This command is disabled' );
queryCommandValue can be done while executing a normal command like command.exec(data) and this value of data should come from some variable in which this value is stored.
You can get the document to perform direct DOM calls as you want by doing it this way
but I must warn you that directly calling the DOM instead of using the CKEditor API is gonna be harder. CKEditor has been designed to wrap the differences between browsers, and if you want to skip that and use other API then you'll have to redo a lot of work.
