I am trying to write a program that keeps adding user input to an array until they hit enter on an empty line. Then it sorts the array in alphabetic order and display the sorted array back to you. It is not letting me break out of the loop.
this is my code:
wordList = []
puts "enter as many words as you like"
entry = gets.chomp
while true
wordList.push entry
if entry == ''
sortedWordList = wordList.sort
puts sortedWordList
You can do something like this:
wordList = []
puts "Enter as many words as you like:\n"
while (entry = gets.chomp)
break if entry.empty?
wordList.push entry
puts wordList.sort
wordList = []
puts "enter as many words as you like"
while true
entry = gets.chomp
wordList << entry
if entry.blank?
sortedWordList = wordList.sort
puts wordList.inspect
puts sortedWordList
You'll get output something like following
$ ruby test.rb
enter as many words as you like
["d", "f", "g", "h", "y", "a", "b", "c", "j", "k", ""]
Your code works fine if move down entry = gets.chomp below the while true. What it is doing now is adding the first entry infinitely to the wordList.
This is a way to shorten it while maintaining readability:
words = []
puts "enter as many words as you like"
until (entry = gets.chomp) == ""
words << entry
I have an Array-1 say
arr1 =['s','a','sd','few','asdw','a','sdfeg']
And a second Array
arr2 = ['s','a','d','f','w']
I want to take arr1 and sort the frequency of letters by inputting arr2 with result
[s=> 4, a=> 2, d => 3] So on and so forth.
As far as I can muddle around.. Nothing below works, Just my thoughts on it?
hashy = Hash.new
print "give me a sentance "
sentance = gets.chomp.downcase.delete!(' ')
bing = sentance.split(//)
#how = sentance.gsub!(/[^a-z)]/, "") #Remove nil result
#chop = how.to_s.split(//).uniq
#hashy << bing.each{|e| how[e] }
#puts how.any? {|e| bing.count(e)}
#puts how, chop
bing.each {|v| hashy.store(v, hashy[v]+1 )}
puts bing
Thank you for your time.
I assumed that you want to count all letters in the sentence you put in, and not array 1. Assuming that, here's my take on it:
hashy = Hash.new()
['s','a','d','f','w'].each {|item| hashy[item.to_sym] = 0}
puts "give me a sentence"
sentence = gets.chomp.downcase.delete!(' ')
sentence_array = []
sentence.each_char do |l|
hashy.each do |key, value|
puts "this is key: #{key} and value #{hashy[key]}"
sentence_array.each do |letter|
puts "letter: #{letter}"
if letter.to_sym == key
puts "letter #{letter} equals key #{key}"
value = value + 1
hashy[key] = value
puts "value is now #{value}"
puts hashy
def count_vowels(string)
vowels = ["a", "e", "i", "o", "u"]
i = 0
j = 0
count = 0
while i < string.length do
while j < vowels.length do
if string[i] == vowels[j]
count += 1
j += 1
i += 1
puts count
I'm having trouble spotting where this goes wrong. If this program encounters a consonant, it stops. Also, how would the same problem be solved using the ".each" method?
The problem is that you never reset j to zero.
The first time your outer while loop runs, which is to compare the first character of string to each vowel, j is incremented from 0 (for "a") to 4 (for "u"). The second time the outer loop runs, however, j is already 4, which means it then gets incremented to 5, 6, 7 and on and on. vowels[5], vowels[6], etc. all evaluate to nil, so characters after the first are never counted as vowels.
If you move the j = 0 line inside the outer while loop, your method works correctly.
Your second question, about .each, shows that you're already thinking along the right lines. while is rarely seen in Ruby and .each would definitely be an improvement. As it turns out, you can't call .each on a String (because the String class doesn't include Enumerable), so you have to turn it into an Array of characters first with the String#chars method. With that, your code would look like this:
def count_vowels(string)
chars = string.chars
vowels = ["a", "e", "i", "o", "u"]
count = 0
chars.each do |char|
vowels.each do |vowel|
if char == vowel
count += 1
puts count
In Ruby, though, we have much better ways to do this sort of thing. One that fits particularly well here is Array#count. It takes a block and evaluates it for each item in the array, then returns the number of items for which the block returned true. Using it we could write a method like this:
def count_vowels(string)
chars = string.chars
vowels = ["a", "e", "i", "o", "u"]
count = chars.count do |char|
is_vowel = false
vowels.each do |vowel|
if char == vowel
is_vowel = true
puts count
That's not much shorter, though. Another great method we can use is Enumerable#any?. It evaluates the given block for each item in the array and returns true upon finding any item for which the block returns true. Using it makes our code super short, but still readable:
def count_vowels(string)
chars = string.chars
vowels = %w[ a e i o u ]
count = chars.count do |char|
vowels.any? {|vowel| char == vowel }
puts count
(Here you'll see I threw in another common Ruby idiom, the "percent literal" notation for creating an array: %w[ a e i o u ]. It's a common way to create an array of strings without all of those quotation marks and commas. You can read more about it here.)
Another way to do the same thing would be to use Enumerable#include?, which returns true if the array contains the given item:
def count_vowels(string)
vowels = %w[ a e i o u ]
puts string.chars.count {|char| vowels.include?(char) }
...but as it turns out, String has an include? method, too, so we can do this instead:
def count_vowels(string)
puts string.chars.count {|char| "aeiou".include?(char) }
Not bad! But I've saved the best for last. Ruby has a great method called String#count:
def count_vowels(string)
puts string.count("aeiou")
I'm working on the following exercise below:
Write a method, ovd(str) that takes a string of lowercase words and returns a string with just the words containing all their vowels (excluding "y") in alphabetical order. Vowels may be repeated ("afoot" is an ordered vowel word). The method does not return the word if it is not in alphabetical order.
Example output is:
ovd("this is a test of the vowel ordering system") #output=> "this is a test of the system"
ovd("complicated") #output=> ""
Below is code I wrote that will do the job but I am looking to see if there is a shorter more clever way to do this. My solution seems too lengthy.Thanks in advance for helping.
def ovd?(str)
w=k.each_index.select{|i| v.include? k[i]}
for i in 0..v.length-1
w.each do |s|
if u.sort==u
def ovd(phrase)
b=phrase.split(" ")
b.each do |d|
if ovd?(d)==true
p l.join(" ")
def ovd(str)
str.split.select { |word| "aeiou".match(/#{word.gsub(/[^aeiou]/, "").chars.uniq.join(".*")}/) }.join(" ")
ovd("this is a test of the vowel ordering system") # => "this is a test of the system"
ovd("complicated") # => ""
ovd("alooft") # => "alooft"
ovd("this is testing words having something in them") # => "this is testing words having in them"
As requested by the OP, explanation
String#gsub word.gsub(/[^aeiou]/, "") removes the non-vowel characters e.g
"afloot".gsub(/[^aeiou]/, "") # => "aoo"
String#chars converts the new word to an array of characters
"afloot".gsub(/[^aeiou]/, "").chars # => ["a", "o", "o"]
Array#uniq converts returns only unique elements from the array e.g
"afloot".gsub(/[^aeiou]/, "").chars.uniq # => ["a", "o"]
Array#join converts an array to a string merging it with the supplied parameter e.g
"afloot".gsub(/[^aeiou]/, "").chars.uniq.join(".*") # => "a.*o"
#{} is simply String interpolation and // converts the interpolated string into a Regular Expression
/#{"afloot".gsub(/[^aeiou]/, "").chars.uniq.join(".*")}/ # => /a.*o/
A non-regex solution:
V = %w[a e i o u] # => ["a", "e", "i", "o", "u"]
def ovd(str)
str.split.select{|w| (x = w.downcase.chars.select \
{|c| V.include?(c)}) == x.sort}.join(' ')
ovd("this is a test of the vowel ordering system")
# => "this is a test of the system"
ovd("") # => ""
ovd("camper") # => "camper"
ovd("Try singleton") # => "Try"
ovd("I like leisure time") # => "I"
ovd("The one and only answer is '42'") # => "The and only answer is '42'"
ovd("Oil and water don't mix") # => "and water don't mix"
Edit to add an alternative:
NV = (0..127).map(&:chr) - %w(a e i o u) # All ASCII chars except lc vowels
def ovd(str)
str.split.select{|w| (x = w.downcase.chars - NV) == x.sort}.join(' ')
Note x = w.downcase.chars & V does not work. While it spears out the vowels from w, and preserves their order, it removes duplicates.
I am a Ruby noob and am simply trying to use the gets command to sort a array of words ("dog", "cat", "ape") should be entered individually by gets and become ("ape", "cat", "dog")
I have tried:
list = Object.new
list = []
word = STDIN.gets
$/ = "END"
puts list
Any help would be great as this is to help my daughter sort her homework faster and learn to type.
You can also enter all the words at once if you want to:
>> words = gets.chomp.split(/,\s*/).sort
dog, cat,ape #=> ["ape", "cat", "dog"]
If you want to read them individually:
>> words = [] #=> []
>> until (word = gets.chomp).empty? do
.. words << word
.. end
#=> nil
>> words.sort #=> ["ape", "cat", "dog"]
That's just copy/paste from IRB, but easy enough to make into the program you want.
list = []
until (word = gets.chomp) == "END" do
list << word
puts "Sorted Values:"
puts list.sort
This will take input until you give it "END" (you can change this as you wish).
I am calling Array#sort
This is probably easy to do! I'm not able envision the loop yet, I was thinking about a nested for loop but not quite sure how to alternate between the two hashes.
Lets say I have a class with a def that containts two hash tables:
class Teststuff
def test_stuff
letters = { "0" => " A ", "1" => " B ", "2" => " C " }
position = {"1" => "one ", "2"=> " two ", "3"=> " three ", "4"=>" four " }
my_array=[0,1,2,2] #this represents user input stored in an array valid to 4 elements
array_size = my_array.size #this represents the size of the user inputed array
element_indexer = my_array.size # parellel assignment so I can use same array for array in dex
array_start_index = element_indexer-1 #give me the ability later to get start at index zero for my array
#for loop?? downto upto??
# trying to get loop to grab the first number "0" in element position "0", grab the hash values then
# the loop repeats and grabs the second number "1" in element position "1" grab the hash values
# the loop repeats and grabs the third number "2" in elements position "2" grab the hash values
# the final iteration grabs the fourth number "2" in elements position "3" grab the hash values
# all this gets returned when called. Out put from puts statement after grabing hash values
# is: **A one B two C three C four**
return a_string
How do I go about returning string output to the screen like this:
**A one B two C three C four**
or simply letter position letter position...
Thanks for the help, put code up so I can try on my editor!
I think I figured out what it is you want, although I still have no idea what array_size, element_indexer, array_start_index and TestStuff are for.
def test_stuff
letters = { "0" => " A ", "1" => " B ", "2" => " C " }
position = {"1" => "one ", "2"=> " two ", "3"=> " three ", "4"=>" four " }
my_array = [0, 1, 2, 2]
"**#{my_array.map.with_index {|e, i|
"#{letters[e.to_s].strip} #{position[(i+1).to_s].strip}"
}.join(' ')}**"
[I took the liberty of reformatting your code to standard Ruby coding style.]
However, everything would be much simpler, if there weren't all those type conversions, and all those superfluous spaces. Also, the method would be much more useful, if it actually had a way to return different results, instead of always returning the same thing, because at the moment, it is actually exactly equivalent to
def test_stuff
'**A one B two C three C four**'
Something along these lines would make much more sense:
def test_stuff(*args)
letters = %w[A B C]
position = %w[one two three four]
"**#{args.map.with_index {|e, i| "#{letters[e]} #{position[i]}" }.join(' ')}**"
test_stuff(0, 1, 2, 2)
# => '**A one B two C three C four**'
If you don't want to pollute the Object namespace with your method, you could do something like this:
def (TestStuff = Object.new).test_stuff(*args)
letters = %w[A B C]
position = %w[one two three four]
"**#{args.map.with_index {|e, i| "#{letters[e]} #{position[i]}" }.join(' ')}**"
TestStuff.test_stuff(0, 1, 2, 2)
# => '**A one B two C three C four**'
You can use enumerators, like this:
l = letters.to_enum
p = position.to_enum
a_string = ''
loop do
a_string << l.next[1] << p.next[1]
How about :
a_string = ""
my_array.each_with_index { |x, index|
a_string += letters[my_array[index].to_s] + " " + (position.include?((index+1).to_s) ? position[(index+1).to_s] : "nil")