Vscode SSH Jump Failed with macOS - macos

I can connect to the first server with key but cannot connet to the second server jumping with the first server. I doubt it is a bug on MacOS because I can jump to the seceond server with command line. Is there ANYONE knows what happened here?
Here is the config:
Host comp
HostName xx.xx.xxx.xxx
User xxxx
Port 22
IdentityFile ***************
Host local
Port ****
User xxxx
ProxyCommand ssh -q -x -W %h:%p comp
IdentityFile ***************
Here is the error information:
[19:55:48.660] Log Level: 2
[19:55:48.662] remote-ssh#0.55.0
[19:55:48.662] darwin x64
[19:55:48.663] SSH Resolver called for "ssh-remote+localhost", attempt 1
[19:55:48.663] SSH Resolver called for host: localhost
[19:55:48.663] Setting up SSH remote "localhost"
[19:55:48.669] Acquiring local install lock: /var/folders/5q/****************_tr0000gn/T/vscode-remote-ssh-localhost-install.lock
[19:55:48.713] Looking for existing server data file at /Users/gy/Library/Application Support/Code/User/globalStorage/ms-vscode-remote.remote-ssh/vscode-ssh-host-localhost-************************************-0.55.0/data.json
[19:55:48.742] Using commit id "***********************************" and quality "stable" for server
[19:55:48.743] Install and start server if needed
[19:55:48.779] Checking ssh with "ssh -V"
[19:55:48.854] > OpenSSH_8.1p1, LibreSSL 2.7.3
[19:55:48.860] Using SSH config file "/Users/gy/.ssh/config/vscodeconfig"
[19:55:48.861] askpass server listening on /var/folders/5q/******************_tr0000gn/T/vscode-ssh-askpass-**********************************.sock
[19:55:48.862] Spawning local server with {"ipcHandlePath":"/var/folders/5q/**************_tr0000gn/T/vscode-ssh-askpass-********************************.sock","sshCommand":"ssh","sshArgs":["-v","-T","-D","54815","-o","ConnectTimeout=15","-F","/Users/gy/.ssh/config/vscodeconfig","localhost"],"dataFilePath":"/Users/gy/Library/Application Support/Code/User/globalStorage/ms-vscode-remote.remote-ssh/vscode-ssh-host-localhost-*********************************-0.55.0/data.json"}
[19:55:48.862] Local server env: {"DISPLAY":"1","ELECTRON_RUN_AS_NODE":"1","SSH_ASKPASS":"/Users/gy/.vscode/extensions/ms-vscode-remote.remote-ssh-0.55.0/out/local-server/askpass.sh","VSCODE_SSH_ASKPASS_NODE":"/Applications/Visual Studio Code.app/Contents/Frameworks/Code Helper (Renderer).app/Contents/MacOS/Code Helper (Renderer)","VSCODE_SSH_ASKPASS_MAIN":"/Users/gy/.vscode/extensions/ms-vscode-remote.remote-ssh-0.55.0/out/askpass-main.js","VSCODE_SSH_ASKPASS_HANDLE":"/var/folders/5q/********************_tr0000gn/T/vscode-ssh-askpass-**********************************.sock"}
[19:55:48.871] Spawned 34492
[19:55:48.987] > local-server> Spawned ssh: 34493
[19:55:49.008] stderr> OpenSSH_8.1p1, LibreSSL 2.7.3
[19:55:50.129] stderr> kex_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host
[19:55:50.131] > local-server> ssh child died, shutting down
[19:55:50.136] Local server exit: 0
[19:55:50.136] Received install output: OpenSSH_8.1p1, LibreSSL 2.7.3
kex_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host
[19:55:50.137] Stopped parsing output early. Remaining text: OpenSSH_8.1p1, LibreSSL 2.7.3kex_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host
[19:55:50.137] Failed to parse remote port from server output
[19:55:50.141] Resolver error: Error:
at Function.Create (/Users/gy/.vscode/extensions/ms-vscode-remote.remote-ssh-0.55.0/out/extension.js:1:130564)
at Object.t.handleInstallOutput (/Users/gy/.vscode/extensions/ms-vscode-remote.remote-ssh-0.55.0/out/extension.js:1:127671)
at Object.t.tryInstallWithLocalServer (/Users/gy/.vscode/extensions/ms-vscode-remote.remote-ssh-0.55.0/out/extension.js:127:102339)
at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:94:5)
at async /Users/gy/.vscode/extensions/ms-vscode-remote.remote-ssh-0.55.0/out/extension.js:127:104310
at async Object.t.withShowDetailsEvent (/Users/gy/.vscode/extensions/ms-vscode-remote.remote-ssh-0.55.0/out/extension.js:127:109845)
at async /Users/gy/.vscode/extensions/ms-vscode-remote.remote-ssh-0.55.0/out/extension.js:127:100912
at async R (/Users/gy/.vscode/extensions/ms-vscode-remote.remote-ssh-0.55.0/out/extension.js:127:97702)
at async Object.t.resolveWithLocalServer (/Users/gy/.vscode/extensions/ms-vscode-remote.remote-ssh-0.55.0/out/extension.js:127:100561)
at async Object.t.resolve (/Users/gy/.vscode/extensions/ms-vscode-remote.remote-ssh-0.55.0/out/extension.js:127:107840)
at async /Users/gy/.vscode/extensions/ms-vscode-remote.remote-ssh-0.55.0/out/extension.js:127:141955
[19:55:50.143] ------
Could someone enlighten me on the reason for the problem or on a possible solution ? Thanks !

I have the similar problem.
Later it disappears after I turn off the agent server.
Maybe you can try this.


How to change the ssh port connection on Windows?

I am trying to connect to GitLab with an ssh key from a Windows laptop. The problem is the port of the repository has changed, and I cannot manage to change the default port 22 on the config.
I have tried with a mac laptop and it worked by editing the config file, but I cannot do the same on Windows. I created a config file with touch config and added this
Host gitlab.com
HostName gitlab.com
PreferredAuthentications publickey
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa
Port 1122
But it does not work, terminal says it is still connecting to port 22:
C:\Users\parko>ssh -T git#gitlab.com
kex_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset
C:\Users\parko>ssh -T git#gitlab.%myRepository%.com
ssh: connect to host gitlab.%myRepository%.com port 22: Connection timed out
I also tried a solution that I found in an article to change the port directly on the command when trying to connect, but it also did not work:
C:\Users\parko>ssh -T git#gitlab.%myRepository%.com:1123
ssh: Could not resolve hostname gitlab.%myRepository%.com:1123: No such host is known.
Any idea what can be happening?
Thanks in advance.
Like #ewong said, I had to add the port with the -p parameter instead of at the end of the command
ssh -p [port number] -T git#[gitlab URL]
for me it was:
C:\Users\parko>ssh -p 1123 -T git#gitlab.%myRepository%.com

VNC viewer failing to make connection with "channel 3: open failed: connect failed: No route to host"

I ssh into a server with the following:
ssh -g -L5912:server:5912 user#host
It goes through, and I can access my files on the other server through the command line (meaning I can connect to the server, it is my vnc viewer that is failing!) but when I try to open my vnc viewer (RealVNC) and connect to localhost:12 i get the following error message in the vnc viewer application:
The connection closed unexpectedly.
Additionally in the original command line shell i get:
channel 3: open failed: connect failed: No route to host
I've tried switching to different ports and even checked out other posts on the same error message but the problem is i don't really understand them... ssh tunnels are still relatively new to me so i don't really know what im doing. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
You're trying to setup a port forwarding, this may fail because of many reasons:
SSH port forwarding not enabled in the host
Check SSH server in the host if AllowTcpForwarding is enabled:
$ grep AllowTcpForwarding /etc/ssh/sshd_config
AllowTcpForwarding yes
Typically, it's commented out. Uncomment and restart the sshd.
No connection between the host and server over port 5912
SSH to the host and try:
$ telnet server 5912
Connected to server.
Escape character is '^]'.
Finally, does the server listen on 5912?
Similarly, as above, but from the server - go there and try telnet server 5912.
Best regards,
In my case it was the port forwarding rule I had set in Putty.
Please make sure you enter the correct hostname when defining the rule in Putty. I changed
and it worked...

Unable to log into Amazon EC2 instance from MacBook Pro

I'm trying to log into an EC2 instance I created on AWS with the following command:
sh -v -i MyEc2KeyPair2.pem ec2-user#
After a while, I get a connection timed-out message:
# ssh -v -i MyEc2KeyPair2.pem ec2-user#
OpenSSH_5.3p1, OpenSSL 1.0.1e-fips 11 Feb 2013
debug1: Connecting to [] port 22.
debug1: connect to address port 22: Connection timed out
ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection timed out
I've allowed all incoming for http, https, ssh and icmp. Although I allowed incoming pings on the server instance (icmp), a ping to the address just gets timeouts. A traceroute goes as far as the New York Comcast backbone, then starts showing asterisks. tcpdump with a grep on the address when I run the ssh shows only outgoing messages, with no incoming.
I also to ssh from a different server (a virtual host on bluehost), but got the same results. Obviously, I did a chmod 400 on the .pem as per Amazon instructions.
In case there was an error in the setup, I deleted and recreated the server, and am still having similar issues.
Any idea how to solve this? I'm stumped.
Edit: shown below are the input and outputs allowed per the security group:
The solution was to delete the instance and create another one.

How to connect to WIndows node using openSSH and Ansible?

I am trying to connect to my windows computer using OpenSSH and Ansible.
I am able to connect using regular ssh, but when I try to connect using Ansible, I get pretty much the same error everytime I change something.
I've also tried running Ansible as root and still nothing
fatal: [IVU]: UNREACHABLE! => {"changed": false, "msg": "Authentication or permission failure. In some cases, you may have been able to authenticate and did not have permissions on the remote directory. Consider changing the remote temp path in ansible.cfg to a path rooted in \"/tmp\". Failed command was: ( umask 77 && mkdir -p \"` echo /tmp/ansible-tmp-1502794936.2073953-164132649383245 `\" && echo ansible-tmp-1502794936.2073953-164132649383245=\"` echo /tmp/ansible-tmp-1502794936.2073953-164132649383245 `\" ), exited with result 1", "unreachable": true}
I've tried to change the ssh_args in ansible.cfg to ssh_args= -o ControlMaster=no and no change to the output was made.
I've tried to change the executable in the ansible.cfg to C:/Windows/System32/cmd.exe and I got the same error
I've tried changing the remote_dir=/tmp/ and still nothing.
My ansible inventory is:
IVU ansible_host=**IP**
ansible_ssh_private_key_file=** Keyfile **
It seems like it's failing before even running any tasks, but from the openssh logs on the windows computer I see no difference when ansible connects to it and when I ssh into it.
3724 09:27:38:720 error: Couldn't create pid file "C:\\Program Files\\OpenSSH\\sshd.pid": Permission denied
3724 09:27:41:376 Accepted publickey for **User** from **IP** port 42700 ssh2: RSA SHA256:clNmiKxygl/TLEb5Ob4lZs6JqztoQyxOsjMoHQ2HYgo
3724 09:27:58:533 Received disconnect from **IP** port 42700:11: disconnected by user
3724 09:27:58:533 Disconnected from user **User** **IP** port 42700
3360 09:28:41:398 error: Couldn't create pid file "C:\\Program Files\\OpenSSH\\sshd.pid": Permission denied
3360 09:28:41:616 Accepted publickey for **User** from **IP** port 42704 ssh2: RSA SHA256:clNmiKxygl/TLEb5Ob4lZs6JqztoQyxOsjMoHQ2HYgo
3360 09:28:41:741 Received disconnect from **IP** port 42704:11: disconnected by user
3360 09:28:41:741 Disconnected from user **User** **IP** port 42704
The 9:27 is when I'm connecting using ssh and the 9:28 is when ansible connects.
Is there something I'm missing that I need to change in order for Ansible to work with openSSH on windows?
I figured out a solution by using a reverse ssh tunnel.
I abandoned the idea of trying to use the ssh ansible module with windows since Windows simply doesn't play nicely with it unless you have the windows 10 update. I decided to use the winrm ansible module instead.
What I did is I connected the windows computer to the computer running Ansible by opening a reverse SSH tunnel by using the command:
ssh -p5983 -R 5982:localhost:5986 **my_user**#**my_ip**
For my purposes I had to port forward because my computer was on a separate vlan than the windows computer
Then in Ansible I specified that the host is localhost at port 5982.
This is about as good of a solution for when working with openssh and windows, at least until Ansible supports openssh on windows.

SSH -L connection successful, but localhost port forwarding not working "channel 3: open failed: connect failed: Connection refused"

My lab runs RStudio on a server. A couple weeks ago, from my cousin's house, I successfully ssh'd into the server and pulled up the server-side RStudio through my local Firefox browser. Now when I try to access the server RStudio from home (via my own router), it doesn't work. I need help troubleshooting, and I'm guessing it's some problem on the router. I'm running Mac OSX 10.6.8. No idea what the university server's running, but I don't think it's a server-side problem.
Here's how it worked the first time I did it, at my cousin's house: first, I VPN into the university network; then I call SSH with port forwarding; then I open a Firefox browser, connect to my localhost port, and it opens up RStudio on the server side which I can access through my local browser window.
Here's the problem I'm having right now when I try to log-in from my home network:
I can make the VPN connection successfully. I can also set up SSH successfully with this command:
ssh -v -L 8783:localhost:8783 myacct#server.com
Here are the last several lines of the verbose output from the successful ssh command:
debug1: Authentication succeeded (password).
debug1: Local connections to LOCALHOST:8783 forwarded to remote address localhost:8783
debug1: Local forwarding listening on port 8783.
debug1: channel 0: new [port listener]
debug1: Local forwarding listening on ::1 port 8783.
debug1: channel 1: new [port listener]
debug1: channel 2: new [client-session]
debug1: Entering interactive session.
Last login: Mon Sep 2 04:02:40 2013 from vpnipaddress
So I think I'm still succeeding at the VPN and SSH stage (though I don't know why it says my last login was Sep 2 when I've logged in a few times since then).
Next, I open Firefox, and I type localhost:8783, and instead of getting an RStudio server app through my browser window, I get the following errors:
In the Firefox browser window, it says: Server not found, Firefox can't find the server at www.localhost.com, Check the address for typing errors etc.
In the terminal window, it says:
debug1: Connection to port 8783 forwarding to localhost port 8783 requested.
debug1: channel 3: new [direct-tcpip]
channel 3: open failed: connect failed: Connection refused
debug1: channel 3: free: direct-tcpip: listening port 8783 for localhost port 8783, connect from port 50420, nchannels 4
I'm not sure what I've got wrong. I haven't changed anything on my laptop since my last successful connection. I'm on my own router (instead of my cousin's), so maybe I need to mess with the firewall? I already allowed ports 22 and 8783 to come through the firewall to my laptop (I'm not even sure I needed to do that though). Help?
ssh -v -L 8783:localhost:8783 myacct#server.com
channel 3: open failed: connect failed: Connection refused
When you connect to port 8783 on your local system, that connection is tunneled through your ssh link to the ssh server on server.com. From there, the ssh server makes TCP connection to localhost port 8783 and relays data between the tunneled connection and the connection to target of the tunnel.
The "connection refused" error is coming from the ssh server on server.com when it tries to make the TCP connection to the target of the tunnel. "Connection refused" means that a connection attempt was rejected. The simplest explanation for the rejection is that, on server.com, there's nothing listening for connections on localhost port 8783. In other words, the server software that you were trying to tunnel to isn't running, or else it is running but it's not listening on that port.
Posting this to help someone.
channel 2: open failed: connect failed: Connection refused
debug1: channel 2: free: direct-tcpip:
listening port 8890 for port 8890,
connect from ::1 port 52337 to ::1 port 8890, nchannels 8
My scenario; i had to use the remote server as a bastion host to connect elsewhere. Final Destination/Target:, port 8890. Through intermediary server with public ip: ec2-54-162-180-7.compute-1.amazonaws.com
SSH local port forwarding command:
ssh -i ~/keys/dev.tst -vnNT -L :8890:
What the problem was:
There was no service bound on port 8890 in the target host. i had forgotten to start the service.
How did i trouble shoot:
SSH into bastion host and then do curl.
Hope this helps.
Note: localhost is the hostname for an address using the local (loopback) network interface, and is its IP in the IPv4 network standard (it's ::1 in IPv6). is the IPv4 standard "current network" IP address.
I experienced this error with a Docker setup. I had a Docker container running on an external server, and I'd (correctly) mapped its ports out as By port-forwarding ssh remote -L 9232:, I'd expected to be able to communicate with the remote server's port 9232 as if it were my own local port.
It turned out that the Docker container was internally running its process on rather than, and so even though I'd specified the container's port-mappings correctly, they weren't on the correct interface for being mapped out.
In my case, it worked after running the vncserver on linux.
Entered this on linux command line : sudo ssh -L 5901:localhost:5901 -i <ssh_private_key> <username>#<public-IP-address>
Type there vncserver
Go to VncViewer application and connect using localhost:5901
I used to meet the similar problem because 'localhost' was not available on server when it restarted network service, e.g. 'ifdown -a' but followed by only 'ifup -eo1'. Besides server is not listening to the port, you can also check 'localhost' is available or not.
ps: Post it just hope someone who has the similar problem may benefit.
I had this problem when I wanted to make a vnc connection via a tunnel.
But the vncserver was not running.
I solved it by opening the channel on the remote machine with vncserver :3.
In my case, it worked after checking the correct IP address of the user credentials
previously I was using the wrong IP of the server
ssh -NfL user#ip_address_of_server
after correcting it, works fine.
Encountered with the same error.
In my case, I found the problem was in the config file of jupyter.
Let's say there are 3 computers named A, B, and C, and A can access B but can't access C; B can access C.
To access jupyter-notebook service of C from A, first I established ssh tunnel from A to C through B, then I access jupyter-notebook by typing localhost:port_number, then I got the error.
Finally the problem was solved by writing the "c.NotebookApp.ip = ''" in jupyter-notebook's config file, where '' allows the access of other IPs.
Hope someone in a similar situation may benefit.
I had the same error when I was trying to tunnel my mlflow ui over ssh to view remotely. As mentioned in the first answer, the error arises because nothing on the server is listening for the port. This, for me, is because I forgot to start the mlflow app on my remote machine! So in general – make sure the app you're trying to access remotely is running.
Just replace localhost with
(The answer is based on answers of other people on this page.)
This means the remote vm is not listening to current port i solved this by adding the port in the vm server
