Spring Boot - Assert Application Load Failure - spring

I am testing a line in my code that is supposed to cause a failure when loading a Spring Boot application context. However, using #SpringBootTest will not help in this situation because there will be an (expected) failure in the application initialization, and the test method will never be reached.
class SomeTestClass {
ApplicationContext applicationContext
void someTestCase() {
//some assert about application context
Is there any way to configure a #SpringBootTest that will survive a failure on the class level? Alternatively, is there any way to manually run a mini Spring Boot Application of just the affected components?

If I understood your problem correctly, you should use SpringRunner.
The SpringRunner provides support for loading a Spring ApplicationContext and having beans #Autowired into your test instance. It actually does a whole lot more than that (covered in the Spring Reference Manual), but that's the basic idea.
So you can add it like that :
class SomeTestClass {
ApplicationContext applicationContext
void someTestCase() {
//some assert about application context


how to correctly modularize app configuration, so that tests(IT,datajpa,...) does not pick up everything intended for production

In our app I found out, that my integration tests picks up more stuff than I'd like. I'd like to know, how correctly structured app configuration looks like, what do you use, so that I can #Import in tests only those configuration which are used in production, which are needed.
I believe relevant page in documentation is:
... it's stressed there, that it's important to structure code in sensible way, however it's not shown that much, what that is/means. I know about profiles and can probably create profile which would be unmatched in tests and import manually, but that's probably not that sensible way they were talking about.
Consider this main entrypoint:
public class DemoApplication {
private final SomeService someService;
public DemoApplication(SomeService someService) {
this.someService = someService;
public void started() {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(DemoApplication.class, args);
interface of some service:
public interface SomeService {
public String doIt();
and configuration:
public class Config {
public SomeService createSomeServiceBean() {
return new SomeService() {
public String doIt() {
return String.format("Hi! (At %s)", LocalDateTime.now());
When invoked, entrypoint annotated by #SpringBootApplication will do component scan, will discover configuration and it will work. Reading further in documentation we will find sentence: Test slices exclude #Configuration classes from scanning([if #ComponentScan does have default value of basePackages and basePackagesClasses]), however following test:
class DemoApplicationTests {
private SomeService someService;
void contextLoads() {
just happily discovers SomeService bean defined. Or did that sentence meant just that tests annotated by for example #DataJpaTest won't register some configurations? Kinda unclear to me, but it does not seem possible, since how would #DataJpaTest would know, which configurations to ommit and which not.
Again, I know how to use profiles/excluding configurations. I'm asking about "sensible way of structuring app".
How to sensibly structure you app and how to configure it so that:
#SpringBootApplication annotated entrypoint will do component scan, find and use configurations, for production, but these configurations needs to be manually imported in tests?
some packages will be automatically scanned for configurations which will be used both in development and tests environments.
The Spring Boot Test support provides annotations that allow to only create a Spring Context with the relevant beans to testing a specific slice of your application.
There is no specific package structure or naming strategy required to make use of this feature.
Here are some of these:
#DataJpaTest: You get a Spring Context with relevant beans to test your JPA <-> Database interface: EntityManager, DataSource, all your interfaces extending JpaRepository
#WebMvcTest: You get a Spring Context with a mocked servlet environment for testing your web layer that includes the following beans for your: all your controller, controller advice, WebMvcConfigurer , Filter, etc. but not anything that is annotated with e.g. #Service or #Component
#SpringBootTest: This will give you a full Spring Context and tries to create all beans for you. You can exclude some autoconfiguration e.g. if you don't want autoconfiguration to kick in:
#SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = RANDOM_PORT)
There are way more test slice annotations, you can have a look at here
So these annotations are smart in a way that they know which beans they should include in the context and which to exclude.
A general approach to testing your application can be to use the first two test annotations stated above to verify web and data layer in isolation. Next use Mockito and plain JUnit 5 to unit test your service classes. And finally, write some integration test that creates the whole Spring Context with #SpringBootTest to test everything together.

Data JPA Test with reactive spring

I want to test the repository layer and I'm using spring webflux. My test class is as follows
public class DataTester {
private MyRepository repository;
Even though this would work in spring-mvc when using spring-weblux I get the following error.
Failed to load ApplicationContext
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Failed to load ApplicationContext
Caused by: org.springframework.context.ApplicationContextException: Unable to start ReactiveWebApplicationContext due to missing ReactiveWebServerFactory bean.
How to resolve this? If I am to start the whole application context with #SpringBootApplication it works. Any other options without using that?
The reason for this was that in the application.properties the application type was set as reactive.
This tries to auto configure a web server in this case a reactive web server. As #DataJpaTest does not provide a bean for that, this fails. This can be fixed in either two ways.
One is by Adding an application.properties file in the resources directory of the test package and setting the value as,sprig.main-web-application-type=none solves this issue.
Or we can simple pass a property value to the annotation as follows. #DataJpaTest(properties = "spring.main.web-application-type=none")
If you are using Spring Boot 2+ then only #DataJpaTest is enough on test class.
So your test class should be
public class DataTester {
private MyRepository repository;

spring integration test fail to load context "Another resource already exists with name dataSource"

I am using test annotation introduced in spring-boot 1.4.3 for my integration tests
public class MyServiceIT { }
According to documentation, test context is cached and reused to speed up integration tests. This behavior is what I want since it takes significant amount of time to initialize application context. My failsafe plugin is configured with
to allow integration tests to run in the same process to take advantage of application context caching.
Recently, I wrote a integration test used #MockBean annotation to mock behavior for some beans.
public class AnotherServiceIT {
SomeService service1
While the test runs fine on it's own, when running through maven verify, multiple integration tests fails with the error message
javax.naming.NamingException: Another resource already exists with
name dataSource - pick a different name
If I skip this particular test with JUnit #Ignore annotation, everything goes back to normal.
This behavior seems to indicate that using #MockBean changes the caching behavior, and each test attempts to create its own datasource. I should also mention that I am using an AtomikosDataSourceBean created through XADataSourceAutoConfiguration.
How can I overcome this issue so my integration test can still use cached context and use #MockBean at the same time?
Hmm, does SomeService relate to your Datasource in any way?
Because your context is cached and #MockBean does the following:
used to add mocks to a Spring ApplicationContext ... Any existing single bean of the same type defined in the context will be replaced by the mock,
If there is more than one bean of the requested type, qualifier metadata must be specified at field level:
public class ExampleTests {
private ExampleService service;
So if your SomeService is an implementation of a DataSource try adding a Qualifier. If SomeService has a DataSource in it, and you need to access some methods in it, you could try to use #Mock and specify the any objects that need to be returned either through their own mock or autowire.
SomeService someService;
SomeDependency mockDependency;
OtherDependency realDependency;
public void setUp() {

Spring Annotation #WebMvcTest does not work in an app that has Jpa repositories

I have a Spring App that uses JPA repositories (CrudRepository interfaces). When I try to test my controller using the new Spring test syntax #WebMvcTest(MyController.class), it fails coz it tries to instantiate one of my service class that uses JPA Repository, does anyone has any clues on how to fix that? The app works when I run it.
Here is the error:
Parameter 0 of constructor in com.myapp.service.UserServiceImpl required a bean of type 'com.myapp.repository.UserRepository' that could not be found.
Consider defining a bean of type 'com.myapp.repository.UserRepository' in your configuration.
According to the doc
Using this annotation will disable full auto-configuration and instead apply only configuration relevant to MVC tests (i.e. #Controller, #ControllerAdvice, #JsonComponent Filter, WebMvcConfigurer and HandlerMethodArgumentResolver beans but not #Component, #Service or #Repository beans).
This annotion only apply on the Spring MVC components.
If you are looking to load your full application configuration and use MockMVC, you should consider #SpringBootTest combined with #AutoConfigureMockMvc rather than this annotation.
I was able to unit test a Rest Controller by implementing junit 5 and using #SpringJUnitConfig along with #WebMvcTest. I am using Spring Boot 2.4.5 and this is my example:
#WebMvcTest(controllers = OrderController.class)
class OrderControllerTest {
private MockMvc mockMvc;
// This is a Mock bean of a Spring Feign client that calls an external Rest Api
private LoginServiceClient loginServiceClient;
// This is a Mock for a class which has several Spring Jpa repositories classes as dependencies
private OrderService orderService;
#DisplayName("should create an order")
void createOrder() throws Exception {
OrderEntity createdOrder = new OrderEntity("123")
.andExpect(content().contentType(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_UTF8))TODO: here it will go the correlationId
Please only use #SpringBootTest when you are implementing integration tests.
I faced this same problem. Using #SpringBootTest and #AutoConfigureMockMvc worked perfectly for me.

How to ensure load time weaving takes place for Eclipselink when using SpringBootTest with other tests running beforethe Spring one

I'm using Spring Rest Docs to generate documentation for my REST services. This involves running unit(strictly integration) tests that run against a live Spring Boot Container that is kicked off by the test. The test class looks like this:
#SpringBootTest(classes = MySpringConfiguration.class)
public class ApiDocumentation {
private MockMvc mockMvc;
public final JUnitRestDocumentation restDocumentation = new JUnitRestDocumentation("target/generated-snippets");
private WebApplicationContext context;
private ObjectMapper objectMapper;
public void setUp() {
this.mockMvc = MockMvcBuilders.webAppContextSetup(this.context)
public void testSomething() throws Exception {
The application uses JPA with EclipseLink for the EntityManager implementation.
When I run the test standalone in my IDE or as the only test present when I run a Maven build using the maven-surefire-plugin everything works fine.
However it's not the only test I want to run in the suite. As soon as I run other tests in the suite I come across the issue mentioned here, namely
"Spring's agent does not initialize the persistence context until the application accesses the Spring context. If the application has already triggered the loading of the persistent class before accessing the Spring context, weaving will not occur."
and get errors like this:
Exception Description: The method [_persistence_set_someField_vh] or [_persistence_get_someField_vh] is not defined in the object [mypackage.MyEntity].
So what do people normally do to get around this ? Run SpringBootTest classes in a different module to unit tests that access entities ?
As far as I concerned problem caused by dynamic weaving, if you make it static it should work proper. Possibly it could help you
Another solution could be to disable dynamic weaving in that particular test using eclipselink.weaving JPA property.
See this question and its answers: #SpringBootTest interferes with EclipseLink dynamic weaving
