How can ffmpeg stream a never-ending video file to RTMP - ffmpeg

I currently have an issue publishing a constantly appended video file to RTMP.
My workflow is
I proxy the MediaSource class in the browser.
From this I upload every byte appended to the buffers in a self hosted server
The server finally appends the video.avi file.
I want to stream that constantly updated avi file to an RTMP endpoint.
The issue I encounter is that ffmpeg will stop streaming the file once it has reached the duration it had when launching ffmpeg.
I don't know much about streaming videos and if it can be done "just" by appending an avi file.
The command I'm using is
.\ffmpeg.exe -re -i .\file.avi -c copy -f flv rtmp://localhost/live/STREAM_NAME
Thanks in advance for your help

It turns out that ffmpeg supports reading through FIFO. Now I'm creating a fifo instead of a regular file and just append my data in it.
Thanks to #szatmary for the tip


How to record video, audio and compress the same video using ffmpeg, so that both the task can be done in a single command line

I am newly using "ffmpeg". I have compressed the video which is stored in the directory, then I got to know that we can do "compression and recording" both at a time using ffmpeg. I tried this by using the below command but that is not working unable to record as well. Anyone please help me out to solve. Thanks in advance.
I tried using this command "ffmpeg -f gdigrab -framerate 10 -i desktop out.mpeg" this is giving error like- "Unknown input format: 'gdigrab' ".
I want the result which should "compress the live recording video" and store it in a folder or db.

How do i convert flv to mp4/mkv?

I'm trying to grab content from and the content is downloaded as *.flv. But VLC cannot play that file, no errors or other information.
I have tried to reinstall ffmpeg with additional codes: brew reinstall ffmpeg --with-libvpx and convert the flv file to mp4. But getting error *.flv: could not find codec parameters.
So how can I either download in another format? Or convert the file to mkv/mp4?
I cannot download the content, so I can't try the input video from
And, what is your command line? Can you post it?
It seems that you don't have some codec.
Maybe you can download ffmpeg-static to transcode the video.

How do i make a daily error log file, for a live stream, using FFMPEG?

I am using FFMPEG to convert a stream on the fly, but i want to log all the errors in file. The file should be generated daily, whilst the stream is 24/7.
What command can i use?
At the moment i have used this command:
ffmpeg -i ... commands ..... -loglevel warning -report
I want the file to be written every day for the live stream, but each day makes it own file, instead of one file.

Dumped video stream often not readable in VLC

I have two IP Cameras, and I'm regularly collecting the dumped video stream in a file. Every 30 minutes I kill down the running processes, and restart dumping, using the "mplayer" command in background to generate a .mp4 file.
Basically I'm running something like this:
killall mplayer
mplayer -dumpstream rtsp://cam01:554/video.mp4 -dumpfile cam01.mp4 & bg
mplayer -dumpstream rtsp://cam02:554/video.mp4 -dumpfile cam02.mp4 & bg
Then I store all the resulting .mp4 files for future checks.
Now there is the problem: many files are perfectly readable (using VLC) and many files aren't (I'm just able to open "unreadable" files using the "ffplay" utility).
However, as I'm using a VLC app in a smart TV to open them, I'd like to be able to open all files in VLC. Could you please give me some advice?

FFmpeg for the file conversion using URL

i need to be converted from MP4 to AVI. MP4 video are uploaded in window azure blob storage and storage is accessible publicly.
my question when we write the ffmpeg command line. can i give the url of the video which is on blob storage
ffmpeg -i D:\Shared\1.avi
Your ffmpeg command is correct.
But FFmpeg works only with http urls out of the box. To make it work with https urls, you will need to compile it yourself with openssl.
