Django RF simplejwt returns only token, not user object - django-rest-framework

I have React app and a Redux store. I am working on an authentication now. My backend is on Django RF and for JWT auth I use a simplejwt lib. The thing is, that this lib has an "out of the box" view (/token) that returns a JWT token on success.
The problem is that I need to have a user object in my app upon successful authentication. So when the user logs in it returns a token only. But I need to redirect the user to their page if logged in.
I sure can override this /token view and return whatever object I want, but why is this implemented this way right now?

Looks like there is no other way that to override validate() method in like this:
class UserTokenObtainPairSerializer(TokenObtainPairSerializer):
def validate(self, attrs):
data = {
'token': super().validate(attrs),
return data


How to return the user object with django rest framework and allauth

I have Google sign in working in my Django api using Django rest framework and allauth. When a user authenticates the generated token is returned, which is great.
However I would like to have both the token and the new User data returned, is this possible? A structure similar to this:
user: {
name: "xxx",
email: "xxx",
I would imagine this would require a change to the view which currently looks like this:
class GoogleLogin(SocialLoginView):
adapter_class = GoogleOAuth2Adapter
client_class = OAuth2Client
Is there a way to change what is returned, or do I need to make a second call to get the user object?

How to get all user information from auth user in django rest framework?

I am using Django sample JWT and I already set up for the login user. let say now I have a login user token. but at the client-side, we still need to show like user name, user image, and email address. How to get this information in the client-side?
I created a new method that will return current login user at backend=>
#get token for login user
#action(detail=False, methods=['get'])
def get_current_user(self,request):
data = {}
data["username"] = request.user.username
return Response({format(data)})
It's the correct way? or Can I serialize request.user and return directly? Is there any serializer for Auth-User? I am stuck there. Thanks.
If you are going for a basic retrieve of the user,you should create a serializer for the user and a generic view which uses that serializer to return the data

how to check if user is authenticated with passport (get user from token using laravel-passport)

I am using Passport to log in users to a Laravel API endpoint, users get authenticated using their social accounts (google, facebook) using laravel-socialite package.
the workflow of logging users in and out works perfectly (generating tokens...Etc). The problem is I have a controller that should return data based on whether there is a user logged in or not.
I do intercept the Bearer token from the HTTP request but I couldn't get the user using the token (I would use DB facade to select the user based on the token but I am actually looking whether there is a more clean way already implemented in Passport)
I also don't want to use auth:api middleware as the controller should work and return data even if no user is logged in.
this is the api route:
Route::get("/articles/{tag?}", "ArticleController#get_tagged");
this is the logic I want the controller to have
public function get_tagged($tag = "", Request $request)
if ($request->header("Authorization"))
// return data related to the user
// return general data
Assuming that you set your api guard to passport, you can simply call if (Auth::guard('api')->check()) to check for an authenticated user:
public function get_tagged($tag = "", Request $request)
if (Auth::guard('api')->check()) {
// Here you have access to $request->user() method that
// contains the model of the currently authenticated user.
// Note that this method should only work if you call it
// after an Auth::check(), because the user is set in the
// request object by the auth component after a successful
// authentication check/retrival
return response()->json($request->user());
// alternative method
if (($user = Auth::user()) !== null) {
// Here you have your authenticated user model
return response()->json($user);
// return general data
return response('Unauthenticated user');
This would trigger the Laravel authentication checks in the same way as auth:api guard, but won't redirect the user away. In fact, the redirection is done by the Authenticate middleware (stored in vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Auth/Middleware/Authenticate.php) upon the failure of the authentication checking.
Beware that if you don't specify the guard to use, Laravel will use the default guard setting in the config/auth.php file (usually set to web on a fresh Laravel installation).
If you prefer to stick with the Auth facade/class you can as well use Auth::guard('api')->user() instead or the request object.
thanks to #mdexp answer
In my case I can resolve my problem with using
if (Auth::guard('api')->check()) {
$user = Auth::guard('api')->user();
In my controller.

Is this a proper Laravel Passport use case?

So think of my application as a CMS (laravel 5.7). I'm slowly adding in more javascript to make it more reactive. So I had the usual validation logic that makes sure the user is logged in and all that. But now when I use Vue to submit a comment payload it looks a little like this:
So looking at this, anyone could just change/mock the to any number, I would like to also send a login token with the payload which then gets validated in the backend once the server receives the post request.
In the backend, ideally I'd want to have some kind of safe guard that it checks whether the api_token of the user matches with to ensure the wasn't mocked on the front end.
I read this portion:
Part of it says:
This Passport middleware will attach a laravel_token cookie to your outgoing responses. This cookie contains an encrypted JWT that Passport will use to authenticate API requests from your JavaScript application. Now, you may make requests to your application's API without explicitly passing an access token:
But I'm still a bit unsure how that JWT gets generated in the first place. I don't have the vue components for the create token crud added because I want it to be done automatically. I think I'm slightly overthinking this..
Is this a good use case for Laravel Passport? I was looking through the tutorial and right now I don't have a need for custom oauth token creations and all the crud. I just want a unique token to be saved on the user side, that can expire, but also be used to validate requests. Am I on the right track here with Passport or should I use a different approach?
postComment(){'/api/view/' +'/comment',{
body: this.commentBox
.then((response) =>{
//Unshift places data to top of array, shifts everything else down.
this.commentBox = '';
document.getElementById("commentBox").value = "";
('Comment posted successfully');
.catch((error) => {
Update - Reply to Jeff
Hi! Thanks for your answer. It's not an SPA (might be in the future), but the comment box and the comment section is also integrated with websockets and there's a laravel Echo instance on it.
I guess where I'm feeling uncertain is the security of it.
I pass a user prop with :user="{{Auth::check() ? Auth::user()->toJson() : 'null'}}" into the vue component that contains the postComment() function.
This is where the id: comes from. The route is defined in the api.php in a route middleware group for ['api'] like so:
Route::group(['middleware' => ['api']], function(){
In my controller which calls a service to create the comment, the $request
public function makejson(createNewCommentRequest $request, Query $query){
$comment = $query->comments()->create([
'body' => $request->get('body'),
$id = $comment->id;
The createNewCommentRequest is a FormRequest class.
For now the authorize() function just checks whether the request()->id is an int:
public function authorize()
return true;
return false;
From within there if I log the request(), all it outputs is:
array ( 'id' => 1, 'body' => 'gg', )
I thought I would need to add logic to authorize the request based on whether the user token and the request() yield the same user id? I'd want to avoid the scenario where someone can modify the post request and comment using another users id.
In the Network section of devtools, in the Request headers, i see it pushed a laravel_token cookie. I'm assuming that laravel_token is what stores the user session? If so, how would one validate based on that token?
I was playing around and added the route:
Route::get('/token', function() {
return Auth::user()->createToken('test');
When I went to it i got the following:
"accessToken": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImp0aSI6ImE4NDE2NGVkM2NkODc5NDY3MzAxYzUyNmVkN2MyMGViZTllNzJlMGMzMjRiMmExNWYzZDgwZGNmMzEzMDk1MTRmNTY1NGMxYWUwMTE2ZGRkIn0.eyJhdWQiOiIxIiwianRpIjoiYTg0MTY0ZWQzY2Q4Nzk0NjczMDFjNTI2ZWQ3YzIwZWJlOWU3MmUwYzMyNGIyYTE1ZjNkODBkY2YzMTMwOTUxNGY1NjU0YzFhZTAxMTZkZGQiLCJpYXQiOjE1NDY1NTQzNDEsIm5iZiI6MTU0NjU1NDM0MSwiZXhwIjoxNTc4MDkwMzQwLCJzdWIiOiIxIiwic2NvcGVzIjpbXX0.NMETCBkOrMQGUsXlcas6CvTFJ0xRC8v4AJzC5GtWANdl8YsPBGlyCozMe1OGc8Fnq8GC_GZFkKmMT27umeVcSyaWriZB139kvtWzY6ylZ300vfa5iI-4XC_tJKoyuwDEofqMLDA4nyrtMrp_9YGqPcg6ddR61BLqdvfr0y3Nm5WWkyMqBzjKV-HFyuR0PyPQbnLtQGCzRFUQWbV4XWvH2rDgeI71S6EwmjP7J1aDA2UBVprGqNXdTbxWpSINMkZcgrDvl4hdqNzet-OwB2lu2453R-xKiJkl8ezwEqkURwMj70G-t9NjQGIBInoZ-d3gM2C3J9mEWMB5lyfSMaKzhrsnObgEHcotORw6jWNsDgRUxIipJrSJJ0OLx29LHBjkZWIWIrtsMClCGtLXURBzkP-Oc-O9Xa38m8m6O9z-P8i6craikAIckv9YutmYHIXCAFQN2cAe2mmKp7ds1--HWN_P5qqw6ytuR268_MbexxGDTyq8KzUYRBjtkgVyhuVsS7lDgUHgXvJfHNmdCulpiPhmbtviPfWaZM19likSjKHLTpIn2PpfTflddfhB9Eb4X24wGH7Y5hwxASe7gDs_R707LphS1EH4cTE8p2XW_lLv0jo89ep9IUPUO27pWLsqabt8uTr5OoKQeNZmXT6XiJ9tK3HhRgvIt7DYt8vqlRw",
"token": {
"id": "a84164ed3cd879467301c526ed7c20ebe9e72e0c324b2a15f3d80dcf31309514f5654c1ae0116ddd",
"user_id": 1,
"client_id": 1,
"name": "lol",
"scopes": [],
"revoked": false,
"created_at": "2019-01-03 22:25:40",
"updated_at": "2019-01-03 22:25:40",
"expires_at": "2020-01-03 22:25:40"
Now in Postman, when I send a get request to:
Route::middleware('auth:api')->get('/user', function (Request $request){return $request->user();});
I added a authorization header of type Bearer Token for the string captured in the variable: accessToken. In return I get the user, no issue. However where and how is the accessToken generated? It's not saved in the database?
Take the user ID that Laravel gives you from the token, rather than sending it from the front end. You can also check the scopes assigned to the token:
Route::post('/api/view/{query}/comment', function (Request $request, Query $query) {
if ($request->user()->tokenCan('comment-on-queries')) {
'body' => $request->get('body'),
'user_id' => $request->user()->id,
If this isn't a single page app, and only the comment box is handled by ajax, the default Laravel scaffolding should handle this by adding a CSRF token to axios config. In that case you don't need Passport, because the user is stored in the session. Still though, don't take the user ID from the front end, get it from \Auth::id()
Here's the key difference: If they login using PHP, your server has a session stored and knows who is logged in.
If you are creating a single-page app separate from your Laravel app, you have to rely on Passport and tokens to ensure the user has the authority to do what they're trying to do.
Figured it out, was overthinking it. Basically didn't need a whole lot to get it working.
Added the CreateFreshApiToken middleware to the web group in app\Http\Kernel.php.
The axios responses attach that cookie on the outgoing responses
The api middleware group had to be 'auth:api'.
The user instance can be then called via request()->user() which is awesome.

"Method \"POST\" not allowed." Django REST

I am new to django rest framework. I have an api to get corresponding token for each user. The method defined to access token is
class ObtainAuthToken(APIView):
def post(self, request):
user = authenticate(['username'],['password'])
if user:
token, created = Token.objects.get_or_create(user=user)
return Response({'token': token.key, 'user': UserSerializer(user).data})
return Response('Invalid username or password', status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
and in i have
url(r'^login/$',ObtainAuthToken, name='login')
But while logging in a user, i am getting the response as
"detail": "Method \"POST\" not allowed."
Where did i went wrong?
First of all - I see that you used the django-rest-auth tag. Are you actually using rest auth? If not - you should definitely consider doing it as it provides a ton of auth functionality out of the box.
As to your question, you forgot to call as_view() on ObtainAuthToken in your url conf. Change it like so and tell me if it works:
url(r'^login/$', ObtainAuthToken.as_view(), name='login')
You have the wrong indentation in your code. The post method needs to be inside the ObtainAuthToken(APIView) class. Right now is defined as a standalone function.
