LINQ DistinctBy chosing what object to keep - linq

If I have a list of objects and I don't want to allow duplicates of a certain attribute of the objects. My understanding is that I can use DistinctBy() to remove one of the objects. My question is, how do I choose which of the objects with the same value of an attribute value do I keep?
How would I go about removing any objects with a duplicate value of "year" in the list tm and keep the object with the highest value of someValue?
class TestModel{
public int year{ get; set; }
public int someValue { get; set; }
List<TestModel> tm = new List<TestModel>();
//populate list
//I was thinking something like this
tm.DistinctBy(x => x.year).Select(x => max(X=>someValue))

You can use GroupBy and Aggregate (there is no MaxBy built-in method in LINQ):
.GroupBy(tm => tm.year)
.Select(g => g.Aggregate((acc, next) => acc.someValue > next.someValue ? acc : next))

User the GroupBy followed by the SelectMany/Take(1) pattern with an OrderBy:
IEnumerable<TestModel> result =
.GroupBy(x => x.year)
.SelectMany(xs =>
.OrderByDescending(x => x.someValue)
Here's an example:
List<TestModel> tm = new List<TestModel>()
new TestModel() { year = 2020, someValue = 5 },
new TestModel() { year = 2020, someValue = 15 },
new TestModel() { year = 2019, someValue = 6 },
That gives me:


enumerable group field using Linq?

I've written a Linq sentence like this:
var fs = list
.GroupBy(i =>
new {
X = i.X,
Ps = i.Properties.Where(p => p.Key.Equals("m")) <<<<<<<<<<<
.Select(g => g.Key });
Am I able to group by IEnumerable.Where(...) fields?
The grouping won't work here.
When grouping, the runtime will try to compare group keys in order to produce proper groups. However, since in the group key you use a property (Ps) which is a distinct IEnumerable<T> for each item in list (the comparison is made on reference equality not on sequence equality) this will result in a different collection for each element; in other words if you'll have two items:
var a = new { X = 1, Properties = new[] { "m" } };
var b = new { X = 1, Properties = new[] { "m" } };
The GroupBy clause will give you two distinct keys as you can see from the image below.
If your intent is to just project the items into the structure of the GroupBy key then you don't need the grouping; the query below should give the same result:
var fs = list.Select(item => new
Ps = item.Properties.Where(p => p.Key == "m")
However, if you do require the results to be distinct, you'll need to create a separate class for your result and implement a separate IEqualityComparer<T> to be used with Distinct clause:
public class Result
public int X { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<string> Ps { get; set; }
public class ResultComparer : IEqualityComparer<Result>
public bool Equals(Result a, Result b)
return a.X == b.X && a.Ps.SequenceEqual(b.Ps);
// Implement GetHashCode
Having the above you can use Distinct on the first query to get distinct results:
var fs = list.Select(item => new Result
X = item.X,
Ps = item.Properties.Where( p => p.Key == "m")
}).Distinct(new ResultComparer());

Find / Count Redundant Records in a List<T>

I am looking for a way to identify duplicate records...only I want / expect to see them.
So the records aren't duplicated completely but the unique fields I am unconcerned with at this point. I just want to see if they have made X# payments of the exact same amount, via the exact same card, to the exact same person. (Bogus example just to illustrate)
The collection is a List<> further whatever X# is the List<>.Count will be X#. In other words all the records in the list match (again just the fields I am concerned with) or I will reject it.
The best I can come up with is to take the first record get value of say PayAmount and LINQ the other two to see if they have the same PayAmount value. Repeat for all fields to be matched. This seems horribly inefficient but I am not smart enough to think of a better way.
So any thoughts, ideas, pointers would be greatly appreciated.
Something like this should do it.
var duplicates = list.GroupBy(x => new { x.Amount, x.CardNumber, x.PersonName })
.Where(x => x.Count() > 1);
Working example:
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
List<Entry> table = new List<Entry>();
var dup1 = new Entry
Name = "David",
CardNumber = 123456789,
PaymentAmount = 70.00M
var dup2 = new Entry
Name = "Daniel",
CardNumber = 987654321,
PaymentAmount = 45.00M
//3 duplicates
//2 duplicates
//Find duplicates query
var query = from p in table
group p by new { p.Name, p.CardNumber, p.PaymentAmount } into g
where g.Count() > 1
select new
name = g.Key.Name,
cardNumber = g.Key.CardNumber,
amount = g.Key.PaymentAmount,
count = g.Count()
foreach (var item in query)
Console.WriteLine("{0}, {1}, {2}, {3}",, item.cardNumber, item.amount, item.count);
public class Entry
public string Name { get; set; }
public int CardNumber { get; set; }
public decimal PaymentAmount { get; set; }
The meat of which is this:
var query = from p in table
group p by new { p.Name, p.CardNumber, p.PaymentAmount } into g
where g.Count() > 1
select new
name = g.Key.Name,
cardNumber = g.Key.CardNumber,
amount = g.Key.PaymentAmount,
count = g.Count()
You're unique entries are based off of the 3 criteria of Name, Card Number, and Payment Amount so you group by them and then use .Count() to count how many of those unique values exist. where g.Count() > 1 filters the group to duplicates only.

Linq Convert to Custom Dictionary?

.NET 4, I have
public class Humi
public int huKey { get; set; }
public string huVal { get; set; }
And in another class is this code in a method:
IEnumerable<Humi> someHumi = new List<Humi>(); //This is actually ISingleResult that comes from a LinqToSql-fronted sproc but I don't think is relevant for my question
var humia = new Humi { huKey = 1 , huVal = "a"};
var humib = new Humi { huKey = 1 , huVal = "b" };
var humic = new Humi { huKey = 2 , huVal = "c" };
var humid = new Humi { huKey = 2 , huVal = "d" };
I want to create a single IDictionary <int,string[]>
with key 1 containing ["a","b"] and key 2 containing ["c","d"]
Can anyone point out a decent way to to that conversion with Linq?
var myDict = someHumi
.GroupBy(h => h.huKey)
g => g.Key,
g => g.ToArray())
Create an IEnumerable<IGrouping<int, Humi>> and then project that into a dictionary. Note .ToDictionary returns a Dictionary, not an IDictionary.
You can use ToLookup() which allows each key to hold multiple values, exactly your scenario (note that each key would hold an IEnumerable<string> of values though not an array):
var myLookup = someHumi.ToLookup(x => x.huKey, x => x.huVal);
foreach (var item in myLookup)
Console.WriteLine("{0} contains: {1}", item.Key, string.Join(",", item));
1 contains: a,b
2 contains: c,d

Linq - 'Saving' OrderBy operation (c#)

Assume I have generic list L of some type in c#. Then, using linq, call OrderBy() on it, passing in a lambda expression.
If I then re-assign the L, the previous order operation will obviously be lost.
Is there any way I can 'save' the lambda expression I used on the list before i reassigned it, and re-apply it?
Use a Func delegate to store your ordering then pass that to the OrderBy method:
Func<int, int> orderFunc = i => i; // func for ordering
var list = Enumerable.Range(1,10).OrderByDescending(i => i); // 10, 9 ... 1
var newList = list.OrderBy(orderFunc); // 1, 2 ... 10
As another example consider a Person class:
public class Person
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
Now you want to preserve a sort order that sorts by the Name property. In this case the Func operates on a Person type (T) and the TResult will be a string since Name is a string and is what you are sorting by.
Func<Person, string> nameOrder = p => p.Name;
var list = new List<Person>
new Person { Id = 1, Name = "ABC" },
new Person { Id = 2, Name = "DEF" },
new Person { Id = 3, Name = "GHI" },
// descending order by name
foreach (var p in list.OrderByDescending(nameOrder))
Console.WriteLine(p.Id + ":" + p.Name);
// 3:GHI
// 2:DEF
// 1:ABC
// re-assinging the list
list = new List<Person>
new Person { Id = 23, Name = "Foo" },
new Person { Id = 14, Name = "Buzz" },
new Person { Id = 50, Name = "Bar" },
// reusing the order function (ascending by name in this case)
foreach (var p in list.OrderBy(nameOrder))
Console.WriteLine(p.Id + ":" + p.Name);
// 50:Bar
// 14:Buzz
// 23:Foo
EDIT: be sure to add ToList() after the OrderBy calls if you need a List<T> since the LINQ methods will return an IEnumerable<T>.
Calling ToList() or ToArray() on your IEnumerable<T> will cause it to be immediately evaluated. You can then assign the resulting list or array to "save" your ordered list.

How do I transfer this logic into a LINQ statement?

I can't get this bit of logic converted into a Linq statement and it is driving me nuts. I have a list of items that have a category and a createdondate field. I want to group by the category and only return items that have the max date for their category.
So for example, the list contains items with categories 1 and 2. The first day (1/1) I post two items to both categories 1 and 2. The second day (1/2) I post three items to category 1. The list should return the second day postings to category 1 and the first day postings to category 2.
Right now I have it grouping by the category then running through a foreach loop to compare each item in the group with the max date of the group, if the date is less than the max date it removes the item.
There's got to be a way to take the loop out, but I haven't figured it out!
You can do something like that :
from item in list
group item by item.Category into g
select g.OrderByDescending(it => it.CreationDate).First();
However, it's not very efficient, because it needs to sort the items of each group, which is more complex than necessary (you don't actually need to sort, you just need to scan the list once). So I created this extension method to find the item with the max value of a property (or function) :
public static T WithMax<T, TValue>(this IEnumerable<T> source, Func<T, TValue> selector)
var max = default(TValue);
var withMax = default(T);
var comparer = Comparer<TValue>.Default;
bool first = true;
foreach (var item in source)
var value = selector(item);
int compare = comparer.Compare(value, max);
if (compare > 0 || first)
max = value;
withMax = item;
first = false;
return withMax;
You can use it as follows :
from item in list
group item by item.Category into g
select g.WithMax(it => it.CreationDate);
UPDATE : As Anthony noted in his comment, this code doesn't exactly answer the question... if you want all items which date is the maximum of their category, you can do something like that :
from item in list
group item by item.Category into g
let maxDate = g.Max(it => it.CreationDate)
select new
Category = g.Key,
Items = g.Where(it => it.CreationDate == maxDate)
How about this:
private class Test
public string Category { get; set; }
public DateTime PostDate { get; set; }
public string Post { get; set; }
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
List<Test> test = new List<Test>();
test.Add(new Test() { Category = "A", PostDate = new DateTime(2010, 5, 5, 12, 0, 0), Post = "A1" });
test.Add(new Test() { Category = "B", PostDate = new DateTime(2010, 5, 5, 13, 0, 0), Post = "B1" });
test.Add(new Test() { Category = "A", PostDate = new DateTime(2010, 5, 6, 12, 0, 0), Post = "A2" });
test.Add(new Test() { Category = "A", PostDate = new DateTime(2010, 5, 6, 13, 0, 0), Post = "A3" });
test.Add(new Test() { Category = "A", PostDate = new DateTime(2010, 5, 6, 14, 0, 0), Post = "A4" });
var q = test.GroupBy(t => t.Category).Select(g => new { grp = g, max = g.Max(t2 => t2.PostDate).Date }).SelectMany(x => x.grp.Where(t => t.PostDate >= x.max));
Reformatting luc's excellent answer to query comprehension form. I like this better for this kind of query because the scoping rules let me write more concisely.
from item in source
group item by item.Category into g
let max = g.Max(item2 => item2.PostDate).Date
from item3 in g
where item3.PostDate.Date == max
select item3;
