error in a recursively-called make doesn't stop the calling make - makefile

I have a makefile that loops over all child directories that have files called Makefile in them, and runs a new make in that directory with my current target. It works fine when it works.
However, if the child make process finds an error it stops... but my calling make doesn't. The calling make continues to run, giving a false impression it is working. How can I make the calling make halt in this case?
# Make the same target in all subdirectories with a Makefile.
SubMakefiles = $(shell find -L . -maxdepth 2 -type f -name Makefile)
SubMakeDirs = $(filter-out ./,$(dir $(SubMakefiles)))
clean depend all::
#for dir in $(SubMakeDirs); do \
make -C $$dir $#

Without changing your targeting, you can capture the return value of one or more commands in sh with parenthesis, and exit with their error code should there be an error code, as follows:
# Make the same target in all subdirectories with a Makefile.
SubMakefiles = $(shell find -L . -maxdepth 2 -type f -name Makefile)
SubMakeDirs = $(filter-out ./,$(dir $(SubMakefiles)))
clean depend all::
#for dir in $(SubMakeDirs); do \
( make -C $$dir $# ) || exit $$?; \

Ultimately I settled on the following approach. Since the recursive make is run as a command directly by make, any error code produced will cause the master make to abort as well.
Walkthrough: we recurse to any sub-directory with a Makefile in it.
MAKECMDGOALS is a gmake-managed variable holding the command goal. A little counterintuitively, this top-level makefile says that whatever command you're trying to run depends on all the subdirectories with makefiles, and the rule to "create" those subdirectories (of course they already exist, but gmake isn't specifically aware of that) it recursively runs the same command in the subdirectory (specified with -C).
SUBDIRS = ${sort ${dir ${wildcard */Makefile}}}
$(MAKE) --no-print-directory -C $# $(MAKECMDGOALS)


Build make target if contents of directory have changed

I need a Makefile that allows me to enter make foo-program and, if any foo-program/**/*.hs file has changed since last build, build the target (output in foo-program/.stack-work).
Here is my directory tree:
|-.stack-work/ # Generated output goes here
|-.stack-work/ # Generated output goes here
|-notes/ # non-source, so no Make target for this
Here is what I have so far:
# evaluates to 'bar-other-program foo-program'
PROGS := $(shell find * -type f -name '*.hs' | cut -d'/' -f1 | uniq)
$(PROGS): $$(wildcard $$#/src/*.hs) $$(wildcard $$#/test/*.hs)
# do-build $#
When I run make foo-program, whether the source has changed or not, I get:
make: Nothing to be done for 'foo-program'
UPDATE: My final (non-abstracted) Makefile can be found on GitHub. Note that my solution took a different turn than I intended when I wrote up this question. Looking at that Makefile also might also make it more clear as to my original goal.
I am not quite sure of the the purpose of cut -d'/' there.
But if you just want a list of *.hs files in the current directory (recursively found) and then build a target/executable based on whether they have changed, you can do something like this:
PROGS = $(subst ./,,$(shell find . -type f -name '*.hs'))
DEPS = $(addprefix stackwork/,$(addsuffix .dep,$(basename $(PROGS))))
DIRS = $(dir $(DEPS))
.PHONY: foo-program
foo-program: $(DEPS) $(DIRS)
stackwork/%.dep: %.hs | $(DIRS)
#echo making $#
#touch $#
#echo creating dir $#
#mkdir -p $#
#rm -rf $(DEPS) $(DIRS)
PROGS is your list of .hs files
DEPS is a list of generated dependency files (empty but date stamps will be used)
DIRS is a list of output directories that need to be created (I guess they don't exist by default since they are output folders?)
foo-program is a rule that you can call (PHONY because at the moment it does not create a real file)
%.dep: %.hs is a rule how to generate a .dep file (this could be a .o .obj or any other file type) which depends on its .hs file equivalent.
$(DIRS): is a rule to create your output directories if needed.
So if the .dep files don't exist, all of the .hs files will be "compiled". If all the .dep files exist and are up to date, then nothing will be compiled. If one or more file is out of date then just those files will be built. Here is the output of running this on my PC with a few test files:
admin#osboxes:~/sandbox$ make
creating dir stackwork/
creating dir stackwork/test/
creating dir stackwork/test/test2/
making stackwork/file.dep
making stackwork/test/file.dep
making stackwork/test/test2/file2.dep
admin#osboxes:~/sandbox$ make
make: Nothing to be done for 'foo-program'.
admin#osboxes:~/sandbox$ touch test/file.hs
admin#osboxes:~/sandbox$ make
making stackwork/test/file.dep
admin#osboxes:~/sandbox$ make
make: Nothing to be done for 'foo-program'.

Makefile multiple targets in sub-directories

I started messing with makefiles a few days ago, so I gave myself a exercise to learn as well as making my life easier.
I basically want to read the directory the makefile is in (root) and use luamin to compress the file as much as possible before I deploy it to our server. But I would like to have it as flexible as possible, so depending on where said file is in the directory it should mirror it to the server.
So if it finds a file in a sub folder called home it should create a new folder with the same name with the compressed file within. I have gotten the compression of files in the root folder working as well as creation of the directories where the files should reside.
objs = $(wildcard *.lua)
dirs = $(wildcard */)
compress: $(objs)
mkdir -p .build
luamin -f $(objs) > .build/$(objs)
mkdir .build/$(dirs)
rm -rf ./.build
deploy: .build
cp ./.build/* ~
If you use GNU make, there are several features that really help to do what you want. Warning: this works if and only if your file names do not contain spaces:
srcfiles := $(shell find . -path .build -prune -o -type f -name '*.lua' -print)
dstfiles := $(addprefix .build/,$(srcfiles))
.PHONY: compress clean deploy
compress: $(dstfiles)
$(dstfiles): .build/%: %
mkdir -p $(dir $#)
luamin -f $< > $#
rm -rf ./.build
deploy: .build
cp ./.build/* ~
The shell make function is used to run the find command that searches all subdirectories, except .build, for *.lua files. The result is assigned to the srcfiles make variable.
The addprefix make function is used to add the .build/ prefix to all words of the srcfiles make variable and assign the result to the dstfiles make variable.
The compress target is the first (real) target in the Makefile. It is thus the default goal that gets run when invoking just make. It is the same as invoking make compress. The compress target is declared as phony. This tells make that it is not a real file, just like clean and deploy. The compress target depends on all destination files. If one is missing or older than its corresponding source file, it must be rebuilt.
The make static pattern rule $(dstfiles): .build/%: %... declares a generic rule where each destination file (.build/./foo/bar/baz.lua) depends on the corresponding source file (./foo/bar/baz.lua). The recipe creates the destination directory (./foo/bar/), computed thanks to the dir make function. Then, it applies the luamin command. The recipe makes use of the $# and $< automatic variables.

make: automatic execution of targets

In my project, I have a set of programs that are build from sources:
SRC_FILES = $(wildcard $(SRC_DIR)/*.cpp)
TARGETS = $(patsubst $(SRC_DIR)/%.cpp,$(BIN_DIR)/%,$(SRC_FILES))
My build target is simple, and works fine:
all: $(TARGETS)
#echo "- Done target $#"
Now, I want a run target so that all these programs are run from the shell on request. Say, if I have 3 files, I want make to run automatically:
>$ ./test1
>$ ./test2
>$ ./test3
>$ ./test1 && ./test2 && ./test3
I tried this:
run: $(TARGETS)
$(addsuffix && ,$(TARGETS))
That generates the following command:
./test1&& ./test2&&
but it fails, due to the trailing &&
(Of course, I want these to be generated automatically as there can be 3... or 30.)
Edit: actually, the && separator is not required, so something like this:
>$ ./test1; ./test2; ./test3;
will be fine too.
Have some .PHONY line near start of Makefile with
.PHONY: all run
You might have
run: $(TARGETS)
$(addsuffix && ,$(TARGETS)) true
but it is a dirty trick.
Maybe you want to produce the output of test2 into test2.out then you might have
TESTSCRIPTS= $(wildcard test*[0-9])
run: $(patsubst %, %.out, $(TESTSCRIPTS))
test%.out: test%
# here some command to run the test%
As alternatives to Basile Starynkevitch's entirely correct answer here there are (at least) two other options as well.
You can avoid the need to run an unnecessary command (builtin though it might be) to end the list by manually pulling off the first entry (this may in fact be more costly then the shell builtin though).
run: $(TARGETS)
$< $(addprefix &&,$(wordlist 2,$(words $^),$^))
A better option I think, assuming that connecting the commands with && isn't a necessity would be to use $(foreach) to generate the command to be run.
run: $(TARGETS)
$(foreach t,$^,$t;)
The trailing ; in that is crucial as the output from $(foreach) is a single line and you need ; to terminate each shell command (or it is seen as one long command with arguments).

Setting target variable for the name of the makefile from a subdirectory

How can I have the variable for $(MAKEFILE) be defined during target execution?
Basically I have a few make files in subdirectories that are named for a specific platform "Makefile.aix" and just Makefile in all other directories. I would like to set a variable for $(MAKEFILE) that gets defined in each subdirectory. Code would look something like this.
MAKEFILE = Makefile
SUBDIR = ./sub ./sub2
ifneq ($(wildcard Makefile),)
MAKEFILE = Makefile
#for i in $(SUBDIR);\
do (\
echo Making $$i ...;\
cd $$i;\
make -f $(MAKEFILE)\
); done
Is there just one Makefile.$(PLATFORM) in each subdirectory, or are there several, for different platforms?
In the first case, you could do something like this:
SUBDIR = ./sub ./sub2
define script
cd $(1); \
$(MAKE) -f Makefile*
$(foreach dir, $(SUBDIR), $(call script,$(dir)))
(The empty line inside the define is significant. It can be omitted, if you add a semicolon at the end of the line $(MAKE) ..., leading to one long command line, containing the commands for all directories, which will then be executed in one chunk.)
An alternative script would be (just a matter of personal preference which you like better):
define script
$(MAKE) -C $(1) -f $(notdir $(wildcard $(1)/Makefile*))
If there are several Makefile.$(PLATFORM) files in a directory it becomes more difficult. I'll have to think about that one some more.
UPDATE: In response to your comment, something like this should work:
define script
$(MAKE) -C $(1) -f $(notdir $(wildcard $(1)/Makefile $(1)/Makefile.$(PLATFORM)))
Following your logic, I'd propose update do () section with:
do (\
echo Making $$i ...;\
cd $$i;\
if [ -f Makefile.$(PLATFORM) ] \
make -f Makefile.$(PLATFORM) \
make -f Makefile\
); done
This is actually not a make style, but I can't suggest anything better without specific of your project
You can do most of this, including the loop over directories, using GNU make's built-in functions. Put the following in a central place, say $(TOP_DIR)/mk/
makefile-for-dir = \
$(if $(wildcard $(1)/Makefile),Makefile,Makefile.$(PLATFORM))
make-recursive = \
$(foreach _d,$(1),$(MAKE) -C $(_d) -f $(call makefile-for-dir,$(_d)) && ) :
In each makefile that start recursive makes, use
include $(TOP_DIR)/mk/
SUBDIRS = dir1 dir2 dir3
.PHONY: all
+#$(call make-recursive,$(SUBDIRS))

make wildcard subdirectory targets

I have a "lib" directory in my applications main directory, which contains an arbitrary number of subdirectories, each having its own Makefile.
I would like to have a single Makefile in the main directory, that calls each subdirectory's Makefile. I know this is possible if I manually list the subdirs, but I would like to have it done automatically.
I was thinking of something like the following, but it obviously does not work. Note that I also have clean, test, etc. targets, so % is probably not a good idea at all.
all: $(LIBS)
(cd $#; $(MAKE))
Any help is appreciated!
The following will work with GNU make:
LIBS=$(wildcard lib/*)
all: $(LIBS)
.PHONY: force
$(LIBS): force
cd $# && pwd
If there might be something other than directories in lib, you could alternatively use:
LIBS=$(shell find lib -type d)
To address the multiple targets issue, you can build special targets for each directory, then strip off the prefix for the sub-build:
LIBS=$(wildcard lib/*)
clean_LIBS=$(addprefix clean_,$(LIBS))
all: $(LIBS)
clean: $(clean_LIBS)
.PHONY: force
$(LIBS): force
echo make -C $#
$(clean_LIBS): force
echo make -C $(patsubst clean_%,%,$#) clean
There is also a way of listing sub-directories with gmake commands only, without using any shell commands:
#echo $(filter %/, $(wildcard lib/*/))
This will list all sub-directories with trailing '/'. To remove it you can use the substitute pattern:
subdirs = $(filter %/, $(wildcard lib/*/))
#echo $(subdirs:%/=%)
Then to actually create rules executing makefiles in each sub-directory you can use a small trick - a phony target in a non-existent directory. I think in this case an example will tell more than any explanation:
FULL_DIRS =$(filter %/, $(wildcard lib/*/))
DIRS_CMD =$(foreach subdir, $(LIB_DIRS), make-rule/$(subdir))
cd $* && $(MAKE)
Basically, target 'all' lists all sub-directories as prerequisites. For example, if LIB_DIRS contained lib/folder1 lib/folder2 then the expansion would look like this:
all: make-rule/lib/folder1 make-rule/lib/folder2
Then 'make', in order to execute rule 'all', tries to match each prerequisite with an existing target. In this case the target is 'make-rule/%:', which uses '$*' to extract the string after 'make-rule/' and uses it as argument in the recipe. For example, the first prerequisite would be matched and expanded like this:
cd lib/folder1 && $(MAKE)
What if you want to call different targets than all in an unknown number of subdirectories?
The following Makefile uses macros so create a forwarding dummy-target for a number of subdirectories to apply the given target from the command line to each of them:
# all direct directories of this dir. uses "-printf" to get rid of the "./"
DIRS=$(shell find . -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d -not -name ".*" -printf '%P\n')
# "all" target is there by default, same logic as via the macro
all: $(DIRS)
$(MAKE) -C $#
# if explcit targets where given: use them in the macro down below. each target will be delivered to each subdirectory contained in $(DIRS).
# create new variable, with the name of the target as prefix. it holds all
# subdirectories with the target as suffix
$(1)_DIRS=$$(addprefix $(1)_,$$(DIRS))
# create new target with the variable holding all the subdirectories+suffix as
# prerequisite
$(1): $$($1_DIRS)
# use list to create target to fullfill prerequisite. the rule is to call
# recursive make into the subdir with the target
$$(MAKE) -C $$(patsubst $(1)_%,%,$$#) $(1)
# and make all targets .PHONY
.PHONY: $$($(1)_DIRS)
# evaluate the macro for all given list of targets
$(foreach t,$(EXTRA_TARGETS),$(eval $(call RECURSIVE_MAKE_WITH_TARGET,$(t))))
Hope this helps. Really helpfull when dealing with paralelism: make -j12 clean all in a tree with makefiles having these targets... As always: playing with make is dangerous, different meta-levels of programming are too close together ,-)
