Unable to inspect the WPF Application? - winappdriver

Using 'Windows Kits' 'Inspect.exe' I am trying to inspect the WPF application but I am unable to find the controls, I am getting message like:
"Cannot get object from point:
[Error: FromPoint: hr=0x80070005 - Access is denied.]"

Try using VisualUIAVerifyNative.exe. I am using that for WPF application. Personally I feel, it is much convenient than Inspect.exe


App designer not working for existing titanium apps - XML parse error

I tried to use app designer with an existing app to see if it could render the views properly. However, when I open an existing view in app designer mode it shows the error
XML Parsing Error
Line : 1
Premature end of file.
I've tried this with a brand new project and it seems to work fine without error. I am also using the latest SDK with my old project (5.4.0).
Another thing I wanted to try was using the "Movies" demo app with the app designer and it didn't have an error but it did show a blank page and only when you turned on "Show Anchors" from the toolbar did it show some outlines of controls but they were not in the correct places.
Hopefully someone has some ideas but it seems to me this only works with brand new projects for some reason.
I've looked in the studio log files too and there's no entry for app designer when I use it and see this error message.
Thanks in advance for any help!

Debugging XAML databinding in Visual Studio 2012

In the Silverlight 5 beta I could debug databinding directly in XAML. Where is this feature in Visual Studio 2012 (RC)? Can I do this with WPF, WinRT and/or Silverlight? If so how? When I set a breakpoint on a binding expression application, I get the message that the breakpoint will not be hit because no source code is associated with this line.
It works in Visual Studio 2012 (RC) for Silverlight 5 applications but not for WPF applications. Please don't tell me, that this feature does not exist for WPF!
Sorry to tell you but this feature DOES NOT exist in WPF XAML nor does it exist in WinRT XAML. I can't find an official source for WPF, but here is a pretty official one for WinRT (http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/toolsforwinapps/thread/fae53937-cb47-45da-b740-49f75f8d36e9/) he insinuates pretty strongly that this was an effort spearheaded purely by the Silverlight team and can possibly be expected in future versions of WPF and WinRT.
So far the best debugging techniques I've seen are as follows:
1) WinRT & WPF: Output Window
Using the output window with the proper options enabled, make sure Tools->Options->Debugging->Output Window->Data Binding = "Warning" or something else useful...
2) WinRT & WPF: Use a converter
Using a converter and just setting a break point inside the converter. Or you can build/use something similar to how WinRT XAML Toolkit does: http://winrtxamltoolkit.codeplex.com/.../WinRTXamlToolkit.Debugging/Converters/BindingDebugConverter.cs
3) WinRT: Use DebugSettings.BindingFailed
App.Current.DebugSettings.IsBindingTracingEnabled = true;
App.Current.DebugSettings.BindingFailed += (s, e) =>
// debug the failed binding here
see: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/apps/windows.ui.xaml.debugsettings.bindingfailed for more information
4) WPF: Use PresentationTraceSources.TraceLevel Attached Property
Gives you a verbose output of the binding, see: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.diagnostics.presentationtracesources.tracelevel.aspx for more information.
I realize this is an older question, but I couldn't find a good source of information for everything XAML, found this answer off a search engine and noticed it was still lacking an answer. It doesn't help that there are technically 3 versions of XAML going by the same moniker. So here's the dump of everything I found while investigating debugging bindings. Enjoy, hope it helps someone... -ck

CultureTypes in WP7

Hi I want to access the CultureTypes in Windows Phone. In Silverlight/WPF i can use like this,
CultureInfo[] specificCultures = CultureInfo.GetCultures(CultureTypes.SpecificCultures);
But In Windows Phone it showing an error as "UnKnownEntity" in CultureTypes
Also I want to get the Id of the CurrentCulture. In Silverlight/WPF, i can use like
But in Windows Phone it showing an error as "NotFound" in LCID
Could you please anyone can help me?
In Silverlight/WPF i can use like this
You can in WPF, but not in Silverlight. Look at the Silverlight version of the documentation for CultureInfo - there's no GetCultures method. I don't see any way of getting all cultures - just the current culture, current UI culture, and invariant culture. (You can create your own instances by calling the constructor, of course.)
EDIT: You've run into exactly the same problem when trying to get the LCID. You can't just assume everthing from the desktop framework will be available in Silverlight. You need to look at the Silverlight-specific documentation to see what's available (and then check that it's available on Windows Phone 7, too).
You could use T4 generator to generate missing information. I have done this for similiar problem and works great.

Console app template missing

I want to test out XMLReader but I just want the output to be simple like the console app template, but this seems to be missing from Visual Studio express for windows mobile.
Is there a way to test things simply just to see if my code is working.
Can you create class libraries? If so, use NUnit and write your test code in a unit test method body.
Im a little late to the party but in VS you need create as Console App when first creating website. You cant create a console app after you've created the website

New to Ajax programming and need some help

I was told that AJAX would be the best toolbox to use for building the type of application I am interested in creating.
That being the case, I fired up an old copy of Dreamweaver MX2004 I have and started creating the *.htm, *.js and *.php files. However, when I loaded these files onto my server, I was unable to get the program to do anything. I tried to view the program in IE8, if this explains anything.
Where am I screwing up? Do I need to set a certain flag on my bowser?
I look forward to you response.
Does your server have PHP support? What does "unable to get the program to do anything" actually mean? Are you getting error messages? Unexpected results?
