Would ordering of documents when indexing improve Elasticsearch search performance? - elasticsearch

I'm indexing about 40M documents into Elasticsearch. It's usually a one off data load and then we do run queries on top. There's no further updates to the index itself. However the default settings of Elasticsearch isn't getting me the throughput I expected.
So in long list of things to tune and verify, I was wondering whether ordering by a business key would help improve the search throughput. All our analysis queries use this key and it is indexed as a keyword already and we do a filter on it like below,
"query" : {
"bool" : {
"must" : {
"multi_match" : {
"type": "cross_fields",
"query":"store related query",
"minimum_should_match": "30%",
"fields": [ "field1^5", "field2^5", "field3^3", "field4^3", "firstLine", "field5", "field6", "field7"]
"filter": {
"term": {
"businessKey": "storename"
This query is run in a bulk fashion about 20M times in a matter of few hours. Currently I cannot go past 21k/min. But that could be because of various factors. Any tips to improve performance for this sort of work flow (load once and search a lot) would be appreciated.
However I'm particularly interested to know if I could order the data first by business key when I'm indexing so that data for that businessKey lives within one single Lucene segment and hence the lookup would be quicker. Is that line of thoughts correct? Is this something ES already does given that it's keyword term?

It's a very good performance optimization use-case and as you already mentioned there will be a list of performance optimization which you need to do.
I can see, you are already building the query correctly that is that filtering the records based on businessKey and than search on remaining docs, this way you are already utilizing the filter-cache of elasticsearch.
As you have huge number of documents ~40M docs, it doesn't make sense to put all of them in single segments, default max size of segment is 5 GB and beyond that
merge process will be blocked on segments, hence its almost impossible for you to have just 1 segment for your data.
I think couple of things which you can do is:
Disable refresh interval when you are done with ingesting your data and preparing index for search.
As you are using the filters, your request_cache should be used and you should monitor the cache usage when you are querying and monitor how many times results are coming from cache.
GET your-index/_stats/request_cache?human
Read throughput is more when you have more replicas and if you have nodes in your elasticsearch cluster makes sure these nodes, have replicas of your ES index.
Monitor the search queues on each nodes and make sure its not getting exhausted otherwise you will not be able to increase the throughput, refer threadpools in ES for more info
You main issue is around throughput and you want to go beyond current limit of 21k/min, so it requires a lot of index and cluster configuration optimization as well and I have written short tips to improve search performance please refer them and let me know how it goes.

Indexing is faster with more shards(& segments) and Querying is faster with less shards (& segments).
If you are doing a one-time load you can do a force merge of segments post indexing and also think about adding more replicas post indexing to distribute search and increase throughput.
If each query is going to be specific to a business key, segregating data while indexing and creating one index per documents related to a business key might help. And similarly while querying direct the query to specific index pertaining to the business key being queried.
Going through below links might help
Tune for Search
Tune for Indexing
Optimise Search


What's the difference bettween Fielddata enabled vs eager global ordinals for optimising initial search query latency in Elasticsearch

I have an elasticsearch (7.10) cluster running that is primarily meant for powering search on text documents. The index that I'm working with does not need to be updated often, and there is no great necessity for speed during index time. Performance in this system is really needed for search time. The number of documents will likely always be in the range of 50-70 million and the store size is ~300GB once it's all built.
The mapping for the index and field I'm concerned with looks something like this:
"mappings": {
"properties": {
"document_text": {
"type": "text"
The document_text is a string of text anywhere in the region of 50-500 words. The typical queries being sent to this index are match queries chained together inside a boolean should query. Usually, the number of clauses are in the range of 5-15.
The issue I've been running into is that the initial latency for search queries to the index is very high usually in the range of 4-6s but after the first search the document is cached so the latency becomes much lower <1s. The cluster has 3 data nodes, 3 master nodes and 2 ingest/client nodes and is backed by fast SSD. I noticed that the heap on the data nodes is never really under too much pressure nor is the RAM this led me to realize that the documents weren't cached in advance the way I wanted them to be. From what I've researched I've landed on either enabling fielddata=true to get the field data object in memory at index time rather than constructing that at search time. I understand this will increase pressure on the JVM heap so I may do some frequency filtering to only place certain documents in memory. The other option I've come across is setting eager_global_ordinals=true which in some ways seems similar to enabling fielddata as it builds the mappings in-memory at index time also. I'm a bit new with ES and the terminology between the two is somewhat confusing to me. What I'd love to know is what is the difference between the two and does enable one or both of them to seem reasonable to solve the latency issues I'm having or I have completely misunderstood the docs. Thanks!
Enabling eager_global_ordinals won't do any kind of effect on your queries. Enabling global ordinals would only help for aggregations, doc values would be loaded at index refresh time instead of loading them at query time.
Enabling fielddata would also not do any real effect on your queries. Its primary purpose is sorting and aggregation, which you don't really want to do on a text field.
There's probably not much you can do with first ES queries being slower. Better focus on optimal index mappings, settings, shards, and document sizes.

Elasticsearch index policy creation best practice/performance

I am designing a search system based on ElasticSearch, after reading a lot I have seen that some systems such as logs use a policy of multiple indexes to save the same content, similar to mylogs-12-02-2020 and are creating an index by day, then to search, they perform the searches in all the indices that comply with the mylogs- * pattern, each of those indices has its primary shards and replicas.
My question would be regarding the performance of the searches, which would be more performant to look at an index of 5 million documents, with n shards or look for 50 indexes of 100,000 documents. Does anyone have any experience with the best practice to follow?
I am assuming that my system will have an approximate growth of 200,000 documents per day.
What is the best practice, separate in multiple indexes or have a single index with several primary shards in different nodes (so that they do not compete for the same resources when searching / indexing)?
When doing a search on mylogs-* elastic does it parallel to the indexes and within each index in its shards?
Elasticsearch default configuration given by #Umar is old and starting with 7.0 ES latest major version, Primary shards reduced to 1, you can check this in ES official breaking changes announcement.
Nobody can design the perfect ES index with optimal no of shards and replicas and required continuous fine-tuning over the period. Some factors which affect the design consideration.
Read or Write-heavy system.
Time-based indices(like your log searches) where normally searches happen on more recent logs or e-commerce product catalog or website search where you can't divide indices into time-based data.
ES cluster(multi-tenant vs dedicated to single index).
Above are just a few samples and I can go can give 100s of other factors, which you can consider while designing your ES index configuration. But the idea is to start with more crucial params first(like changing primary shards requires re-indexing) also consider the near-future growth and fine-tune later on based on current system performance.
I would strongly suggest you go through my detailed blog which would answer your questions about(searching in one index with more docs than searching in more indices/shards with fewer docs) in detail through a real-world case study.
The above blog also explains the ES decision to change the longtime default primary shards from 5 to 1.
Answer to your below question:
Question: When doing a search on mylogs-* elastic does it parallel to the indexes and within each index in its shards?
Answer: Yes, ES has distributed architecture and as ES index is made of Lucene shard which is a full-blown search engine, Every ES query would be executed by multiple threads in parallel if it needs to hit multiple shards(whether of same index or multiple indices), Given threads are free, otherwise once a thread finish, it would be then be used to query another shard. this is why ES is much faster like other distributed systems.
By default, an Elasticsearch index has 5 primary shards and 1 replica for each. But the problem is default configurations are not suitable for every use case.
Shard size is quite critical for search queries. If there would be too many shards that are assigned to an index, Lucene segments would be small which causes an increase in overhead. Lots of small shards would also reduce query throughput when multiple queries are made simultaneously. On the other hand, too large shards cause a decrease in search performance and longer recovery time from failure. Therefore, it is suggested by Elasticsearch that one shard’s size should be around 20 to 40 GB.
Keep in mind it is the shard that acts as a separate search engine in itself, not the index. indices are a type of data organization mechanism, allowing the user to partition data a certain way. that is all!
For further details read this article.

How to get better relevance without compromising on performance, scalability and avoid the sharding effect of Elasticsearch

Let's suppose I have a big index, consists 500 million docs and by default, ES creates 5 primary shards for below reasons and I also go with the same setting.
Performance:- There will be less time to search in a shard with less no of documents(100 million in my use case) than in just 1 shard with a huge number of documents(500 million). Also, allows to distribute and parallelize operations across shards.
Horizontal scalability(HS) :- horizontally split/scale your content volume.
But when we search by default it just goes to 1 shard and gives the result. in this case, relevance isn't accurate(as idf be majorly impacted) and also it might even not give any result if my matched document is on another shard. and its called as The Sharding Effect.
Above issue is explained in details here and there are below 2 options to avoid this issue but I think both the solutions have some cons :-
1. Document routing: I this case all the documents will be on the same shards which lose the whole purpose of sharding.
2. dfs_query_then_fetch search type: there is performance cost associated with it.
I am interested to know below:
What ES does by default? or is there is any config by which it can be controlled?
Is there is other Out of the box solution which ES provides to avoid the sharding effect?
first of all this part of your question if not accurate :
But when we search by default it just goes to 1 shard and gives the
result. in this case, relevance isn't accurate(as idf be majorly
impacted) and also it might even not give any result if my matched
document is on another shard. and its called as The Sharding Effect.
The bold part is false. The search request is sent to all shards ( of course, or no one would use elasticsearch !) but the score is computed on shard basis. So yes you can have an accuracy problem with multiple shards but only if you have very few documents. With 500 million the accuracy will not be a problem ( unless you u make a bad usage of document routing see here for more informations
So when you search for 10 results for a query, each shard return the 10 best matches for the query, then the results from the shards are aggregated by the coordination node to give the best 10 results for the whole index.
You can use 5 shards without fearing any relevancy problem. But don't try to avoid sharding effect! It is what makes elasticsearch so cool :D

Advice on efficient ElasticSearch document design

I'm working on a project that deals with listings (think: Craiglist, Ebay, Trulia, etc).
The basic unit of information is a "Listing", something like this:
"id": 1,
"title": "Awesome apartment!",
"price": 1000000,
// other stuff
Some fields can be searched upon (e.g price, location, etc), others are just for display purposes on the application (e.g title, description which contains lots of HTML etc).
My question is: should i store all the data in one document, or split it into two (one for searching e.g 'ListingSearchIndex', one for display, e.g 'ListingIndex').
I also have to do some pretty hefty aggregations across the documents too.
I guess the question is, would searching across smaller documents then doing another call to fetch the results by id be faster than just searching across the full document?
The main factors is obviously speed, but if i split the documents then maintenance would be a factor too.
Any suggestions on best practices?
Thanks :)
In my experience with Elasticsearch, shard configuration has been significant in cluster performance/ speed when querying, aggregating etc. Since, every shard by itself consumes cluster resources (memory/cpu) and has a cost towards cluster overhead it is ideal to get the shard count right so the cluster is not overloaded. Our cluster was over-sharded and it impacted loading search results, visualizations, heavy aggregations etc. Once we fixed our shard count it worked flawlessly!
Aim to keep the average shard size between a few GB and a few tens of GB. For use-cases with time-based data, it is common to see shards between 20GB and 40GB in size.
The number of shards you can hold on a node will be proportional to the amount of heap you have available, but there is no fixed limit enforced by Elasticsearch. A good rule-of-thumb is to ensure you keep the number of shards per node below 20 to 25 per GB heap it has configured. A node with a 30GB heap should therefore have a maximum of 600-750 shards, but the further below this limit you can keep it the better. This will generally help the cluster stay in good health.
Besides performance, I think there's other aspects to consider here.
ElasticSearch offers weaker guarantees in terms of correctness and robustness than other databases (on this topic see their blog post ElasticSearch as a NoSQL database). Its focus is on search, and search performance.
For those reasons, as they mention in the blog post above:
Elasticsearch is commonly used in addition to another database
One way to go about following that pattern:
Store your data in a primary database (e.g. a relational DB)
Index only what you need for your search and aggregations, and to link search results back to items in your primary DB
Get what you need from the primary DB before displaying - i.e. the data for display should mostly come from the primary DB.
The gist of this approach is to not treat ElasticSearch as a source of truth; and instead have another source of truth that you index data from.
Another advantage of doing things that way is that you can easily reindex from your primary DB when you change your index mapping for a new search use case (or on changing index-time processing like analyzers etc...).
I think you can't answer this question without knowing all your queries in advance. For example consider that you split to documents and later you decide that you need to filter based on a field stored in one index and sort by a field that is stored in another index. This will be a big problem!
So my advice to you, If you are not sure where you are heading, just put everything in one index. You can later reindex and remodel.

consequences of increasing max_result_window on elastic search

we have an index which default max_result_window was set up to 10000, but our data is increasing and we expect we have more than 1 Million Docs there, on of our requirements is scroll all data from the start to end with 1000 in each epic , our documents are not very big and I'll write down one example on following :
"serp_query": "c=44444&ct=333333",
"uid": "5815697",
"notify_status": 0,
"created_at": "2018-02-04 10:00:00"
I've set max_result_window to 10,000,000 but at this time we have almost 50K docs in our Index, I've read the some texts about consequences of this increasing
Values higher than can consume significant chunks of heap memory per
search and per shard executing the search. It’s safest to leave this
value as it is an use the scroll api for any deep scrolling
But we our Documents are not too big and our Elastic Server has 16GB dedicated RAM and guess there is not problem,
I'm writing to ask two questions,
according to the sample Doc ( all our docs should have the same fields) how much it could be Big for one Million Docs,I mean how much heap memory will needed for handle this?
is it very bad solution and will faced us with big problem in future ? are we use scrolling instead of offset and start?
our query is not very complicated, loop on all data ordered by "created_at" descending and get 1000 Docs in each epic.
FYI: our elastic search engine version in 2.7
Just to share the Result with others,
If the Document is not very big and your queries are not very complicated increasing max_result_window has not big effect on performance.
