I am trying to add a validation step to a gitlab repo holding a single ansible role (with no playbook).
The structure of the role looks like :
With the gitlab-ci looking like :
- lint
name: cytopia/ansible-lint:latest
entrypoint: ["/bin/sh", "-c"]
stage: lint
- ansible-lint --version
- ansible-lint . -x 106 tasks/*.yml
I need to skip the naming rule, thus ignoring rule 106.
Otherwise, I would like all files at the root repo to be checked. Since there is no playbook, lint has to be given the files that need to be checked... or at least, that is what I understoodd : I may have this point wrong. But anyway, if I give no name, lint does return ok but actually performs no check.
My problem is that I don't know how to tell him to check all the yaml in a recursive way, or even within a subdirectory. The above code returns an error :
ansible-lint: error: unrecognized arguments: tasks/deploy.yml tasks/localhost.yml tasks/main.yml tasks/managedata.yml tasks/psqlconf.yml
Any idea on how to check all the files from a subdirectory or through the whole role?
PS : I am using cytopia image for ansible-lint, but I have no problem using another, provided it's hosted on dockerhub.
You should certainly be able to pass multiple YAML files as arguments to ansible-lint. I have version 4.1.1a0, and I'm able to use it like this, for example:
anisble-lint -x 106 roles/*/tasks/*.yml
I notice that you seem to have placed a . before your -x 106; that looks like an error. It doesn't look like ansible-lint will accept a directory name as an argument (it doesn't cause it to fail; it just doesn't accomplish anything).
I've tried this both with a locally installed ansible-lint and using the cytopia/ansible-lint image, which appears to perform identically:
docker run --rm -v $PWD:/src -w /src cytopia/ansible-lint -x 106 roles/*/tasks/*.yml
If you want to check all the yaml files, you can use find with exec option, something like this:
find ./ -not -name ".gitlab-ci.yml" -name "*.yml" | xargs ansible-lint -x 106
However ansible-lint -x 106 ./ should work, are you sure that your role really has errors? I've tested it both on ansible-galaxy init generated roles (with meta and all that stuff) and roles which were containing only tasks directory, and it worked every time.
EDIT: I tried creating an error in existing role, replacing "present" with "latest" in package install task
$ ansible-galaxy install geerlingguy.nfs
$ cd ~/.ansible/roles/geerlingguy.nfs
$ sed -i "s/present/latest/g" tasks/setup-RedHat.yml
$ ansible-lint ./
Examining tasks/main.yml of type tasks
Examining tasks/setup-Debian.yml of type tasks
Examining tasks/setup-RedHat.yml of type tasks
Examining handlers/main.yml of type handlers
Examining meta/main.yml of type meta
[403] Package installs should not use latest
Task/Handler: Ensure NFS utilities are installed.
and it actually worked, so you may want to run a verbose output to see if actually works, maybe individual yaml file rules are different from whole roles.
When i ran my find-based check i got a lot of extra [204] Lines should be no longer than 160 chars
Say I have a number of jobs that all do similar series of scripts, but need a few variables that change between them:
test a:
stage: test
- a
interruptible: true
- if: $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == 'merge_request_event'
- echo "env is $(env)"
- echo etcetera
- echo and so on
- docker build -t a -f Dockerfile.a .
test b:
stage: test
- b
interruptible: true
- if: $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == 'merge_request_event'
- echo "env is $(env)"
- echo etcetera
- echo and so on
- docker build -t b -f Dockerfile.b .
All I need is to be able to define e.g.
- docker build -t ${WHICH} -f Dockerfile.${which} .
If only I could make an anchor like:
.x: &which_ref
- echo "env is $(env)"
- echo etcetera
- echo and so on
- docker build -t $WHICH -f Dockerfile.$WHICH .
And include it there:
test a:
- export WHICH=a
<<: *which_ref
This doesn't work and in a yaml validator I get errors like
Error: YAMLException: cannot merge mappings; the provided source object is unacceptable
I also tried making an anchor that contains some entries under script inside of it:
.x: &which_ref
- echo "env is $(env)"
- echo etcetera
- echo and so on
- docker build -t $WHICH -f Dockerfile.$WHICH .
This means I have to include it from one step higher up. So this does not error, but all this accomplishes is cause the later declared script section to override the first one.
So I'm losing hope. It seems like I will just need to abstract the sections away into their own shell scripts and call them with arguments or whatever.
The YAML merge key << is a non-standard extension for YAML 1.1, which has been superseded by YAML 1.2 about 14 years ago. Usage is discouraged.
The merge key works on mappings, not on sequences. It cannot deep-merge. Thus what you want to do is not possible to implement with it.
Generally, YAML isn't designed to process data, it just loads it. The merge key is an outlier and didn't find its way into the standard for good reasons. You need a pre- or postprocessor to do complex processing, and Gitlab CI doesn't offer anything besides simple variable expension, so you're out of luck.
I have created a pipeline which performs ansible-lint on $CI_PROJECT_DIR. The problem is the complete output is not shown in UI as compared to running on my local machine.
You can notice the difference in output for both.
Below is the output from my local machine (Ubuntu with ansible-lint installed)
**ansible-lint create-dir.yaml -v**
WARNING Overriding detected file kind 'yaml' with 'playbook' for given positional argument: create-dir.yaml
INFO Executing syntax check on create-dir.yaml (0.31s)
WARNING Listing 1 violation(s) that are fatal
syntax-check: 'file' is not a valid attribute for a Play
create-dir.yaml:4:3 [WARNING]: No inventory was parsed, only implicit localhost is available
[WARNING]: provided hosts list is empty, only localhost is available. Note that the implicit localhost does not match 'all'
ERROR! 'file' is not a valid attribute for a Play
The error appears to be in '/tmp/create-dir.yaml': line 4, column 3, but may be elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.
The offending line appears to be:
- name: Create a directory if it does not exist
^ here
Finished with 1 failure(s), 0 warning(s) on 1 files.
Below is output from Gitlab CI :
$ find ./ -not \( -name "*.ansible-lint" -o -name ".gitlab-ci.yml" \) \( -name "*yml" -o -name "*yaml" \) | xargs ansible-lint -v
WARNING Overriding detected file kind 'yaml' with 'playbook' for given positional argument: ./ansible/create-dir.yaml
INFO Executing syntax check on ansible/create-dir.yaml (0.39s)
Cleaning up project directory and file based variables 00:01
Job succeeded
I would like to know why there is difference in output and how to print the complete message on Gitlab CI
Job logs in GitLab CI/CD have a limited length. It's designed for operational reasons, as the jobs can create arbitrary outputs so one could - by mistake or by purpose - output even gigabytes or terabytes of text.
But if you scroll up in the output, you have the abillity to view the full logs by pressing 'Complete Raw'.
Consider an Ansible inventory with an unknown number of servers in a nodes key.
The script I'm writing should be usable with different inventories that should be as simple as possible and are out of my control, so I don't know the number of nodes ahead of time.
My command to run the playbook is pretty vanilla and I can freely change it. There could be two separate commands for both rollout stages.
ansible-playbook -i $INVENTORY_PATH playbooks/example.yml
And the playbook is pretty standard as well and can be adjusted:
- hosts: nodes
remote_user: '{{ sudo_user }}'
gather_facts: no
How would I go about implementing a staged execution without changing the inventory?
I'd like to run one command to execute the playbook for 50% of the inventory first. Here the result needs to be checked manually by a human. Then I'd like to use another command to execute the playbook for the other half. The author of the inventory should not have to worry about this. All machines below the nodes key are the same.
I've looked into the serial keyword, but it doesn't seem like I could automatically end execution after one batch and then later come back to continue with the second half.
Maybe something creative could be done with variables passed to ansible-playbook? I'm just wondering, shouldn't this be a common use-case? Are all staged rollouts supposed to be fully automated?
Without even using serial here is a possible very simple scenario.
First get a calculation of $half of the inventory by inspecting the inventory itself. The following is enabling the json callback plugin for the ad hoc command and making sure it is the only plugin enabled. It is also using jq to parse the result. You can adapt to any other json parser (or even use the yaml callback with a yaml parser if your prefer). Anyway, adapt to your own needs.
half=$( \
ansible localhost -i yourinventory.yml -m debug -a "msg={{ (groups['nodes'] | length / 2) | round(0, 'ceil') | int }}" \
| jq -r ".plays[0].tasks[0].hosts.localhost.msg" \
Then launch your playbook limiting to the first $half nodes with whatever vars are needed for human check, and launch it again for the remainder nodes without check.
ansible-playbook -i yourinventory.yml example_playbook.yml -l nodes[0:$(($half-1))] -e human_check=true
ansible-playbook -i yourinventory.yml example_playbook.yml -l nodes[$half:] -e human_check=false
How can I upload a selection of files with a single shortcut in PhpStorm?
Ideally it uses the PhpStorm Deployment-mechanism, - but all answers are welcome. Such as making a bash-file, that scp's the files over (which is then executed using PhpStorm).
I'm looking for a way, where I can simply press something like: CMD + OPT + CTRL + J - and then it uploads all these marked files.
My project have below-shown structure. I've marked the files I would like to be able to upload with an (x):
|- subfolder
|- subsubfolder
|- assets
| |- css (x)
| |- js (x)
| |- admin (x)
| |- img
|- foo.php
|- bar.php
|- style.css (x)
|- bundle.js (x)
|- other.php
|- other-1.php
I've already tried the: "Upload changed files automatically to the default server" == "Always|On explicit save..." - and it's quite magically. But if the setup isn't right - then it can mess up badly.
Alright. This is how I did it. FINALLY!!! I've been looking for this for years (no exaggeration). I just got too annoyed with it now, that I dived down into the suggestion #LazyOne came with ( <3 ).
I using PhpStorm v. 2020 and I'm on a Mac.
Step 1 - Install SSHPASS
This was the first hurdle. There are a couple of different taps out there. This one worked for me:
brew install hudochenkov/sshpass/sshpass
This is necessary to avoid getting prompted for the password whenever the scp-command is executed.
Step 2 - Get SCP to work from a terminal
It's annoying to debug from inside PhpStorm. So I would suggest starting in the terminal, getting a SCP-command to work. It relative to soooo many things, so it might differ from one host to another.
Please note that SCP is using SSH to copy files, to SSH should be enabled for this to work.
Here's a command that works for me:
sshpass -p 'mypassword' scp style.css app.js SERVER_USER#SERVER_IP:public_html/wp-content/themes/my_theme_name/
This copies two files to the given destination.
Why I'm not using a SSH-key instead?
I'm on a server where there is a master-user, that I can add my ssh-key to - so that can access the server. But I can't do that for the individual instances.
Step 3 - Make a shell-script
I made a script called uploader.sh and added this content:
sshpass -p 'mypassword' scp myfile.css anotherfile.js athirdfile.php SERVER_USER#SERVER_IP:public_html/wp-content/themes/my_theme_name/
Then I went to 'Run' >> 'Edit configurations' and add a new Shell-file.
Note!! Remember to uncheck 'Execute in terminal'. The reason being that it's nice to be able to just keep working whereever you are. And if you execute it in the terminal, then the cursor will finish in the terminal. If it's unchecked, then it doesn't do that.
Here you can see my configuration:
Step 4 - Run and test
Now go tho 'Run' >> 'Run' and choose the one you just added. Then you should see a window like this:
And to run latest 'Run' again, you can simply press CMD + r.
Step 5 - Add uploader.sh to .gitignore
Now the password to your server is stored in clean-text in a file on your machine. It's bad for security purposed. So if you're coding a backend for nuclear launches, then you probably shouldn't do this.
But remember to add the uploader.sh file to your .gitignore-file to avoid uploading it to the repo.
Useful resources
How to use sshpass, to pass a password to scp.
I use a conda env that I create manually, not automatically using Snakemake. I do this to keep tighter version control.
Anyway, in my config.yaml I have the following line:
conda_env: '/rst1/2017-0205_illuminaseq/scratch/swo-406/snakemake'
Then, at the start of my Snakefile I read that variable (reading variables from config in your shell part does not seem to work, am I right?):
conda_env = config['conda_env']
Then in a shell part I hail said parameter like this:
rule rsem_quantify:
os.path.join(fastq_dir, '{sample}_R1_001.fastq.gz'),
os.path.join(fastq_dir, '{sample}_R2_001.fastq.gz')
os.path.join(analyzed_dir, '{sample}.genes.results'),
os.path.join(analyzed_dir, '{sample}.STAR.genome.bam')
threads: 8
source activate {conda_env}
rsem-calculate-expression \
--paired-end \
{input} \
{rsem_ref_base} \
{analyzed_dir}/{wildcards.sample} \
--strandedness reverse \
--num-threads {threads} \
--star \
--star-gzipped-read-file \
Notice the {conda_env}. Now this gives me the following error:
Could not find conda environment: None
You can list all discoverable environments with `conda info --envs`.
Now, if I change {conda_env} for its parameter directly /rst1/2017-0205_illuminaseq/scratch/swo-406/snakemake, it does work! I don't have any trouble reading other parameters using this method (like rsem_ref_base and analyzed_dir in the example rule above.
What could be wrong here?
Highest regards,
The pattern I use is to load variables into params, so something along the lines of
rule rsem_quantify:
os.path.join(fastq_dir, '{sample}_R1_001.fastq.gz'),
os.path.join(fastq_dir, '{sample}_R2_001.fastq.gz')
os.path.join(analyzed_dir, '{sample}.genes.results'),
os.path.join(analyzed_dir, '{sample}.STAR.genome.bam')
threads: 8
source activate {params.conda_env}
rsem-calculate-expression \
Although, I'd also never do this with a conda environment, because Snakemake has conda environment management built-in. See this section in the docs on Integrated Package Management for details. This makes reproducibility much more manageable.