Spring Cache - Clear cache only when API response is success - spring

I am using Spring Cache #CacheEvict & #Cacheable
Currently I am running a scheduler every Hr to clear cache and next time when fetchUser() is called it will fetch data from external APi and add to cache.
#Scheduled(cron = "0 0 * * * *}")
#CacheEvict(value = "some-unique-value", allEntries = true)
public void clearUserCache() {
log.info("Cache cleared");
#Cacheable(value = "some-unique-value", unless = "#result.isFailure()")
public Result<UserResponse> fetchUser() {
try {
UserResponse userResponse = api.fetchUserDetail();
return Result.success(userResponse);
} catch (Exception e) {
return Result.failure(INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
Now what we need is to clear cache only when User API call is success. Is there a way to do that.
As now cache is cleared on schedule and suppose external API call fails. Main API will return error response. In that case I should be able to use existing cache itself.

If I got it correctly, why don't you call it as a normal method after checking the API call is correct at this method's parent?
With your code, something along the lines of
// we just leave scheduled here as you need it.
#Scheduled(cron = "0 0 * * * *}")
#CacheEvict(value = "some-unique-value", allEntries = true)
public void clearUserCache() {
log.info("Cache cleared");
#Cacheable(value = "some-unique-value", unless = "#result.isFailure()")
public Result<UserResponse> fetchUser() {
try {
UserResponse userResponse = api.fetchUserDetail();
return Result.success(userResponse);
} catch (Exception e) {
return Result.failure(INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
public void parentMethod() {
Result<UserResponse> userResult = this.fetchUser();
if(userResult.isFailure()) {
This way, if any Exception is thrown it will return with a failure status and you're able to check it. So the cache will be cleared either every hour or when it didn't work.
So the next time, as it was a failure and there's no cache, it will try again.

I didn't find any direct implementation but with a work around I was able to do it.
Use Case
User API response should be updated only when next service call is triggered which make use of User API. It should not be updated by scheduler. As we need to pass on header information coming in from external system, to User API as well.
Cache must be cleared only when User API response is success.
Added a variable in scheduler and turning it ON on Schedule time and OFF when cache is updated.
This flag is used in UserService class to check if scheduler was triggered or not.
If not, use cache. If true, trigger User API call. Check for response, if success. Trigger CacheEvict method and update Cache.
Sample Code:
private boolean updateUserCache;
#Scheduled(cron = "${0 0 * * * *}") // runs every Hr
public void userScheduler() {
updateUserCache = true;
log.info("Scheduler triggered for User");
#CacheEvict(value = "USER_CACHE", allEntries = true)
public void clearUserCache() {
updateUserCache = false;
log.info("User cache cleared");
public boolean isUserCacheUpdateRequired() {
return updateUserCache;
UserResponse userResponse = null;
if (schedulerConfig.isUserCacheUpdateRequired()) {
userResponse = userCache.fetchUserDetail();
if (userResponse != null) {
// clear's cache and userResponse is stored in cache automatically when getUserDetail is called below
return userCache.getUserDetail(userResponse);
#Cacheable(value = "USER_CACHE", key = "#root.targetClass", unless = "#result.isFailure()")
public Result<User> getUserDetail(UserResponse userResponse) {
try {
if (userResponse == null) { // handle first time trigger when cache is not available
userResponse = fetchUserDetail(); // actual API call
return Result.success(mapToUser(userResponse));
} catch (Exception e) {
return Result.failure("Error Response");
Result is a custom Wrapper, assume it as a object which has success or failure attributes
I had to add #Cacheable part as separate Bean because caching only works on proxy objects. If I keep getUserDetail inside UserService and call directly, its not been intercepted as proxy and cache logic is not working, API call is triggered each time.
Most important: This is not the best solution and has scope for improvement.


Dynamically extend ttl in redis cache

I have been trying to learn about spring boot with redis and I canme across this excellent article which pretty much explains everything. But I have been trying to find out if it is possible to dynamically reset the TTL of a cache entry by putting the cache entry back in cache every time it is fetched. For example the ttl for my cache entry is 1hr, can I keep extending it and prevent its eviction as along as it is being actively accessed.
public ControlledCacheService {
#Cacheable(cacheNames = "myControlledCache")
public String getFromCache() {
return null;
#CachePut(cacheNames = "myControlledCache")
public String populateCache(String value) {
return value;
ControlledCacheService controlledCacheService;
private String getFromControlledCache() {
String fromCache = controlledCacheService.getFromCache();
if (fromCache == null) {
log.info("Oups - Cache was empty. Going to populate it");
String myValue = "valueToPutInCache"
String newValue = controlledCacheService.populateCache(myValue);
log.info("Populated Cache with: {}", newValue);
return newValue;
log.info("Returning from Cache: {}", fromCache);
controlledCacheService.populateCache(myValue); // **will calling this reset the ttl ?**
return fromCache;

Closing an async Response

I'm trying to close the current response but nothing happens when I try HttpContext.Response.Body.Close() and Response.End() does not exist.
The reason I'm trying to achieve this is because of legacy validator functions that write an error and close the response, or at least stopping the parent WebAPI method.
private async Task Register_v2()
//Read JSON to object
UserRegisterRequest userRegisterRequest = Request.ReadBody().FromJson<UserRegisterRequest>();
//Validate object (legacy static method with a lot of logic)
//Validate() should end the response if object not validated
userRegisterRequest.Validate(isJson: true, isThrowHttpError: true);
//Code still reaches here and request does not close
string test = "hey I'm alive";
Can I workaround this with middleware somehow?
There are two ways to terminate the Request pipeline.
Use app.Run in Startup.Configure
Do not invoke _next(context) in Middleware.InvokeAsync
For your scenario, you could try second option by determining whether to invoke _next(context).
public class FirstMiddleware
private readonly RequestDelegate _next;
public FirstMiddleware(RequestDelegate next)
_next = next;
public async Task InvokeAsync(HttpContext context)
await context.Response.WriteAsync($"This is { GetType().Name }");
//decide whether to invoke line below based on your business logic
//await _next(context);
bool isValid = userRegisterRequest.Validate(isJson: true, isThrowHttpError: true);
//change userRegisterRequest.Validate to reutrn whether the model is valid
await context.Response.WriteAsync($"Model is not valid");
await _next(context);

Custom Async Action Filter for Web API 2

I have a web api to consume the data coming from android mobile. This web api will consume the multi part file from along with the form data the web api request. I followed this article to archive.
public async Task<HttpResponseMessage> SaveEHSInspectionData()
string root = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/App_Data");
MultipartFormDataStreamProvider provider = new MultipartFormDataStreamProvider(root);
//do stuff
var res = await Request.Content.ReadAsMultipartAsync(provider);
catch (Exception exp)
return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, result);
I wanted to do the custom access validation for this web api, so implemented a filter to validate the request.
I have the filter like below
public class CustAuthAsyncAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute
public override async Task OnActionExecutingAsync(HttpActionContext actionContext, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
The internal method like this
protected void InternalOnExecutingAsync(HttpActionContext actionContext)
var authValue = actionContext.Request.Headers;
if (authValue.Contains("CustomAccessToken"))
string token = authValue.GetValues("CustomAccessToken").First();
var result = // doing some decription
if (result != null)
bool validationResult = // validation with database
if (!validationResult)
actionContext.Response = new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized)
{ ReasonPhrase = "Invalid token" };
actionContext.Response = new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized)
{ ReasonPhrase = "Invalid token" };
actionContext.Response = new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized)
{ ReasonPhrase = "Unauthorized Request" };
These implementations are working fine in API Client Tools (Example: Postman) if the validation passes, allows the request to the method.
Postman Response screen shot
This is not working in mobile app, Saying the response message as Unauthorized Access. and not allowing the request to the method even the custom access validations are passed.
FYI : This method is working fine in mobile without filter
Help me to get this works in mobile app also.
Thanks in advance.
Your using the wrong type of filter to manage access. You should use an authorization filter. Besides you can't have an async method to authorize. You have to make the calling client wait for clearance. This may cause the side effects you're experiencing.
I'm not sure this has any to do with fact that it's a mobile application, however the authorization phase ir prior to the processing of the request. Verify that your are not using any other form of authorization in your project.
You should implement an authorization filter by inheriting AuthorizeAttribute and overriding IsAuthorized(HttpActionContext actionContext) method:
public class CustAuthAsync : AuthorizeAttribute
public CustAuthAsync()
///Some initialization if required. Otherwise, not necessary to declare the constructor..
protected override bool IsAuthorized(HttpActionContext actionContext)
var authValue = actionContext.Request.Headers;
if (authValue.Contains("CustomAccessToken"))
string token = authValue.GetValues("CustomAccessToken").First();
var result = // doing some decription
if (result != null)
return //database validation
return false;
//No need to create special unauthorized response. You should not hint the reason at this point. You can do this in the HandleUnauthorizedRequest method.
return false;//No need to create special unauthorized response.
You can use this attribute to decorate your controllers. You can even pass parameter in the constructor for more granular control on access management, like a required role to access de controller.

Avoid saving data in spring data rest in handleBeforeSave

I am using #RepositoryRestResource for Mongo Repositories.
I want to do some pre-save check and if those checks are not meeting the requirements, I want to abandon the save operation.
I tried :
public void handleBeforeSave(CallLog callLog)
throws InternalServerException {
CallLog log = callRepository.findOne(callLog.getConferenceId());
if (log != null
&& (callLog.getStatus().equals(Constants.CALL_IN_PROGRESS) || callLog
.getStatus().equals(Constants.CALL_DROPPED))) {
if (callLog.getStatus().equals(Constants.CALL_DROPPED)) {
User user = userRepository.findOne(callLog.getReceiverId());
throw new InternalServerException(
"This call has already been received");
} else {
User user = userRepository.findOne(callLog.getReceiverId());
But throwing exception, does not actually abandon the save call. Is there any other way to do it?
You can use a RestController to intercept the request.

Play Framework: Image Display question

I'm uneasy about one point in this example
#{list items:models.User.findAll(), as:'user'}
<img src="#{userPhoto(user.id)}">
At this point I'm already holding the user object (including the image blob). Yet the userPhoto() method makes another dip into the backend to get the Image user.photo
public static void userPhoto(long id) {
final User user = User.findById(id);
Any way to avoid this unnecessary findById call?
You're not actually holding the user object any more though, because the userPhoto action is invoked in a separate request that's sent when the browser tries to load the image from the URL generated by #{userPhoto(user.id)}.
Of course, you could use the cache to store data from each user's photo Blob, which would reduce the likelihood that you had to go to the database on the image request. It's more trouble than it's worth in this case though since you're just doing a simple primary key lookup for the user object, and that should be relatively inexpensive. Plus Blobs aren't serializable, so you have to pull out each piece of information separately.
Still, if you were to try that it might look something like this:
// The action that renders your list of images
public static void index() {
List<User> users = User.findAll();
for (User user : users) {
// The action that returns the image data to display
public static void userPhoto(long id) {
InputStream photoStream;
String path = Cache.get("image_path_user_" + id);
String type = Cache.get("image_type_user_" + id);
// Was the data we needed in the cache?
if (path == null || type == null) {
// No, we'll have to go to the database anyway
User user = User.findById(id);
photoStream = user.photo.get();
type = user.photo.type();
} else {
// Yes, just generate the stream directly
try {
photoStream = new FileInputStream(new File(path));
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new UnexpectedException(ex);
// Convenience method for caching the photo information
private static void cachePhoto(Blob photo) {
if (photo == null) {
Cache.set("image_path_user_" + user.id,
Cache.set("image_type_user_" + user.id,
Then you'd still have to worry about appropriately populating/invalidating the cache in your add, update, and delete actions too. Otherwise your cache would be polluted with stale data.
