Floating window without titlebar won't go to the top of the screen - cocoa

My Mac app uses a floating window without a title bar that can be moved by dragging.
NSRect frame = NSMakeRect(500, 950, 600, 100);
self.lbWindow = [[lbCustomWindow alloc] initWithContentRect:frame
[self.lbWindow setOpaque:NO];
[self.lbWindow setBackgroundColor:[NSColor clearColor]];
[self.lbWindow setHasShadow:YES];
[self.lbWindow setReleasedWhenClosed:FALSE];
However, this window can't be placed (eg created at that position), or moved (by dragging) to just under the top menu bar, it can only get to about 30px below it - it's exactly the height of a normal window title bar - basically, the window seems to be vertically constrained as if the window had a title bar.
(The Y co-ord "950" is the highest I can place the window, which results in the image below.)
I'd like this to act as though there was no title bar, and be able to place it so the top edge of the window is just below the menu bar.
(I haven't included the custom window implementation, but there's not much in there apart from dragging support - and it's not the dragging that's causing the constraint, as is still applies when you just initially position the window programatically.)

Ok, just after posting I've found out why (typical). :)
The (transparent) window is created ok, but when I add the subview to it, for some reason (refactored old code) it's being added a title bar's height lower than the top of the window.
(It's obvious when you make the window non-transparent).
So just need to reposition the view and I should be fine.


Docking a borderless window with cocoa

I want to "dock" a rectangular bar immediately below the menu bar. It was quite easy to use -NSMakeRect() with the appropriate screen width from [[NSScreen mainScreen] frame] and then I set my window style via:
[window setStyleMask:NSBorderlessWindowMask];
which works fine. I try to possition my window as high as possible via:
[window setFrameOrigin:NSMakePoint(0.0f, screenrect.size.height];
which almost works. What I see is that there is a gap between my window and the system menu bar that is exactly the height of the title bar of my window if it was displayed. I cannot push my window any higher.
Is it possible to position a borderless window immediately below the menu?

How to change the height of an NSWindow titlebar?

I want to change the height of an NSWindow titlebar.
Here are some examples:
I could use an NSToolbar, but the problem is that I can't place views very height (For example: I can't place the segmentedControl higher than in the picture because there is still the titlebar)
If I remove the titlebar I can't place a NSToolbar and the window isn't movable.
Have you any ideas?
This is much easier than one would think. I too went on a quest to do something similar for my app.
Real App Store app:
My App Store app look-alike:
No disrespect to INAppStoreWindow, it is a very good implementation and solid. The only draw back I saw from it though was that there was a lot of drawing code along with hardcoded settings for the TitleBar colors which Apple can adjust at anytime.
So here is how I did it:
A) Create a standard window with a Title Bar, Close, Minimize, Shadow, Resize, Full Screen - Primary Window all set.
Note: You do not need a textured window nor should you set a title
B) Next add a standard toolbar with these settings:
Icon Only
Visible at Launch - ON
Customizable - OFF
Separator - ON
Size - Regular
Remove all the Toolbar Items and add only these in the following order
NSSegmentControl (51 x 24) -- | Flexible Space | -- NSSearchField (150 x 25)
C) In your content View directly under the toolbar add a regular sized NSButton set like so:
Bordered - OFF
Transparent - OFF
Title -
Image -
Position - Text below the button
Font - System Small 11
Ok, pretty easy so far, right?!
In your Window Controller or app delegate....
setup IBOutlet(s) to your NSButton(s)
Note: Remember to hook up your IBOutlet in interface builder
Ok don't be scared we have to write a tiny bit of code now:
In awakeFromNib or windowDidLoad....
Get the content views' superview (aka NSThemeView)
Remove your button from its superView
Set the frame of your button
Add the button back to the theme view
So the code would look similar to this:
NSView *themeView = [self.contentView superview];
NSUInteger adj = 6;
[self.btnFeatured removeFromSuperview];
self.btnFeatured.frame = NSMakeRect( self.btnFeatured.frame.origin.x,
self.window.frame.size.height - self.btnFeatured.frame.size.height - adj,
self.btnFeatured.frame.size.width, self.btnFeatured.frame.size.height);
[themeView addSubview:self.btnFeatured];
That's it! You can use your outlet to enable/disable your button, setup a mask image when selected, enable/disable the toolbar or even hide everything and add a window title. All of this without worry if Apple changes their standard Window Titlebars.
P.S. No private frameworks were used in this posting whatsoever!
INAppStoreWindow is a NSWindow subclass, it tell you how to change the height of title bar.
This example tells you how to add buttons in the title bar.
You'd have to subclass NSWindow and do a custom window frame drawing. It's not only about a titlebar. It's about whole window frame (so you can, actually, put close/minimize/zoom buttons at the bottom if you wish).
A good starter is at "Cocoa with love" website.
There are a few new solutions based on INAppStoreWindow and without warning and log message, for anyone who wants to change the height of NStitlebar, change the position of traffic light, add an item(e.g. a NSbutton) on NStitlebar and change its position, please check below.

Selectable area for NSButton

So I am basically trying to make a list of selectable text items (just a list of text, no button bezels, backgrounds, etc.). I suppose that I could make this happen with an NSTableview, but trying to make the table view completely transparent and still functional was giving me some issues. Anwyays, I am trying to do it with NSButtons that I create programatically and add to my view in a list, without any background or bezel. However, when I set the properties to make the button transparent and without bezel, the clickable area of the button is relegated to the text of the title of the button alone. Clicking anywhere else that the button should be (around the title) no longer works. Here is the code I am using. I want to be able to click anywhere in the rect in which I create the button in order to cause a click. FYI I have tried NSSwitchButton without the checkbox image and it is the same thing. Thanks for your help!
for(NSString *theTask in theTasks){
NSButton *theCheckBox = [[[NSButton alloc] initWithFrame:NSMakeRect(xCoordinate + 25, yCoordinate + ([tasksWindow frame].size.height/2) - 60, [tasksWindow frame].size.width - 40, 25)] autorelease];
[theCheckBox setButtonType:NSToggleButton];
[theCheckBox setAction:#selector(taskChecked:)];
[[theCheckBox cell] setBackgroundColor:[NSColor clearColor]];
[[theCheckBox cell] setBordered:NO];
NSAttributedString *theTitle = [[[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithString:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#", theTask] attributes:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:[NSColor whiteColor] forKey:NSForegroundColorAttributeName]] autorelease];
[theCheckBox setAttributedTitle:theTitle];
[[tasksWindow contentView] addSubview:theCheckBox];
yCoordinate -= 20;
UPDATE: I've been able to confirm that setting the background color to clear is what seems to cause the button to stop responding to clicks within its full boundaries (not the removal of the border).
So to answer my own question, it was because I was overlaying the transparent buttons atop a transparent NSWindow (which refuses mouse events). I simply had to set the window NOT to ignore mouse events and the behavior went away.

Changing color of the NSWindow titlebar

I am developing a desktop application in which I want to change the color of the title bar of an NSWindow. How exactly can I do this?
NSWindow's content view has a superview, which is an instance of NSThemeFrame. That class is responsible for drawing the title text, the window/toolbar background texture, and it contains subviews for everything else (close button, full screen button, NSDocument icon, etc).
You can use the Objective-C runtime to replace NSThemeFrame's drawRect: method with your own method, which will call the parent implementation and then perform custom drawing on top of it.
There is also a private method to find the rect the title is drawn in, and public methods on NSFont to find it's font and font size.
What I did is set the window background colour to be a solid colour (black) instead of a gradient/texture, then set it to be a "textured" window (which causes the background colour to actually be rendered, otherwise it would not happen), then I draw a black square over the title bar in the area where I know the title has already been drawn, then draw my own title in it's place, with light grey instead of dark grey.
Source code is here: https://github.com/abhibeckert/Dux/blob/master/Dux/DuxProjectWindow.m (note: it only does a custom title text colour if DUX_DARK_MODE == 1)
Doing this will probably get your app blocked from the Mac App Store, but it is fairly reliable. Just make sure you test it with every new major version of OS X.
To change the color of the window's toolbar:
Set window style Textured in Attribute inspector.
In code: [window setBackgroundColor: MyCustomColor];
This uses private methods, but works:
NSEnumerator *viewEnum = [[[[[[window contentView] superview] titlebarViewController] view] subviews] objectEnumerator];
NSView *viewObject;
while(viewObject = (NSView *)[viewEnum nextObject]) {
if([viewObject className] == #"NSTextField") [viewObject setTextColor: .. your color .. ];

Cocoa: [statusItem setView:myView] makes a white bar menu item no matter what

In my small app for Mac OS X I display some info in system menubar. I use
statusItem = [
[[NSStatusBar systemStatusBar]
It works very nice and I can change the text with
[statusItem setTitle:[NSString stringWithString:#"Woo-hoo"]];
But it uses the default menu font which is too big for my relatively unimportant info. So I decided to reimplement it with a custom view. I created a view in Interface Builder.
Unfortunately, however, when I set it as a view for my menu item with
[statusItem setView:myView];
it just displays a white bar in the menu instead of my thing. I tried to
drawStatusBarBackgroundInRect:[myView frame]
with no success.
In trying to figure out whether a problem is with the view itself or with the way I assign it to the menubar, I created a window and did
[myTestWindow setContentView:myView];
This one worked seamlessly. This makes me think my view is OK :-)
So, what else can I try to make the menu item display my own view?
It happened to be some weird side-effects of window-view autosizing setup in Interface Builder (let’s call them size-effects). In the Inspector you can setup how subviews get resized upon superview sizing. And so it was somehow broken in my case, such that when window gets small enough (menuitem-high), my elements just got drawn outside of the window’s frame.
I re-configured the sizing in IB, eliminating all the automatics I don’t need, and now it works perfectly: the view from IB gets displayed inside a menu item.
What is the height of the frame of the view? Maybe your view is taller than the menubar and you are drawing outside of it. The current menubar is 22 pixels, but you should ask the systemStatusBar for it's thickness, just in case it ever changes.
Try drawing a frame around your view to see if you are getting anything.
[[NSColor blueColor] set];
NSBezierPath *path = [NSBezierPath bezierPathWithRect:self.bounds];
[path setLineWidth:4.0f];
[path stroke];
If you get just an 'L' shape (the bottom left corner) of blue then the view is too large. If you get a rectangle but still no text then you may not be drawing the text inside the view, look at the coordinates you are drawing the text at (and review View Geometry). Putting the view in a window may have worked because it is larger.
For an example of using text in a status menu view take a look at Matt Gemmell's NSStatusItemTest project.
Sorry, somehow I missed where you said you created the view in IB. I did a quick test and I can see the white box you mentioned.
The docs for NSStatusItem's setView: states
The custom view is responsible for
drawing itself and providing its own
behaviors, such as processing mouse
clicks and sending action messages.
And status item views go into a special (apple private) window called NSStatusBarWindow that may have different internal behavior than normal windows and certainly seems to not support views from IB.
So yes, I think you need to create a custom NSView subclass and do your own drawing in drawrect:.
