Advanced Searching Using Externally-Hosted Elasticsearch Instance - elasticsearch

I am trying to enable search with Elasticsearch enabled for my self-hosted Gitlab instance.
My question is this:
I have an Elasticsearch instance that is external to my Gitlab instance i.e. my Gitlab instance is hosted on one server and my Elasticsearch instance is hosted on another server.
Am I able to use the external Elasticsearch instance to provide the Elasticsearch functionality that Gitlab requires in order to enable Advanced Search functionality?

As long as you have network connectivity between your gitlab instance and your Elasticsearch instance, you can use the Elasticsearch functionality.
Elasticsearch provides all the features and API in form of REST request and designed for distributed systems where several component of an application are hosted separately.
Note: you can just use the curl command curl :9200 from your gitlab instance to see if you have network connectivity and if not, using security setting you can enable them , like in AWS ports settings can be changed using the security group.

Note: GitLab 15.0 (May 2022) offers new options.
Advanced Search is compatible with Elasticsearch 8
Elasticsearch 8 is the current version of Elasticsearch by Elastic. Previously, you could not use Elasticsearch 8 for Advanced Search. You had to use older versions instead. Starting in 15.0, you can use Elasticsearch 8 for Advanced Search.
If you use Elasticsearch 7.x, you must upgrade to GitLab 15.0 before upgrading to Elasticsearch 8.
If you use Elasticsearch 6.8, upgrade to any Elasticsearch 7.x version before upgrading to GitLab 15.0.
See Documentation and Epic.
And even, still with GitLab 15.0 (May 2022)
Advanced Search is compatible with OpenSearch
OpenSearch is an open source Elasticsearch fork. Prior to GitLab 15.0, Advanced Search was not compatible with OpenSearch. If you used AWS-managed services, you had to use older versions of Elasticsearch.
You can now take full advantage of OpenSearch for Advanced Search.
See Documentation and Epic.


Does Heroku with Bonsai support anything higher than 7.10 of elasticsearch?

I am getting security warnings because client 7.13.0 has issues. However, I use Bonsai with Heroku which is server 7.10.2 and that is incompatible with the 7.15.0 client.
I tried the following
heroku addons:create bonsai -a <app> --version=7.14.2
But it is still showing 7.10.2
Can I get Heroku to support the newer version of elastic search server?
Bonsai support here. The current list of our supported Elasticsearch versions is here. This list is the same whether you have a cluster with us directly or through Heroku. Trying to provision a version of Elasticsearch that's not on this list will get you the closest available version to what was requested.
To shade in some context about why we're still running 7.10.2, it's important to know that in January 2021, Elastic announced that version 7.11 and on would be licensed under the Server Side Public License (SSPL) and not Apache 2.0.
This change has pretty severe implications for hosted Elasticsearch providers like Bonsai, and has limited our ability to release new versions. We're working on some long term solutions, but the process has been slower than we'd like.
In any case, Elasticsearch 7.10.2 is the latest Elasticsearch version we offer as of December 2021 (check the first link for updates). We also support OpenSearch, which is an Apache 2-licensed fork of Elasticsearch, maintained by AWS.
As always, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at with questions or issues.
Not at the moment, at least via Bonsai:
Protip: Bonsai supports a command line flag for specifying which version of Elasticsearch you want to use. Note that we only support specific versions of Elasticsearch, so you can’t provision an arbitrary one. We have a list of available versions documented here.
That link leads to a page that lists support for 5.6.16, 6.5.4, and 7.10.2 for multi-tenant classes and 1.7.5 to 7.10.2 for single-tenant.
Note that this page is on the domain, so it is Bonsai-specific, not Heroku-specific.
The official Elasticsearch addon appears to support newer versions, but it costs a minimum of $67 USD per month:
We support the two most recent major versions at all times
Searchbox might do what you want, and it has a free tier:
For specific version of Elasticsearch please use CLI command with version information as;
heroku addons:add searchbox:starter --es_version=2
Available versions are 0,1,2,5,6 and 7
It isn't clear what minor versions are used.

Any best way to create kibana automated snapshot to GCP storage as i am using an older version of Kibana

Any best way to create a kibana automated snapshot to GCP storage as I am using an older version of Kibana 7.7.1, Also I do not have any automated backup currently.
Kibana has Snapshot lifecycle management(SLM) that helps you do this. You have to run the Kibana with basic license
Here is a tutorial, you could also directly use the SLM API to create and automate this process along with Index-lifecycle management.

Roll up availability on AWS Elasticsearch Service?

Open Distro for Elasticsearch has Rollup implemented. But this is missing on the AWS Elasticsearch service. I do really need this feature. Is there anyway to implement this feature or does anybody have any solution which they are currently doing in this area?
Rollups were released in version 1.12.0 of OpenDistro which includes version 7.10.0 of Elasticsearch OSS

Elasticsearch 5.6 authentication

I am usig elasticsearch 5.6 version.
Is there a way to add password to elassticsearch without an x-pack plugin and gold license?
I saw that x-pack supports security with basic license, but only from 6.8 version.
Currently, I can't upgrade elasticsearch and look for another way to add authentication (RBAC) to elasticsearch 5.6.
AFAIK Unfortunately, before 6.8 as you already mentioned basic X-pack security is not available and if you need RBAC at field and document level then it's not even available in Gold license and for that, you need to buy platinum or enterprise license.
I would suggest you go through the Elastic stack security section under Elastic subscription to see what is included and what is not included.
Apart from the other answer, you can look at [this shield] (
You can refer this post
This is the way with 5.6 ES and kibana.

How to set Elasticsearch 6.x password without using X-Pack

We are using Elasticsearch in a Kubernetes cluster (not exposed publicly) without X-Pack security, and had it working in 5.x with elastic/changeme, but after trying to get it set up with 6.x, it's now requiring a password, and the default of elastic/changeme no longer works.
We didn't explicitly configure it to require authentication, since it's not publicly exposed and only accessible internally, so not sure why it's requiring the password, or more importantly, how we can find out what it is or how to set/change it without using X-Pack security.
Will we end up needing to subscribe to X-Pack since we're trying to us it within a Kubernetes cluster?
Not sure how you are deploying Elasticseach in Kubernetes but we had a similar issue an ended passing this:
through the environment to the container.
If you don't use XPack at all you should use oss flavor of Elasticsearch. It includes only open source components of Elasticsearch:
docker pull
The interesting thins is, Elastic have removed any mention of it in documentation since 6.3.
Docker 6.2
Docker current
