comma separator instead of | in emeditor find, filter windows permanently - emeditor

The multiple text separator in em editor is | in find, filter windows.
i don't want to use | separator? actually i want to use , in place of |. i didn't find any setting for this purpose.
is it possible to set the multiple text separator as , instead of | in em editor find, filter windows for multiple text (regular expression )separation permanently. where is such setting available in configuration?

This "alternation" operator ("OR" operator) | is not an EmEditor setting, but a part of regular expression syntax. You can't change this character | as far as I know.


Using sed to remove period at the end of string (zip code)

I have a file of addresses that I am attempting to scrub and I am using sed to get rid of unwanted charachters and formatting. In this case, I have zip codes followed by a period:
Mr. John Doe
Exclusively Stuff, 186
Caravelle Drive, Ponte Vedra FL
(for the time being, ignore the new lines; I am just focusing on the zip and period for now)
I want to remove the period (.) from the zip as my first step in cleaning this up. I tried to use sub strings in sed as follows (using "|" as a delimiter - it easier for me to see):
sed 's|\([0-9]{4}\)\.|\1|g' test.txt
Unfortunately, it doesn't remove the period. It just prints it out as part of the sub string based on this post:
Replace period surrounded by characters with sed
A point in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.
You specified 4 digits {4} but have 5 and you have to escape the { and }, for example:
sed 's|\(^[0-9]\{5\}\).*|\1|g' test.txt
Notice that you also have a space after the dot, so you might want to trim everything following five digits but to be safe you might want to specify that they must be at start of line ^.
In my case, if I type info sed which is more complete than man sed, I find this:
Use extended regular expressions rather than basic regular
expressions. Extended regexps are those that 'egrep' accepts; they
can be clearer because they usually have less backslashes, but are
a GNU extension and hence scripts that use them are not portable.
*Note Extended regular expressions: Extended regexps.
And under Appendix A Extended regular expressions you can read:
The only difference between basic and extended regular expressions is in
the behavior of a few characters: '?', '+', parentheses, braces ('{}'),
and '|'. While basic regular expressions require these to be escaped if
you want them to behave as special characters, when using extended
regular expressions you must escape them if you want them _to match a
literal character_. '|' is special here because '\|' is a GNU extension
- standard basic regular expressions do not provide its functionality.
becomes 'abc\?' when using extended regular expressions. It
matches the literal string 'abc?'.
becomes 'c+' when using extended regular expressions. It matches
one or more 'c's.
becomes 'a{3,}' when using extended regular expressions. It
matches three or more 'a's.
becomes '(abc){2,3}' when using extended regular expressions. It
matches either 'abcabc' or 'abcabcabc'.
becomes '(abc*)\1' when using extended regular expressions.
Backreferences must still be escaped when using extended regular
Basic Solution: Use a Range Atom to Handle Your Posted Input
An easy (but slightly naive) way to do this with your posted input is to look for:
start of line
followed by exactly 5 digits (a standard US ZIP Code)
followed by zero or more characters (e.g. a ZIP+4)
followed by zero or more non-period characters (don't match a street address)
followed by a literal period
and just replace the whole match with the captured part of the match. For example:
With BSD sed or without extended expressions:
sed 's/^\([[:digit:]]\{5\}[^.]*\)\./\1/'
With GNU sed and extended regular expressions:
sed -r 's/^([[:digit:]]{5}[^.]*)\./\1/'
Either way, given your posted input you end up with:
Mr. John Doe
Exclusively Stuff, 186
Caravelle Drive, Ponte Vedra FL
Advanced Solution: Handle ZIP Codes Properly
The main caveat is that the solution above works with your posted sample, but won't match if the ZIP Code is properly at the end of the last line of the address as it should be in a standardized USPS address. That's fine if you've got a custom format, but it will likely cause you problems with standardized or corrected addresses such as:
Mr. John Doe
12345 Exclusively Stuff, 186
Caravelle Drive, Ponte Vedra FL 33487.
The following will work with both your posted input and a more typical USPS address, but your mileage on other non-standard inputs may vary.
# More reliable, but much harder to read.
sed -r 's/([[:digit:]]{5}(-[[:digit:]]{4})?[[:space:]]*)\.[[:space:]]*$/\1/'

In Regular Expression how to add Special Character's

I have regular expression like this:
regularExp = "^[-]{0,1}([0-9]|[a-z]|[A-Z]|[\s]){0," & decNum & "}\.$"
Here I need to add all Special Character's, like ~!##$%^&*()_+{}|:"<>?[]\;',./ in VB6.0
I guess you are looking for something like POSIX bracket extensions and a special character class which matches all punctuation characters without listing them explicitly.
Unfortunately you are out of luck, since the Regular Expressions available in Visual Basic 6 are provided by the same VBScript RegExp engine which was available in IE 5.5. That engine was not updated in 15 years, so many features are missing.
Having said that, your only option is to "handpick" each and every character you want to match and put them in a character class, like this
Fortunately you don't have to escape all special characters within character classes, only the ones which confuse the parser. (Namely \, ^, - and ])
you can use
^[a-zA-Z._^%$#!~#,-] as referance and add more special characters which you want to allow.
You can use add special characters as below

Windows SED command - simple search and replace without regex

How should I use 'sed' command to find and replace the given word/words/sentence without considering any of them as the special character?
In other words hot to treat find and replace parameters as the plain text.
In following example I want to replace 'sagar' with '+sagar' then I have to give following command
sed "s/sagar/\\+sagar#g"
I know that \ should be escaped with another \ ,but I can't do this manipulation.
As there are so many special characters and theie combinations.
I am going to take find and replace parameters as input from user screen.
I want to execute the sed from c# code.
Simply, I do not want regular expression of sed to use. I want my command text to be treated as plain text?
Is this possible?
If so how can I do it?
While there may be sed versions that have an option like --noregex_matching, most of them don't have that option. Because you're getting the search and replace input by prompting a user, you're best bet is to scan the user input strings for reg-exp special characters and escape them as appropriate.
Also, will your users expect for example, their all caps search input to correctly match and replace a lower or mixed case string? In that case, recall that you could rewrite their target string as [Ss][Aa][Gg][Aa][Rr], and replace with +Sagar.
Note that there are far fewer regex characters used on the replacement side, with '&' meaning "complete string that was matched", and then the numbered replacment groups, like \1,\2,.... Given users that have no knowledge or expectation that they can use such characters, the likelyhood of them using is \1 in their required substitution is pretty low. More likely they may have a valid use for &, so you'll have to scan (at least) for that and replace with \&. In a basic sed, that's about it. (There may be others in the latest gnu seds, or some of the seds that have the genesis as PC tools).
For a replacement string, you shouldn't have to escape the + char at all. Probably yes for \. Again, you can scan your user's "naive" input, and add escape chars as need.
Finally if you're doing this for a "package" that will be distributed, and you'll be relying on the users' version of sed, beware that there are many versions of sed floating around, some that have their roots in Unix/Linux, and others, particularly of super-sed, that (I'm pretty sure) got started as PC-standalones and has a very different feature set.

Need a regular expression to allow only one character in a text box in

I need a a regular expression to allow only one character for a textbox. Actually i want to validate a text filed to enter a single charecter for Initial (for name)
In a regular expression, '.' (dot) matches a single character.
If you want to be sure that this single character is alphabetic, use:
or in a posix system: [:alpha:]
Now, to know exactly how to implement it, we need to know in which language your code is written.
For a starter, have a look to
You can set the textbox property MaxLength to 1 and use a regex to validade if a letter.

How can I write a regex to repeatedly capture group within a larger match?

I'm getting a regex headache, so hopefully someone can help me here. I'm doing some file syntax conversion and I've got this situation in the files:
keyword some expression
keyword some expression
keyword some expression
keyword some expression
keyword some expression
I want to match all instances of "keyword" inside the markers. The marker areas are repeated and the keyword can appear in other places, but I don't want to match outside of the markers. What I don't seem to be able to work out is how to get a regex to pull out all the matches. I can get one to do the first or the last, but not to get all of them. I believe it should be possible and it's something to do with repeated capture groups -- can someone show me the light?
I'm using grepWin, which seems to support all the bells and whistles.
You could use:
this will match the keyword inside OpenMarker and CloseMarker (using the option "dot matches newline").
sed -n -e '/OpenMarker[[:space:]]*CloseMarker/p' /path/to/file | grep keyword should work. Not sure if grep alone could do this.
There are only a few regex engines that support separate captures of a repeated group (.NET for example). So your best bet is to do this in two steps:
First match the section you're interested in: OpenMarker(.*?)CloseMarker (using the option "dot matches newline").
Then apply another regex to the match repeatedly: keyword (.*) (this time without the option "dot matches newline").
