How to access defined in the file in Spring Boot? - spring

I want to access values provided in, e.g.: DEBUG ERROR
I want to access userBucket.path in my main program in a Spring Boot application

You can use the #Value annotation and access the property in whichever Spring bean you're using
private String userBucketPath;


Read YAML file like properties

I am developing a spring boot project, and I need some external configuration. So I am storing that in a file called "config.yml" placed in "src/main/resources" folder.
Now I want the properties in config.yml to be injected in my class. Now if we use SnakeYML or any other parser, we would need to make Java classes to define the schema.
What I want is I can read the yml just like properties using #Value annotation. For e.g.
I need to access "name" or "location" property using
private String name;
Is there a way to do that in spring boot?
you don't need to add separate yml. you add custom properties to application.yml or application-{env}.yml
Spring recognise it and you can it via
Spring environment
Using Spring ConfigurationProperties

Exclude null properties from Spring Boot Rest controllers

I have a rest service exposed using spring boot rest controller but with the response i'm sending object's properties those has null values.
For ex : ReponseEntity.ok(list) and that list consist of Objects A with lot of null properties.
Is there an easy way of excluding those null properties with spring boot tools?
You can try this in file
Ref -
or you can try following annotation in class level or property level

How to get the effective Properties in Spring Boot application regardless of where it is defined?

suppose I define a property when starting my Spring Boot application from command line by passing to JVM, and also I define this property in the :
to my knowledge the command line one has higher priority and when I inject the value of in a bean I get 314. is there any API that I can get properties regardless of where it is defined and respect this priority? I mean I get the property that will be injected in beans by Spring.
If you don't want to inject the property via other mechanisms like #Value or bindings like #ConfigurationProperties, you can get it via Environment
private Environment env;

Is there any bean created for spring #propertySource annotation

I have used spring #propertysource annotation to load properties file in my spring boot project . I just need to know is there any bean created for this annotation when application gets started
#PropertySource annotation is used to let spring-boot know the location of the properties required by your application. It will not create any bean.

What is the best way to access context path in service layer for Spring boot project?

What is the best way to access context path and other default properties in service layer for Spring boot project?
The best way to get access to any properties is through org.springframework.core.env.Environment object.
Environment environment;
Using this environment object you can get hold of any property set using external files or file or properties set using #PropertySource
