Operation not permitted while trying to run script through crontab - Mac - macos

I am trying to run a MongoDB backup script in the crontab (MacOS Catalina 10.15.6)
*/2 * * * * cd ~/Documents/MongoDB/hourly/ && source hourly_m_backup.sh >/tmp/stdout1.log 2>/tmp/stderr1.log
I am getting the error
/bin/sh: hourly_m_backup.sh: Operation not permitted
The details for the files:
-rwxrwxrwx# 1 Sethu staff 686 11 Sep 19:38 hourly_m_backup.sh
I went through a lot of StackOverflow posts. I couldn't get the script to run through crontab. But if I execute the script independently from the terminal, it's working. I even deleted the file and created a new file. Still, I am getting errors from CronTab. Not sure what to do anymore.
------------ Update --------------
I tried running with sudo command
*/1 * * * * echo "####" | sudo -S cd ~/Documents/MongoDB/hourly/ && echo "####" | sudo -S source hourly_m_backup.sh >>/tmp/stdout1.log 2>>/tmp/stderr1.log
I am getting the error
sudo: source: command not found
-----------Update ----------
I tried the solution from this post, and I implemented this solution
*/1 * * * * echo "####" | source <(sudo -S cat ~/Documents/MongoDB/hourly/hourly_m_backup.sh) >>/tmp/stdout1.log 2>>/tmp/stderr1.log
I am getting this error in the "mail"
/bin/sh: -c: line 0: syntax error near unexpected token (' /bin/sh: -c: line 0: echo "####" | source <(sudo -S cat ~/Documents/MongoDB/hourly/hourly_m_backup.sh) >>/tmp/stdout1.log

The solution is a bummer. I have to provide Full Disk Access to CRON in Mac.


ansible task failed in crontab

My ansible task exec successfully in shell command line, but when I add it to crontab, it failed with error "No authentication methods available"
* * * * * root ansible all -i /tmp/host -f 10 -m ping 2&1 1>/dev/null
any ideas? thanks a lot.
Finally, I get this issue solved. It just works after "--private-key=/root/.ssh/id_rsa" added explicitly.
I haven't figure out why it's not essential in command line while on the other hand, it cannot be absent in crontab.
* * * * * root ansible all -i /tmp/host -f 10 -m ping --private-key=/root/.ssh/id_rsa 2&1 1>/dev/null

Cronjob not redirecting output

I have created one test.sh shell script which I have scheduled using crontab -e to execute after every 1 minutes and redirecting output to a file.
echo "Printing all Environment Var"
echo "Bye Bye"
Below is how my crontab look like
0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59 * * * * sudo su - admiir -c /u01/users/admiir/test.sh > /u01/app/iir/InformaticaIR/iirlog/crontab_launchsh.log
When I run ls -ltr the timestamp is getting updated but nothing is getting printed in the output file.
To run the cron every minute and to save to a file the current environment used this could be used:
* * * * * env > ~/cronenv
Next, you can start a shell like it will be run within cron by doing:
env - `cat ~/cronenv` /bin/sh
Here you could try something like:
su - admiir -c "/u01/users/admiir/test.sh > /u01/app/iir/InformaticaIR/iirlog/crontab_launchsh.log"
You can omit the sudo su and only use su
Once your script is working you could then update your cron with:
* * * * * su - admiir -c "/path/to/test.sh > /path/to/out.txt"
You could also run the cron as the specific user by doing:
sudo crontab -u username -e

sh script works manually but not via cron

I'm trying to run a sh script from crontab. If I run script manually it works perfect, but when I run it in crontab, I get errors.
The script:
sudo tar -zcvf /var/www/nextcloud/data/nextcloud/files/backup.tar.gz /home/beno/stuff/
sudo -u www-data /usr/bin/php /var/www/nextcloud/occ file:scan --all >> /var/www/nextcloud/data/nextcloud/files/backup_log.txt
The script is supposed to make a tar backup of a folder and put it in nextcloud folder and run command files:scan, so nextcloud rescans filesystem and starts synchronization...as I read it here:
When crontab runs the script, backup.tar.gz is created, then I get following error:
An unhandled exception has been thrown:
Doctrine\DBAL\DBALException: Failed to connect to the database: An exception occured in driver: SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] No such file or directory in /var/www/nextcloud/lib/private/DB/Connection.php:60
I'm using ubuntu16 and nextcloud11. Please help!
Following you'r request
Instead of using you'r own crontab, you have to use specic user's crontab, by sudo your crontab command:
sudo -s
crontab -e
now you coul add the root's 1st line:
tar -zcvf /var/www/nextcloud/data/nextcloud/files/backup.tar.gz /home/beno/stuff/
and once finished
sudo -s www-data
... and so on...
or (if you could'nt run a shell under www-data):
sudo www-data crontab <<<'01 2 * * * /usr/bin/php /var/www...'
Note: This will overwrite www-data's crontab by this only line!
To prevent this, you could:
sudo www-data crontab -l
to see what contain actual crontab, then
sudo www-data crontab -l |
sed -e '$a 01 2 * * * /usr/bin/php /var/www...'
For adding you'r line, and finally
sudo www-data crontab -l |
sed -e '$a 01 2 * * * /usr/bin/php /var/www...' |
sudo www-data crontab
For replacing actual crontab by modified one.
But it could be simplier to
sudo vi /etc/cron.d/mybackups
Then add you'r rule by following time spec by user name:
21 22 * * * root tar -zcvf /var/w...
22 23 * * * www-data /usr/bin/php /var/www...
Further doc
see man -P'less +/SYSTEM' 5 crontab

Crontab script su root / user -c does not execute

if been trouble-checking for hours and can't find out why my shell script won't execute properly when using a root crontab.
I'm on a vServer eqipped with
Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS
my script is a chmod 711 file:
and looks like this:
DATE=`date +%Y-%m-%d_%H_%M_%S`
su - -c "chgrp postgres /backup/db"
su - -c "chmod 770 /backup/db"
su - -c "chown user /backup/db"
su - postgres -c "pg_dump db_name > /backup/db/${DATE}db_name.sql && pg_dumpall > /backup/db/${DATE}_all_db.out"
su - -c "rsync -a /home/user/value /backup/"
The crontab is started using
crontab -e
The crontab executes as far as I can tell from syslog.
When executed as root user (no crontab), the file will do what it's told to. Also my PATH is set properly and working.
I have no idea what am doing wrong.
Thx to Jay jargot I found out what was wrong. To complete the question, here are the outputs you "asked" for:
crontab -l
#m h dom mon dow command
* * * * * bckup_script
Output of crontab was
/bin/sh: bckup_script: command not found
which lead me to the conclusion to use the absolute Path to the file which solved the problem.
my crontab -l now looks like follows and everything works like a charm!
# m h dom mon dow command
49 20 * * 1-5 /usr/local/sbin/bckup_script
Thx very much!

bash script works on bootup, doesn't in terminal

I'm creating a server in Amazon ec2 and passing it a bash script as userdata, which is run when the server first boots. It includes a command to add a line to crontab for a user using the answer given here.
command="cd $directory && sh backupSQLToS3.sh"
job="15 1 */2 * * $command"
cat <(fgrep -i -v "$command" <(crontab -u intahwebz -l)) <(echo "$job") | crontab -u intahwebz -
This script appears to work fine during bootup as it displays no error messages and the cronjob is installed in the crotab.
However I'd also like the script to run during server upgrades. Attempting to run the script from the command line gives the error:
installCrontab.sh: line 14: syntax error near unexpected token `('
installCrontab.sh: line 14: `cat <(fgrep -i -v "$command" <(crontab -u intahwebz -l)) <(echo "$job") | crontab -u intahwebz -'
What do I need to fix this error?
your approach is working perfectly for me:
$ whoami
$ echo $SHELL
$ command="cd $directory && sh backupSQLToS3.sh"
$ job="15 1 */2 * * $command"
$ crontab -l
$ cat <(fgrep -i -v "$command" <(crontab -u test -l)) <(echo "$job") | crontab -u test -
$ crontab -l
15 1 */2 * * cd && sh backupSQLToS3.sh
I missed to set the "directory" variable but your code works fine for me.
It looks like you are using the bourne shell (/bin/sh) to execute a bash script. Try using bash instead of sh.
