Finding the sum of all the numbers between a and b: Ruby - ruby

Been working on this Kata for quite some time now and still can't figure out what I'm missing. The question is given two integers a and b, which can be positive or negative, find the sum of all the numbers between including them too and return it. If the two numbers are equal return a or b.
So far this is what my solution looks like:
def get_sum(a,b)
sum = [a+=b].sum
if sum == a or b
return a
and this is the output result:
Test Passed: Value == 1
Test Passed: Value == 3
Expected: 14, instead got: 4
Expected: 127759, instead got: 509
Expected: 44178, instead got: 444
I believe the keyword is all the numbers between but I'm not sure how to write that syntactically.
I've included some examples below for further clarification.
get_sum(1, 0) == 1 # 1 + 0 = 1
get_sum(1, 2) == 3 # 1 + 2 = 3
get_sum(0, 1) == 1 # 0 + 1 = 1
get_sum(1, 1) == 1 # 1 Since both are same
get_sum(-1, 0) == -1 # -1 + 0 = -1
get_sum(-1, 2) == 2 # -1 + 0 + 1 + 2 = 2

You can use formula for Arithmetic progression:
def get_sum(a, b)
a, b = b, a if a > b
(b - a + 1) * (a + b) / 2
Active Support(Rails) extension for Range class OR modern(>= 2.4) Ruby do the same.
So, you can use #MBo answer if your Kata site uses either Rails or modern Ruby. Usually such sites specify the environment and the interpreter version.
def get_sum(a, b)
a, b = b, a if a > b

Your code does not return result except for a=b case. Also - what [a+=b] generates? Array with a single element a+b, so it's sum is just a+b
Make a range and get it's sum.
Added: parameter ordering
def get_sum(a,b)
a, b = b, a if a > b
return (a..b).sum
print get_sum(1,3)
print get_sum(2,2)
print get_sum(-1,2)
print get_sum(3,-1)
>> 6 2 2 5

def get_sum(a,b)
sum = [a+=b].sum
if sum == a or b
return a
Other answers explain what you could write instead, so let's check your code:
a+=b is called first. It's basically a = a + b, so it calculates the sum of both inputs, saves it in a, and returns a.
sum = [a].sum creates an array with one element, and calculates its sum (which is just this one element). So sum = a
a or b is just a when a is truthy (that is, neither false nor nil).
So here's what your code actually does:
def get_sum(a,b)
a = a + b
sum = a
if sum == a
return a
Which is just:
def get_sum(a,b)
a = a + b
return a
Or :
def get_sum(a,b)
a = a + b
or :
def get_sum(a,b)
a + b

Please, try with below and ref enter link description here:
def get_sum(a,b)
return a if a == b
return (a..b).sum if b > a
return (b..a).sum if a > b
describe "Example Tests" do
Test Results:
Example Tests
Test Passed: Value == 1
Test Passed: Value == -1
Test Passed: Value == 3
Test Passed: Value == 14
You have passed all of the tests! :)


How to loop over an entire method until you achieve what you want ? (ruby)

I'm learning ruby and practicing with codewars, and I've come to a challenge that I feel I mainly understand (rudimentarily) but I'm unable to figure out how to continue looping over the method until I reach the result I'm looking for.
The challenge is asking to reduce a number, by multiplying its digits, until the multiplication results in a single digit. In the end it wants you to return the number of times you had to multiply the number until you arrived at a single digit. Example -> given -> 39; 3 * 9 = 27, 2 * 7 = 14, 1 * 4 = 4; answer -> 3
Here's my code :
def persistence(n)
if n < 10
return 0
arr = n.to_s.split("")
sum = 1
count = 0
arr.each do |num|
sum *= num.to_i
if num == arr[-1]
count += 1
if sum < 10
return count
Thanks for your help!
Your function is looking great with recursion but you are reseting the count variable to 0 each time the loop runs, I think if you use an auxiliar method it should run ok:
this is in base of your code with minor improvements:
def persistence(n)
return 0 if n < 10
count = 0
multiply_values(n, count)
def multiply_values(n, count)
arr = n.to_s.chars
sum = 1
arr.each do |num|
sum *= num.to_i
if num == arr[-1]
count += 1
if sum < 10
return count
multiply_values(sum, count)
a shorter solution could be to do:
def persistence(n)
return 0 if n < 10
multiply_values(n, 1)
def multiply_values(n, count)
sum =*)
return count if sum < 10
multiply_values(sum, count + 1)
and without recursion:
def persistence(n)
return 0 if n < 10
count = 0
while n > 10
n =*)
count += 1
Let's look at a nicer way to do this once:
num = 1234
product = num.to_s.split("").map(&:to_i).reduce(&:*)
Breaking it down:
As you know, this gets us ["1", "2", "3", "4"]. We can easily get back to [1, 2, 3, 4] by mapping the #to_i method to each string in that array.
We then need to multiply them together. #reduce is a handy method. We can pass it a block:
num.to_s.split("").map(&:to_i).reduce { |a, b| a * b }
Or take a shortcut:
As for looping, you could employ recursion, and create product_of_digits as a new method for Integer.
class Integer
def product_of_digits
if self < 10
We can now simply call this method on any integer.
1344.product_of_digits # => 6

Ruby: undefined method '>' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)

Currently working on a binary search algorithm for Ruby, but am running into an error when comparing the middle array element with n.
Code Below:
def b_search(n, arr)
middle = arr.length / 2
first = 0
last = arr.length - 1
while first <= last
middle = first + last / 2
if arr[middle] == n
return true
elsif arr[middle] > n
last = middle - 1
first = middle + 1
nums = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
target = 4
if b_search(target, nums)
puts "Target Found"
puts "Target Not Found"
The error evidently happens in the while loop at the
elsif arr[middle] > n
line, but I'm not sure why. Any help would be appreciated.
It occurs because arr[middle] is nil and nil has no method > defined on it.
Consider that
middle = first + last / 2
is equals to
middle = first + (last / 2)
and you probably meant
middle = (first + last) / 2
so use the parentheses because / has a higher precedence

recursive binary search in ruby

I've been learning some algorithms and I can't find the reason why my method is failing. if you could look at the code and shed some light as to why that is happening. I would truly appreciate it.
I'm trying to write a method that would binary search an array recursively and so far that is all my code.
def recursive_binary_search(arr, target)
max_index = arr.length - 1
mid_index = max_index / 2
if arr[mid_index] > target
new_arr = arr[0..(mid_index - 1)]
recursive_binary_search(new_arr, target)
elsif arr[mid_index] < target
new_arr = arr[(mid_index + 1)..max_index]
recursive_binary_search(new_arr, target)
return mid_index
The error I keep getting is undefined method '>' for nil:NilClass
I was unable to reproduce the exception reported by the OP (as the data that produced the exception was not given in the question), but the main problem is that, because max_index is computed from arr, and arr is constantly getting smaller, the index returned by the method will have no relation to the correct index in the initial array arr.
Suppose, for example, that arr = [1,2,3,4,5,6] and target = 6. In this case the method will return 0 (rather than 5) as the index of the target element. That's because arr will progressively become arr[3..6], arr[4..6], arr[5..6] and arr[6], at which point index 0 will be returned.
Here is one way the method could be written, using a case statement. The method assumes that target is an element of arr and (as required by binary searches) the elements of arr are ordered, smallest to largest.
def recursive_binary_search(arr, target, min_index=0, max_index=arr.size-1)
mid_index = (min_index+max_index)/2
case arr[mid_index] <=> target
when 0 # arr[mid_index] == target
when -1 # arr[mid_index] < target
min_index = mid_index + 1
recursive_binary_search(arr, target, min_index, max_index)
when 1 # arr[mid_index] > target
max_index = mid_index - 1
recursive_binary_search(arr, target, min_index, max_index)
arr = [1,2,3,4,5,6]
arr.each { |target| puts "#{target}: #{recursive_binary_search(arr, target)}" }
1: 0
2: 1
3: 2
4: 3
5: 4
6: 5
If your arrays are sorted you could try something like this:
def search(arr, target)
return nil if array.empty?
mid_index = array.length / 2
case target <=> array[mid_index]
when -1
search(array.take(mid_index), target)
when 0
when 1
subs = search(array.drop(mid_index + 1), target)
subs.nil? ? nil : (mid_index + 1) + subs

NoMethodError with .chr.to_i

I'm trying to create a recursive method sum_of_digits(i) that takes the sum of integers, i.e. '456' = 4+5+6 = 15
However, I receive a NoMethodError for chr.to_i in the following code:
def sum_of_digits(i)
input = i.to_s
if i == 0
return 0
elsif input.length == 1
return i
for n in 1..input.length
sum += input[i].chr.to_i % 10^(n-1)
return sum
Thank you!
String indexes are zero-based in ruby. The problem is here:
for n in 1..input.length
it should be written as
for n in 0..input.length-1
BTW, call to chr is superfluous as well, since you already have a string representation of a digit there. As well, sum must be declared in advance and set to zero.
Also, the whole code is not ruby idiomatic: one should avoid using unnecessary returns and for-loop. The modified version (just in case) would be:
def sum_of_digits(i)
input = i.to_s
when i == 0 then 0 # return zero
when input.length == 1 then i # return i
sum = 0
input.length.times do |index|
sum += input[index].to_i % 10^index
or, even better, instead of
sum = 0
input.length.times do |index|
sum += input[index].to_i % 10^index
one might use inject:
input.length.times.inject(0) do |sum, index|
sum += input[index].to_i % 10^index

Ruby compute cumulative sum from endpoints recursively?

Given two numbers, say (14, 18), the problem is to find the sum of all the numbers in this range, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 recursively. Now, I have done this using loops but I have trouble doing this recursively.
Here is my recursive solution:
def sum_cumulative_recursive(a,b)
total = 0
#base case is a == b, the stopping condition
if a - b == 0
puts "sum is: "
return total + a
if b - a == 0
puts "sum is: "
return total + b
#case 1: a > b, start from b, and increment recursively
if a > b
until b > a
puts "case 1"
total = b + sum_cumulative_recursive(a, b+1)
return total
#case 2: a < b, start from a, and increment recursively
if a < b
until a > b
puts "case 2"
total = a + sum_cumulative_recursive(a+1, b)
return total
Here are some sample test cases:
puts first.sum_cumulative_recursive(4, 2)
puts first.sum_cumulative_recursive(14, 18)
puts first.sum_cumulative_recursive(-2,-2)
My solution works for cases where a > b, and a < b, but it doesn't work for a == b.
How can I fix this code so that it works?
Thank you for your time.
def sum_cumulative_recursive(a,b)
return a if a == b
a, b = [a,b].sort
a + sum_cumulative_recursive(a + 1, b)
Here is the most efficient solution I could see from some informal benchmarks:
def sum_cumulative_recursive(a,b)
return a if a == b
a, b = b, a if a > b
a + sum_cumulative_recursive(a + 1, b)
Benchmark.measure { sum_cumulative_recursive(14,139) }
Benchmark for my initial response: 0.005733
Benchmark for #Ajedi32's response: 0.000371
Benchmark for my new response: 0.000115
I was also surprised to see that in some cases, the recursive solution approaches or exceeds the efficiency of the more natural inject solution:
Benchmark.measure { 10.times { (1000..5000).inject(:+) } }
# => 0.010000 0.000000 0.010000 ( 0.027827)
Benchmark.measure { 10.times { sum_cumulative_recursive(1000,5000) } }
# => 0.010000 0.010000 0.020000 ( 0.019441)
Though you run into stack level too deep errors if you take it too far...
I'd do it like this:
def sum_cumulative_recursive(a, b)
a, b = a.to_i, b.to_i # Only works with ints
return sum_cumulative_recursive(b, a) if a > b
return a if a == b
return a + sum_cumulative_recursive(a+1, b)
Here's one way of doing it. I assume this is just an exercise, as the sum of the elements of a range r is of course just (r.first+r.last)*(f.last-r.first+1)/2.
def sum_range(range)
return nil if range.last < range.first
case range.size
when 1 then range.first
when 2 then range.first + range.last
range.first + range.last + sum_range(range.first+1..range.last-1)
sum_range(14..18) #=> 80
sum_range(14..14) #=> 14
sum_range(14..140) #=> 9779
sum_range(14..139) #=> 9639
Another solution would be to have a front-end invocation that fixes out-of-order arguments, then a private recursive back-end which does the actual work. I find this is useful to avoid repeated checks of arguments once you've established they're clean.
def sum_cumulative_recursive(a, b)
a, b = b, a if b < a
_worker_bee_(a, b)
def _worker_bee_(a, b)
a < b ? (a + _worker_bee_(a+1,b-1) + b) : a == b ? a : 0
This variant would cut the stack requirement in half by summing from both ends.
If you don't like that approach and/or you really want to trim the stack size:
def sum_cumulative_recursive(a, b)
if a < b
mid = (a + b) / 2
sum_cumulative_recursive(a, mid) + sum_cumulative_recursive(mid+1, b)
elsif a == b
sum_cumulative_recursive(b, a)
This should keep the stack size to O(log |b-a|).
