Laravel 7 Api incomplete? - laravel

I started with Laravel 7 a few weeks ago. It happened to me multiple times that after reading about a topic on the Laravel website, I wanted to check the details of a function, for example:
So I went to the Laravel API, and could find the Route facade, but not the group function.
What am I doing wrong? Where do you check for example the exact signature of a function?

The method group in Route::group() is inherited from another class, RegistrarGroup.
See the docblock method in the source file, vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Support/Facades/Route.php:
#method static \Illuminate\Routing\Router|\Illuminate\Routing\RouteRegistrar group(\Closure|string|array $attributes, \Closure|string $routes)
so, this is what you look for in the API documentation:

That is because a Facade, by definition, is only an 'interface' to the methods exponed by another object, so you will not find the actual methods available by visiting the facade code.
Usually you can find the actual class that a facade resolves to (when not mocked) by checking the docblock in the source code and navigate to that class.
A very useful tool to overcome this problem and provide autocompletion (and inspection) for facades on your IDE is the package


findOrFail() method not found by PhpStorm

PhpStorm does not found findOrFail() method. When I try to call it, there isn't auto-complete and the result is always fail. The user found is always on the message.
I try to use Laravel Ide helper and query()->findorfail but I didn't resolve.
The result:
in phpstorm try the Laravel plugin to generate the IDE classes.
please check your User model. It must extend Model class like this.
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
class Lead extends Model {
I guess your User model is missing this "extends Model".
As I know, PHPStorm never detects the findOrFail method even we already installed the Laravel plugin.
But you use it wrong because this method takes an id and returns a single model. If the method can't find any matching data, it will return an error.
You can change the method into:

How to attach middleware to an existing named route from a package in laravel 5?

I'm trying to extend an existing application without modifying its source code.
The application has a named route called wizard-add.
Is there a way to register \MyPackage\MyMiddleware with the existing route?
I tried attaching it via Route::getRoutes()->getByName('wizard-add')->middleware(\MyPackage\MyMiddleware::class); but since packages are registered before the routes are read, Route::getRoutes() returns an empty collection.
Thank you!
Since I didn't find a way to solve this, I extended the app's controllers and put my logic inside.
namespace MyPackage\Controllers;
use App\Controllers\WizardController;
class MyPackageWizardController extends WizardController { ... }
and then in my service provider's register() method:
$this->app->bind(WizardController::class, MyPackageWizardController::class);
So everytime the app attempts to instantiate WizardController, it instantiates MyPackageWizardController instead. I don't know if there are any drawbacks but so far this has been working perfectly for me.

Target class [Backend\ServiceController] does not exist. - Laravel, Laravel 8 [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Error “Target class controller does not exist” when using Laravel 8
(27 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
After installing fresh version of laravel I was getting the above mentioned error. I have done 'composer dump-autoload' and cross checked the paths and everything seems to be correct. I am sure that everyone is going to face the exact issue. So please check my answer below, it will help you.
Thank you
The issue is very well explained in the upgrade guide. But for your quick reference I will post it here.
In previous releases of Laravel, the RouteServiceProvider class contained a $namespace property with a value of App\Http\Controllers. This value of this property was used to automatically prefix controller route declarations controller route URL generation such as when calling the action helper.
In Laravel 8, this property is set to null by default. This allows your controller route declarations to use the standard PHP callable syntax, which provides better support for jumping to the controller class in many IDEs:
use App\Http\Controllers\UserController;
// Using PHP callable syntax...
Route::get('/users', [UserController::class, 'index']);
// Using string syntax...
Route::get('/users', 'App\Http\Controllers\UserController#index');
In most cases this won't impact applications that are being upgraded because your RouteServiceProvider will still contain the $namespace property with its previous value. However, if you upgrade your application by creating a brand new Laravel project, you may encounter this as a breaking change.

Laravel docs do a contract vs facade but fail to explain what it is really about

from the official docs
this seems easy to test (the cache class)
public function testBasicExample()
as well in the documentation of facades it is written:
When building a third-party package that interacts with Laravel, it's
better to inject Laravel contracts instead of using facades. Since
packages are built outside of Laravel itself, you will not have access
to Laravel's facade testing helpers.
I really don't see how this is true. The package very well will access functions of laravel, so I don't see how it should not work with testing?
now in contracts they go on a little philosophical discussion what to use, facades or contracts. Isn't it better to use them together? Because contracts are nothing else than an interface. Now the idea of an interface is not new at all. I don't really get, what is the point about first of all comparing facades and contracts when:
facades are basically a extended class of laravel adding testing possibilities. They hide the implementation though and make it harder to read what functions are available on the class. E.g. you always first have to figure out what implementation is used of the facade, to see what methods there are.
contracts on the other hand are nothing else than interfaces. Basically the laravel people telling us "use interfaces". I agree, interfaces are great. But I don't see in what way this relates to facades. They are not related. They are not interchangeable neither.
So what is this all about?
why say "use contracts OR facades" they are not related, and should be used together imho.
An example is the Mail facade:
* #see \Illuminate\Mail\Mailer
class Mail extends Facade{...
so accessing Mail:: will return an instance of \Illuminate\Mail\Mailer
lets look at \Illuminate\Mail\Mailer
class Mailer implements MailerContract, MailQueueContract
nothing else than a class implementing a contract aka interface.
What exactly are they trying to tell us?
third-party package
is key term here to consider. Not every package is used with Laravel only.
The package very well will access functions of laravel
Is that true if I use CodeIgniter? Nope.
Now if you build a package specifically for Laravel, then by all means, use facades all day.
The whole point of this is to not couple yourself tightly with a single framework.

Hidden Laravel Methods (5.1)

First, I have IDE helper, and the php storm plugin. I tried the Gist pre made too. There are some similar questions, but no one seems to get answers. I'll probably poke laracasts and ide helper bug list if I don't get anything here.
So I'm following along to some of the into laracasts, and the guy keeps using methods that are not defined as far as I can tell. Situation:
I created a eloquent model called Article. It extends
So now I have App\Article and I can call any of the methods available to model. For example:
$article = \App\Article::all();
PHPStorm is happy. He keeps pulling stuff like ::find() or ::findOrFail()
It's in the docs
I just don't under stand how that works, I don't see the methods defined in model. If this is what ide helper is supposed to fix, then I'm not certain it's working correctly. I can RTFM, I'm pretty sure I followed the directions to a tee.
Ya know, I just found it. I see this question out and about, so I'll answer it here.
Fixed find or fail for me. find is still MIA. I'm surprised laravel doesn't support their code base in the forms of plugins or dedicated IDE's bit more. It's all just people out there creating a community and moving the world forward so I can't complain too much.
It works because Model implements __callStatic() which dispatches it to itself on a new instance: __callStatic() implementation on Model
It creates a new instance (new static) of the model in question and dispatches the statically called method on the instance.
Effectively, Model::foo($bar) is the same as (new Model)->foo($bar).
