Is there a wait/sleep function in Freemarker? - freemarker

I tried to find a wait/sleep/pause function in freemarker, but couldn't find anything on page 1 of Google or the Freemarker documentation. Does anyone know if this exists, or if there's a workaround that can be used?

FreeMarker doesn't have wait function, FreeMarker is a server-side compiled UI templating language which means the code you write gets compiled and the result is sent to the UI.
See documentation for more:
If you want to have sleep then considers javascript setTimeout() function or jQuery's sleep function. You cam mix javascript/jQuery easily with FreeMarker.


Dynamically changing template contents of a web form

Let's say I want to build a web app which would use templates in the form similar to the following:
{ status_text[step] }
<progress max="10" value="{ value[step] }">
In other words, let's say that I have lists value[] and status_text[], change only the variable step over time and want the form to reflect these changes in the real-time (ideally, even without sending a notification from the code that changes step, so that I can use current_time instead of some artificial step). What technology should I use to implement such behaviour in the most elegant way? (for the main language, I'd prefer using Python but JS/PHP would also work if there's no Python-related solution)
Thanks in advance for any advice.
These kinds of task are always accomplished in the client side, In other words in JavaScript.
No matter you use PHP or Python for your backend logic, you need JavaScript to do that.
That said, if you want to use pure JavaScript or a library like jQuery, you will have to trigger an event on every change of the progress and update the value of the h1 Element. I don't think this is the best solution for you.
So I suggest you using AngularJs. it's one of the leading web development technologies. AngularJs data binding allows you to accomplish this very easily. No need to trigger events or any extra work. if you're interested in AngularJs, here is a link to get started.

Kendo UI Sceduler, data bind

This is a 'getting set up and started' question.
I am trying to set up a KendoUI Scheduler, starting from this demo:
No matter what I try, I can't get my internal server-side data to bind to the transport:read:url.
In the end, I took the data that is supplied by the demo url and copied it exactly into a function on my server that returns it as a string. The demo doesn't work. Even if I amend the string so that it is json, not jsonp.
So really, my question is, in what format do I supply my data to the scheduler? What should it actually look like?
First of all i have low reputation to make a comment so i am posting this as an answer.
1) if you are using Kendo Scheduler Wrapper (Razor syntax) then you need to pass the data as KendoDataSourceResult.
2) If you are using Kendo scheduler Html / javascript syntax then you need to pass plain json.
That will work
For further clearance can i get a snippet of what you have done and what you actually are trying to achieve?

Caching with codeigniter and twig

I'm trying to cache my output. I'm using Codeigniter's built-in feature $this->output->cache() but it doesn't work. My guess is because I'm using twig. Any ideas?
I found the answer, may it be useful for whoever pass here.
$output = $this->twig->render('template.html'); // use render instead of display
$this->output->set_output($output); // use CI's output (autoloaded by default) manually
$this->output->cache(5); // cache for 5 minutes, doesn't matter where this line is in the function.
As you discovered yourself, you should map output to the Output class via one of the appropriate methods in order to take advantage of its built-in caching features. Note that CI 3.0 currently in development on Github has some updates that you may like (gzipped cache files that retain all output headers, for example).
You could extend the Loader library with a customized view() method, and perform the logic there as well, rather than needing 2+ lines in each controller (if you wanted to load multiple files, you'd have to call render() then append_output() every time).
I did exactly that with the Smarty template library. Should be able to do something similar with Twig. (I've been meaning to port it over as well, but haven't had the time.)

How to override Dojo's xhrGet and xhrPost?

We are extensively using Dojo's xhrGet and xhrPost in our application. This has been used across multiple JavaScript files. Now we need a uniform way in which we handle the exceptions that are returned from the server in case of an AJAX call. We don't want to handle this in all places where we are using Dojo's xhrGet or xhrPost. Is it possible to do that without disturbing any of the existing code? For example, when some exception is sent from the server as part of the ajax response, I need to display some message in a consistent way across the application.
Could you please suggest me a solution for this? Kindly let me know if any more information is required.
Use IO Pipeline Topics as I described in Generic Loading Icon in Dojo and you won't have to change your code at all.
did you look at the dojo/aspect or dojo/on ? You can define functions that get executed after a function was called (or before) with aspect.
Take a look at that:
Why dont you create a custom xhrArgs class using dojo/declare that has the same error function for all his children ?

JSF 2 Scriptmanager style functionality

I need to be able to add some javascript to all ajax postback responses (PartialViewContext.isAjaxRequest == true) but I am not succeeding with any implementation I try.
I have tried implementing a
and adding my script using PartialResponseWriter.insert* to add eval blocks, as well as trying to add the script by creating a script element. (Results in CDATA cannot nest, or just invalid XML)
I have tried decorating PartialViewContextFactory to override the
and add the script after the wrapped instance has processed it...
How should I go about adding sripts to an Ajax response? Something similar to what .NET has with Scriptmanager.registerClientScriptBlock preferably.
Thank you
Use the javascript libraries that come bundled with your JSF2 implementation (as required by the spec). Here are the API docs:
The jsf.ajax.addOnEvent solves your problem of "adding some javascript to all ajax postback responses":
This function must accept a reference to an existing JavaScript function. The JavaScript function reference must be added to a list of callbacks, making it possible to register more than one callback by invoking jsf.ajax.addOnEvent more than once.
