Kibana Transform index using terms aggregation - elasticsearch

I am using Elastic Cloud v 7.5.2. I am trying to transform the index, where i want the term count to be aggregated. In Kibana UI, Define Pivot does not have provision to take terms aggregation. How to achieve it? Is the version didn't support or we can achieve the same using Transform API?
we have a field eventType which will have values like task-started, task-completed, task-inprogress. Each document will have an jobId and each job can have multiple tasks. I need to transform the index to a new index in such a way where task-started, task-completed and task-inprogress will be separate field and it will have value count aggregated to it.
Our ultimate goal, in Kibana we need to show additional columns which will have percentage and ratio of these task fields.


Elasticsearch and Kibana: aggregation to find the name of the most rewarded miner, daily

I created an index from a Storm topology to ElasticSearch (ES). The index map is basically:
index: btc-block
miner: text
reward: double
datetime: date
From those documents I would like to create a histogram of the richest miner, on a daily scale.
I am wondering if I should aggregate first in storm and just use ES and Kibana to store, query and then display the data or if ES and Kibana can handle such requests.
I have been looking at the Transforms, in the index management section, that allows to create new indices from queries and aggregations in continuous modes but I can't succeed to get to the expected result.
Any help will be appreciated.
Sometimes we need to ask a question to find the answer...
I kept looking at the documentation and eventually I could solve the issue by using a sibling pipeline aggregation, in the visualization. In my case, a max bucket aggregation of the sum of reward on Y-axis.
In that case get like 6 records/hour so I guess it's ok to let Kibana and ES work. What if I got lot more data? Would it not be wiser to aggregate in Storm?

Update dataset wth ElasticSearch Aggregation result

I'd like to automate a features creation process for large dataset with elastic search.
I'd like to know if it is possible to create a new field in my dataset that will be the result of an aggregation.
I'm currently working on log from a network and wants to implement the moving average (the mean of a field during the past x days) of the filed "bytes_in".
After spending time reading the doc and example, I wasn't able to do so ...
You have two possibilities:
By using the Rollup API you can create a job that will allow you to summarize data on the go and store it in a dedicated index.
A detailed example can be found in this blog article.
By using the Data Frame Transform API, you can pivot your data into a new entity-centric index, aggregate your data in various ways and store the results in a dedicated index.

Kibana - can I add a monitor on a scripted field?

In Kibana (ElasticSearch v6.8) I'm storing documents containing a date field and a LaunchTime field, and I have a scripted field uptime as their difference (in seconds):
(doc['date'].value.millis - doc['LaunchTime'].value.millis) / 1000 / 60
I'm trying to create a monitor (under alerting) on the max value of this field of the index, but the field 'Uptime' doesn't show up in the list of fields I can do a max query on. Its type is number and in visualisations I can do max/min etc. displays of this field.
Is this a limitation of Kibana alerting - that I can't use a scripted field? Or is there some way I can make it available to use?
I'm afraid it is a limitation of kibana's scripted fields. See this post about the same subject referring to the scripted field official documentation. I believe that the watcher are handled by ES itself while the scripted field are handled by kibana (they can be used in discovery and visualisations because kibana is handlind those too)
But have no fear! you already have the script for the calculation and you could just add it into logstash to add the field to you actual documents when you index them, which would enable you to use it for watchers AND would probably optimize the load at runtime, since the val is only calculated one, when you ingest it. Then you could run an update by query with a the script and add the field in you existing documents.
If you don't use logstash, you could look into ES's ingestion pipelines, but it's a rather advanced subject and i'm not sure if it was implemented in 5.x.

ElasticSearch Aggregate vs Count api

I am trying to compute some simple statistic over log Event like download with elasticSearch. I am wondering what is the difference between the Count API and Bucket Aggregate Filter combine with Value Count aggregate ? Is there any benefit of using aggregate over the count api ?

does kibana support max in queries?

I am hoping to find some information on the syntax of kibana queries. I want to be able to have a query that returns the max value of a field. Is this possible I have seen some stuff on facets but not sure if it apply's?
I know that max is an option for the histogram but i would like to use it elsewhere.
Since Kibana queries use the Lucene query syntax or RegEx, currently its queries seem to return matched records only (no aggregation).
I believe that aggregation (Max, for example) is only possible in Kibana Panels such as the Histogram.
