Working with Ruby class: Capitalizing a string - ruby

I'm trying to get my head around how to work with Classes in Ruby and would really appreciate some insight on this area. Currently, I've got a rather simple task to convert a string with the start of each word capitalized. For example:
Not Jaden-Cased: "How can mirrors be real if our eyes aren't real"
Jaden-Cased: "How Can Mirrors Be Real If Our Eyes Aren't Real"
This is my code currently:
class String
def toJadenCase
#=> usual case:' ')
Expected: "The Moment That Truth Is Organized It Becomes A Lie.",
instead got: "The moment that truth is organized it becomes a lie."

I suggest you not pollute the core String class with the addition of an instance method. Instead, just add an argument to the method to hold the string. You can do that as follows, by downcasing the string then using gsub with a regular expression.
def to_jaden_case(str)
str.downcase.gsub(/(?<=\A| )[a-z]/) { |c| c.upcase }
to_jaden_case "The moMent That trUth is organized, it becomes a lie."
#=> "The Moment That Truth Is Organized, It Becomes A Lie."
Ruby's regex engine performs the following operations.
(?<=\A| ) : use a positive lookbehind to assert that the following match
is immediately preceded by the start of the string or a space
[a-z] : match a lowercase letter
(?<=\A| ) can be replaced with the negative lookbehind (?<![^ ]), which asserts that the match is not preceded by a character other than a space.
Notice that by using String#gsub with a regular expression (unlike the split-process-join dance), extra spaces are preserved.
When spaces are to be matched by a regular expression one often sees whitespaces (\s) matched instead. Here, for example, /(?<=\A|\s)[a-z]/ works fine, but sometimes matching whitespaces leads to problems, mainly because they also match newlines (\n) (as well as spaces, tabs and a few other characters). My advice is to match space characters if spaces are to be matched. If tabs are to be matched as well, use a character class ([ \t]).

def toJadenCase' ')


Match & includes? method

My code is about a robot who has 3 posible answers (it depends on what you put in the message)
So, inside this posible answers, one depends if the input it's a question, and to prove it, i think it has to identify the "?" symbol on the string.
May i have to use the "match" method or includes?
This code it's gonna be include in a loop, that may answer in 3 possible ways.
puts "whats your meal today?"
answer = gets.chomp
answer.includes? "?"
Take a look at String#end_with? I think that is what you should use.
Use String#match? Instead
String#chomp will only remove OS-specific newlines from a String, but neither String#chomp nor String#end_with? will handle certain edge cases like multi-line matches or strings where you have whitespace characters at the end. Instead, use a regular expression with String#match?. For example:
print "Enter a meal: "
answer = gets.chomp
answer.match? /\?\s*\z/m
The Regexp literal /\?\s*\z/m will return true value if the (possibly multi-line) String in your answer contains:
a literal question mark (which is why it's escaped)...
followed by zero or more whitespace characters...
anchored to the end-of-string with or without newline characters, e.g. \n or \r\n, although those will generally have been removed by #chomp already.
This will be more robust than your current solution, and will handle a wider variety of inputs while being more accurate at finding strings that end with a question mark without regard to trailing whitespace or line endings.

regexp match group with the exception of a member of the group

So, there are a number of regular expression which matches a particular group like the following:
/./ - Any character except a newline.
/./m - Any character (the m modifier enables multiline mode)
/\w/ - A word character ([a-zA-Z0-9_])
/\s/ - Any whitespace character
And in ruby:
/[[:punct:]]/ - Punctuation character
/[[:space:]]/ - Whitespace character ([:blank:], newline, carriage return, etc.)
/[[:upper:]]/ - Uppercase alphabetical
So, here is my question: how do I get a regexp to match a group like this, but exempt a character out?
match all punctuations apart from the question mark
match all whitespace characters apart from the new line
match all words apart from "go"... etc
You can use character class subtraction.
The syntax […&&[…]] allows you to use a logical AND on several character classes to ensure that a character is present in them all. Intersecting with a negated character, as in […&&[^…]] allows you to subtract that class from the original class.
Consider this code:
s = "./?!"
res = s.scan(/[[:punct:]&&[^!]]/)
puts res
Output is only ., / and ? since ! is excluded.
Restricting with a lookahead (as sawa has written just now) is also possible, but is not required when you have this subtraction supported. When you need to restrict some longer values (more than 1 character) a lookahead is required.
In many cases, a lookahead must be anchored to a word boundary to return correct results. As an example of using a lookahead to restrict punctuation (single character matching generic pattern):
This will match 1 or more punctuation symbols but a !.
The puts "./?!".scan(/(?:(?!!)[[:punct:]])+/) code will output ./? (see demo)
Use character class subtraction whenever you need to restrict with single characters, it is more efficient than using lookaheads.
So, the 3rd scenario regex must look like:
If you write /(?!\bgo\b)\b\w+\b/, the regex engine will check each position in the input string. If you use a \b at the beginning, only word boundary positions will be checked, and the pattern will yield better performance. Also note that the ^^ \b is very important since it makes the regex engine check for the whole word go. If you remove it, it will only restrict to the words that do not start with go.
Put what you want to exclude inside a negative lookahead in front of the match. For example,
To match all punctuations apart from the question mark,
To match all words apart from "go",
This is a general approach that is sometimes useful:
a = []
".?!,:;-".scan(/[[:punct:]]/) { |s| a << s unless s == '?' }
a #=> [".", "!", ",", ":", ";", "-"]
The content of the block is limited only by your imagination.

Regular expression to find first letter in a string

Consider this example string:
mystr ="1. moody"
I want to capitalize the first letter that occurs in mystr. I am trying this regular expression in Ruby but still returns all the letters in mystr (moody) instead of the letter m only.
puts mystr.scan(/[a-zA-Z]{1}/)
Any help appreciated!
Do as below using String#sub
(arup~>~)$ pry --simple-prompt
>> s = "1. moody"
=> "1. moody"
>> s.sub(/[a-z]/i,&:upcase)
=> "1. Moody"
If you want to modify the source string use s.sub!(/[a-z]/,&:upcase).
Just for completeness, although it doesn’t directly answer your question as posed but could be relevant, consider this variation:
mystr ="1. école"
The line mystr.sub(/[a-z]/i,&:upcase) (as in Arup Rakshit’s answer) will match the second letter of the word, producing
1. éCole
The line mystr.sub /\b\s?[a-zA-Z]{1}/, &:upcase (diego.greyrobot’s answer) won’t match at all and so the line will be unchanged.
There are two problems here. The first is that [a-zA-Z] doesn’t match accented characters, so é isn’t matched. The fix for this is to use the \p{Letter} character property:
mystr.sub /\p{Letter}/, &:upcase
This will match the character in question, but won’t change it. This is due to the second problem, which is that upcase (and downcase) only works on characters in the ASCII range. This is almost as easy to fix, but relies on using an external library such as unicode_utils:
require 'unicode_utils'
mystr.sub(/\p{Letter}/) { |c| UnicodeUtils.upcase(c)}
This results in:
1. École
which is probably what is wanted in this case.
This may not affect you if you are sure all your data is just ASCII, but is worth knowing for other situations.
The reason your attempt returns all the letters is because you are using the scan method which does just that, it returns all the characters which match the regex, in your case letters. For your use case you should use sub since you only want to substitute 1 letter.
I use to practice my Ruby Regexes. Here's what I came up with
The regex is: /\b[a-z]/
It uses \b to find a word boundary, and finally we ask for one letter only with [a-zA-Z]
Finally we'll use sub to replace it with its upcased version:
"1. moody".sub /\b[a-z]/, &:upcase
=> "1. Moody"
Hope that helps.

How to match any character except \n in a multiline string in Ruby?

def test_period_is_a_shortcut_for_any_non_newline_character
assert_equal "abc123", "abc\n123"[/.*/m]
This test does not pass, as the expression [/.*/m] returns "abc\n123" instead of "abc123". What am I doing wrong? I am using . for non-newline characters, * to match all and m for multiline and yet it returns \n as well.
If you don't want to match the newline, then remove the /m from the test
From :
/m makes the dot match newlines. Ruby indeed uses /m, whereas Perl and many other programming languages use /s for "dot matches newlines".
Or indeed from the official documentation:
/./ - Any character except a newline.
/./m - Any character (the m modifier enables multiline mode)
As it stands, your test is an impossible one, you're trying to test that Ruby does the opposite of what it's designed to do (which, luckily, it doesn't).
Perhaps it would be a solution to go solve the problem from the opposite direction, and removing the particular string you don't want.
"abc\n123".gsub(/\n/, '')

Strip words beginning with a specific letter from a sentence using regex

I'm not sure how to use regular expressions in a function so that I could grab all the words in a sentence starting with a particular letter. I know that I can do:
word =~ /^#{letter}/
to check if the word starts with the letter, but how do I go from word to word. Do I need to convert the string to an array and then iterate through each word or is there a faster way using regex? I'm using ruby so that would look like:
matching_words =
sentance.split(" ").each do |word|
matching_words.push(word) if word =~ /^#{letter}/
Scan may be a good tool for this:
s = "I think Paris in the spring is a beautiful place"
p s.scan(/\b[it][[:alpha:]]*/i)
# => ["I", "think", "in", "the", "is"]
\b means 'word boundary."
[:alpha:] means upper or lowercase alpha (a-z).
You can use \b. It matches word boundaries--the invisible spot just before and after a word. (You can't see them, but oh they're there!) Here's the regex:
The \w matches a word character, like letters and digits and stuff like that.
You can see me testing it here:
Similar to Anon.'s answer:
and then see all the results with (usually) $n, where n is the n-th hit. Many libraries will return /g results as arrays on the $n-th set of parenthesis, so in this case $1 would return an array of all the matching words. You'll want to double-check with whatever library you're using to figure out how it returns matches like this, there's a lot of variation on global search returns, sadly.
As to the \w vs [a-zA-Z], you can sometimes get faster execution by using the built-in definitions of things like that, as it can easily have an optimized path for the preset character classes.
The /g at the end makes it a "global" search, so it'll find more than one. It's still restricted by line in some languages / libraries, though, so if you wish to check an entire file you'll sometimes need /gm, to make it multi-line
If you want to remove results, like your title (but not question) suggests, try:
which does a search-and-replace in most languages (/<search>/<replacement>/). Sometimes you need a "s" at the front. Depends on the language / library. In Ruby's case, use:
string.gsub(/(\b)a\w*(\b)/, "\\1\\2")
to retain the non-word characters, and optionally put any replacement text between \1 and \2. gsub for global, sub for the first result.
will match any word starting with 'a'.
The \b indicates a word boundary - we want to only match starting from the beginning of a word, after all.
Then there's the character we want our word to start with.
Then we have as many as possible letter characters, followed by another word boundary.
To match all words starting with t, use:
That will match test but not footest; \b means "word boundary".
Personally i think that regex is overkill for this application, simply running a select is more than capable of solving this particular problem.
"this is a test".split(' ').select{ |word| word[0,1] == 't' }
result => ["this", "test"]
or if you are determined to use regex then go with grep
"this is a test".split(' ').grep(/^t/)
result => ["this", "test"]
Hope this helps.
