Graphql schema design problem that I can't solve - graphql

I am trying to design a schema for an application and I have a problem that I can't solve. Here is a detail of the application
User A LIKES User B
User B MATCHS User B
Now User A and User B can start chatting with each others.
I also keep track of who visited each profile
User A Visited BY User C
In the application, I have Me type with details of the user running the app. I have a me query that looks like this:
me {
likes { ## users who liked me
edges {
node { ## user
matchs { ## users who matched with me
edges {
node { ## user
Vists { ## users who visited me
edges {
node { ##
In addition to that, I have listUsers query that list users nearby to Me and looks something like this:
listUsers {
edges {
node { ## user
Since there is a relationship between users (LIKED_BY, MATCHED_WITH) where do I use this relationship in my schema such that it is cashable. Keep in mind the relationship can change at the client from NO_RELATIONSHIP to LIKED_BY to MATCHED_WITH so if the relationship is duplicated in multiple places, this will be a problem.
I would really appreciate any help as I am out of ideas.
Thanks in advance.

In the GraphQL schema you'd generally make links like this explicit references to the other object.
type User {
id: ID!
matches: [User!] # actual users, not their IDs
likes: [User!]
visitedBy: [User!]
In your top-level Query type you can return the current user
type Query {
me: User
Now if I want the names and email addresses of people who have visited me, I can find out
query WhoVisitedMe {
me {
visitedBy { name, email }
You can traverse this graph, for example, to get recommendations: for people who visit you, who do they like?
query WhoDoVisitorsLike {
me {
visitedBy {
likes {
Your application's resolver code would need to fill in these object references.

You clarified in a comment:
While listing users in the search query, I need to be able to know the relationship between Me and the users
That is, you're trying to ask about some user
type User {
relationToMe: [RelationshipType!]
The relationToMe field can have any number (including zero) of relationship types; you can define those as a GraphQL enum
enum RelationshipType {
MATCHES # bidirectional
Then in your query you can ask
query FindSomeUsers($input: SearchUsersInput!) {
searchUsers(input: $input) {
users {
id, name, email
and get back a response like
"data": {
"searchUsers": {
"users": [
"id": "12345",
"name": "John Smith",
"email": "",
"relationToMe": ["VISITED", "MATCHES"]
You'd need to implement a custom resolver in your implementation to populate this field. If you had something like a many-to-many SQL join table, you could query that to fill in this field, if requested.


GraphQL - Select different fields of a returned list per item

Lets say i have the following query:
query getBooksQuery($userId: String) {
getBooks(userId: $userId) {
user {
Imagine i have to show a list with books of a user and display the author details above the list. Since I'm querying with a userId, i know that all books belong to the same user.
So, i would not like to get for each book of the list the same user details, but get them only once in the response.
Is there any way to declare that i want these info only for the first book i.e.?
Or is it the only way to have two objects in the response, like:
query getBooksQuery($userId: String) {
getBooks(userId: $userId) {
books {
user {
Unfortunately with the second solution, even if its clearer at this point, will require server-side work to support this custom query. So i was thinking if it is still feasible using the current api.
(Also ofc i can do two requests, one for the user and one for the books, but meh...)
I'm using Apollo without relay, but I'm experimenting at this point, so if not feasible in Apollo but feasible otherwise I'm still interested
You can use the same param for 2 'subqueries' in one request
query getBooksQuery($userId: String) {
getBooks(userId: $userId) {
books {
getUsers(userId: $userId) {
user {

GraphQL: Use returned value from field as parameter of sub-query [duplicate]

Imagine the following query:
query {
user {
SomeOtherStuff(id: <--- I want to pass the id obtained from user) {
How do you pass a parameter obtained from one query to another ?
In GraphQL, fields at each "level" of the request are executed and resolved in parallel. In your example, user and SomeOtherStuff are both fields of the same type (the root Query type) -- so they will be resolved at the same time. That means each query essentially is not aware of the other or what the other resolved to.
You would have to handle this kind of scenario client side. In other words, request the user first, parse the response for the id and then make the second request.
Edit: In Apollo, you would utilize compose for this purpose:
const userQuery = gql`query User { user { id } }`;
const stuffQuery = gql`query SomeOtherStuff($id: ID) { someOtherStuff(id: $id){ stuff } }`;
export default compose(
graphql(userQuery, { name: 'userData' })
graphql(stuffQuery, { name: 'stuffData', options: ({userData:{id}={}}) => ({variables: {id}}) }),
I agree with #DanielRearden. You should make type-resolvers so you can go infinitely deep into the graph. I made a simple server example here that shows deep relationships. Because all the noun-fields are references, it goes infinitely deep for any query.
With that server, you can run a query like this, for example:
hero {
friends {
friends {
friends {
friends: {
So, in your example, structure it like this:
query {
user {
otherStuff {
I was looking for same scenario and landed on this question. You can get it work other way around. It all depends how you have written your graphql resolver and you need to make sure that your database relations are intact. I have got it working like this.

Best practice for schema naming of entity/collection

I am building a Graphql Schema and I was wandering what is the best practice of returning single vs collection items of a type. Let's say we want to retrieve users,
One option (if possible somehow) would be to have a query like this where the ID is optional, if ID is passed we return a single item, if not a collection of all users
query {
user (id: 1234) {
// return a single [User]
query {
user (id: null) {
// return a collection [User,User,User,...]
Another option would be to have user and users
query {
user (id: 1234) {
// return a single User
query {
users {
// return a collection [User,User,User,...]
I was wondering what is the best practice, or if you can pin-point me some resources related to that to read.
I am using the singular and plurals nouns to name the query field that return a single object and a list of object respectively. I think this naming style is very natural to most of the developers.
So to return a single user, it is :
type Query {
user(id:Int!) : User
It always return a single user. Just make the id input parameter as mandatory such that it cannot accept NULL.
And to return a list of user , normally it is:
type Query {
users : [User]
But in case it can have many users , most probably you need to consider something like pagination that allows developers to get the user page by page. For the offset -based pagination , I am doing something like below :
type Query {
users(offset:Int limit:Int) : UserPage
type UserPage {
data : [User]
pageInfo : PageInfo
type PageInfo {
# When paginating forwards, are there more items?
hasNextPage : Boolean!
# When paginating backwards, are there more items?
hasPreviousPage: Boolean!
# Total number of records in all page
total : Long
Depending on the requirements , you can consider to add an orderBy or a filter input parameter to the users query field to provide more options to the developers to get the result set that they are interested.
If you want to return the user list in the cursor-based pagination style, you can take a look on Relay Specification.

Pass obtained field to another (nested) query in GraphQL

Imagine the following query:
query {
user {
SomeOtherStuff(id: <--- I want to pass the id obtained from user) {
How do you pass a parameter obtained from one query to another ?
In GraphQL, fields at each "level" of the request are executed and resolved in parallel. In your example, user and SomeOtherStuff are both fields of the same type (the root Query type) -- so they will be resolved at the same time. That means each query essentially is not aware of the other or what the other resolved to.
You would have to handle this kind of scenario client side. In other words, request the user first, parse the response for the id and then make the second request.
Edit: In Apollo, you would utilize compose for this purpose:
const userQuery = gql`query User { user { id } }`;
const stuffQuery = gql`query SomeOtherStuff($id: ID) { someOtherStuff(id: $id){ stuff } }`;
export default compose(
graphql(userQuery, { name: 'userData' })
graphql(stuffQuery, { name: 'stuffData', options: ({userData:{id}={}}) => ({variables: {id}}) }),
I agree with #DanielRearden. You should make type-resolvers so you can go infinitely deep into the graph. I made a simple server example here that shows deep relationships. Because all the noun-fields are references, it goes infinitely deep for any query.
With that server, you can run a query like this, for example:
hero {
friends {
friends {
friends {
friends: {
So, in your example, structure it like this:
query {
user {
otherStuff {
I was looking for same scenario and landed on this question. You can get it work other way around. It all depends how you have written your graphql resolver and you need to make sure that your database relations are intact. I have got it working like this.

GraphQL: Filter data in an array

I'm sure it's a simple thing to do, but I couldn't find anything in either GraphQL's doc or Graphcool's.
Say I have an entity with this schema (new GraphQL user, sorry if I make mistake in the schema representation):
Book {
name: String!
author: String!
categories: [String!]
How would I do a query for all books that are part of the "mystery" category? I know I can filter with allBooks(filter: {}), but categories_in: ["mystery"] and categories_contains: "mystery" didn't do the trick.
Category model
Thinking a bit more about this situation, creating a Category model is definitely the way to go.
For example, imagine you want to allow readers to subscribe to their favorite categories later. Or, what if you want a list of all existing categories? Using string lists, you would need to query all books and somehow postprocess all obtained categories. Handling this on a model level rather than using string lists feels much more natural.
Instead, you can create a new Category model and add a many-to-many relation between Category and Book. In situations like this, I like to add a unique enum field tag and a string field text. (A unique string field tag alone would also be suitable, probably a matter of taste.)
With this setup, you can easily fulfill data requirements like
Which books are assigned to a given category?
query {
# query books by unique category tag
Category(tag: MYSTERY) {
books {
# query books by specific category text
Category(filter: {
text: "mystery"
}) {
books {
Which books are assigned to at least one category of a given list?
query {
allCategories(filter: {
OR: [{
}, {
tag: MAGIC
}) {
books {
Which books are assigned to all categories of a given list?
query {
allCategories(filter: {
AND: [{
}, {
tag: MAGIC
}) {
books {
Related filters
Even though the above queries fulfill the specified data requirements, books are grouped by Category in the response, meaning that we would have to flatten the groups on the client.
With so called related filters, we can turn that around to only obtain books based on conditions defined its related categories.
For example, to query books assigned to at least one category of a given list:
query {
allBooks(filter: {
OR: [{
categories_some: {
categories_some: {
tag: MAGIC
}) {
If you are interested in using a hosted GraphQL service, has had this feature for a while now. All connection fields in your API come with a WhereArgs argument that exposes filters that let you really dig into your data. When you have a list of scalars like this, the WhereArgs include a contains & notContains field that allow you to filter results based off the values in your list. This allows you to make a query like this.
query MysteriousBooks($where:BookWhereArgs) {
viewer {
allBooks(where:$where) {
edges { node { title, ... } }
# Variables
"where": {
"categories": {
"contains": "mystery"
Just to be complete, you could also do a slight schema readjustment to make this work without having to filter on a scalar list. For example, you could make Category a node implementing type and then create a connection between Category and Book. Although a Book will likely not have many categories, this would allow you to issue a query like this:
query MysteriousBooks($where: CategoryWhereArgs) {
viewer {
allCategories(where: $where) {
books {
edges { node { title, ... } }
# Variables
"where": {
"name": {
"eq": "mystery"
If you structure your schema this way then you would also be able to do more filtering on the books in the category without having to loop through every book in your archive. E.G. you could efficiently ask for "all the mystery books written in the last year."
Full disclosure: I work at Scaphold and although I'd love you to try it out no hard feelings if you don't switch over. I'm excited to see people trying and loving GraphQL. If you're curious about how to implement this type of behavior on your own server let me know and I'd be happy to help there as well!
I hope this helps!
