High CPU usage on elasticsearch nodes - elasticsearch

we have been using a 3 node Elasticsearch(7.6v) cluster running in docker container. I have been experiencing very high cpu usage on 2 nodes(97%) and moderate CPU load on the other node(55%). Hardware used are m5 xlarge servers.
There are 5 indices with 6 shards and 1 replica. The update operations take around 10 seconds even for updating a single field. similar case is with delete. however querying is quite fast. Is this because of high CPU load?
2 out of 5 indices, continuously undergo a update and write operations as they listen from a kafka stream. size of the indices are 15GB, 2Gb and the rest are around 100MB.

You need to provide more information to find the root cause:
All the ES nodes are running on different docker containers on the same host or different host?
Do you have resource limit on your ES docker containers?
How much heap size of ES and is it 50% of host machine RAM?
Node which have high CPU, holds the 2 write heavy indices which you mentioned?
what is the refresh interval of your indices which receives high indexing requests.
what is the segment size of your 15 GB indices, use https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/cat-segments.html to get this info.
What all you have debugged so far and is there is any interesting info you want to share to find the issue?


Suggestions required in increasing utilization of yarn containers on our discovery cluster

Current Setup
we have our 10 node discovery cluster.
Each node of this cluster has 24 cores and 264 GB ram Keeping some memory and CPU aside for background processes, we are planning to use 240 GB memory.
now, when it comes to container set up, as each container may need 1 core, so max we can have 24 containers, each with 10GB memory.
Usually clusters have containers with 1-2 GB memory but we are restricted with the available cores we have with us or maybe I am missing something
Problem statement
as our cluster is extensively used by data scientists and analysts, having just 24 containers does not suffice. This leads to heavy resource contention.
Is there any way we can increase number of containers?
Options we are considering
If we ask the team to run many tez queries (not separately) but in a file, then at max we will keep one container.
Is there any other way possible to manage our discovery cluster.
Is there any possibility of reducing container size.
can a vcore (as it's a logical concept) be shared by multiple containers?
Vcores are just a logical unit and not in anyway related to a CPU core unless you are using YARN with CGroups and have yarn.nodemanager.resource.percentage-physical-cpu-limit enabled. Most tasks are rarely CPU-bound but more typically network I/O bound. So if you were to look at your cluster's overall CPU utilization and memory utilization, you should be able to resize your containers based on the wasted (spare) capacity.
You can measure utilization with a host of tools but sar, ganglia and grafana are the obvious ones but you can also look at Brendan Gregg's Linux Performance tools for more ideas.

Indexing multiple indexes in elastic search at the same time

I am using logstash for ETL purpose and have 3 indexes in the Elastic search .Can I insert documents into my 3 indexes through 3 different logtash processes at the same time to improve the parallelization or should I insert documents into 1 index at a time.
My elastic search cluster configuration looks like:
3 data nodes
1 client node
3 data nodes - 64 GB RAM, SSD Disk
1 client node - 8 GB RAM
Shards - 20 Shards
Replica - 1
As always it depends. The distribution concept of Elasticsearch is based on shards. Since the shards of an index live on different nodes, you are automatically spreading the load.
However, if Logstash is your bottleneck, you might gain performance from running multiple processes. Though if running multiple LS process on a single machine will make a positive impact is doubtful.
Short answer: Parallelising over 3 indexes won't make much sense, but if Logstash is your bottleneck, it might make sense to run those in parallel (on different machines).
PS: The biggest performance improvement generally is batching requests together, but Logstash does that by default.

Why is there unequal CPU usage as elasticsearch cluster scales?

I have a 15 node elasticsearch cluster and am indexing a lot of documents. The documents are of the form { "message": "some sentences" }. When I had a 9 node cluster, I could get CPU utilization upto 80% on all of them, when I turned it into a 15 node cluster, i get 90% CPU usage on 4 nodes and only ~50% on the rest.
The specification of the cluster is:
15 Nodes c4.2xlarge EC2 insatnces
15 shards, no replicas
There is load balancer in-front of all the instances and the instances are accessed through the load balancer.
Marvel is running and is used to monitor the cluster
Refresh interval 1s
I could index 50k docs/sec on 9 nodes and only 70k docs/sec on 15 nodes. Shouldn't I be able to do more?
I'm not yet an expert on scalability and load balancing in ES but some things to consider :
load balancing should be native in ES thus having a load balancer in-front can actually mitigate the in-house load balancing results. It's kind of like having a speed limitation on your car but manually using the brakes, it doesn't make that much sense since your speed limitator should already do the job and will be prevented from doing it right when you input "manual regulation". Have you tried not using your load balancer and just using the native load balancing to see how it fares ?
while having more CPU / computation power across different servers / shards, it also forces you to go through multiple shards every time you write/read a document, thus if 1 shard can do N computations, M shards won't actually be able to do M*N computations
having 15 shards is probably overkill in a lot of cases
having 15 shards but no replication is weird/bad since if any of your 15 servers falls, you won't be able to access your whole index
you can actually hold multiple nodes on a single server
What is your index size in terms of storage ?

How to improve percolator performance in ElasticSearch?

We need to increase percolator performance (throughput).
Most likely approach is scaling out to multiple servers.
How to do scaling out right?
1) Would increasing number of shards in underlying index allow running more percolate requests in parallel?
2) How much memory does ElasticSearch server need if it does percolation only?
Is it better to have 2 servers with 4GB RAM or one server with 16GB RAM?
3) Would having SSD meaningfully help percolator's performance, or it is better to increase RAM and/or number of nodes?
Our current situation
We have 200,000 queries (job search alerts) in our job index.
We are able to run 4 parallel queues that call percolator.
Every query is able to percolate batch of 50 jobs in about 35 seconds, so we can percolate about:
4 queues * 50 jobs per batch / 35 seconds * 60 seconds in minute = 343
jobs per minute
We need more.
Our jobs index have 4 shards and we are using .percolator sitting on top of that jobs index.
Hardware: 2 processors server with 32 cores total. 32GB RAM.
We allocated 8GB RAM to ElasticSearch.
When percolator is working, 4 percolation queues I mentioned above consume about 50% of CPU.
When we tried to increase number of parallel percolation queues from 4 to 6, CPU utilization jumped to 75%+.
What is worse, percolator started to fail with NoShardAvailableActionException:
[2015-03-04 09:46:22,221][DEBUG][action.percolate ] [Cletus
Kasady] [jobs][3] Shard multi percolate failure
org.elasticsearch.action.NoShardAvailableActionException: [jobs][3]
That error seems to suggest that we should increase number of shards and eventually add dedicated ElasticSearch server (+ later increase number of nodes).
How to Optimize elasticsearch percolator index Memory Performance
How to do scaling out right?
Q: 1) Would increasing number of shards in underlying index allow running more percolate requests in parallel?
A: No. Sharding is only really useful when creating a cluster. Additional shards on a single instance may in fact worsen performance. In general the number of shards should equal the number of nodes for optimal performance.
Q: 2) How much memory does ElasticSearch server need if it does percolation only?
Is it better to have 2 servers with 4GB RAM or one server with 16GB RAM?
A: Percolator Indices reside entirely in memory so the answer is A LOT. It is entirely dependent on the size of your index. In my experience 200 000 searches would require a 50MB index. In memory this index would occupy around 500MB of heap memory. Therefore 4 GB RAM should be enough if this is all you're running. I would suggest more nodes in your case. However as the size of your index grows, you will need to add RAM.
Q: 3) Would having SSD meaningfully help percolator's performance, or it is better to increase RAM and/or number of nodes?
A: I doubt it. As I said before percolators reside in memory so disk performance isn't much of a bottleneck.
EDIT: Don't take my word on those memory estimates. Check out the site plugins on the main ES site. I found Big Desk particularly helpful for watching performance counters for scaling and planning purposes. This should give you more valuable info on estimating your specific requirements.
EDIT in response to comment from #DennisGorelik below:
I got those numbers purely from observation but on reflection they make sense.
200K Queries to 50MB on disk: This ratio means the average query occupies 250 bytes when serialized to disk.
50MB index to 500MB on heap: Rather than serialized objects on disk we are dealing with in memory Java objects. Think about deserializing XML (or any data format really) you generally get 10x larger in-memory objects.

Cassandra compaction taking too much time to complete

Initially we had 12 nodes in Cassandra cluster and with 500GB of data load on each node major compaction use to complete in 20 hours.
Now we have upgraded the cluster to 24 nodes and with same data size that is 500 GB on each node major compaction is taking 5 days.(hardware configuration of each node is exactly same and we are using cassandra-0.8.2 )
So what could be the possible reason for this slowdown?
Is increased cluster size causing this issue?
Compaction is is a completely local operation, so cluster size would not affect it. Request volume would, and so would data volume.
