Combine multiple VCF files into one large VCF file - bioinformatics

I have a list of VCF files from specific ethnicity such as American Indian, Chinese, European, etc
Under each ethnicity, I have around 100+ files.
Currently, I computed the VARIANT QC metrics such as call_rate, n_het etc for one file as shown in the hail tutorial (refer image below)
image is here
However, now I would like to have one file for each ethnicity and then compute VARIANT_QC metrics.
I already referred to this post and this post but don't think this addresses my query
How can I do this across all files under a specific ethnicity?
Can help me with this?
Is there any hail/python/R/other tools way to do this?

You could use Variant Transforms to achieve this goal. Variant Transforms is a tool for parsing and importing VCF files into BigQuery. It also can perform the reverse transform: export variants stored in BigQuery tables to VCF file. So basically you need to:  multiple VCF files -> BigQuery -> Single VCF file
Variant Transforms can easily handle multiple input files. It also can perform more complex logic to merge same variants across multiple files into the same record. After your variants are all loaded into BigQuery you could export them to VCF file.
Note that Variant Transforms creates a separate table for each chromosome to optimize query costs. You can easily create a VCF file for each chromosome and then merge them together to create a single one.
You can reach out to Variant Transforms team if you need help with this task.


How to merge HDFS small files into a one large file?

I have number of small files generated from Kafka stream so I like merge small files to one single file but this merge is based on the date i.e. the original folder may have number of previous files but I only like to merge for given date files to one single file.
Any suggestions?
Use something like the code below to iterate over the smaller files and aggregate them into a big one (assuming that source contains the HDFS path to your smaller files, and target is the path where you want your big result file):
val fs = FileSystem.get(spark.sparkContext.hadoopConfiguration)
fs.listStatus(new Path(source)).map(_.getPath.toUri.getPath).
foreach(name =>
This example assumes text file format, but you can just as well read any Spark-supported format, and you can use different formats for source and target, as well
you should be able to use .repartition(1) to write all results to 1 file. if you need to split by date, consider partitionBy("your_date_value") .
if you're working within HDFS and S3, this may also be helpful. you might actually even use s3-dist-cp and stay within HDFS.
There's a specific option to aggregate multiple files in HDFS using a --groupBy option based n a regular expression pattern. So if the date is in the file name, you can group based on that pattern.
You can develop a spark application. Using this application read the data from small files and create dataframe and write dataframe to big file in append mode.

How do I store data in multiple, partitioned files on HDFS using Pig

I've got a pig job that analyzes a large number of log files and generates a relationship between a group of attributes and a bag of IDs that have those attributes. I'd like to store that relationship on HDFS, but I'd like to do so in a way that is friendly for other Hive/Pig/MapReduce jobs to operate on the data, or subsets of the data without having to ingest the full output of my pig job, as that is a significant amount of data.
For example, if the schema of my relationship is something like:
relation: {group: (attr1: long,attr2: chararray,attr3: chararray),ids: {(id: chararray)}}
I'd really like to be able to partition this data, storing it in a file structure that looks like:
where the attrX values in the path are the values from the group, and the file(s) contain only ids. This would allow me to easily subset my data for subsequent analysis without duplicating data.
Is such a thing possible, even with a custom StoreFunc? Is there a different approach that I should be taking to accomplish this goal?
I'm pretty new to Pig, so any help or general suggestions about my approach would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Multistore wasn't a perfect fit for what I was trying to do, but it proved a good example of how to write a custom StoreFunc that writes multiple, partitioned output files. I downloaded the Pig source code and created my own storage function that parsed the group tuple, using each of the items to build up the HDFS path, and then parsed the bag of ids, writing one ID per line into the result file.

Merge multiple document categorizer models in OpenNLP

I am trying to write a map-reduce implementation of Document Categorizer using OpenNLP.
During the training phase, I am planning to read a large amount of files and create a model file as result of the map-reduce computation(may be a chain of jobs). I will distribute the files to different mappers, I would create a number of model files as result of this step. Now, I wish to reduce these model files to a single model file to be used for classification.
I understand that this is not the most intuitive of use cases, but I am ready to get my hands dirty and extend/modify the OpenNLP source code, assuming it is possible to tweak the maxent algorithm to work this way.
In case this seems too far fetched, I request for suggestions to do this by generating document samples corresponding to the input files as output of map-reduce step and reducing them to model files by feeding them to document categorizer trainer.
I've done this before, and my approach was to not have each reducer produce the model, but rather only produce the properly formatted data.
Rather than use a category as a key, which separates all the categories Just use a single key and make the value the proper format (cat sample newline) then in the single reducer you can read in that data as (a string) a bytearrayinputstream and train the model. Of course this is not the only way. You wouldn't have to modify opennlp at all to do this.
Simply put, my recommendation is to use a single job that behaves like this:
Map: read in your data, create category label and sample pair. Use a key called 'ALL' and context.write each pair with that key .
Reduce: use a stringbuilder to concat all the cat: sample pairs into the proper training format. Convert the string into a bytearrayinputstream and feed the training API . Write the model somewhere.
Problem may occur that your samples data is too huge to send to one node. If so, you can write the values to A nosql db and read then in from a beefier training node. Or you can use randomization in your mapper to produce many keys and build many models, then at classification time write z wrapper that tests data across them all and Getz The best from each one..... Lots of options.

How to load multiple excel files into different tables based on xls metadata using SSIS?

I have multiple excel files with two types of metadata, Now i have to push the data into two different tables based on metadata of excel files using SSIS.
There are many, many different ways to do this. You'd need to share a lot more information on how your data is structured to really give a great answer, but here's the general strategy I'd suggest.
In the control flow tab, have a separate data flow for each Excel file. The data flows will all work the same, with the exception of having a different Excel source in each data flow, so it will be enough to get the first version working and then copy and paste for the other files.
In the data flow, use a conditional split transformation to read the metadata coming from Excel and send the row to the correct table.
If you really want to be fancy, however, you could create a child package that includes all your data flow logic. Using the Execute Package Task you can pass the Excel file name to the child package for each Excel file you need to import. This way you consolidate your logic in one package and can still import from multiple Excel files in parallel.

Modeling Data in Hadoop

Currently I am bringing into Hadoop around 10 tables from an EDW (Enterprise Data Warehouse), these tables are closely related to a Star Schema model. I'm usig Sqoop to bring all these tables across, resulting in 10 directories containing csv files.
I'm looking at what are some better ways to store these files before striking off MR jobs. Should I follow some kind of model or build an aggregate before working on MR jobs? I'm basically looking at how might be some ways of storing related data together.
Most things I have found by searching are storing trivial csv files and reading them with opencsv. I'm looking for something a bit more involved and not just for csv files. If moving towards another format works better than csv, then that is no problem.
Boils down to: How best to store a bunch of related data in HDFS to have a good experience with MR.
I suggest spending some time with Apache Avro.
With Sqoop v1.3 and beyond you can import data from your relational data sources as Avro files using a schema of your own design. What's nice about Avro is that it provides a lot of features in addition to being a serialization format...
It gives you data+schema in the same file but is compact and efficient for fast serialization. It gives you versioning facilities which are useful when bringing in updated data with a different schema. Hive supports it in both reading and writing and Map Reduce can use it seamlessly.
It can be used as a generic interchange format between applications (not just for Hadoop) making it an interesting option for a standard, cross-platform format for data exchange in your broader architecture.
Storing these files in csv is fine. Since you will be able to process these files using text output format and could also read it through hive using specific delimiter. You could change the delimiter if you do not like comma to pipe("|") that's what I do most of the time. Also you generally need to have large files in hadoop but if its large enough that you can partition these files and each file partition is in the size of few 100 gigs then it would be a good to partition these files into separate directory based on your partition column.
Also it would be better idea to have most of the columns in single table than having many normalized small tables. But that varies depending on your data size. Also make sure whenever you copy , move or create data you do all the constraint check on your applications as it will be difficult to make small changes in the table later on, you will need to modify the complete file for even small change.
Hive Partitioning and Bucketing concepts can be used to effectively used to put similar data together (not in nodes, but in files and folders) based on a particular column. Here are some nice tutorials for Partitioning and Bucketing.
