No "k-grid-content" is on table even after scrollable is set true - kendo-ui

After setting "scrollable" property to true in kendo grid options, the kendo grid should render with a "k-grid-content" class in its table. This class helps with the scroll bar.

Add some code and perhaps a link to a Kendo dojo if you can recreate it.
It appears to be working according to this dojo:
grid code:
dataSource: {
//removed for brevity
scrollable: true,
columns: [
//removed for brevity
If I leave scrollable: true a div is inserted around the table that does get the class k-grid-content as shown below
<div id="grid" data-role="grid" class="k-grid k-widget k-grid-display-block" style="height: 550px;">
<div class="k-grid-content k-auto-scrollable" style="height: 347px;">
<table role="grid" style="height: auto;">
//removed for brevity
And if you set scrollable to false, the div with the k-grid-content class is removed:
<div id="grid" data-role="grid" class="k-grid k-widget k-grid-display-block" style="height: 550px;">
<table role="grid" style="height: auto;">
//removed for brevity


kendojs template data-bind click event not working

Well, I am using KendoJS grid and I have this code here in my .js file:
var viewModel = kendo.observable({
people: new,
friends: new,
selectionChanged: function(){...
$(document).ready(function () {
kendo.bind($("#sampleGridContainer"), viewModel);
In my .html file, I have a kendo grid:
<div id="sampleGridContainer">
<div data-role="grid"
data-editable="{ 'mode': 'popup', 'template': kendo.template($('#sampleTemplate').html()) }"
data-bind="source: people"></div>
<script id="sampleTemplate" type="text/x-kendo-template">
<form id="sampleForm">
<div data-container-for="somedropdown" class="k-edit-field">
<input name="somedropdown" id="somedropdown"
data-bind="value: someValue, visible: isActive, source: friends, click: selectionChanged" />
Now, in my dropdown input element, someValue, isActive and friends variables are properly working - infact the drop down list shows up fine. But the problem is click event selectionChanged is not called. If I remove this from template, the event starts working, but my question is when all the other variables on the same scope are accessible in template, why does event selectionChanged not get called?
Any help is highly appreciated.
I have also encountered this problem, my workaround for this is that I initialize my kendoDropDownList on the edit event of grid.
edit: function (e){
dataTextField: "name",
dataValueField: "value",
data-bind="value: viewModel.someValue, visible: viewModel.isActive, source: viewModel.friends, click: viewModel.selectionChanged"
Then the html would look something like this:
<div data-role="grid"
data-editable="{ 'mode': 'popup', 'template': kendo.template($('#sampleTemplate').html()) }"
data-bind="source: people, events: { edit: onEdit }">
<script id="sampleTemplate" type="text/x-kendo-template">
<form id="sampleForm">
<div data-container-for="somedropdown" class="k-edit-field">
<input name="somedropdown"/>
Hope this works for you.

Looking for same xpath for grid's column text from two different pages

In our application, there is a situation where there is a grid on two pages. I want to get text of columns from the grids. But both grid's column text has little different HTML.
Page 1 grid HTML:
<div class="ngHeaderContainer" ng-style="headerStyle()" style="width: 598px; height: 30px;">
<div class="ngHeaderScroller" ng-style="headerScrollerStyle()" ng-header-row="" style="height: 30px;">
<div class="ngHeaderCell ng-scope col0 colt0" ng-class="col.colIndex()" ng-repeat="col in renderedColumns" ng-style="{ height: col.headerRowHeight }" style="height: 30px;">
<div class="ngVerticalBar ngVerticalBarVisible" ng-class="{ ngVerticalBarVisible: !$last }" ng-style="{height: col.headerRowHeight}" style="height: 30px;"> </div>
<div ng-header-cell="">
<div class="ngHeaderSortColumn " ng-class="{ 'ngSorted': !col.noSortVisible() }" ng-style="{'cursor': col.cursor}" style="cursor: pointer;" draggable="true">
<div class="ngHeaderText ng-binding colt0" ng-class="'colt' + col.index" ng-click="col.sort($event)">Request ID</div>
For this, I've written xpath //div[#class='ngHeaderContainer']//div[#ng-header-cell='']//div[contains(#class,'ngHeaderText')]
Page 2 grid HTML
<div class="ngHeaderContainer" ng-style="headerStyle()" style="width: 598px; height: 30px;">
<div class="ngHeaderScroller" ng-style="headerScrollerStyle()" ng-header-row="" style="height: 30px;">
<div class="ngHeaderCell ng-scope col0 colt0" ng-class="col.colIndex()" ng-repeat="col in renderedColumns" ng-style="{ height: col.headerRowHeight }" style="height: 30px;">
<div class="ngVerticalBar ngVerticalBarVisible" ng-class="{ ngVerticalBarVisible: !$last }" ng-style="{height: col.headerRowHeight}" style="height: 30px;"> </div>
<div ng-header-cell="">
<div class="ng-scope ng-binding" ng-click="onColumnClick( 3, 'select', $event)">
Request ID
<img class="" ng-click="onColumnClick( 3, 'delete', $event)" src="styles/images/common/delete.png" ng-show="true">
For this, I've written xpath //div[#class='ngHeaderContainer']//div[#ng-header-cell='']/div
For grid, I've written a class and in that class I've method which returns column names. Since, xpath till reach to column name is different for grid on two different pages, I won't be able to use same method.
Can someone please help me to get xpath which can be used to return column names of the grid of both the pages?
This xpath will do it hopefully. I ran into similiar issue. Took help from here. This should return you both elements
//*[contains(#class, 'ng-binding')]

mix two toolbars in kendo grid

I have a kendo grid. I am using an add and custom button in the toolbar as the following code:
toolbar: ["create", {
text: "Print record",
className: "k-grid-custom",
imageClass: "k-add"
I also want to add a custom toolbar (dropdown menu) as this example
I used similar code in the demo like
toolbar: kendo.template($("#toolbarIsExpire").html()),
<script type="text/x-kendo-template" id="toolbarIsExpire">
<div class="toolbar">
<label for="is_expired">Is Expired ?</label>
<input type="search" id="is_expired" style="width: 75px;"/>
I want to show in the toolbar the add button and my custom button and the dropdown menu (IsExpired)
How to mix between the two toolbar in order to have both of them ?
Extend your template:
<script type="text/x-kendo-template" id="toolbarIsExpire">
<div class="toolbar">
<label for="is_expired">Is Expired ?</label>
<input type="search" id="is_expired" style="width: 75px;"/>
<a class="k-button k-button-icontext k-grid-add" href="#"><span class="k-icon k-add"> </span>Add new record</a>

ajax window doesnt work when tag is deeply nested in the DOM

i am struggeling with a ajax window getting opened in deep nested DOM. I am not that good in jquery so i try to find some help here.
jWindow is supposed to open a new window on click with ajax-content.
For testing i put a Link just under the first DIV. THIS WORKES PERFECT !!!
Then i added some code to generate a TABLE with contains one coloum with a Number which contains the SAME a-tag as the test on top. THIS DOES NOT WORK.
Here is a copy of the DOM(i put horizontal rules around the two a-tags to make it more easy to find them):
<div id="content">
<a class="get_detail_bill_window" bnr="177" shop="2" href="#">Text Ajax</a>
<div id="form_selection">
<div class="ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all" style="padding: 5px; font-size: 1em; width: 1200px;">
<div class="t_fixed_header_main_wrapper ui-widget ui-widget-header ui ui-corner-all">
<div class="t_fixed_header_caption ui-widget-header ui-corner-top">
<div class="t_fixed_header_main_wrapper_child">
<div class="t_fixed_header ui-state-default ui" style="border: medium none; font-weight: normal;">
<div class="headtable ui-state-default" style="margin-right: 15px;">
<div class="body ui-widget-content" style="height: 340px; overflow-y: scroll;">
<table id="atcs_sort" style="width: 1182px;">
<td class="ui-widget-content">2011-10-16</td>
<td class="numeric ui-widget-content">
<a class="get_detail_bill_window" bnr="341" shop="2" href="#">341</a>
<td class="numeric ui-widget-content">02:25:08</td>
<td class="numeric ui-widget-content">2011-10-16</td>
If you have a look at these 2 anchors, they are absolute the same. But the one nested in the DOM does not want to work.
Here is the code of the Document ready:
click: function() {
var shop=$(this).attr('shop');
var bnr=$(this).attr('bnr');
alert("bin im Click - Shop: "+shop+" Billnr: "+bnr);
var a = $.jWindow
id: 'detail_bill',
title: 'Details of Bill-Nr.: '+bnr,
minimiseButton: false,
maximiseButton: false,
modal: true,
posx: 450,
posy: 50,
width: 700,
height: 200,
type: 'ajax',
url: 'sge_detail_bill.php?s='+shop+'&bnr='+bnr
I tried this to see, if the selector might have a problem:
var pars = $(".get_detail_bill_window");
for( i=0; i<pars.length; i++ ){
alert("Found paragraph: " + pars[i].innerHTML);
But i found all(the top sample AND the nested ones) of the a-tags with this class.
So, i am totally lost and desperate. No idea why these nested links are not working.
If somebody have a solution, i would be very greatful.
Many Thanks in advance,
what is your question put short? rephrase plz. but in case i understood correctly, you want to loop throguh all the elements in your DOM
lets say php made it look like
<.div id='foo'>
<.li><.span id='foo1'><./span><.span id='foo2'><./span><./li>
and to access each of the inner elements do
$('#foo foo1').click(function(){// handler in
$('#foo #foo1').parent().each(function(){// access element, go back to li, loop through all of them
$('#foo2',this).show();// on click of foo1, foo2 will show (as an example)
},function(){// handler out
$('#foo #foo1').parent().each(function(){
hope this helps somewhat

_Layout styles not applied to Partial View rendered in a popup

I am loading a partial view in the popup using following code:
<div id="Mydiv" title="Modify" class="ModifyRule" style="overflow: hidden" />
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
//define config object
var dialogOpts = {
title: "Modify Rule",
modal: true,
autoOpen: false,
height: 300,
width: 700,
open: function () {
//display correct dialog content
$("#Mydiv").load("Modify", { SelectedRow: $('#MyParam').val() });
$("#Mydiv").dialog(dialogOpts); //end dialog
function () {
return false;
Here is the code from partial view:
Using (Html.BeginForm())
#<div id="Master">
#Html.LabelFor(Function(model) model.InputAuthorityGridDetail.TcmAccount)
<td>#Html.EditorFor(Function(model) model.InputAuthorityGridDetail.TcmAccount)
#Html.LabelFor(Function(model) model.InputAuthorityGridDetail.Amount)
<td>#Html.EditorFor(Function(model) model.InputAuthorityGridDetail.Amount)
<tr align="right">
<input name="button" type="submit" value="Save" class="btn" />
End Using
End Code
the controller method modify returns a partial view named _Modify, the view is rendered correctly in the popup but I notice that the CSS styles are not applied to the controls in the partial view can someone help me?
When a partial is loaded into a layout page, the layout page contain the reference to the css that is used by the partial view.
However, from what I gather here (my javascript is not that great), you are loading the partial directly into a popup display and not using the layout page? If this is correct then your partial will not know about the css. And to correct this you would need to add a reference to the css at the top of the partial.
My partial views dont start with #Code and dont end with End Code. Try removing them and see if it works then.
