Setting up beat.hostname in Metricbeat - elasticsearch

I am super new to these concepts, I apologize if this is a silly thing. I am trying to visualize Metricbeat data on Grafana with Elasticsearch data source, all running locally, but unable to find where "beat.hostname" is added in Metricbeat config.
I have the latest version of both Grafana and Metricbeat and am following this article. In the "Create Dashboard" section, the author mentions that he used "beat.hostname=grafana" as the host name when installing Metricbeat. He then used it on the query editor field to pull out the data on Grafana dashboard.
But where do we set this up? I looked the two YAML files in the Metricbeat folder but there is nothing describing this.

I think you just refer the 'Name' variable in your metricbeat.yml
# ================================== General ===================================
# The name of the shipper that publishes the network data. It can be used to group
# all the transactions sent by a single shipper in the web interface.
name: "jeremy-laptop"
# The tags of the shipper are included in their own field with each
# transaction published.
tags: ["laptop", "ubuntu"]
And you will find this value as "" and be able to filter on it.
I'm not really a user of Grafana, so this part will be on your side


Fortinet FortiGate logs re not getting inserted in elastic search using fleet integration

Can someone please assist me, what all settings I can cross check at fortinet side to ensure that syslog matches Fortinet FortiGate logs integration requirement?
Current status:
Integration and all required assets are installed in kiana.
No error and warn noticed in elastic agent logs.
OLD question:
Could you please assist me on how I can add RFC3164 version to
logs-fortinet.firewall-1.7.2 ingest pipeline?
ALso, is it possible to add RFC3103 (using syslog_pri filter or kv filter) if yes, please assist with some examples to parse data?

Delete Host information from Elasticsearch

I upload some logs into elastic via filebeat, but there is some other information added to my original logs like the host name ,os kernel and other information about host..., and the main message become unformatted, i want to delete all the field that are unnecessary and only keep my original message in the initial form.
I have tried to delete add_host_metadata from filebeat.yml but the problem still persist.
I'm working with elk on windows.
You could use the include_fields processor enter link description here or what you could do is use the drop_fields for the fields you don’t need. Filebeat will sometimes add in fields such as host, or log, which can be dropped. There are some
That can’t be dropped though.

Elastic Cloud APM not showing logs in Transactions Page

What makes Kibana to not show docker container logs in APM "Transactions" page under "Logs" tab.
I verified the logs are successfully being generated with the "" associated for proper linking.
I have the exact same environment and configs (7.16.2) up via docker-compose and it works perfectly.
Could not figure out why this feature works locally but does not show in Elastic Cloud deploy.
UPDATE with Solution:
I just solved the problem.
It's related to the Filebeat version.
From 7.16.0 and ON, the transaction/logs linking stops working.
Reverted Filebeat back to version 7.15.2 and it started working again.
If you are not using file beats, for example - We rolled our own logging implementation to send logs from a queue in batches using the Bulk API.
We have our own "ElasticLog" class and then use Attributes to match the logs-* Schema for the Log Stream.
In particular we had to make sure that was the same as the the actual Traces, property. Then the logs started to show up here (It does take a few minutes sometimes)
Some more info on how to get the ID's
We use OpenTelemetry exporter for Traces and ILoggerProvider for Logs. The fire off batches independently of each other.
We populate the Trace Id's at the time of instantiation of the class as a default value. This way you in the context of the Activity. Also helps set the timestamp exactly when the log was created.
This LogEntry then gets passed into the ElasticLogger processor and mapped as displayed above to the ElasticLog entry with the Attributes needed for ES

Elastic APM different index name

As of a few weeks ago we added filebeat, metricbeat and apm to our dotnet core application ran on our kubernetes cluster.
It works all nice and recently we discovered filebeat and metricbeat are able to write a different index upon several rules.
We wanted to do the same for APM, however searching the documentation we can't find any option to set the name of the index to write to.
Is this even possible, and if yes how is it configured?
I also tried finding the current name apm-* within the codebase but couldn't find any matches upon configuring it.
The problem which we'd like to fix is that every space in kibana gets to see the apm metrics of every application. Certain applications shouldn't be within this space so therefore i thought a new apm-application-* index would do the trick...
Since it shouldn't be configured on the agent but instead in the cloud service console. I'm having troubles to 'user-override' the settings to my likings.
The rules i want to have:
When an application does not live inside the kubernetes namespace default OR kube-system write to an index called apm-7.8.0-application-type-2020-07
All other applications in other namespaces should remain in the default indices
I see you can add output.elasticsearch.indices to make this happen: Array of index selector rules supporting conditionals and formatted string.
I tried this by copying the same i had for metricbeat and updated it to use the apm syntax and came to the following 'user-override'
- index: 'apm-%{[observer.version]}-%{[]}-%{[processor.event]}-%{+yyyy.MM}'
- equals:
kubernetes.namespace: default
- equals:
kubernetes.namespace: kube-system
but when i use this setup it tells me:
Your changes cannot be applied
'output.elasticsearch.indices.when': is not allowed
Set output.elasticsearch.indices.0.index to apm-%{[observer.version]}-%{[]}-%{[processor.event]}-%{+yyyy.MM}
Set output.elasticsearch.indices.0.when.not.or.0.equals.kubernetes.namespace to default
Set output.elasticsearch.indices.0.when.not.or.1.equals.kubernetes.namespace to kube-system
Then i updated the example but came to the same conclusion as it was not valid either..
In your ES Cloud console, you need to Edit the cluster configuration, scroll to the APM section and then click "User override settings". In there you can override the target index by adding the following property:
output.elasticsearch.index: "apm-application-%{[observer.version]}-{type}-%{+yyyy.MM.dd}"
Note that if you change this setting, you also need to modify the corresponding index template to match the new index name.

How to get details of log form dashboards of kibana

Hi I am new to Kibana (ELK stack).I have created an error dashboard in Kibana but If I need more information about errors how can I get that.Like If I want to know because of what error has been created.How can I get it.
Any initiatives will be appreciated.
For any information that you want to display in Kibana you need to have a source from where that particular information is available. In this case if we assume that the logs being parsed by Logstash has the information on the errors, then you can parse/filter the logs via the pipeline of Logstash to extract the information and store it in a field.
Now the document which are saved in the ES contain the information, this can be used to perform various aggregations or apply different mathematical functions and then eventually visualize it.
