I'm using amcharts v3 AmGraph to display some changing thresholds across time. Currently using the step type with noStepRisers set to true.
var thresholdGraph = new AmCharts.AmGraph();
thresholdGraph.balloonText = "[[category]] <b><span style='font-size:14px;'>Activity Thresholds: [[Threshold]] L/h</span></b>";
thresholdGraph.gapPeriod = 0;
thresholdGraph.id = "Threshold";
thresholdGraph.lineColor = "#CC0000";
thresholdGraph.markerType = "line";
thresholdGraph.minDistance = 0;
thresholdGraph.noStepRisers = true;
thresholdGraph.stepDirection = "right";
thresholdGraph.title = "Activity Thresholds";
thresholdGraph.type = "step";
thresholdGraph.valueField = "Threshold";
Our data points is every 5 minutes. When we select 1.5 days of data (432 data points), the threshold "disappears" on a 13" monitor [demo 1] (the tooltip still displays), but it displays on a 22.9" monitor [demo 2]. When we select 7 days of data (2016 data points), the threshold does not show on the 22.9" monitor either [demo 3]. But when we zoom using the amcharts function, the threshold reappears [demo 4], but the chart becomes "dashed" because of the noStepRisers?
Also, if noStepRisers is set to false, the threshold always appears with the vertical lines.
[demo 5]
I suspect there is a minimum pixel width to the stepRisers which is preventing the steps from showing.
The end goal is to have threshold lines always with no "stepRisers".
My 1st post in stackoverflow, please let me know if more details are required. Any ideas/known issues/workarounds/previous discussion links welcome. Please help!
I've done this scatter with plotly express and added an animation. Also, I adjusted the scatter to make it appears as such as a bubble chart. All works great, except for one issue. When I press the button to start the graph animation and one bubble is 'reached' and 'overtaken' by another bubble, they cross each other. By itself, it doesn't create a wrong result, but it's an undesired effect. I've showed the situation in the gif reachable with this link:
However, if I manually drag the spinbox of the animation this effect doesn't show up (check this other link to see the gif https://github.com/TheHextech/start2impact/blob/master/Data_Science/Food_Project_DataVisualization_DataManipulation/dragged_spinbox.gif).
Why does this happen? And how can I fix this problem avoiding the 'overtake' during the normal animation? I share here the entire code of the graph:
fig = px.scatter(
item = False,
element = False),
range_x=[chn_food_feed.production.min()-5000, chn_food_feed.production.max()+50000],
range_y=[-1, 5.5])
title="Storyline of China's top 3 Food and Feed items produced in 2013",
title_x = 0.5,
title_y = 0.95,
xaxis = dict(title='Production (1000 tons)'),
yaxis = dict(title=None))
# Speed up the animation
fig.layout.updatemenus[0].buttons[0].args[1]['frame']['duration'] = 250
fig.layout.updatemenus[0].buttons[0].args[1]['transition']['duration'] = 250
fig.show(renderer='notebook_connected') # For VS Code visulization of animation
Following the example of stacked and clustered charts as shown here I have created a chart with clustered and stacked columns. I am also attempting to display the total of the individual stacks on the top of the column as shown here
Issue faced:
The main is I am facing is the total value is displayed for all the data in the ValueAxis and not for individual stacks. Please help in displaying individual totals for the clustered columns.
Sample code:
Note the inbuilt APIs used to calculate and display totals
// Fully working example in the CodePen
// Enabling totals calculation
let valueAxis = chart.yAxes.push(new am4charts.ValueAxis());
valueAxis.calculateTotals = true;
// Displaying the total in the LabelBullet
let totalBullet = totalSeries.bullets.push(new am4charts.LabelBullet());
totalBullet.label.text = "{valueY.sum}";
Codepen depicting the issue (note the totals on top of the stacked columns)
Alternate approaches considered:
Adding a field in the data with the totals for the stacks and displaying it instead (Problem: Unable to deselect using the Label - the value would be static and won't change)
Other help from StackOverflow:
Found samples of showing totals on stacked charts, but unable to find help on dealing with grouping
Although this is 7months old, I didn't find an answer either for this anywhere. If you haven't found a solution yet I was able to work around this by creating two Y axes and assigning them the series individually, then adding in the 'none' series for the totals bullet as well.
I adapted your Codepen example here in jsfiddle (codepen freezes for me for some reason)
Essentially though you create the two axes, and hide the labels for the second one.
let valueAxis0 = chart.yAxes.push(new am4charts.ValueAxis());
valueAxis0.min = 0;
valueAxis0.calculateTotals = true;
valueAxis0.title.text = "Expenditure (M)";
var valueAxis1 = chart.yAxes.push(new am4charts.ValueAxis());
valueAxis1.renderer.grid.template.disabled = true;
valueAxis1.calculateTotals = true;
valueAxis1.syncWithAxis = chart.yAxes.getIndex(0);
valueAxis1.min = 0;
valueAxis1.renderer.labels.template.disabled = true;
Then select it when creating the series and assign to the appropriate axis with series.yAxis = valueAxis;
function createSeries(field, name, stacked, yAxes) {
var valueAxis;
if (yAxes == 0) {
valueAxis = valueAxis0;
} else if (yAxes == 1) {
valueAxis = valueAxis1;
let series = chart.series.push(new am4charts.ColumnSeries());
series.yAxis = valueAxis;
Then the same goes for the TotalSeries
I have created my Pivot plotting and now looking for resctricting it for the last few days only.
I am not able to restrict the same. can some one help me on the same.
In the plot function use show_last = x
Where x is the number of bars to show from the latest bar.
For example to plot the pivots on the last 10 bars use:
plot(series = pivots, title = "Pivots", show_last = 10)
I wrote some Excel VBA code that generates a scatterplot and changes a few properties of the chart. (Code is below for reference.) The code moves slowly through tasks like deleting the chart legend, removing horizontal/vertical gridlines, and changing the X and Y series. Excel's timer gives me the following duration for each task:
insert scatterplot: 0.01171875
delete series: 0
plot x vs y: 0.55859375
delete legend: 0.5703125
delete chart title: 0.66015625
remove grid: 1.3046875
format axes: 0
overall: 3.11328125
Removing the grid, changing the title, plotting the X and Y series, and deleting the legend seem to take a long time. I've googled for alternative ways to write the code, but haven't been able to find anything useful. The code works entirely as expected, except for the slow speed. Any ideas as to what's causing the bad performance, and how I can speed this up? Thanks in advance.
EDIT: I've already turned off screen updating while working with the chart. The chart is generated/formatted while a userform is open, if that makes any difference.
Here is the relevant snippet of code:
With ActiveChart
'Delete all series currently in plot
Do While .FullSeriesCollection.Count > 0
'Plot Actual (Y) vs. Inverse Distribution (X)
.FullSeriesCollection(1).XValues = "=" & tempSheetName & "!$C:$C"
.FullSeriesCollection(1).Values = "=" & tempSheetName & "!$A:$A"
'Delete legend
'Delete chart title
.SetElement (msoElementChartTitleNone)
'Remove gridlines
.SetElement (msoElementPrimaryValueGridLinesNone)
.SetElement (msoElementPrimaryCategoryGridLinesNone)
'Format axes
Dim xAxis As Axis, yAxis As Axis
Set xAxis = .Axes(xlCategory)
Set yAxis = .Axes(xlValue)
With yAxis
'Title y axis "actual"
.HasTitle = True
.AxisTitle.Caption = "Actual"
'Add tick marks
.MajorTickMark = xlOutside
End With
With xAxis
'Title x axis by dist type
.HasTitle = True
.AxisTitle.Caption = dist.getDistType
'Add tick marks
.MajorTickMark = xlOutside
End With
End With
Without the data and machine specifics it can be hard to say why this is slow, although here are some alternatives to some of the code you have.
The first and foremost thing I'd change is not to Activate the chart. If you are creating the chart through code, do so but set it to a variable, eg Set wcChart = ThisWorkbook.Charts.Add. Then change With ActiveChart to With wcChart.
Also, delete the FullSeriesCollection and then delete the chart title, remove the gridlines and change the axes before filling up the new data. The chart manipulation should be quicker with less data in the chart. Be careful here though because changing aspects of the chart in different orders can produce different outputs (as an example the layout of a legend).
You fill the new FullSeriesCollection with the entire columns of A and C, specify the exact range of the data rather than the whole column.
Other changes to try, I'm not saying these will work but they are worth a shot if you haven't tried. Instead of checking for a FullSeriesCollection each time:
Do While .FullSeriesCollection.Count > 0
The following may be quicker:
For ii = .FullSeriesCollection.Count To 1 Step -1
Next ii
Also, instead of .SetElement for the Chart title and Gridlines I use the following:
'You have to set the title to 'True' before it'll work with 'False'. Go figure.
.HasTitle = True
.HasTitle = False
.HasMajorGridlines = False
.HasMinorGridlines = False
In one of my windows application, wherein I am using TChart for .Net 2010, I am displaying a chart with 3 error series on it. Each of these series have 2 points. X points for all these series are identical.
e.g. Series1 has Point1(x1=0.2, bar=0, StdErr=5) & Point2(x1=0.6, bar=1, StdErr=8) whereas Series2 has Point1(x1=0.2, bar=0, StdErr=8) & Point2(x1=0.6, bar=1, StdErr=10).
The expected chart should display overlapped error bars at 2 locations 0.2 and 0.6 on x axis. But in fact, it displaying error bars with sufficient separation between them.
Is this a problem with TChart or do I need to have some settings to overlap these error bars? Please let me know if anyone has solution for it.
This is not a TeeChart problem but default behaviour. All series deriving from Steema.TeeChart.Styles.CustomBar class have MultiBar property which lets the programmer choose how bars will be plotted in such circumstances. By default MultiBar is set to Steema.TeeChart.Styles.MultiBars.Side. Setting it to Steema.TeeChart.Styles.MultiBars.None solves your problem, for example:
tChart1.Aspect.View3D = false;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
Steema.TeeChart.Styles.ErrorBar errorBar = new Steema.TeeChart.Styles.ErrorBar(tChart1.Chart);
errorBar.MultiBar = Steema.TeeChart.Styles.MultiBars.None;
If that's not what you were looking for you can try with different MultiBar settings and let us know if it still doesn't fit your needs.