How to exclude #ConfigurationProperties from reloading in kubernetes configMap - spring-boot

In my application I have ds bean with prefix so I can defined it in by profile
#ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "atomikos.db")
public AbstractDataSourceBean dbDataSource() {
AtomikosNonXADataSourceBean atomikosDataSource = new AtomikosNonXADataSourceBean();
return atomikosDataSource;
according this article this bean will be reload when configMap changed but how I can exclude it and still use to define properties this bean according to profile ? In production system I just can not recreate connection to db

According to the latest documentation, you should set
where my.package.ClassName is the type of bean you don't want refreshed.


Transactions, Spring Boot Starter JDBC & R2DBC

I am trying to migrate a Spring Boot project, version 2.3.0.M3, that have used JDBC template to R2DBC. The project also uses Liquibase so I cannot get rid of JDBC altogether.
I have both the spring-boot-starter-data-r2dbc and the spring-boot-starter-jdbc dependencies in the project with which I get the following exception when trying to run one of my tests:
org.springframework.beans.factory.NoUniqueBeanDefinitionException: No qualifying bean of type 'org.springframework.transaction.TransactionManager' available: expected single matching bean but found 2: transactionManager,connectionFactoryTransactionManager
at org.springframework.transaction.interceptor.TransactionAspectSupport.determineTransactionManager(
at org.springframework.transaction.interceptor.TransactionAspectSupport.invokeWithinTransaction(
at org.springframework.transaction.interceptor.TransactionInterceptor.invoke(
at org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed(
at org.springframework.aop.framework.CglibAopProxy$CglibMethodInvocation.proceed(
at org.springframework.aop.interceptor.ExposeInvocationInterceptor.invoke(
at org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed(
at org.springframework.aop.framework.CglibAopProxy$CglibMethodInvocation.proceed(
at org.springframework.aop.framework.CglibAopProxy$DynamicAdvisedInterceptor.intercept(
The bean connectionFactoryTransaction manager is defined like this in the Spring class R2dbcTransactionManagerAutoConfiguration:
public R2dbcTransactionManager connectionFactoryTransactionManager(ConnectionFactory connectionFactory) {
return new R2dbcTransactionManager(connectionFactory);
The bean transactionManager is defined like this in the Spring class DataSourceTransactionManagerAutoConfiguration:
DataSourceTransactionManager transactionManager(DataSource dataSource,
ObjectProvider<TransactionManagerCustomizers> transactionManagerCustomizers) {
DataSourceTransactionManager transactionManager = new DataSourceTransactionManager(dataSource);
transactionManagerCustomizers.ifAvailable((customizers) -> customizers.customize(transactionManager));
return transactionManager;
As can be seen, the #ConditionalOnMissingBean annotation contains different types which will cause an instance of both beans to be created.
However, in the Spring class TransactionAspectSupport there is this line of code in the determineTransactionManager method:
defaultTransactionManager = this.beanFactory.getBean(TransactionManager.class);
Since both of the transaction manager types, DataSourceTransactionManager and R2dbcTransactionManager, implement the TransactionManager interface, both the transaction manager beans as above will be matched and the error will occur.
I am now reaching out to hear if there is anyone who has managed to solve or work around this issue?
Thanks in advance!
With inspiration from M. Deinums answer (thanks!), I applied the following steps to my project and the test that failed earlier now runs successfully:
Remove the spring-boot-starter-jdbc dependency.
Add a dependency to spring-jdbc.
Add a dependency to HikariCP (com.zaxxer).
Add spring.liquibase user and password properties (I already had the url and change-log properties).
Remove all spring.datasource properties (I had url and drive-class-name).
I had the spring.r2dbc properties username, password and url defined which I did not need to change.
In addition, I used Testcontainers in the tests and could not assign a static port. In order to be able to configure the database port on Liquibase, I overrode a bean name liquibase of the type SpringLiquibase and created a DataSource (not exposed as a bean) in the liquibase bean creation method and set it on the liquibase bean.
It's possible to have spring-boot-starter-jdbc and spring-boot-starter-data-r2dbc co-exist. There is a class org.springframework.transaction.annotation.TransactionManagementConfigurer that can be used to resolve the conflict.
Spring Boot 2.3.0 seems to disable automatic datasource config when r2dbc is present. It's possible to manually import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.jdbc.DataSourceAutoConfiguration class to make both co-exist.
TransactionManagementConfigurer transactionManagementConfigurer(ReactiveTransactionManager reactiveTransactionManager) {
return new TransactionManagementConfigurer() {
public TransactionManager annotationDrivenTransactionManager() {
return reactiveTransactionManager;

JDBC not registering metrics on spring boot 2 when #RefreshScope is on DataSource Bean

I have an application that uses spring boot 2 and logs metrics from micrometer. I want to log jdbc (mysql) min, max, and active connections periodically. I also want to use #RefreshScope on my datasource bean to prevent hikari binding exceptions when injecting configs on the fly from spring admin. I find that when I use #RefreshScope on config class/datasource bean JDBC does not register itself with the MeterRegistry.
Is it possible to have JDBC register itself with the MeterRegistry with #RefreshScope?
Is there a way to progammatically register JDBC with the MeterRegistry in my bean definition?
public class DbConfig {
#Bean(name = "dataSource")
#ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "spring.datasource")
public DataSource dataSource() {
return DataSourceBuilder.create().build();
Removing #RefreshScope allows JDBC to automatically register with the MeterRegistry but causes the below exception on config change: Error creating bean with name 'dataSource': Could not bind properties to 'HikariDataSource' : prefix=spring.datasource, ignoreInvalidFields=false, ignoreUnknownFields=true; nested exception is Failed to bind properties under 'spring.datasource' to javax.sql.DataSource
Add javax.sql.DataSource as an extra refreshable. application.yml file example:
- javax.sql.DataSource
and remove #RefreshScope from your class.
Other solution would be cast the DataSource to HikariDataSource.
I use the first solution because of DataSource creation is done by external library in my application.

Determine Springs bean instantiation order in Grails 3.3 with GORM 6.1.x

I am using a Grails 3.3 application that uses GORM 6.1.6.RELEASE, Spring-Boot 1.5.4.RELEASE and Spring Core 4.3.9.RELEASE behind the scene. I am trying to declare a Spring bean that get initialized just before Hibernate starts to validate the underlying database schema.
Here is what I like to do. I want to register my Flyway as a Spring bean and inject the dataSource bean into it. In order to have Flyway run before Hibernate starts to validate the current database schema, I add my flyway bean as a dependency onto the sessionFactory bean. The order would be as follows:
dataSource bean
flyway bean
hiberateDatastore bean
GORM 6.1 uses org.grails.orm.hibernate.HibernateDatastore as a Spring bean to initialize the Hibernate ORM and the database. The sessionFactory bean declares the hibernateDatastore#getSessionFactory as factory class.
Therefore the hibernateDatastore always is created first.
What is the way in Grails 3.3 to create a custom Spring bean that has to run after the connection to the database is available but before the Hibernate stuff gets initialized?
In previous versions of Grails 3.x it was possible to declare it in resources.groovy like this.
beans = {
if (Environment.current == Environment.PRODUCTION) {
flyway(Flyway) { bean ->
bean.initMethod = 'migrate'
dataSource = ref('dataSource')
locations = 'classpath:db/h2'
baselineOnMigrate = true
BeanDefinition sessionFactoryBeanDef = getBeanDefinition('hibernateDatastore')
if (sessionFactoryBeanDef) {
def dependsOnList = ['flyway'] as Set
if (sessionFactoryBeanDef.dependsOn?.length > 0) {
sessionFactoryBeanDef.dependsOn = dependsOnList as String[]
I don't think Spring provides a visualisation of a 'bean instantion tree' however you could set the log level for to DEBUG and you'll get output like this:
Creating shared instance of singleton bean '...fully qualified class name...'
Returning cached instance of singleton bean '...fully qualified class name...'
You could review this log output for beans from the Hibernate namespace.
I presume you'll use the results to declare a DependsOn relationship so just for completeness this would look like:
public SomeHibernateClass createHibernate() {
public MyClass createMine() {
Grails 3.3.0 changed the mechanism of the dataSource bean creation. The Grails project lead stated in the related issue:
Previous versions of Grails created the dataSource bean separately from the session factory. We would need to restore this behaviour I guess so the dataSource can be referenced without triggering the creation of the sessionFactory
After upgrading to Grails 3.3.1 the dataSource bean is again available before the session factory gets created. This solves the problem.

How to get Environment properties from into logback.groovy in Spring Boot project?

Trying to inject properties defined in into logback.groovy script in Spring Boot project.
I cannot Inject Environment or ApplicationContext into groovy scripts.
Are there any workarounds?
I am not looking for solutions like System.getProperty('')
import org.springframework.core.env.Environment
#Inject private Environment env; //this is not working. how to get env here?
println " : ${env.getProperty('')}"
appender("STDOUT", ConsoleAppender) {
encoder(PatternLayoutEncoder) {
pattern = "%green(%d{HH:mm:ss.SSS}) [%thread] %highlight(%-5level) %cyan(%logger{36}) - %msg%n"
if(System.getProperty("")?.equalsIgnoreCase("prod")) {
root INFO, ["STDOUT", "FILE"]
} else {
root INFO, ["STDOUT"]
active: development
logback.groovy needs to be evaluated very early because otherwise the code for loading the spring configuration, instantiating beans, etc. could not log anything. That's why #Inject can't work.
I see 2 options:
You could easily load in logback.groovy, but it's far from trivial to take all the configuration override mechanisms that spring provides into account
Create a spring bean that changes the logback configuration programmaticaly
when initialized
A different approach is to externalize the logback configuration on production with -Dlogback.configurationFile=/path/to/config.groovy. Putting the config file in a well known location (like /etc/my-app) makes it easy to change log levels in production without re-deploying (or even re-starting).
Sorry to resurrect this thread but while since this is thread is what I found while looking for a solution, I wanted to share a workaround.
I have used a Custom converter and conversion rule to pull out properties in classpath resource (i.e.
In logback.groovy:
conversionRule('springApplicationName', CustomSpringApplicationNameConverter)
def patternExpression = '%green([%d{YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS}]) [%t] %highlight(%-5level) %magenta([%springApplicationName]) - %cyan(%logger{36}) -- %msg%n'
and then 'patternExpression' used in desired appender
and my custom converter class (in groovy):
class CustomSpringApplicationNameConverter extends ClassicConverter {
String convert(ILoggingEvent event) {
ClassPathResource classPathResource = new ClassPathResource('')
Properties applicationProperties = new Properties()
String springApplicationName = applicationProperties.getProperty('')
if (!springApplicationName) {
System.err.println('Could not find entry for \'\' in \'\'')

What's the Java configuration version of jpa:repositories tag?

I'm trying to configure JPA using just Java.
I got the idea that #EnableJpaRepositories would be the equivalent of jpa:repositories tag in xml, but I guess this is not the case?
I have this in my xml:
<jpa:repositories base-package="com.myapp.bla.bla" />
But if I remove it and instead use
In my java config, I get an exception - I thought it was possible to configure JPA with Java since 1.2.0?
The root exception is:
No bean named 'entityManagerFactory' is defined
I assume the exception has to do with this definition in my config, but as said, everything works if I keep the xml and import it to my java config.
public LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean entityManagerFactoryBean() throws ClassNotFoundException {
LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean factoryBean = new LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean();
factoryBean.setPackagesToScan(new String[] { "com.myapp.bla.bla.model" });
Properties props = new Properties();
props.put("hibernate.dialect", "org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5InnoDBDialect");
return factoryBean;
The problem is that your current configuration creates a bean called entityManagerFactoryBean. However, the error message of your root exception says that a bean named entityManagerFactory is not found.
You have two options for fixing this problem (pick the one you like the most):
Change the name of the method which configures the LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean from entityManagerFactoryBean() to entityManagerFactory(). This creates a bean named entityManagerFactory.
Set the name attribute of the #Bean annotation to "entityManagerFactory". In other words, annotate the configuration method with #Bean(name="entityManagerFactory") annotation. This way you can specify the name of bean yourself and ensure that the name of the annotated method is ignored.
