How to access a single field of the logstash metadata event? - elasticsearch

I am using logastash 7.6 with the output-jdbc plugin, but I get an error and I understand that it is because in the event it sends me all the fields to be indexed that are part of #metadata.
Probe just putting the event name without # and it works for me.
How can I get a single field within a #metada set?
ERROR logstash.outputs.jdbc - JDBC - Exception. Not retrying {:exception=>#, :statement=>"UPDATE table SET estate = 'P' WHERE codigo = ? ", :event=>"{\"properties\":{\"rangoAltura1\":null,\"rangoAltura2\":null,\"codigo\":\"DB_001\",\"rangoAltura3\":null,\"descrip\":\"CARLOS PEREZ\",\"codigo\":\"106\",\"rangoAltura5\":null,\"active\":true},\"id\":\"DB_001_555\"}"}
My .conf:
statement => ["UPDATE table SET estate = 'A' WHERE entidad = ? ","%{[#metadata][miEntidad]}"]
{[#metadata][miEntidad]} -----> map['entidad_temp'] = event.get('entidad')

According to the output jdbc plugin README you have it set correctly/
Maybe try the following as a work-around:
statement => ["UPDATE table SET estate = 'A' WHERE entidad = ? ","[#metadata][miEntidad]"]


Is there any way to view the physical SQLs executed by Calcite JDBC?

Recently I am studying Apache Calcite, by now I can use explain plan for via JDBC to view the logical plan, and I am wondering how can I view the physical sql in the plan execution? Since there may be bugs in the physical sql generation so I need to make sure the correctness.
val connection = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:calcite:")
val calciteConnection = connection.asInstanceOf[CalciteConnection]
val rootSchema = calciteConnection.getRootSchema()
val dsInsightUser = JdbcSchema.dataSource("jdbc:mysql://localhost:13306/insight?useSSL=false&serverTimezone=UTC", "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver", "insight_admin","xxxxxx")
val dsPerm = JdbcSchema.dataSource("jdbc:mysql://localhost:13307/permission?useSSL=false&serverTimezone=UTC", "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver", "perm_admin", "xxxxxx")
rootSchema.add("insight_user", JdbcSchema.create(rootSchema, "insight_user", dsInsightUser, null, null))
rootSchema.add("perm", JdbcSchema.create(rootSchema, "perm", dsPerm, null, null))
val stmt = connection.createStatement()
val rs = stmt.executeQuery("""explain plan for select "perm"."user_table".* from "perm"."user_table" join "insight_user"."user_tab" on "perm"."user_table"."id"="insight_user"."user_tab"."id" """)
val metaData = rs.getMetaData()
while( {
for(i <- 1 to metaData.getColumnCount) printf("%s ", rs.getObject(i))
result is
EnumerableCalc(expr#0..3=[{inputs}], proj#0..2=[{exprs}])
EnumerableHashJoin(condition=[=($0, $3)], joinType=[inner])
JdbcTableScan(table=[[perm, user_table]])
JdbcTableScan(table=[[insight_user, user_tab]])
There is a Calcite Hook, Hook.QUERY_PLAN that is triggered with the JDBC query strings. From the source:
/** Called with a query that has been generated to send to a back-end system.
* The query might be a SQL string (for the JDBC adapter), a list of Mongo
* pipeline expressions (for the MongoDB adapter), et cetera. */
You can register a listener to log any query strings, like this in Java:
Hook.QUERY_PLAN.add((Consumer<String>) s ->"Query sent over JDBC:\n" + s));
It is possible to see the generated SQL query by setting calcite.debug=true system property. The exact place where this is happening is in JdbcToEnumerableConverter. As this is happening during the execution of the query you will have to remove the "explain plan for"
from stmt.executeQuery.
Note that by setting debug mode to true you will get a lot of other messages as well as other information regarding generated code.

Identify Redshift COPY failing records in Ruby

When performing a COPY command, a few informations are printed, like :
INFO: Load into table '<table>' completed, 22666 record(s) loaded successfully.
INFO: Load into table '<table>' completed, 1 record(s) could not be loaded. Check 'stl_load_errors' system table for details.
And I need to identify failing records.
Thus I need 2 things :
Determine when there are failing rows: now, it's only printed on screen and I don't know how to get the message in code.
Determine the failing rows.
One way to do that would be to access to the query identifier that is visible in the table stl_load_errors, but I have no clue how to access it by code.
(I currently use the pg gem to connect to redshift)
stl_load_errors is a table in Redshift that (as you may have guessed already) includes all the errors that happen when loading into Redshift. So you can query it by doing something like:
SELECT * FROM stl_load_errors
Now, to answer your questions use the following snippet:
database = PG.connect(redshift)
query = "COPY %s (%s) FROM 's3://%s/%s' CREDENTIALS 'aws_access_key_id=%s;aws_secret_access_key=%s' CSV GZIP" %
[ table, columns, s3_bucket, s3_key, access_key_id, secret_access_key ]
puts 'File succesfully imported'
rescue PG::InternalError
res = database.exec("SELECT line_number, colname, err_reason FROM pg_catalog.stl_load_errors WHERE filename = 's3://#{s3_bucket}/#{s3_key}'")
res.each do |row|
puts "Importing failed:\n> Line %s\n> Column: %s\n> Reason: %s" % row.values_at('line_number', 'colname', 'err_reason')
That should output all the information you need, recall variables like redshift, table, columns, s3_bucket, s3_key, access_key_id, and secret_access_key depend on your configuration.
To answer your comment below, more specifically, you could use a query like this:
"SELECT lines_scanned FROM pg_catalog.stl_load_commits WHERE filename = 's3://#{s3_bucket}/#{s3_key}' AND errors = -1"

run time error '13' type mismatch

I have my query on VB6 which was:
Set Db = DBEngine.OpenDatabase(App.Path & "\sample4nC4.mdb")
Set rs = Db.OpenRecordset("select *from tbl_student;")
Do Until rs.EOF
With ListView1
.ListItems.Add , , rs.Fields("stud_ID")
.ListItems(ListView.ListItems.Count).SubItems(1) = rs.Fields("stud_fname")
.ListItems(ListView1.ListItems.Count).SubItems(2) = rs.Fields("stud_lname")
.ListItems(ListView1.ListItems.Count).SubItems(3) = rs.Fields("stud_address")
.ListItems(ListView1.ListItems.Count).SubItems(4) = rs.Fields("stud_age")
End With
When I execute this query, there was an error on line 2 says:
Run Time Error '13' Type Mismatch
I really don't get it because when I check the table name, it was correct and yet I cant access the table. Can anybody answer my problem?
Do you have references to ADO and DAO in your project?
If so, look at this Microsoft support article:
Do these
Replace your query from 'select *from tbl_student;'
'select stud_fname, stud_lname, stud_address, stud_age from tbl_student'
This includes (1. space between '' and 'from' 2. remove ';' 3. specify the field names explicitly)*
Put a breakpoint in the first line your program and step into, if it still fails check which line it's failing.

db2 Invalid parameter: Unknown column name SERVER_POOL_NAME . ERRORCODE=-4460, SQLSTATE=null

I am using SQL 'select' to access a db2 table with schemaname.tablename as follows:
select 'colname' from schemaname.tablename
The tablename has 'colname' = SERVER_POOL_NAME for sure . yet I get the following error :
"Invalid parameter: Unknown column name SERVER_POOL_NAME . ERRORCODE=-4460, SQLSTATE=null"
I am using db2 v10.1 FP0 jdbc driver version 3.63.123. JDBC 3.0 spec
The application is run as db2 administrator and also Windows 2008 admin
I saw a discussion about this issue at : db2jcc4.jar Invalid parameter: Unknown column name
But i do not know where the connection parameter 'useJDBC4ColumnNameAndLabelSemantics should be set ( to value =2)
I saw the parameter should appear in ( see:
But i do not find this file on my DB2 installation . maybe it is packed in a .jar file
Any advice ?
There is a link on the page you're referring to, showing you the ways to set properties. Specifically, you can populate a Properties object with desired values and supply it to the getConnection() call:
String url = "jdbc:db2://host:50000/yourdb";
Properties props = new Properties();
props.setProperty("useJDBC4ColumnNameAndLabelSemantics", "2");
// set other required properties
Connection c = DriverManager.getConnection(url, props);
Alternatively, you can embed property name/value pairs in the JDBC URL itself:
String url = "jdbc:db2://host:50000/yourdb:useJDBC4ColumnNameAndLabelSemantics=2;";
// set other required properties
Connection c = DriverManager.getConnection(url);
Note that each name/value pair must be terminated by a semicolon, even the last one.

Strange query behavior oracle 11g

I have a query as:
SELECT ps_node_id,name
FROM cz_ps_nodes WHERE cz_ps_nodes.ps_node_type=261
START WITH NAME = 'Bundle Rule Repository',cz_ps_nodes.devl_project_id = P_devl_project_id AND cz_ps_nodes.deleted_flag = 0
CONNECT BY PRIOR ps_node_id = parent_id.
This query works.
But if I just remove the name from the select part like:
SELECT ps_node_id
FROM cz_ps_nodes WHERE cz_ps_nodes.ps_node_type = 261
START WITH NAME = 'Bundle Rule Repository',cz_ps_nodes.devl_project_id = P_devl_project_id AND cz_ps_nodes.deleted_flag = 0
CONNECT BY PRIOR ps_node_id = parent_id.
The query just hangs but was working on oracle 10 g and the problem started when we upgraded to oracle 11g.
Could anyone explain why?
Got the issue solved by using : alter session set optimizer_features_enable='' –
