Customize word boundaries of Option-Delete (and other word related shortcuts) in macOS? - macos

Is it possible to change the behavior of ⌥⌫ (option+delete) to include certain characters, like a period, as a word boundary?
For example, in some.variable, I would like ⌥⌫ to delete up to the period but it currently deletes the entire string. The screencast below shows the behavior using ⌥⇧←.
Screencast GIF

I've looked high and low for a solution to this issue since the Cocoa-era, as far as I can tell there isn't a way to customize the "Option-Delete" word-delimiter (word-boundary) list. In addition to my own experiments, I'm basing this conclusion largely on the enormous number of MacOS keybinding modifications that can be found at the following 3 URLs (from oldest to most recently updated):
Customizing the Cocoa Text System (circa 2006)
DefaultKeybinding.dict (circa 2016, some info previously at the URL "")
Keybindings -- (last updated 2018)
AFAIK, word-boundaries on MacOS default to whitespace and can't be changed. [This conclusion is invalid if there have been recent radical changes to MacOS text-input system].
It's no secret that many of the MacOS keyboard shortcuts are based upon eMacs-style 'keyboard-chording', as opposed to Vim-style 'modal-editing'. Indeed much of the Keybinding work cited above deals with remapping these chords. Vim of course is well-known for having a customizable delimiter list, it's the basis for differential word-movements between (for example) w, W and b and B (see
There have been a few extensions that have tried to bring 'Vim-style' editing to the MacOS, one of which is Karabiner. Karabiner (now re-written/updated to Karabiner-Elements) used to have a mode called "Ubiquitous_Vim". However without an OS-level 'hook' personal tests indicate that (for example) moving backwards via b and B works identically (i.e. there's no difference between a Vim word and a Vim WORD, see this StackOverflow post).
While I'm unable to find a way to modify the MacOS default 'word-boundary' list, if Vim-style editing does appeal to you, then you might try installing a project such as Vim-Anywhere, which enables you to 1. use a MacOS keyboard shortcut to open a Vim window whenever you need to enter text, and 2. will automatically copy your text to the MacOS System Clipboard when you close the Vim window. See this OSTechNix article: "How To Use Vim Editor To Input Text Anywhere" for more information.


What software program can I use to build a custom desktop keyboard IME for MacOS?

I would like to make my own version of Mac's ABC-Extended keyboard for typing Pinyin (a way to write Mandarin that indicates tones). But when I use Xcode, I just see a target custom keyboard extension for iOS and nothing for macOS. I've looked into the program Ukulele but it doesn't seem like it will do everything I need. Theoretically I could also put my rules into files like how this article indicates but that also seems cumbersome based on what I want my keyboard to do.
Here's what I want it to do:
First option: user literally types "ni3 hao3" and my logic in real time changes their output to "nǐ hǎo" (there are pinyin/grammar rules for where the tone mark goes)
Secondly (phase 2 in my project), in their user settings for the keyboard, they could indicate they want to convert their text to Hanzi (the characters). So when they type their Pinyin, my algorithm guesses a best guess list of Hanzi characters that matches their Pinyin entry. This would require that I have a downloaded dictionary file for my keyboard.
Thanks for any help! I know how to program it I just need the right software to use :(

Keyboard shortcut for a repetitive sentence

I'm currently saving 200/300 PDFs a day (work related), they all have a sentence in that's the same, I'm unable to use Ctrl C/V as I have to copy other parts before saving.
Is there a way for me to have a keyboard shortcut that puts the sentence in for me when saving the file?
(Windows 7 and limited admin access)
Many Thanks,
You could use a Macro editor which records keystrokes and repeats them.
This one is a free portable example (doesn't require an installation).
On windows 7 you can only have one Item in the Copy&Paste Memory, so there is no other easy way than to simulate keyboard input. You can also "Drag and Drop" the sentence from somewhere else (like a website) by selecting it and then clicking on it and dragging it into the Document.
Maybe that works better for you.
I'm not sure I've understood completely your problem, but in all likelihood a clipboard manager would suit your case.
They don't (usually) allow you to have a sentence inserted automatically before saving, but they let you save many instances of "clippings" and paste them conveniently.
There are a lot of them, I personally like Clip and used also ClipX and Ditto.
Many of these clipboard managers include features to associate a specific hot key to insert a specific snippet of text.
There also programs that are focused specifically on that HotKey -> specific snippet functionality, or that include it among others.
Also, if clarified what software you're using to do these "pdf savings", it would help (it's possible that it does include facilities to include a sentence before saving).
And in any case you can almost for sure do what you want with a macro/scripting utility such as AutoHotKey (but it would usually be pretty complex if you're not already familiar with it).

Is there a way to make alt-f and alt-b jump word forward and backward instead of printing ƒ and ∫ on Mac?

I understand that Mac has some Emacs keybindings enabled by default (e.g. Ctrl+A move to beginning of line etc.). If I open TextEdit for example I can navigate like in Emacs.
But when I try Alt+F or Alt+b for move to next word or last word it does not work. It prints out ƒ and ∫ instead.
Is there a way to jump words instead?
I think that I did not tinker with the keybindings and I use the US layout on a german keyboard.
If you want to re-enable them for the terminal
Terminal -> Preferences -> Keyboard
Check 'Use Option as Meta key'
my iTerm2 version is 3.1.6, profile -> keys -> set Esc+
Maybe one of these helps? (I don't use OSX myself, so I can't test anything).
Summary from first URL:
Create file ~/Library/Keybindings/DefaultKeyBinding.dict with the following content and restart all apps.
"~d" = "deleteWordForward:";
"^w" = "deleteWordBackward:";
"~f" = "moveWordForward:";
"~b" = "moveWordBackward:";
I'm a little confused if you're talking about the keys (within different apps on OS X) or specifically Emacs. On OS X the standard keys you would use to jump between words is:
option/alt + Left Arrow or Right Arrow
If it's specific to Emacs for OS X:
For, starting from Snow Leopard: Go to Preferences > Settings > Keyboard > Use option as meta key.
For iTerm: Go to Manage Profiles > Keyboard profiles > (your profile) > Option Key as…
If you want to use Option key for both international characters and
Meta key in Emacs, see info below for iTerm 0.10.x patch and/or binary.
Alt-b and Alt-f for navigating by word also works for your shell now.
UPDATE: The link the original website providing the patch is no longer online, however I was able to retrieve the cached information from the
OSX + terminal + Meta key + national characters
Quite a mix, right? If you’re user of one of those keyboard layouts that have hidden some non-ISO1 characters under Option-key shortcuts and you use command line – read on, I might have a treat for you.
As it stands today, if you’re OSX user, and would like to use your Option (Alt) keys for both national characters and Meta-* shortcuts, you’re in for an unpleasant surprise – you can’t. It’s one or the other: both iTerm and allow you to flip between Option keys role, but neither of them allows you to use Option for both. Under Linux, it’s customary to use left Alt for Meta-* and right Alt for any national characters you might require. Same goes for Windows. Of course you can just train yourself in using ESC key in a prefix manner, but that’s avoiding the real problem.
Getting annoyed by this state of things, and faced with some Emacs usage, I decided to take advantage of the fact that iTerm is opensource software, and see if I can make a tiny change, to cater for my needs. Surely enough, after ~25 minutes I got a trivial patch: just changed the mask that iTerm uses for detecting that Option key is pressed down. It took few hours and 5 chapters of Cocoa book, to turn that into fully-fledged option in Keyboard Profiles section of iTerm. This was my first foray into lands of Objective C; while I came back victorious, I don’t see myself writing anything bigger in Objective C in nearest future.
Here’s the meat: ( )
“right Option is Normal” patch;
full patch allows you to pick which keys should be treated as Meta (both, only left, only right);
The patches were made against 0.10.x branch, at revision
Once you have the binary, launch it and go to Bookmarks > Manage profiles > Keyboard profiles. If you select a keyboard profile, you should see a new dropdown at the bottom of the keybindings list.
The options should be pretty much self-explanatory. The configuration shown above is the one I’m using — this way I get all Meta-* shortcuts with my left Option key, and all Polish characters with right Option key. Which is the way it Should Be™ :)
I haven’t heard from iTerm authors yet, so I have no idea whether this patch is going to merged upstream or not. I’ve been using my patched version for almost week and a half now, and nothing major exploded. Yes, iTerm is slower to redraw the screen on larger terminals (say, 130×80), but there are certain features (like 256 colors support) that make up for that.
more info:
On iTerm2 3.0.15, go to:
Preferences -> Default -> Keys tab ->"Left option() key acts as:"
and change the value to:
Solved this at the OS level as follows,
⟶ System preferences
⟶ Keyboard
⟶ Input Sources Tab
⟶ + at bottom left
⟶ Others in the left panel
⟶ add and select Unicode Hex Input from right panel
 ✓  Mac no longer prints anything on alt+letter|number
 ✓  enter unicode characters via alt+[code]
 ✅ the OS does not grab alt key shortcuts!
You should use KeyRemap4MacBook. In the Emacs Mode section, you will find numerous options to use the Option key as Meta including Option+BF to Option+Left/Right.
However, if you're a hardcore Dvorak user like myself who wants to use key bindings such as M-b and M-f using the original Dvorak layout, there's a problem. You can only "move backward/forward one word" in QWERTY layout. I use version 8.4.0 so I don't know about the latest version for Mavericks.
I use BetterTouchTool. Works like this:
Basically remaps Option-F and Option-B to Option-Right and Option Left, and I turned this on for any apps that I want the shortcut in, e.g., Firefox, Obsidian, Slack. Works great!
For Hyper you can fix the option key by setting the following configuration to your ~/.hyper.js file:
module.exports = {
config: {
modifierKeys: { altIsMeta: true }

ctrl-r history search equivalent for R64/R GUI OS X Application [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Retrieving Variable Declaration
I would like some way to search through the history of commands sent to R for a running session. This can be done in Bash using ctrl-r history search, and I find it extremely useful.
Is there a shortcut key in the R GUI IDE that does this? I've looked through changelogs and done some google searching, and I can't find it.
If not, is there a way outside of the R GUI IDE to extract this information? Possibly by searching through some sort of .Rhistory file maybe?
How are other R users accessing command history?
In the R GUI there is is a discoverable side panel that appears to whichever side of the screen has the most space and it has the history entries displayed in a clickable manner. That panel is kbd-toggled with shift-cmd-H, and if opened that way will place the active cursor in an entry line. That line at the top of that panel accepts regex expressions that will limit the displayed lines to those that match. It's a bit confusing (to me anyway) that there are separate history files. The side panel like the or uses a file named ".Rapp.history", while the regular history file that a Terminal R session would access has its expected name.
The icon that does the show/hide toggling is exposed to the toolbar item selection panel of the console, so I suspect it is exposed to AppleScript commands. I'm not a big user of AppleScript and that last part is a hunch more than a promise.
The MacOSX FAQ says R will accept Applescript delivered R commands.
What is available as a shortcut depends on what interface you are using. If you use the r terminal on windows (but not the GUI) then ctrl-r works like you describe.
One tool (though not as easy) that should work for all interfaces is to use the 'history' command. Y can type something like history(pat='plot') and the recent commands that included "plot" in them will be displayed and you can cut and paste to rerun the command of interest.

How do I switch tabs based on incremental search in vim?

For example, let's say I have three tabs open in vim:
1: nice_program.c
2: something_fun.h
So if I hit some magic modifier key, and then type 'n' and hit enter I change tab to tab 1. Likewise, typing 'su' instead will navigate me to tab 3 instead.
Is such behavior possible? There are so many vim extensions, and I dont really get the whole vim extension lingo.
BTW, I am using gVim on XP and MacVim on OS X. Preferably the solution will work on both...
Note that I only want the incremental search to search across the names of the open tabs. That is, it's not supposed to actually search inside the tabs themselves.
Also, I never use buffers, it's tabs that I want this working for.
From the wording of the question it seems that you take the idea of tabs in
Vim not the way it is supposed to be taken by design of this feature. A Vim
tab page is not a form of a buffer or a window, it is a window layout
container, instead. No wonder there is no built-in way for switching to a tab
by the name of a buffer that is active (or the only one in its tab page, or
special in some other way). Semantically, that is switching to a buffer, not
a tab (but tab could be switched in order to show a buffer, if it is
To switch to a buffer by its name use the :sbuffer command (:sb, for
short). It is not necessary to type the whole buffer name each time, since
the command has auto-completion. Usually one have to type only few letters of
a name to uniquely identify a buffer (the same way as you described
incremental search in the question).
By default, Vim open the requested buffer displacing one in the current
window. This behavior is governed by the switchbuf option. One of the
choices (called usetab) provided by that option allows to switch to a window
in another tab page if that window contains the buffer to edit. This is
exactly what suits your manner of work with tab pages.
To summarize, change the switching behavior as follows
:set switchbuf=usetab
and use the :sb command to open a buffer by typing a few letters of its name
and using Tab-completion.
I use this snippet I picked up in vim wiki to switch between open buffers (mapped to F5):
" switch between numbered buffers
:nnoremap <F5> :buffers<CR>:buffer<Space>
(put in your .vimrc file or whichever dotfile you use).
As for incremental search across open buffers, whenever I look up something using either /[something] or with */# on current word, it's automagically also highlighted in other buffers/tabs. Then I can switch buffers and hit n or N to move between matches in the currently viewed buffer. That's already baked into Vim.
Hope that helps.
The :set switchbuf=usetab solution given by ib never worked for me for whatever reason (even without loading plugins or my .vimrc) but :tab drop name-of-file works just the way you want (I found it on the Vim wiki).
Make it a custom mapping to save a few keystrokes with nnoremap <leader>t :tab drop.
Also I second ib's comment on the right and wrong way to use tabs in Vim.
