exclude blocks in twig during ajax requests [duplicate] - ajax

I need, for each action in my controller, check if these actions are called by an ajax request or not.
If yes, nothing append, if no, i need to redirect to the home page.
I have just find if($this->getRequest()->isXmlHttpRequest()), but i need to add this verification on each action..
Do you know a better way ?

It's very easy!
Just add $request variable to your method as use. (For each controller)
namespace YOUR\Bundle\Namespace
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
class SliderController extends Controller
public function someAction(Request $request)
if($request->isXmlHttpRequest()) {
// Do something...
} else {
return $this->redirect($this->generateUrl('your_route'));
If you want to do that automatically, you have to define a kernel request listener.

For a reusable technique, I use the following from the base template
{# app/Resources/views/layout.html.twig #}
{% extends app.request.xmlHttpRequest
? '::ajax-layout.html.twig'
: '::full-layout.html.twig' %}
So all your templates extending layout.html.twig can automatically be stripped of all your standard markup when originated from Ajax.

First of all, note that getRequest() is deprecated, so get the request through an argument in your action methods.
If you dont want to polute your controller class with the additional code, a solution is to write an event listener which is a service.
You can define it like this:
class: Acme\Bundle\NewBundle\EventListener\RequestListener
arguments: [#request_stack]
- { name: kernel.event_listener, event: kernel.request, method: onRequestAction }
Then in the RequestListener class, make a onRequestAction() method and inject request stack through the constrcutor. Inside onRequestAction(), you can get controller name like this:
It will return the controller name and action (I think they are separated by :). Parse the string and check if it is the right controller. And if it is, also check it is XmlHttpRequest like this:
If it is not, you can redirect/forward.
Also note, that this will be checked upon every single request. If you check those things directly in one of your controllers, you will have a more light-weight solution.


How to Call a controller function in another Controller in Laravel 5

im using laravel 5.
I need to call a controller function but this should be done in another controller.
I dont know how to do this
public function examplefunction(){
And i have a Route for this function, so at
public function otherfunctioninothercontroller(){
// I need examplefunction here
how Can i do this?
1) First way
use App\Http\Controllers\OtherController;
class TestController extends Controller
public function index()
//Calling a method that is from the OtherController
$result = (new OtherController)->method();
2) Second way
Both way you can get another controller function.
If they are not in the same folder, place use namespace\to\ExampleClass; on top of your file, then you are able to instantiate your controller.
You can simply instantiate the controller and call the desired method as follows
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
class FirstController extends Controller {
public function examplefunction() {
// TODO: implement functionality
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
class SecondController extends Controller {
public function test() {
$object = new FirstController();
Now, after i've answered the question, i would like to add the following comment:
Controllers are classes, all rules that applies to normal classes can be applied to them
However, instantiating a controller directly inside another controller to call a desired method signifies a problem in your design for the following 2 reasons:
A controller cannot obtain an instance of another controller directly
Controller should contain as little business logic as possible, and if possible none
The closest possible solution to what you want (WITHOUT BREAKING MVC) is to make an HTTP request to the route that points to the desired method (using cURL, for example) and read the response as the returned data
But this still doesn't make much sense in this scenario because after all you're making an HTTP request from a method in a controller in your project on your server to a method in a controller in your project on your server, seems like unnecessary overhead, right ?
As i said earlier, a controller should contain as little business logic as possible because the logic should stay inside specialized classes (commonly known as Service Classes), and when a processing is requested the controller simply delegates the job of processing to the appropriate service class which does the processing and returns the results to the controller which in turn sends it back as a response
Now imagine if you've the following scenario:
We've got an application that consists of 3 functionalities:
A user can register an account from web application
There's a mobile application that talks to an API to register a user
There's an admin panel, which he can use to add new user
Obviously you need to create 3 controllers, but those controllers contains repeated logic, would you copy/paste the code everywhere ?
Why not encapsulate this logic inside a service class and call it from the controller when needed ?
Let's say I have Controller1 and Controller2. I want to call a function of Controller1 from inside a function placed in Controller2.
// Controller1.php
class Controller1 {
public static function f1()
And on the other controller:
// Controller2.php
use App\Http\Controllers\Controller1;
class Controller2 {
public function f2()
return Controller1::f1();
Points to be noted:
f1() is declared static
A call to a controller from inside another controller is a bad idea. There is no sense of meaning of controllers then. You should just redirect to web.php to save safe whole architecture like this:
class MyController {
public function aSwitchCaseFunction(Request $requestPrm){
//getting path string from request here
case CASE_1:
return redirect()->route('/a/route/path');

Pass data from routes.php to a controller in Laravel

I am attempting to create a route in Laravel for a dynamic URL to load a particular controller action. I am able to get it to route to a controller using the following code:
Route::get('/something.html', array('uses' => 'MyController#getView'));
What I am having trouble figuring out is how I can pass a variable from this route to the controller. In this case I would like to pass along an id value to the controller action.
Is this possible in Laravel? Is there another way to do this?
You are not giving us enough information, so you need to ask yourself two basic questions: where this information coming from? Can you have access to this information inside your controller without passing it via the routes.php file?
If you are about to produce this information somehow in your ´routes.php´ file:
$information = WhateverService::getInformation();
You cannot pass it here to your controller, because your controller is not really being fired in this file, this is just a list of available routes, wich may or may not be hit at some point. When a route is hit, Laravel will fire the route via another internal service.
But you probably will be able to use the very same line of code in your controller:
class MyController extends BaseController {
function getView()
$information = WhateverService::getInformation();
return View::make('myview')->with(compact('information'));
In MVC, Controllers are meant to receive HTTP requests and produce information via Models (or services or repositores) to pass to your Views, which can produce new web pages.
If this information is something you have in your page and you want to sneak it to your something.html route, use a POST method instead of GET:
Route::post('/something.html', array('uses' => 'MyController#getView'));
And inside your controller receive that information via:
class MyController extends BaseController {
function getView()
$information = Input::get('information');
return View::make('myview')->with(compact('information'));

Call an index controller with parameter

So basically, I have a setup of restful controller in my route. Now my problem is how can I call the Index page if there is a parameter.. it gives me an error of Controller not found
Im trying to call it like this www.domain.com/sign-up/asdasdasd
then in my Controller
class UserRegisterController extends \BaseController {
protected $layout = 'layouts.unregistered';
public function getIndex( $unique_code = null )
$title = 'Register';
$this->layout->content = View::make( 'pages.unregistred.sign-up', compact('title', 'affiliate_ash'));
By registering:
You're telling the routes that every time the url starts with /sign-up/ it should look for corresponding action in UserRegisterController in verbAction convention.
Suppose you have:
Logically it'll be mapped to UserRegister#getSocialSignup (GET verb because it is a GET request). And if there is nothing after /sign-up/ it'll look for getIndex() by default.
Now, consider your example:
By the same logic, it'll try looking for UserRegister#getAsdasdasd which most likely you don't have. The problem here is there is no way of telling Route that asdasdasd is actually a parameter. At least, not with a single Route definition.
You'll have to define another route, perhaps after your Route::controller
// If above fail to find correct controller method, check the next line.
Route::get('sign-up/{param}', 'UserRegisterController#getIndex');
You need to define the parameter in the route Route::controller('sign-up/{unique_code?}','UserRegisterController');. The question mark makes it optional.
Full documentation here: http://laravel.com/docs/routing#route-parameters

Symfony2, check if an action is called by ajax or not

I need, for each action in my controller, check if these actions are called by an ajax request or not.
If yes, nothing append, if no, i need to redirect to the home page.
I have just find if($this->getRequest()->isXmlHttpRequest()), but i need to add this verification on each action..
Do you know a better way ?
It's very easy!
Just add $request variable to your method as use. (For each controller)
namespace YOUR\Bundle\Namespace
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
class SliderController extends Controller
public function someAction(Request $request)
if($request->isXmlHttpRequest()) {
// Do something...
} else {
return $this->redirect($this->generateUrl('your_route'));
If you want to do that automatically, you have to define a kernel request listener.
For a reusable technique, I use the following from the base template
{# app/Resources/views/layout.html.twig #}
{% extends app.request.xmlHttpRequest
? '::ajax-layout.html.twig'
: '::full-layout.html.twig' %}
So all your templates extending layout.html.twig can automatically be stripped of all your standard markup when originated from Ajax.
First of all, note that getRequest() is deprecated, so get the request through an argument in your action methods.
If you dont want to polute your controller class with the additional code, a solution is to write an event listener which is a service.
You can define it like this:
class: Acme\Bundle\NewBundle\EventListener\RequestListener
arguments: [#request_stack]
- { name: kernel.event_listener, event: kernel.request, method: onRequestAction }
Then in the RequestListener class, make a onRequestAction() method and inject request stack through the constrcutor. Inside onRequestAction(), you can get controller name like this:
It will return the controller name and action (I think they are separated by :). Parse the string and check if it is the right controller. And if it is, also check it is XmlHttpRequest like this:
If it is not, you can redirect/forward.
Also note, that this will be checked upon every single request. If you check those things directly in one of your controllers, you will have a more light-weight solution.

Symfony2: Change rendered view with a listener

I would like to render different views in different context in my Symfony2 project.
I'm using multiple routes for the same actions and I would like to render a different page (view) but with the same controller.
For example I have:
#Route("/articles/show", name="articles_show")
#Route("/mobile/articles/show", name="mobile_articles_show")
Both routes are using the same action : ArticlesController:showAction(), but should render 2 differents templates (for mobile users and regulars ones).
I do not want to use a if statement or whatever in my controller, so I created a listener (similar to a preExecute function)
Here is a part or my config.yml that defines my listener
class: MyProject\MyBundle\Listener\ControllerListener
arguments: ["#security.context", "#doctrine", "#router", "#session"]
tags:- { name: kernel.event_listener, event: kernel.controller, method: preExecute }
I was thinking about doing something like that in the listener preExecute function:
if(substr($route,0,7) == 'mobile_'){
$view = 'mobile.'.$view;
Unfortunately I cannot find a way to get $view or update the view "on the fly", just before it's rendered.
I hope my question is clear enough, thanks in advance, any idea is welcome :)
Here is the solution:
First I have to listen to kernel.view, not kernel.controller.
Then I use the "#templating" service (Thanks Marko Jovanovic for the hint)
So here is my new config.yml:
class: MyProject\MyBundle\Listener\ControllerListener
arguments: ["#templating"]
- { name: kernel.event_listener, event: kernel.view, method: preExecute }
Finally here is my listener preExecute function
public function preExecute(\Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Event\GetResponseForControllerResultEvent $event){
//result returned by the controller
$data = $event->getControllerResult();
/* #var $request \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request */
$request = $event->getRequest();
$template = $request->get('_template');
$route = $request->get('_route');
if(substr($route,0,7) == 'mobile_'){
$newTemplate = str_replace('html.twig','mobile.html.twig',$template);
//Overwrite original template with the mobile one
$response = $this->templating->renderResponse($newTemplate, $data);
Hope this helps!
Worth noting: The accepted solution doesn't actually work if you directly return a Response-object (e.g. when you call $this->render()), because the kernel.view event is not fired in that case:
If the controller doesn't return a Response object, then the kernel dispatches another event - kernel.view.
— see Symfony's HTTP Kernel Docs
I couldn't work out a way around this, but found another interesting solution for the same problem:
You could simply extend twig's render engine like the ZenstruckMobileBundle does or write your own file locator like the LiipThemeBundle.
[edit:] Alternatively you could also override the TemplateNameParser.
You can add "#templating" service as argument for the controller.pre_execute_listener.
It seems your device detection is done before you come to your route, so I bet you expect that mobile user will use the mobile routes thanks to some detection before the request, this seems to be painful to deal with in every templates and url generation.
May be better to detect device either before or later (thanks to Categorizr or some nice apache configuration) but not relying on used route for the mobile detection.
An integration of Categorizr with that way of calling templates rendering might be nice.
Then using a nice bundle for using the right templates/themes or using one which provides some more generic functions
