Show documentation window crashes XCode 12 - xcode

Just showing the Documentation Window crashes XCode 12 (cmd-shit-0) - anytime I do it.
Does anybody have the same problem, an explanation or a work around ?

Update: There's now a new version (12.0.1) in the App Store that fixes this issue.
I'm experiencing the same when using the version from the App Store. People in this Apple Forums thread are reporting that it doesn't occur with the GM download from Apple's developer resources, despite the build identifiers being exactly the same.
Anecdotally, I can confirm that I was able to use documentation in the GM version before I deleted it in favor of the App Store version. So this may in fact be a viable workaround until the App Store version is fixed.

The Xcode on the app store is some sort of unknown version, (Since there it release even before the GM version available). So get rid of it and Download The Xcode From The or click the proper version below. Then it. will work like a charm.
This needs you. to login to your account
Don't forget to remove the appstore version downloaded Xcode
Direct Download
Xcode 12
Xcode 12.2 Beta

I use xcode 12 beta 5 works well can open document window, when I upgrade to GM seed, it can not open document window any more. When I fallback to xcode 12 beta ,open document it crash every time. All these happened on mbp13 pro, but my another mbp 15 with the same macos version works very well.
I guess it have something with macOS system, not xcode version.
Now I upgrade xcode by AppStore ,crash all the same.


Account not able to sign in Xcode?

I am new for developing the IOS application. so I have used xcode version 7.3.1 so I am not able to build the IOS 10 version. so xcode 7.3.1 not supported. so I trying to update but it can't able to update because mac has lower version. so I decided to install xip format. then I installed it, I have tried to build the app in xcode 8.0. then I have deleted the apple id which was already added in xcode 7.3.1. so both version affected it not showing account in xcode. after that I trying to add the account in xcode both version. it getting below given error, please any one help to slove the problem..
Make sure you can login to apple developer: Apple Developer Login
If that is not working, it means it's an issue with either your login credentials, or (more unlikely) there is an issue with Apple's servers and you simply must try later.
Try creating a new apple id as a test to see if it's an issue with the apple id, or an issue with your Xcode or computer's setup.
In my case error occurred because of VPN connection.

When I attached my device to the xcode and try to build my project it's generating error

Could not locate device support files.
This iPhone 5s (Model A1457, A1518, A1528, A1530) is running iOS 10.3.1 (14E304), which may not be supported by this version of Xcode.
You need to update Xcode whenever the iOS version you want to work with is higher than the highest version that Xcode's simulator has installed. This can be done one of two ways. The simplest is to use the App Store to download/update Xcode. If the App Store doesn't show any updates, you must manually download the latest Xcode build from
You will need to manually download from the Developer portal when the version of Xcode on your computer was downloaded there previously. For example, many beta testers may download the file directly instead of using the Mac App Store, since it is a beta download.
I would recommend trying to keep updates done through the App Store by downloading Xcode from there initially. The benefit to this is that it can automatically update as well as save space on your computer (Xcode is a big file, and you may not have enough space to download a new version if you still have the old version).
As of the comments, I will now write an answer. :-)
Whenever you encounter this error there might be two reasons for that:
The OS version is too old
The iPhone's/iPad's OS is too new for your Xcode version
If it is too old, you may need to download older SDKs and OS versions.
You can do so in Xcode. Go to "Preferences" -> "Components" and download the appropriate Simulator.
If the devices OS is up to date, you have to make sure your Xcode is also up to date.
Either you update Xcode through the AppStore OR (and I prefer this way, as the AppStore is used to hang up in a certain state and cannot be completed any longer until you restart the Mac, at least I had this several times).
Side note: Xcode requires multiple GB of free storage. Make sure you have enough free storage left for an update.
You can download the latest Xcode version from the portal:
Go to Downloads:
And then select the item of interest (in your case Xcode)

What is the minimum version of Xcode I can use for submission to app store

I have an app on the appstore currently that is built using Xcode 6 with a deployment target of iOS 7. The recent release Xcode 6.3, however only works on OSX 10.10
Can I submit updates to the app store by building on an earlier version of Xcode (6.2 in my case) because I am unable to update OSX to 10.10? Does Apple release documentation about this when it releases a new Xcode version? The only thing I found was this
which says that I should aim to build with the latest version of Xcode but does not mention if the app would be rejected/approved if built with a lower version.
The minimum Version of Xcode is 5.1.1 as stated in iTunesConnect when you want to upload a new binary of your app. This information does obviously include, that you can of course use Xcode 6.2 for AppStore submission.
Hope that helps :)
You can build using the lower version of the SDK within reason I believe. Some older compilers may be missing features that Apple will eventually require, but in the short term shipping with 6.2 won't really hurt much.
That said, Xcode 6.3 should include the iOS SDK. Make sure you got it from the App Store, which includes the full suite of stuff.

Xcode 4.4 - There was an internal API error

Hi I just upgraded to Mountain Lion. I created an empty Single View Application and run it. The first time it runs fine but the next runs will give me the "There was an internal API error" pop-up warning TWICE. It's the same with my other projects. They run okay once but gets this error the next runs. There was no warning or any specific warning message of any kind.
Any idea how to solve this?
Would really appreciate your help.
I have it working on iOS6 Beta 4!! This is what I did but other variations may also work:-
Install XCode 4.5 Developer Preview 4
Delete your app from the device
Run your app from Dev Preview 4
Delete your app again (not sure if you have to do this)
Return to XCode 4.4.1
Run your app, stop running, run again!!!
Of course you could continue developing in 4.5, but I prefer to wait.
Installing 4.5 Beta 4 installs updated device support. Once this is done once (possibly on any device) it should work fine. If you use the same device on a different machine you will have to again run it once from 4.5 Beta 4 before using your preferred version of Xcode (You do not need to delete the app from your device this time).
Edit: I am pretty sure that if you make a change to your core data you will need to run from 4.5 for the first time also.
Don't know if this helps, but I've deleted all files in ${HOME}/Library/Developer/Xcode/iOS DeviceSupport and it worked as a charm (Xcode 4.4.1, OSX 10.7)
I had this problem when I upgraded my device to Preview4 but had my MBP still running Xcode Preview3. Updating to Xcode Preview4 made the problem go away for me, no restarts necessary.
Deleting the app manually from the device/simulator will allow you to build and run successfully. A long term solution is to not use a Beta Xcode :)
Sounds crazy but you can also not use the Beta version of XCode 4.
However, you must keep it in your left hand to authorize your iPhone to compile with the non Beta version (don't ask me why, it works).
If you run your app with XCode 4.5 preview & IOS6 Beta 4, the second time you run your app on the device, you'll get the internal API error.
In theory, you cannot use XCode 4.4 to compile on your iOS6 Beta 4 iPhone.
It seems that, if you launch XCode 4.5 Preview, connect your iPhone (so it is recognized), run the application on it (even if you get the error), quit XCode 4.5, launch XCode 4.4 and .. tadaaaa... your iPhone is now recognized as an authorized device to compile on...
And of course, XCode 4.4 doesn't generate the api error...
I have Xcode 5.0.2 and iPhone with iOS 7.0.6.
Every time when I launched my project on iPhone, I saw "There was an internal API error". And it was launched on simulator without any problems.
I did all the stuff that usually helps (like remove an app, clean, restart Xcode, restart a mac, etc.).
This problem went away only after I restored the iPhone. Sad but true.
I don't know so far, why it appeared.

Issue with Xcode 4.1 & iOS 5

So basically i have upgraded to iOS5 and xcode 4.2 but after a little playing around i found out you can't submit apps to the app store with it (even if the apps are set to 4.3 or lower)
So i reinstalled xcode 4.1 (xcode did some back up thing so i still have 4.2) and started work on application building and such like. Submitted application to app store / testing on device everything running fine.
But suddenly (well just now) xcode has said:
The version of iOS does not match any of the versions
of iOS supported for development with this installation of the iOS
SDK. Please restore the device to a version of the OS listed below, or
update to the latest version of the iOS SDK; which is available here.
So i can no longer test apps on my device, nor can downgrade my iPod says apple...
but what im sooo confused about is that it was all working a few hours ago.
Why can't i do it now?
Anyone know a fix?
Thank you.
Apple has apparently told testers of iOS 5 that any devices updated to that beta cannot be downgraded back to iOS 4. They will only be able to further upgrade their device and eventually install the final iOS 5 release. From Apple:
Devices updated to iOS 5 beta can not be restored to earlier versions
of iOS. Devices will be able to upgrade to future beta releases and
the final iOS 5 software.
However, I've also seen this post: which claims to be able to restore iOS 4.3 to a device. I haven't tried it, but if you're feeling adventurous and/or desperate, you might give it a go.
